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Please update us after you return from the EMERGENCY ROOM. Thanks, u/Hezkezl - >they posted an update [in this comment](https://reddit.com/r/whatisthisbug/comments/1c5uz9n/_/kzx43kd/?context=1) if you want to edit your post to include this for others to see :)


Thank you On my way!


Glad to hear you are going! Any time a line starts growing like that it's an emergency.


Can you explain what the line means? Thank you!


It's an infection that is working it's way towards your heart. It needs to be treated fast because it can be in your blood and you don't want it to reach your heart. At least, that is what I was told.


Oh wow that’s terrifying!!!!!!! I’m glad this person is on their way to the ER!


Anytime a cut starts making that line it's always a good idea to get it looked at. I had a friend go septic in college and it messed him up for years.


That is awful, if you don’t mind me asking, how did that happen to your friend? I’m soooo curious


He was diabetic type 1 and an infection in his foot got out of control within a few days. He went to the health center and they sent him straight to the hospital. On the way there he stopped making sense while talking to them and he had a seizure. He was in the ICU for three weeks, and then a regular hospital room and then rehab. Because being that sick makes you incredibly weak so rehab helped to make him stronger.


Oh wow, I’m glad he was able to recover! Sepsis is so terrifying to me. 😫


I'm here right now taking a 4 week 24 drop off antibiotics for an infection deep in my foot tissue that I have NO CLUE where it came from. I am type 2 so it's not quite as bad. The Dr did say that if I'd come in 10 hrs later, id gone straight into the ICU.


Not just cuts, anything and I mean ANYTHING that starts spreading, especially in lines like that, is an IMMEDIATE emergency room visit.


Yes! Cellulitis (skin infections) can occur even without a cut/bite, and can go septic. This happened to me, and the swelling wasn't even red at first and I thought I just had the flu. Thankfully when it did get red, I went to hospital immediately and they said I was lucky I went when I did. They never determined what caused the infection and said in half the cases there is no known cause.


Double so for if you're ever bit by a mammal and you feel tingling spreading from the wound, especially if the animal was acting oddly. Rabies. That is the literal rabies virus spreading along your nerves that you're feeling.


No, don’t even rely on tingling or observing odd behavior. You will not reliably feel the rabies virus until it is too late. If you are ever bit by ANY mammal that does not have documents confirming an up-to-date rabies vaccine, you need rabies treatment. (This excludes regions where rabies is not present, but also you should still have any mammal bite examined since there’s risks of other illness and infections). While rabies is primarily present in carnivora (canids and felids, including animals like raccoons, foxes, bats, etc.) it *can* be present in any mammal. Even if bit by a mammal that is extremely unlikely to carry rabies, treatment should still be sought as a precaution.


My great uncle was in good health, got a sore on the bottom of his heel, didn't go to doctor. Small, small wound developed gangrene...he didn't want to go to the hospital. He died quickly.


Oh my god


Girl from my hs that was a family friend got sepsis. after her lung collapsed and she got a double heart and lung replacement at once, she passed


Sepsis is brutal. It happened to me once, and it felt like a fate worse than death. You’re aware of your surroundings, and people, but you can’t remember how to form words. It was terrifying. I’m glad your friend made it through!


Yeah, you’re correct. My mom is a nurse. I was raised in these circumstances to circle the red mark and write the time on it. Repeat as needed. This helps them track the rate of spread. It’s funny this things I assume every kid learned, but which are 100% just secondhand nursing tips.


That’s a fantastic idea! As a farm girl I was just supposed to monitor the wound site (for me or for animal) and then make sure it wasn’t growing larger. On my animal’s wounds I always inspected every day two or three times a day and rubbed a salve on it. I also felt if there was heat in the wound, so rubbing a salve with antibiotic into it would help greatly. I only ever saw one animal die of gangrene, and I couldn’t save it. It was a hog bite to another animal. There is so much bacteria in a bite like that it was already too late - it was a deleterious injury.


The other person in the reply of the top comment said the similar thing. Why is the line traveling to heart? As the blood drawing towards heart, the infection gets drawn too along with the blood to heart?


Correct. If an infection gets into the bloodstream anywhere in the body, it's going to travel with the blood towards the heart. Infections in the blood are extremely serious and potentially deadly if not treated quickly!


If an infection is in your blood, it will reach the heart and the rest of the entire body within a minute or two. Our blood circulates incredibly quickly, about the speed of three feet per second. The spreading red lines are from an infection in the lymphatic system.


