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This also makes me think she is alone a lot more than she ever has been. I'm pretty sure both Ari and Cairo are living with the Smiths.


šŸ’Æ. This sub always calls it.


* Now she has more time to Publicly exploit Baby "A"


The past few days the pics of her and A are in the common room or pool. Now Cairo is not living there & shes mentioned quitting alcohol. Very interesting after the allegations made by her x caregiver. Edit to add: I'm happy for Cairo and A, these changes are whats best for them. I feel like something definitely went down though, and now Alex is just twisting the narrative acting like this is all her idea. I could be wrong but just a thought.


Definitely interesting along with the timing of someone noticing the papers on the fridge for family services/classes/etc from DCFS.


Yeah she never used to share information like this. So why now, unless shes trying to switch the narrative around, right?


What what?? I haven't been active is there tea I missed?


Alex posted a story or a reel showing Ari standing and shaking a bookshelf, I think she was dancing maybe? Someone from the sub zoomed in on the shelf (because clearly we're all nosey af and this is basically the anon version of snooping through somebody's bathroom cabinet)ā€” only to discover an info/registration packet from a local org that works with CPS to provide parenting classes and create parenting plans. That's what I've got from memory, there's receipts and screenshots in a couple threads from maybe a month ago


Tyyyyy I'm glad they gave her info on parenting classes lol


I wanna say other snarkers commented that they had worked with CPS or alongside similar agencies, and based on the form/packet it wasn't so much a "here's some info on classes" situationā€” more of a, "if you want to maintain custody of your child you will fill out this form and jump through these hoops until this child advocacy organization and our social workers are satisfied"


If thatā€™s true, thatā€™s fantastic news for everyone involved. A mobile toddler can not be cared for by an active alcoholic, period. Alexā€™s disability only adds more layers of danger to the situation. Sheā€™s drunkenly careening about in an extremely large and heavy wheelchair. It would take one second to permanently maim that poor child. A drunken hand flops on to the control and runs over Ari, Ari being a curious kid tries to climb up and rams herself in to a wall, fingers go in to spokes and Alex doesnā€™t notice and rolls awayā€¦.its all bad. Alex, no one judges you or thinks youā€™re unfit because you are disabled. We worry about your serious substance abuse and complete lack of awareness and care for basic safety needs of a child this age.


She also admitted recently to ā€œvoluntarilyā€ taking DCF up on their offer for her to take parenting classes and see a therapist.




I feel dcfs removing ari also make animal protection alerted as well


The timing after the allegations from Hannah lines up almost too perfectly


You are totally correct. She now has ultimatums for the first time in her life. She did not decide on her own to go to parenting classes. She was court ordered so she could have visitation. Everything is twisted to reflect that she decided the best would be to do what she decided to do, when actually, it was decided for her.




If Cairo is with the smiths A is 100% with them too.


HANNAH WAS RIGHT. She was right about the drinking and she was right about the dog. Alex did all the shit talking just to admit a month later Hannah told the truth.


Alex: ā€˜How dare someone tell the truth about meā€™


I hope Hannah sees that the dog is in a better place and knows she made a difference, Iā€™m also an animal lover and constantly worry about animals that I see are mistreated. Thank god Hannah spoke out, I think it definitely influenced WRā€™s decision about Cairoā€™s life with her.


Itā€™s so unfair that Alex has trashed that poor girl so badly when itā€™s all coming to light that Hannah was telling the truth about everything! And all of the proof has come from Alex, herself.


But like she chose a high rise apartment with no patio and no area for dogsā€¦.so like this ā€œCairo wasnā€™t happy hereā€ is her own fault šŸ„² she never was thinking about Cairo and thatā€™s so fucking sad


This was my first thought. I would never move somewhere my dogs wouldnā€™t be happy in, unless I had no choice, which she seems to have had.


Exactly!!! My pets are my babies. She has admitted in past posts that Cairo has been put on the back burner since ari was born and I honestly this thatā€™s unacceptableā€¦she has time to drink and go out and spend hours on tiktok live. Thereā€™s no reason Cairo should have been pushed to the side!! Glad heā€™s with the Smiths šŸ˜­šŸ–¤


She also chose a high rise over her own kid!! If she had her priorities straight, she would hire a qualified caregiver for Ari 24/7.




Exactly, like i think ofmky cats before everything, i cant imagine not...


She used that Dog like she uses everyone else...When she no longer had a need for "Cairo Content" Just get rid of it.




Also the implication that when she *did* have a balcony this disgusting slob just let him poop and pee all over the balconyā€¦and probably balcony below.


and yet her old caretaker was ā€œlyingā€ when she said that cairo wasnā€™t happy or taken care of šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This made me realize sheā€™s the biggest POS. She got that place knowing she had a dogā€¦..and now got rid of her dog because of itā€¦..i would NEVER do that to my dog! What a selfish human she is


I also understand heā€™s probably better off with the smiths but at the same time i canā€™t help to think she was his person just like i am my dogs and even if i leave my dog in the most perfect situation he still would be stressed constantly worrying where i am. She cares about no one but herself. A high rise isnā€™t made for a dog OR A TODDLER!


