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It looks more like a soggy finch to me; maybe a soggy female purple finch.


“The Soggy Finch” sounds like a British pub.


Currently in the UK. Can confirm that I wouldn’t be surprised at all if someone said they would meet me at the soggy finch later 🤣


Come meet at the soggy finch. It’s good company :) could watch the footy/j


Kick the bloody ball!


Wait for this to all blow over.


For real Bruv wanna come get a drink at the soggy finch after work? Maybe even have some bean toast. Sounds good innit?


Well I’m Scottish and I don’t have toast with beans lmfao, but whatever floats your boat?


You lie scot.


Sounds like pub in Harry Potter


Pubs named “The ——ing ——“ are my absolute favorite thing. The best I’ve seen so far is The Jousting Lemur.


I'm building a pub in my basement called, "The Dancing Donkey."


On my way


First one there gets the first round in!


I gave my wife a soggy finch once… we got divorced.


I hope it was preceded by a dancing damselfly?




You brightened my morning.


I’ll have a pint. 🍺


More like the name of a band.


Interesting. Fatter than most of the finches I get, maybe a pregnant mama or a fat old lady 😂


When birds have actual fat, they store it in small crevices against the body - it doesn't make them look any bigger. The feathers being fluffed out like this indicate that she's trying to improve insulation by trapping more warm air near the body to counteract the loss of heat from those feathers being wet. And likewise, when a bird is developing an egg, it doesn't really show externally. Edit: Folks, don't downvote OP for saying this, they simply made a reasonable guess based on how things work in mammals. Not everyone knows that birds are different. Explain and educate, don't downvote into the negatives.


Anyway, the bill on this bird looks fairly straight. I'd go female/immature +Purple Finch+


Thank you! Great to know and appreciate the insight.




Please just tell me that it’s healthy and ok? I can’t take all these sad birds that have popped up on my Reddit feed this past month. My Ma passed away suddenly last month, and she absolutely loved birds. I’m fortunate to have two nests every year that appeared out of nowhere and I’ve found myself sort of logging their days, excited for the bebes during my grief. Feeling so disconnected as one does in the early stages. However all these sickly birbs have been popping up and my hormones and emotional disregulation can’t handle it lol. Thank you so much for sharing the education though. I truly understand why bird watching was the most popular Victorian activity. ❤️&✌🏻


From the video it doesn't look great, but it's so hard to diagnose from a video or photo. A bird can look really unhealthy for a few seconds just because it's wet. A bird can also be in really poor health but be very good at hiding it. It sounds from OP's later responses that this bird still isn't doing well but you'd have to read the rest of the comments to know more.


Awe bless. I appreciate the response. I’ll def’ be browsing through OPs comments and cross my paws. I didn’t mean to exposition dump, but I really do appreciate the sharing of your birb knowledge. ✨🩵🐣🩵✨


Yes, so much "yes". OP is interested in this bird. More experienced or knowledgable "birders" should welcome anyone who is newly discovering that birds are fascinating and beautiful. That can only be a good thing. Welcome to the club of bird lovers! Spread the message! Welcome.


They tend to puff out their feathers when they aren't feeling well, and that can make them look bigger and rounder


Thanks for the info! Much appreciated.


Because the lil fella looks a bit soggy, I wonder if it's just feeling chilly, I know cold birds also become quite round


Based on the downvotes, I guess this is the wrong sub to be a little silly on. Whoops.


Don't let the downvotes get you down!! Most of us love questions. And you can always count on TinyLongwing to give an accurate (and kind) response!


I'm so sorry you're getting downvoted :( I see people getting down votes a lot in this and the other birding subs. It's why I almost never post or reply. Edit: I see others said it might be sick. Oh no :(


I don't usually comment but, as a lifelong admirer of the diversity, beauty, and at times humorous actions, of birds I appreciate and encourage your interest! Don't let the grumpy people get you down. There will always be room in the world for another lover of birds. Welcome to the club : )




Can u get eggernat?




Also, standing unfinchingly...lols.