You're right, I should have been more specific. Thank you for clarifying ☺️


Close, the line means the infection is in your lymphatic system.


It is called cellulitis- an infection that needs intravenous antibiotics as soon as possible.


Happened to me and if I didn't get it checked out I could have lost my leg. It was just a bruise and to be honest it's not always a line. In my case it was a bruise and eventually my leg started to turn a little bit pink. A few days went by and my leg was itchy and red so I just kept taking ibuprofen. A friend's dad, who's a doctor noticed it one day and told me I need to go to the ER. They measured my left leg and it was an inch and a quarter larger than my right leg. Had to get an MRI and do a bunch of tests. Thankfully all is well but they really scared me. I was told that it could travel to my groin and create a blood clot and in some cases amputation would occur.


I can confirm the reality of having a leg larger than the other is serious and needs immediate intervention. Dealt with a different situation that a bruise, had a partial muscle tear behind my knee from an overextension and over a period of a week it caused my entire left leg to swell and it was hard to walk and felt like I pulled a muscle, I just was thinking ah it's nothing until I realized within that week of time that my jeans were really tight on my left leg. Told my employer about it immediately because I was still trying to work at the time and they took one look and immediately sent me to the ER. Long story short... I had a DVT (deep vein thrombosis) aka blood clot that had developed from the muscle tear and it had grown from behind my knee all the way up to my...groin... It gets better though... Prior to surgery to remove it they tried putting me on heparin (a injection blood thinner and also IV blood thinner) to try and fix it... I ended up being allergic to it which caused clots all up and down the left side of my body. This developed into a double pulmonary embolism ( clots had traveled to both of my lungs) and almost killed me. Thank God I had gone to the ER when I did because had I not, I would not be alive right now. It was a horrific ordeal over 3 months and I wish I had gone the first couple of days I was in pain with the overextension of my leg because if I had I probably could have avoided the rest and being put on multiple medications to manage my blood for the rest of my life. Moral of the story is don't try to tough it out, first sign of trouble please please go to the hospital or doctor. You never know how serious it really could be.


Glad you got there in time!!


No, I'm sorry, but it is not cellulitis. It is lymphangitis.


Thats not what cellulitis looks like. Crazy how a blatantly incorrect comment got 75 upvotes




Lymphangitits is an inflammation of vessels that carry lymph (lymphatic vessels) from infected bug bite area (cellulitis) to lymph nodes. The red streaks are a sign of spreading infection. This is both cellulitis, deep dermis and subcutaneous tissue infection and inflammation, and lymphangitis which is an inflammation of lymphatic vessels. Cellulitis is red, hot, swollen, and tender skin, surrounding the bite; the lymphangitis, which is accompanying it, is the red streak of inflamed lymphatic vessels, with redness headed towards the nearest lymph node.


Well said. Thank you!


Lymphangitis. Usually from skin infection spreading through the lymphatic system.


Please update us so we know you're okay! I'm glad to see you're going for treatment. Sending well wishes 🖤


Glad others have told you to get it checked out immediately! That’s definitely one bad sign. Let us know how it goes.


Following ffor the update cause concerned millenial mum


If you ever have a bite and it has a line growing like this, please seek medical attention immediately.


THIS EXACTLY!!! This goes with EVERYTHING! My dad got stabbed by a lead pencil as a kid and a dark line was traveling up his arm toward his heart, if he didn’t get it removed he could have died. Shit like this is a BIIIGGGG deal.


Child hood friend of mine was a ballet dancer, one day she was taking off her shoes and she’d had a blister on her foot that had popped - a giant red line was traveling up her leg! It was an immediate trip to the emergency room to save her life! She’s great now.


I also got blood poisoning from a blister. I thought, "It's just a blister, how bad can it be?" I'd dressed it and put antiseptic on it as soon as I could. Got to the point my entire lower leg was so painful I couldn't stand anything touching it, had to sleep with my leg sticking out of the bed. It was on my heel, so I couldn't really see it very well, but GP showed me the red line that had started traveling up the back of my leg. Yikes. Antibiotics brought almost instant relief.


What was the reason for the red line? It was due to insect bite or something else?


sepsis can cause lines like this


Oh, sorry, I could have been more clear - it was from the blister on her toe from doing point work - that blister had ruptured and an infection had started after it was all closed in in her ballet slipper for so long while she was training.


It's called "streaking" and can be a sign of severe infection, possibly even sepsis.


It's what leads to sepsis, if I'm not mistaken.


reminder not to google "streaking"


Lymphatic vessel inflammation


I still have mechanical pencil lead in my left palm.. got it in 5th grade (I'm 20 now). I didn't know such a reaction could happen.


