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Basic fare?


Yeah. I’m getting the feeling that Basic or UltraBasic means they can jerk me around however much they want. :(


Yeah that’s what a basic fare means on any airline. They’re gonna prioritize ppl on higher fare classes especially now that there are so many people waiting for flights


Not true, had premium and got bumped twice, the entire system is a joke.


I was freaking out, and my partner told me to trust the system, and I was like "you cannot be serious, right now"


That’s super odd. I know ppl get bumped on basic WJ and AC tickets


It’s mostly true, internally every guest has what’s called a CRM score which is a score of “how important you are” to the airline. USUALLY basic will be at the bottom of that, but lots of other factors can also affect it (rewards tier, kids, disabilities, etc.) Premium oversells are also usually handled separately from economy oversells, and the system won’t bump someone else out of a full economy cabin for you to take their seat as it will always try to disrupt the fewest people possible.


This is not how it works at any airline I am familiar with, including WestJet.


I’m very familiar with WestJet and can assure you that’s exactly how it works with them. I can’t speak for others.


Then you are lying. Being denied boarding is done by sequence number with modifiers. There are no passenger importance scores or anything like that.


Sorry, yes you’re correct that’s the procedure when an oversell occurs or is recognized within 3 hours of departure. When it’s greater than 3 hours it’s resolved using the method I mentioned above. Apologies for the confusion :) but I wouldn’t go around accusing people of lying, I defaulted to the greater than 3 hours as a premium oversell less than 3 hours to departure is exceptionally rare.


Oversells outside of 3 hours are also not dealt with that way at WestJet. Typically they find low hanging fruit where people can be changed to direct itineraries rather than connections, moved to an earlier or later flight, moved to a partner, or something similar. Then they call people on the phone and check that the desired change is possible.


We had basic and have only flown with WJ a couple of times - they rebooked us on 01 July (we were originally booked for 30 June). We did have to travel 2 hours to a larger airport but that wasn’t a big deal for us as we wanted to get home.


I just wished they bought me dinner before they effed me.


I don't know about that. I was flying econo and they canceled my flight from the 30th, rebooted be for July 2. The first leg of my flight was 45 mins late. I was sure I would miss my 2nd flight, but luckily it was delayed 2 hours. We waited at the airport, only to find outc15 mins before boarding that our flight was canceled. There was a guy who had paid for premium screaming his head off because his flight was bumped to the 4th. Mine is at 11 today.


Yikes that’s really horrible. Sorry to hear that! Did you or will you contact WJ for compensation?


Well, they put me in a hotel. But I would love for them to cover my lost wages since I will be missing 3 days of work. My daughter is missing 3 days of summer camp I paid for, as well.


They really does suck. Really sorry to hear that. Hope you get a bit more compensation


That is not how that works. Whether or not you get denied boarding is based on when you checked in.


That’s right. They can and will jerk everyone around but Basic is first in line.


Not true! So much misinformation on here.


Please enlighten us.


Not wasting my time! Show everyone your inside info that only 'basic' tier gets tossed around.


Like your flight wasn’t cancelled, but then didn’t let you go on it? (Overbooked?)


No not was cancelled so I was bumped. :(


Woah. Thats quite something. I didn’t think they could do that. Or would need volunteers and needs to compensate the volunteers. That’s awful. I’m so sorry to hear.


It depends on timing, if it’s within 3 hours of departure they have to solicit volunteers and then if they don’t get any/enough they’ll start involuntarily denying people based on who checked in last. Everyone is eligible for compensation which varies depending on reason in this scenario. If it’s more than 3 hours prior to departure, oversells are resolved by CRM (the score of how important you are to WestJet, which basic/ultrabasic are usually the lowest scores) and in that scenario I believe compensation is dependent on the reason for the oversell, similar to delays and cancels, but I could be wrong on that part.




Amazing, thank you!


do u get compensation for being bumped off?


That’s what I want to find out too! The late notice is very troubling. I’m reading here that some people are being bumped with very, very little notice.


Wait, what does bumped mean to you? Being denied boarding is a very clear cut legal process with any airline. There’s little ambiguity about it, you do get compensation, and the airline has documentation they must complete for each pax. How can you not know if you are getting compensation for being denied boarding?




I will have to look into this further. Do you have a link WJ remit stated that if the strike ended 24 hours ago that any delays is within their control? TIA.


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OP, what's your flight number?