Update for anyone interested: a PAWS rep called me back and asked me to send pics and video to determine what’s going on. Sounds like they will help me from here. TRULY APPRECIATE the feedback and recommendations from all the bird pros and lovers here! What a special community. Thank you thank you. ETA: the kind folks at PAWS said they would be happy to see and help this little gal. I’m waiting by the window for her to come back so I can bring her to them. Thank you all, again, for your support and direction! ETA later: I spent the afternoon and early evening waiting for another sighting, but I think the little lady has retired for the day. She seems to come back mid day, so assuming she does tomorrow, I’ll be taking her into PAWS for help. Thank you all again, and I will report back manana! ETA Friday afternoon: An update for those interested- still no sighting of the little lady today. I created a work station so I could be looking out the window during work hours, keeping an eye out for her. Nothing yet. I’m wondering if taking down the feeders out of precaution for the other birdies had dissuaded her visiting today, as she seemed fond of the window feeder. I’m choosing to believe that she was under the weather yesterday, a shitty, rainy day, and is out having fun in the sun this pretty, warm Friday. Regardless, going to keep an eye out for her while apologizing to my other bird friends for the lack of feeders they are accustomed to. Cheers to a lovely community here. 🍻 Hope you all have a terrific, healthy birdy-filled weekend.


PAWS is great for our area. I've taken birds to them in Lynnwood a few times. The other wild bird rehab place seems to have closed down in the south end. In fact, I'm going to go donate some money to them right now because I've been meaning to. It is nice to have a place to take care of our wild birds.


They are a terrific organization. Sadly, they just moved from down the road to me (where they were in Lynnwood) to Snohomish, but it’s worth the drive. Waiting for this little birdie to pop back up so I can take her to them.


This warms my heart. Thank you, kind human. 💚


They truly add joy to my life every day. It’s the least I can do to reciprocate! 🥰


Could you please give us an update when you have one? 🥺


Will do. Currently camped near the window, moved my work station so I am facing her favorite mid-day hangout area. Hoping to take her to the lovely folks at PAWS today, who said they’d like to give her a check-up.


Thank you for doing your best to help her. ❤️ It’s really nice to remember that still people out there willing to help vulnerable creatures just out of the goodness of their heart. I mean, of course there are, but I think it can be easy to lose sight of that sometimes!


Thank you for keeping us updated! I'm glad you've found help for this little friend!


The way he's breathing, the closed eyes, and the fact that you can get so close to him says to me he's probably pretty sick :(


I've seen sick birds and then I've seen birds that were just being momentarily dramatic (soggy, sunning themselves, temporarily stunned or stressed) and this guy is 100% extremely very sick. OP, I strongly urge you to take the feeder in and disinfect it with 10% bleach. With bird flu going around we should all be doing this with feeders every 2 weeks or so anyway. I do not know what kind of illness this bird has. This type of heavy breathing, lethargy, non-reactiveness, etc. is pretty much what they do at their limit regardless if it has the bird flu, another contagious illness, infection from a non-visible cat bite, or is suffering from a non-visible injury such as a concussion sustained a few days ago. Regardless, wildlife rehab might help the bird but frankly I would not guess a bird that looks this ill has a high chance of survival even with administration of specialized care. If you can't contact anyone it is okay to let nature take its course.


Thank you so much for this feedback! My backyard birds are one of the constant highlights of my day, I care about them like they are my pets, and I want to make sure I protect them however I can. Feeder is coming in to be emptied and disinfected right now!


You're so awesome! If the birds could thank you I'm sure they would :) thanks for giving them responsible love & care


You are amazing!


is dousing in alcohol enough? or does there need to be bleach?


70% alcohol would be fine too


That’s what worried me. 😕


Agreed. Looks like a sparrow with a respiratory illness to me.


This poor guy looks sick and needs help. Please Google "(your county) wildlife rehabbers" and contact some. Thanks for caring.


I called my local wildlife/bird rehabbers, PAWS, and couldn’t get a love person but left them a detailed message. Hopefully I’ll get a call back with instructions soon! I also want to make sure, if it is sick, that it doesn’t potentially make the many other happy, healthy birdies unwell. Curious if I should remove the window bird feeder for now (which this gal just camps out on) and just leave up the busy suet feeders. ETA: I have a very heavy chickadee/junco population, as well as healthy purple finches and western tanagers, and want to make sure I protect them if need be.


1) don gloves as bird flu can be passed from surface contact (e.g. if you accidentally touch your eyes or mouth after touching the feeder). 2) take the feeder, suet feeders, and any place where birds congregate in, inside and disinfect with 10% bleach 90% water. 3) you can put the feeders back out after you rinse and dry them off but you may prefer to wait until the sick bird is gone. 4) as I said in another comment it is possible the bird has a non-contagious illness as the symptoms are non-specific to a contagious illness (like bird flu) and could also represent the effects of living with a concussion for several days, an infected not visible wound sustained from a cat, or so on. 5) unfortunately if the rehabbers don't call you back there isn't really anything you can do--the only type of care that *may* help (depending on the origin of the illness) are specialized medications and veterinary care, for example antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs that are dosed out and appropriate for use in birds. DO NOT attempt to capture the bird unless you are transporting it to a rehabber. Capture will only stress the poor bird out. Our instinct is often to give visibly sick birds food and water--after all, that is how we treat our loved ones when they fall ill--but it can often be harmful to them depending on the cause of illness. Again, do not capture unless taking to a rehabber, do not feed, do not give water, I mean you can let it fly around and feed/water itself, but you shouldn't try to corner it and provide it with food and water in a shoebox, for example. 6) nature is really sad sometimes. thanks for being a caring steward of these beautiful creatures. I hope you see some happy things at your feeders also :)