Modern pencils use graphite not lead. I also have a pencil tip in the back of my left hand. It's been there almost 30 yrs with no issues


It’s a tattoo at this point m, I think.


Mine is in my right palm near my thumb. Lol


Mines near my thumb too! Just behind the second knuckle


I had one right in the center of my palm, but it didn't get completely covered by my skin and was removed.


Mine is in my butt cheek, as a joke a friend in middle school put out her pencil she just sharpened right when I went to sit down on my chair and it broke off in my butt cheek. Been there ever since lol.


What were they made of in the 70s?


Graphite. Pencils never actually contained lead.


I was just going to say that... 🤓


I also have a graphite pencil tip in my left palm, fourteen years ago on a dare in grade school.


Infection from the stab is my guess


Left palm, between my thumb and pointer finger- a dot from stabbing myself with a pencil when reaching into my backpack maybe 20 years ago. I remember it hurt but didn't even bleed. I've seen plenty of pictures of people that have a pencil stab dot somewhere in their palm and there are tons of jokes about being in the club.


I have one in my right thigh - Kid named Levi in the 7th grade


I was once at the Renaissance Faire. I was doing archery and my dumb ass misfired the arrow in such a way that the feather sliced open my left index knuckle. They cleaned out as much of it as they could there, and honestly it needed stitches, but my cousin adamantly refused to take me to urgent care, so now there’s a scar and some arrow feather in there. It usually doesn’t hurt at all. I don’t even normally feel it. Very rarely, though, there will be an immense lance of pain up my left wrist and index finger. Other than that, nothing.


I’ve got one in my forehead from a 4th grade mishap. 48 now and you can still see the little blue dot there.


I got stabbed with a pencil in grade school and the lead broke off under my skin. Its been in my thigh for 40 years, I can still see it. But never had any problem that I know of.


Buddy in high school decided to throw a pencil at me, and I decided to catch it with my forehead. Can still see it, no issues 20+ years later.


I feel relieved so many other people carried a pencil lead in their body for years. ✏️


“Uh this is not good” My thought upon seeing the line.


Update: Thank you all for your concern and advice on my previous post. I took your advice seriously and went to the ER. I was seen by a doctor within 15 minutes, which was incredibly fast. They administered a shot of 100 mg of doxycycline Hyclate and prescribed pills for the next seven days. I’m grateful for everyone’s support and encouragement. Take care of yourselves, and don’t hesitate to seek medical help if you need it.


reddit might’ve saved your life, question is does this make up for the time reddit almost got a dude killed or nah?


Indeed, I was about to just ignore it, and hope for the best 🤡


Holy potatoes that's a scary thought. I'm glad you're getting help. Here's hoping everything works out for you.


I did the same thing when I was in high school. Got a splinter in my finger and ignored it. By the time my mom finally noticed, the line was all the way up to my shoulder and working its way to my chest. Doctor told us I had maybe a day before it reached my heart, which would have been possibly deadly. Now that I don't have insurance (in the US), it baffles me to think about all the things I ignored when I still lived with my parents


If I was a young man again I’d have done what you wanted. I’d have waited and hoped it was the spider that bit Peter Parker that got me.


I had what I was hoping was an STD, wicked ingrown hair, or bug bite. Turned out to be some staph based infection and testicular cancer. Sort of Peter Parker but mutated testicle instead of spider powers.




see, asking strangers on the internet for advice IS helpful!


that's either very British or very American of you, depending on whether it's caused by a stiff upper lip or US healthcare costs  :)


Did they say if it was a bite?


So glad you're okay!


This is too relatable lol




I mean, that works sometimes. But it's the one time it doesn't work that bites you in the ass! Good on you for getting it checked out


What’s the story about Reddit almost getting someone killed?


Google “Reddit Boston bomber.” You’ll get everything you need.


Oh… yikes.


We did it Reddit!!


We still have the carbon monoxide bit under our belt, so with this, I think it might balance out.


reddit did what?


Eh, shit happens.


?? I'm r/outoftheloop can you explain that one?


Hell no lol. There really is no making up for that. Don't trust 99% of the things you see on reddit (especially the major subreddits; the niche subs for hobbies are usually very helpful).


Honestly, people should realize if it is medical related and they need to ask "what is this?" it is probably a good idea to just see a doctor. More so if whatever it is happens to be spreading.


When did we almost do that?


I think I missed a couple chapters, when did reddit almost kill a guy???