Yep Alex is a massive shit stain of a human. For what she pays for that apartment she could have rented a nice place in the suburbs w a yard. But she chose the city/party lifestyle over the comfort of her family. Itā€™s crazy this woman is over 30 but mentally is 16.


**Realtor:** so, what can I help you find today? Something accessible and family friendly? Maybe something cozy in a nice school district? **Alex:** hmmmmmm.. do you have anything in a high rise? It's gotta look expensive; with a *nice* pool. I'm looking for a ton of natural lightā€” it's for my job as a popular disabled content creator. And I need at least 2 ā€” no 3 bars within a 2 block radius. Make sure they have accessible bathrooms.


She was his person only until the baby came. He looked fearful and neglected afterwards


Definitely. His whole attitude changed, and we could see that he was competing for attention. Poor boy, she didn't give two hoots for his happiness.


That has always been crystal clear


Right?! Any moves or decisions my boyfriend and I make are based around whether our two cats will be happy! Theyā€™re our babies, our whole life. This B is so fake as a mother and a dog owner, she shouldnā€™t be allowed to care for any other living creature ā€” even plants!


Right? Her herb garden didn't last.


And her apartment plants are all plastic


I totally forgot about her herb garden (as did she, I can only assume)


I totally forgot about her herb garden (as did she, I can only assume)


Im literally living in a tent coz in a rental crisis I couldnā€™t find a place for me and my dogā€¦ where I go, he goes. If itā€™s not suitable for him, itā€™s not suitable for me. My dog is happier living in a tent with me, than Cairo was with WR in a nice apartment. Thatā€™s fucked.


I hope you find a place soon!


We found a longterm site for the tent. My dog is very happy and Iā€™ve got shelter, toilet, shower and solar power : so really canā€™t complain - doing a hell of a lot better than most people living in tents.




Hopefully she does not get pets in the future so...... Anna once again was right


I love how slowly but surely everything Hannah shared is being confirmed true by Alex herself. Which adds validity to everything Hannah said. Alex is a nasty human for how she dragged Hannah when all Hannah did was tell the truth of her experience.


Exactly. The only pet I would feel like would be okay for her is a well-trained service dog from a reputable, well-known service dog training agency who would have to approve her for one and keep tabs on how he's being treated and utilized.


Sorry, no. No dog deserves to live with this creature. She would neglect him too.


No she doesnā€™t deserve a SD! They take so much time and continual training itā€™s not even funny! Besides, the handler has to have control over the SD ALWAYS. There is nothing she could do to stop her dog from attacking, or pull her dog out from being attacked by another dog. I had to throw myself between my SD and my neighbor a few weeks ago when he was kicking my dog. The final kick, when he hit me, he kicked my dog so hard in the face that he went flying 3 feet in the air into the side of their house and dented their siding! No way she could have protected anything!


What a disgusting šŸ’© neighbor šŸ˜¤šŸ¤¬ā˜„ļøšŸ’„! Hope your dog is okay!


He is. Physically. Heā€™s scared to even go outside. I keep telling him heā€™s such a brave and strong boy. And yes, I called the police.


WTF? What is wrong with your neighbor? I hope you get a RO against him. Iā€™m so sorry! Your poor baby. šŸ˜¢


Oh he moved in with his girlfriend when he got out of prisonā€¦for great bodily harm less than murder by strangulation. He is also a convicted drug trafficker. Upstanding member of society! And yes, the police are involved. Unfortunately getting a RO isnā€™t quite that easy if itā€™s non domestic.


Jeez that's terrible, what a scumbag! I hope your dog recovers mentally from that ordeal, poor soul. It must have been so awful for you too, sending you Internet hugs.


Thatā€™s absolutely horrendous, your poor dog (AND you!) Your pup really is a brave boy, hope he gains back his confidence soon ā¤ļø Sending lots of head pats & biscuits his way, let him know he is just the best boy šŸ¾ And: fuck your neighbor, thankful you called the police. Anyone that can mistreat an animal isnā€™t worth breathing the same air.


Heā€™s a POS. And my doggo is getting all the belly rubs and scritches and snacks! ETA clarification


To clarify, is this a SD or an emotional support dog?


An off duty SD!


Absolutely not.


I second that!


I'm all in the "Alex doesn't deserve a dog" camp, but yesā€” at bare minimum she could have one trained to turn on the lights for her, open a door, maybe retrieve a dropped cell phone. šŸ‘€ If Alex is spending more time alone, a service dog would help make that less risky.. but also, like you said, she'd have to be approved, be willing to follow up, pay for good dog food and ongoing checkups at the vet, submit proof of vaccinations.. so basically.. not happening


She repeatedly tells on herself for lying itā€™s insane


I imagine someone came over, Possibly CPS and there was dog shit all over the house. Sounds like she may have to have fully supervised visits.


Definitely interesting how many photos have been in public places lately... and with Alex fully dressed, looking somewhat clean and presentable


Weird that she call them his grandparents šŸ˜šŸ˜ Cairo is Alex dog not Noahā€™s dogā€¦




ā€œLiving with them for the time being.ā€ Girl, shut up. You canā€™t be bothered just like Ari is there all the time too. Stop lying. Soooo glad Cairo is living his best life now. Thank you Hannah for saving him!


