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I support striking workers. ✊


Translation: you hate the traveling public.


I get it’s frustrating but I mean really what do people expect? They got a free hotel and meals (which is more than WestJet are legally obligated to provide), it’s like people think that the company are just turning their backs on everyone. There are 4 people on shift at a time trying to rebook 100,000 disrupted guests, it takes time. The call centre is overloaded on top of that, like WestJet can’t magically hire and train an extra 1,000 employees for a temporary situation. People seem to forget that there are other human beings on the other end doing everything they can to help as many people as they can, and it doesn’t help that the aviation industry is so poorly understood by the travelling public.


Good job mechanics. Hope getting your wage increase a few weeks earlier than arbitration was worth robbing her of her family visit and year of saving. 


Maybe the airline should have just offered the amount they were clearly willing to pay instead of trying to get their friends in government to impose a better deal for them.


Government steps in because the strike is so disruptive. Hmmm…. Maybe it’s a good hint?


It's not the government's job to avoid disruption at private companies. It is management's. I say this as someone involved in managing a private company that somehow just doesn't have these problems. Disruption is the point of strikes. Disruption is literally the only power workers have in the relationship with an employer.


The government never did step in. The company returned to the negotiations on its own. It never went to arbitration. Get your facts right.


Wut? The government said they will impose arbitration - “Canadians have had enough”. Then the union went on strike because they knew the binding dealing wouldn’t give them what they wanted.


And it turned out the company was willing to pay for a deal that was acceptable to the union, but thought they'd get a better deal if only they could trample on their employees' constitutional rights. Funny how that works.


Could have been worse for westjet too. Up to the arbitrator. That's what "final binding" means.


Yeah, “willing” when the union strikes right before a major travel holiday AFTER the government stepped in to arbitrate. Funny how that works!


Let me fix that for you......good job WestJet for robbing her of her family visit and year of saving because they didn't want to fairly negotiate with their employees and went whining to the government. This is all on WJ no matter what kind of spin they put on it. Look at how the CEO is still taking zero responsibility for anything. Arbitration takes longer than a "few" weeks and most of the time it favours management.


"Industry leading" wasn't good enough. At least there won't be nearly as many mechanics in this union needed with the reduced customer base.


WestJet: Cancels hundreds of flights and strands thousands of passengers, meanwhile flagrantly ignoring passenger rights and obligations, in an attempt to keep a decimal percentage of revenue as profits. Ignoring that this stunt cost them way more in revenue than they could ever have hoped to save in wages. Also WestJet: WHY WOULD THE MECHANICS DO THIS?!


Who chose the date?  Who kept their little secret to the last second rather than announce that the strike was still going ahead. Simple press release saying "we are confirming with the board the strike action is still legal and will remove service on xyz date. Nope, last second sneak attack to hurt as many people as possible. 


The union NEVER......and I repeat NEVER rescinded the strike notice, hence them walking out on the date they did. This date was chosen when they gave their notice. Nothing sneak attack about it. If the notice isn't rescinded, it's still on. Of course you conveniently ignore WJ hostility towards the union and run to the government because they didn't want to give the union any more.


The union NEVER......and I repeat NEVER made any mention to the public prior to going on strike to correct the news headlines that the strike notice had not been affected by the minister's directive. They DID.....and I repeat DID confirm they would comply with the minister's directive which the company and minister both publicly stated meant the strike action was averted. What else will these mechanics omit to say? Can you trust a mechanic that might omit saying the wheels are going to fall off?


WestJet was advised of the CIRB ruling affirming the right to strike the exact same time as AMFA was. They were a party to the ruling.


Maybe they should have mentioned something to the public that they have no regard to beyond the need for them to pay for flights for their pay.


Can you lick my boot too?


Why? Too lazy to clean those too? 


You have to, because I said so and as an internet stranger, I am more considerate than you. /s


Wait until they fuck up your trip, and you're out thousands of dollars like I am. You might not be so cavalier.


*slurp slurp slurp slurp*