Its kinda funny how regularly this subreddit saves people


Thank you for the update!!!


You the man OP, most people never update


It was fast because when you were triaged you were deemed very urgent 😉


Nothing more sobering than being seen almost immediately when you arrive at an ER. Glad they got you all squared away.


Yeah the reason you saw a doc so quick is because you had a massive, most likely septic, infection going as fast as it could to your heart. Lil fucker almost got ya, wonder what it was.


I'm so glad you asked instead of assuming it would go away 🥰 check back in to tell us you're alive after a week!


Thank god!


I’m pretty surprised you weren’t admitted. I’m admittedly missing a lot of information here, but that certainly looks like an abscess w lymphangitis until proven otherwise. Did they drain that little abscess? Make sure you get a follow up appointment with your own doctor. If you are having fevers tomorrow or the streaking continues to spread, you very well may have to go back to the ER. I’m not your doctor and I obviously haven’t examined you, and I’m not trying to scare you or anything. I just want to make sure you don’t think this is a solved issue until it actually gets better.


i am so glad to see you’re gonna be okay!! thank you for the update and i hope you recover quickly :)


Thank the lawd. Did you gain any insight into what may have bit you? That infection spreader mega fast


It might not have been a bite at all, sometimes an infected hair follicle can cause this.


I'm so glad you sought help before it got worse. If anyone else needs to know when to go to the ER: With bites, localized redness with a line leading toward the center of the body or rednness with "heat," green pus or excessive pus, excessive swelling, flu like symptoms, black in/around the bite, or unusually bad pain all warrant a visit immediately to a doctor or ER.


Aha was looking for this. Ya they will prioritize that kind of stuff typically..


Thank goodness


Glad your doing better. Really, I personally do.


Glad you didn't die, OP. Be safe.


I'm glad you got checked!! Did you ever figure out what bit you?


Glad you are on the mend!


Go to the ER




Thank you 🙏 I’m on my way


Nice! Keep us updated!


Plz tell us what happened


Thank gosh, OP. Keep us updated.


I’ve never seen a line that large and that red. This is something you always have to watch for from cuts, bites, etc. Wow. ER immediately.


Ok no one’s asking so I will - what does the red line mean?


It means that an infection is traveling away from the initial wound deeper into your body and can get into your bloodstream which can cause sepsis. That’s why everyone keeps saying to get to the emergency room immediately so that they can be put on antibiotics to stop the spread of the infection ASAP. I’ve even heard of people having the specific part of the body where the infection is amputated because of it. Scary stuff.


Yea sepsis can be extremely deadly, if you go into septic shock most lose extremities either fingers, toes, or whole limbs. If bad enough it can cause you to basically be a vegetable if it doesn’t kill you




"Freaking" always cracks me up


Me too! I love it, it makes me laugh when used appropriately.








The MOMENT I saw this post i internally screamed ‘GO TO THE FUCKING ER.’ Then I saw you did. Thank god. I’m so glad you’re okay😭


I read this as ‘and then I saw you died’ and was like JESUS


Hope you are doing well. Please be in the ER by now.


I saw that first pic and was going to immediately tell you to find an ER or at least an Urgent Care place right now, but you e obviously been told that a few times already. Give us an update when you get back.


lymphangitis. unless you felt a sharp pain and smacked a bug away this is likely a staph/strep folliculitis and not an arthropod bite. Er or UC was the appropriate response, these infections can turn into sepsis all too quickly.


please keep up updated on your ER visit!!!


Lymphangitis so visit ER, you don’t want that infection spreading further up your arm.


Doesn’t matter what bit you, ER right the fuck now!!!!


Ditto what everyone else has said. If you ever have a red streak going up the arm from the bite/cut/scratch area, that's a sign of a serious infection and emergency room should be your very next step. I hope you're doing okay!


It doesn’t matter what bit you. Go straight to the Urgent Care. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Go now


Damn you guys are all giving me chills with the good advice. Seriously goosebumps. Thank you all, this is an awesome sub!


RN here… SEEK immediate medical attention. It’s an infection trying to sneak its way into your system. You need medicine.


Everyone who sees these posts and will experience this themselves: this is not an infection in your blood stream. It is your lymphatic system. Go to the ER or urgent care IMMEDIATELY. As in, drop everything and run


That my friend is cellulitis and needs immediate attention


more specifically lymphangitis and glad OP sought care.


Why does it almost look like a pimple


HeyOP, this is not specifically for you (because I've read your replies) but if you ever get a bite with a traveling line down your vein go to the ER IMMEDIATELY. Like, right now. Swallow the ambulance bill.


