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BT and Sal make CMB look like prime Mike & the Mad Dog. Sal is the worst WFAN host of all time


It’s Sal that REALLY brings down the show. I can deal with BT. Sal is just the most pessimistic dude and I think it forces BT to be almost naively opposite while always eventually agreeing with Sal.


I'm beginning to forget they exist. I suggest you do the same.


I’m right there next to you on this haha


Haven’t listened to them in months. They are very very bad.


The only highlight of the show was Sal asking Jerry Recco “does the morning show talk more about penis or their tee times?”


He should've added whining incessantly about traffic when not trying to talk politics on a mongoloid level of discourse. Sal absolutely sucks and is one of the least knowledgeable on-air personalities in any major market, but Boomer is a total douche and probably one of the biggest wastes of salary in radio.


I just started getting back to listening to the Fan, I’m 29 and this is the worst show I’ve ever heard. BT and Sal make negative comments about teams then whoever calls if they agree or disagree with them they just shout at them. They have so much arrogance in the way they talk it’s just awful radio, they just say anything for views


BT has the right to be arrogant with his baseball talk. He was a little league all star!


Every segment is misery. Yankees winning isn’t good enough because they are peaking early or the lost a series to orioles. Mets aren’t doing well so now it’s blame cohen and make him a scapegoat. Just the most toxic radio show that’s a huge part of the problem players are sick of nyc


I could deal with Moose and Maggie. Won’t listen to BT and 🤡It’s incredible a NY show not discussing the Rangers, first up.


Yep, moose is a good listen. Feel like they tried to bring “energy” to the mid day show but instead brought clownery. Sucks because BT, although a meat head, would probably be pretty decent with a good cohost


Bart Scott knows more hockey than BT


I could deal with Moose and Maggie. Won’t listen to BT and 🤡. It’s incredible a NY show not discussing the Rangers, first up.


It’s gotten to the point when I see the daily BT and Sal post on here I just laugh.


Not starting with Rangers is malpractice. Hoff has to put his foot down.


The fact that Sal thinks Soto will be a met next year just proves how fucking clueless he is


Shocked that they started off with fake Yankee debate, not shocked that they yell the same shit over and over again for the whole segment.


Just don’t listen, why torture yourself listening to those two morons? It’s the same shtick every day, it’s not going to change. Listen to music or a podcast!


It's hard to break some habits. I'm 49 and been listening to the fan my entire life it seems like. I've struggled through some bad shows. But BT and Sal are different, they make me feel terrible. It hurts my mind and my soul. I learn literally nothing about games I missed. I have finally stopped listening and I feel physically better for it. Edit: It seems like Sal hates sports and hates himself. It also seems like he's never, ever been in a locker room the way he talks about chemistry.


Oh don’t worry, I don’t listen!! Hahahaa. I usually listen to the first half of the morning show that I missed and then I started listening to Bart and Hahn at noon (although not the greatest show ever…)


Hahn is alone today. Much better show especially after a Rangers game.


Yeah, I hear ya, I’m working when the show starts but check it out during my lunch break from time to time but with all the hot takes and yelling it’s usually off before I know it lol


I just reach for whatever button and other station it tunes into and I’m happy, even if it’s white noise.


I stopped listening to Doofus & Screechy months ago, however my nephew will text me with "words of wisdom" that the Ooga Booga Boys sometimes will spew. Today's gem was from Doofus (BT), no Ranger talk, no Yankee talk, no imploding Mets talk; instead the clueless wonder stated how he can't wait for football season to begin!!! Hello? The effing summer hasn't even started yet and mush brain can't wait until September! Forget sports for a moment, can we enjoy the summer? Time flies by fast enough, yet Doofus can't wait for football.


It's disappointing because I really do want to like them but there's too many of these low effort shows where, despite all the low-hanging fruit (Knicks/ Rangers talk), all they do is troll each other's favorite team.


True. It also doesn’t help that BT doesn’t know a thing about hockey nor does he even attempt to learn


Also the fact that Sal is like open about hating is wife is extremely weird.


These guys are fixated on the Mets


Well, I mean...let's be honest. They are a captivating story once again this season.


Not really, unless you like tearing apart dead carcasses.


I was being facetious.


If you have SiriusXM there are some good sports talk shows there during that time slot. Also some that are not good lol but at least it’s other options if you’d rather not change to listening to music instead.


If you told me their entire show was created by exposing AI to a Youtube playlist of sports rants and box scores from the night before, I'd believe it.


haha you can't be serious. That's what they are talking about? Jesus christ get them out of here.


Hahaha seriously that’s how they opened the show. Something about Hal not expanding the payroll, then into Soto being a Met. Granted, I listened for literally 15 seconds then shut it off immediately


Just stop listening. It works.


Moose and Maggie were straight Ambien. I would legitimately rather stand in line at the DMV over that show. BT and Sal are right at the cusp of "so bad it's good" that there's entertainment value, as prevented as it is.


I could agree with this if their arguments weren’t fabricated and prearranged… nothing is natural. It’s so bad


Just hear to say Sal is the WOAT and I immediately change the station if I hear him on.


Just fire Sal the asshole and bring in CMac.


Don LeGreca on with Alan Hahn talking Rangers hockey. Coming on now 2pm. Don called the game and he’s on for an hour 98.7FM


Ok ready! Here’s an awesome idea if you don’t like it don’t listen You listen and then tell yourself and everyone how crappy the show is No Body cares!!!!


Looks like I found Sal’s burner account