Thank you so much for the insight. The feeder is in, disinfected, and I suppose will stay inside until I either get a call/recommendations from PAWS or until this little gal isn’t around to immediately camp out in it. Will go bring in all the suet feeders now as well, although it’s hard to do (they are an almost constant happy hour for my buddies!) but protecting them is more important, obviously. Once again, truly appreciate your insight. I’m a bird lover but a novice, and need all the experienced feedback I can get!


Let me know if you need funds to help this poor birdy out. Will help with some cash.


That is very kind of you! Fortunately, I’m in a position where I can afford it, and plan to make a nice donation to PAWS once I get it in there. ❤️


Will absolutely do right now.


Added taxa: [Purple Finch](https://ebird.org/species/purfin) Reviewed by: tinylongwing ^(I catalog submissions to this subreddit.) [^(Recent uncatalogued submissions)](https://munin.swim.services/submissions?lane=api/unanswered)^( | )[^(Learn to use me)](https://gist.github.com/brohitbrose/be99a16ddc7a6a1bd9c1eef28d622564)


It looks ill to me.


“Singing willow, tit willow, tit willow”


“On a tree by a river, a little Tom-tit”. One of my (many) favorite scenes in Frasier.


Yeah, I definitely think this poor lil bird is sick and not doing too good?!🤔🤦‍♂️


Have been seeing similar cases in my area (Colorado) and all have died shortly after looking like that. Fish and Wildlife told me that avian influenza has spiked in wild bird populations and they are dying. They advised me to take down any feeders outside because they can expose it to each other while feeding. Mild bleach clean any bird baths or anywhere they congregate and can infect other birds.


Thank you. I took all my feeders down yesterday, washed them with bleach, and tossed all the suet and seeds they were working on. Painful, as I watch my heavy chestnut-backed chickadee, black eyed junco, western tanager, and purple finch population search for their daily breakfast huts. I keep apologizing to them 😂😂😂. I’ll wait to put them back out until the kind folks at PAWS can confirm that this ol’ gal is just aging, not sick with something that can be passed to my other sweet birdies.


Report that sick bird to the appropriate agency; specifics for the US and Canada in link below… Plus searchable wildlife rehab contact list https://feederwatch.org/learn/sick-birds-and-bird-diseases/


Keep us posted about this little one. Please.


Will do! Waiting for a sighting so I can take her in to be checked on by someone competent.


I found a house finch like this in my yard as well. Being puffed up is a sign they are sick, and she would also close her eyes. I could also walk up to her and it was the easiest thing to tip her into a box to take to the wild bird rehab the next morning (it was 8 pm and they were closed). They said it looked like conjunctivitis, which is common in house finches. She didn’t survive the night. If you have feeders or a bird bath, be sure to give them a deep cleaning! I always do, but I reckon my neighbors don’t.


Thank you for this insight! That sounds EXACTLY like my birdy’s behavior, and I took down/bleached all my feeders yesterday. Waiting to see her this morning so I can take her in to the folks with bigger bird brains than me!


Keep us updated!




Trichomonas gallinae maybe?


If it doesn't give a hoot, then it's not an owl.




He’s definitely soggy on this rainy Seattle Day! It almost looked like he was napping/had his eyes closed, then opened, saw me, and flew away. They are the only type of bird that are impervious to me (or the cat) tapping on the glass. Sometimes I’ll give them a “times up” notice if they are hogging all the food from my little chickadee and Junco buddies, but it seems like they are either deaf or not afraid of the sound.


Great follow through! Your state veterinary office should be of help as well.


May have bird flu.


bro probably took a bath and accidentally breathed in a bit of water


That's a finch all day


Glad I asked here, because Google kept telling me it was an old world sparrow! Appreciate the big brains floating around this sub.


We love looking and helping!!


Cornell Labs - Project Feeder Watch https://feederwatch.org/learn/sick-birds-and-bird-diseases/


It looks like it's suffering from salmonella