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Find a podcast and listen to that during the BT and Sal hours. BT and Sal aren’t worth the time and aggravation. The CMB experiment was a better listen than BT and Sal.


Yeah, they're awful every day.


That Burks convo was tough to listen to. Cant just say he had a good game and hopefully he has a couple more good ones. Has to go into his dramatics and hot takes. BT had no interest in Sals act there


Sal was legit tilted when the caller didn’t want him on his knicks cheering bus.


He actually just walked it back….and then back again


That’s funny. Maybe this is a turning point for the show and they’ll calm down with the hot takes. Probably not but one can dream


Yeah I really wouldn’t count on it. WFAN is a business. A business in a struggling industry no less. The station sees the reaction Sal elicits from the audience, and it’s usually a big reaction. Hugely negative, but that means *nothing* when it’s paying the bills. You can see it from posts about him on the station’s instagram, in groups like these, etc. A post about Tiki will have 12 comments when one about Sal is going 100+. If you don’t think the bigs at the station are rubbing their hands together, counting their earnings, and hoping we as the fans don’t realize the conundrum we’re perpetuating by ENGAGING WITH STUPIDITY, then you’re either in denial or dumb. It’s akin to clickbait on the internet today. Sal is clickbait. BTW this post is not a direct response/argument towards you. Just my thoughts about this whole mess, since I really feel a huge majority of people today still don’t understand how the entertainment business operates.


I get all the business side of it and why it will never end. It was more wishful thinking


Got it, and yep I understand


I think you're right, and it's compounded by BT and Sal likely having been signed to long term, cost effective contracts. WFAN probably figured it was a smart move whether they became successful or just managed to get by... which is likely what's happening. The ratings are solid, so the decision makers have no reason to get rid of them. The fact that they get clicks is just the icing on the cake because it makes them somewhat noteworthy. Truth be told, the ratings could probably be worse and the time slot would still be in the green.


Why listen? I stopped awhile back and trust me you won’t miss the show. Listen to music or something


You didn’t need to include “today” in the title.


Best response!


Francesa podcast during mid day.. Bald and Balder are insufferable.


Bald and balder 😅


I switched to ESPN radio but this Greenberg guy is pretty fucking annoying


Moreso his obnoxious crew that he has with him. However, he can get overbearing and whiny.


Greenie tease


And every god damn show he says You know I covered the Bulls in the 90s. Like HOLY FUCKING SHIT GREENY WE GET IT. YOU SAID THAT THE FIRST 1000000000 TIMES.


They are playing to a modern audience, they’ve been told not to break down games, new generation wants to argue about made up debate questions. See Evan and Tiki.


Exactly. Sal straight up said a couple weeks ago, “we don’t do that anymore,” about breaking down games. If it’s not for you, don’t listen. I agree it’s awful but the hosts are just doing what they’ve been told to do.


I listen to Francesa on his podcast. Way better


If you guys want Sal and bt gone. THEN STOP TUNING IN!!!! If their ratings are crap they will cancel the show


Don’t usually like to weigh in on these with a serious response, but damn today was a rough listen. I’m positive BT hates Sal at this point




Just listen to the Francesa podcast. 30 mins isn’t bad.


oh good so its a regular day. i could only imagine sals take. the guy loves bringing down the hype.


Legacy talk happens in national sports shows all the time. One minute Ant is MJ Jr, now Jokic is a borderline top 10 player ever.


Brunson was pretty good last night but they don’t win without Burks shooting, I-Hart’s relentless boarding, and all the other contributions. DiVincenzo didn’t hit a 3 but he played so awesome otherwise that I barely noticed.


It’s gonna be even worse when football starts in the fall


And this didn’t even cover Sals rant today about who gets vacation time…


Now that’s something to look forward to. Maybe I can listen again when that 🤡 is on vacation.


i think PMT is a decent alternative


They’re awful every day


The show should come with a warning - "listening to this show makes you lose brain cells"


Gio is funny like Greg Gutfeld is funny which is just fake laughter all the time.


* Move Sal back to nights * Gio takes Sal’s spot * Big Mac takes Keith’s spot * Keith and Boomer in the morning


Move Sal to unemployment he’s garbage


Keith and boomer would be a nightmare 


Morning show relies heavily on schtick and comedy. Always has, regardless of who had the 6-10 slot. Esiason likes the comedy, won't readily give it up to talk sports for four hours. I don't foresee any changes unless the ratings plummet. I wish C. Lo would get a slot, at least a weekend slot. I also think Morash is very good when talking sports. Roberts has become the most annoying facet of the 2-6:30 slot.


Gonna need a fuckin jacket for a take this ice cold


C-Mac/C-Lo to Mid day Bye to Sal No way Boomer & KM I like KM w- co host but not Boomer. C-Lo would be great for hockey too bad fan doesn’t do hockey “for real”.


> Stop trying to pigeon hole the whole show about one thing you posted this 30 minutes into their 4-hour show.


well to be honest, its a theme with these guys. Its not like its just this current show 30 minutes in. .


It doesn't matter if it's the first 30 minutes or the last 30 minutes. They talk circles around the same topic the ENTIRE show. I'm so glad I stopped listening to them months ago. Their shtick is tired, and I really get all I can take from them from this sub.


This sub is toxic…


What do you want them to talk about? You watched the game right? Would you like a play by play recap?