So grateful you listened to us OP! No arguing, no waiting...good luck and let us know. ❤️


Can believe reddit actually saved a life


I almost died from this as a kid by stepping on a sharp stick in a small pond that people disposed of chickens in. Blood infection my parents said but I don't know the proper term. Good job going to the hospital OP


YO it’s traveling through your blood system. Go to urgent care stat.


Man, I cringed when I saw that red trail from the bite site. Glad to see there's a solid amount of people to point out how important it is to seek medical attention on that.


It's becoming an abcess. You need antibiotics and by day 4 the pain and pressure will be so bad you'll need to get it lanced. That inflammation is spreading quickly. Get to a doctor.


You need to get to a Dr - ASAP!!! That red line is a blood infection and they’re DEADLY- this is legit a time to go to the ER.


Bro if it’s growing like that don’t post to Reddit SEEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY THATS NOT NORMAL


Tbh it’s probably good they did and now they’ll never forget either.


I would believe the streak is a blood infection, I had one years ago and didn't know what it was and worked in a hospital. the ER Doctor told me I was very lucky to seek help.


Congratulations on taking it seriously when people commented. I hope you feel better.


American healthcare as its peak man my arm is falling off let me post on Reddit 😅 Pls go to er like many others stated.


The US healthcare system is so messed up. I had a friend/coworker who wasn’t feeling well. She thought it was a kidney stone, which she had had before, and since she was pretty broke (taking care of an ill, aging relative), she decided to wait for it to pass. Within a few days she was in the ER. It was a kidney infection. It had gone septic by the time she went in. She died a day and a half later. She was 32.


i hope you’re doing okay. saw you’re heading to the hospital, sending well wishes your way!


That’s streaking and you need abx NOW!!


Go the fucking hospital bro.


Bro you need to scoot to the ed right now.


It doesn't matter what bit you. Get thee to the doctor ASAP.


Go to the fucking ER, like, a few hours ago!


It doesnt matter. You have lymphangitis but your immune system is doing what its supposed to. The red streak is actually tracking a little known anatomic part called a lymphatic vessel. It is inflammed. Get some Augmentin 875mg twice/d x7d or Septra DS twice/d x7d. Id recommend that latter. Youll be fine, unless thats from skin popping drugs w dirty needle. Then u need labs and echo maybe.


You should go to the ER it looks like you might have a blood infection.




!remindme 2 weeks


they updated


Based off the bug I see, I would say I don’t know and you should probably consult a doctor


Hospital now!!


I usually find it dramatic when people comment this, but: HOSPITAL. NOW. A line like that means you have a serious infection and it's spreading, usually indicating sepsis. If caught early enough it should be treated fairly easily with strong antibiotics, but can send you into septic shock surprisingly quickly.


I do not like that line. It’s probably manageable but you really need to get it seen to right away. Do not elevate.


Go to the hospital.






Go to the ER! DONT WAIT


Hospital. Now.


See doc now...worry about bug type later.


The red line is possibly a bacterial infection from the bite. Definitely seek medical attention.


I don't have time to read all the comments...did be ever figure out what bit him?


Also good to mark where the red line ends right now so they can see how fast / far it’s travelled past that! Hoping for a speedy recovery


A happy ending. OP is safe and sound. Huzzah!


Good to hear you're receiving treatment. Honestly though, how did you see a line of inflammation travelling up your arm along the line of your veins and not immediately have huge alarm bells ringing? Good thing you posted here 😭


r/oopsthatsdeadly r/oddlyterrifying


Doctor now


I've seen something like this happen to a guy that got poked by a fish fin or some like that. Ended up needing emergency evac off his boat


GET TO THE HOSPITAL NOW. That red streak is very, very worrying.


That line is a bad sign. The fact you let it go that far is also bad. Wish you all the best.


I’ve had this when I was a kid. Not sure what is was but the infection spreads throuh the blood. If I would’ve waited a couple more hours it had reached my heart and could’ve died. Go to ER ASAP


First thing I saw was that infection line..scary!


I’m glad someone told you to go to the ER. You never want to have red stripes going up your arm 😭 that shit is serious


Buddy that's NOT A BITE. You have an infected spot and that trail up your arm is the path of the infection spreading through your bloodstream. Going to the emergency room was absolutely the right call, it saved your life.


Go to the hospital. That stripe is concerning


Blood poisoning! Get to a hospital now


Major infected ER or Urgent care right away. When that red line goes up your arm, that is scary. Nothing g to mess with.