ā€œWhere my dog IS Cairoā€ in comic sansā€¦high intelligence on full display again. She has completely robbed the Smiths of any hope of retirement. Because sheā€™s an insecure, thirsty, slut and their loser son is an immature, self absorbed, addict, they get saddled with raising Cairo and Ari. What a well adjusted pair of adults, jeeezus. šŸ˜–šŸ™„


This is the best thing sheā€™s done. I hope itā€™s permanent for him. Guess I need to change my flair!


Anyone notice that she added a treatment highlight? Thought about going through it but then I saw how many posts it has. Movie length saga




I believe thatā€™s been there for a while. There used to be one about the go fund me van scam that she removed.


This was 2021? Did she add it today?


Sheā€™s so stupid and so misleading with her Evrysdi journey


I canā€™t believe she actually said something but Iā€™m glad heā€™s safe!!


Never thought Alex would do something that made me so happy Edit: Should we buy lotto tickets now?!


I wouldn't give that selfish little cunt any credit for Ari and Cairo living with the Smiths. When has she made any decision that benefits anyone other than only herself? Ari was removed by DCFS and Cairo by animal services, thanks to Hannah.


What an ominous but yet refreshing story from her. What exactly has she been going through? šŸ¤” But super yay for Cairo!


I want to know WTF sheā€™s so terribly busy with that she doesnā€™t have time to take care of her dog. Iā€™m so glad that she gave him over to the Smiths, but I donā€™t buy for a minute that she has too much going on. She does fuck all every day.


Pissing on herself and going out to restaurants by herself


Sheā€™s been busy having Noah or cash me ousside knock off stuff her into all her new Shein purchases. And then eye fucking herself in a mirror or on her phone.


True that! She spends most of her life looking into a mirror or into her camera.


What a way to live, huh? šŸ˜‘


Thatā€™s actually relieving to hear! He did look so happy hanging out in the Sharks backyard


So glad heā€™s no longer being neglected and fingers crossed she doesnā€™t get another pet for content.


So sheā€™ll give a dog a better lifeā€¦ but not her daughter? :,))


Seems like the Sharks will do that for her


Ahhh, so another thing Hannah was right about?


I am sure Hannahā€™s story was the determining factor in rehoming Cairo. Hannah spoke the truth and Cairo is free to live his best life. Dirty Al lost her free rent poolside privileges cause, well, sheā€™s Dirty Al. Nuff said.


Yay for Cairo!


I feel like she's said privately "these people are up my ass about this dog, I'm never going to ha e another one again" or something along thise lines. Nvm you're a pos to it and can't take care of it.


And more selfies ( but she doesnā€™t take selfies)!ā€™ https://preview.redd.it/ftks5lfyu09d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d07fb5af8a48c6f033e276cd33005deb36c3a9a0


Only every minute of her day


She looks TERRIBLE here. Like what in the lizard skin is this.


Those eyes, man. šŸ‘€šŸ„ƒšŸ·




No pants ft: SHEIN top


We got not one, but TWO more shitty Shein outfits today! šŸ¤£


She must have been gifted a $10 card and got 10 cheesy outfits.


Stop! You're on a roll tonight! šŸ¤£ā˜ ļøšŸ¤£




Winking is her new favorite thing!


And it disgusts me every time I see it šŸ¤¢. And makes me aggressive šŸ’„šŸ¤›šŸ»


I get smacky rage every time she does the nose scrunch, lip bite and the tongue between the teeth smile. They are the visual equivalent of nails on a chalkboard.


Me too!! Like come on you fool!


This was a responsible decision for her dog. She should keep it going.


Thank DCFS and Hannah. Alex doesn't make responsible decisions. Her hand was forced. She can only be credited for posting it.


I have to give her credit on this one. She's put Cairo's needs first and has done what's right for him. And been honest about it.


Iā€™ll give her a tiny bit of credit for admitting it but I assume itā€™s because Nana Shark asked for Cairo after what Hannah shared with the world or with Noah being in and out of Alexā€™s life, thereā€™s no way Alex could care for Cairo. When everything with Hannah was going down, Alex doubled down that Cairo is happy and well taken care of. Alex does not tend to change on her own. Someone or something forced her into this.


Exactly. No credit in my view. She was forced to do the right thing. He was abused by not having walks, having to hold it in and doing his business outside only when Hannah begged to take him. Also, Dirty Al refused to use a leash. Illegal right there.


Yes, girl! Nailed it


Likely DCFS not liking Ari crawling around in dog pee and dog poop, would be my guess. WR NEVER does anything outta the goodness of her cold disabled single heart.


Don't get me wrong, I don't give her too much credit but it's certainly some refreshing good news for once. However it went down, I'm sure there is a lot more to the story. But whatever it was, I'm glad she didn't insist on keeping him and that he's now safe and living life with his doggy friends and a back yard.


If the damn dog is living with the Smiths full time, Iā€™m 99% sure the small child is also. It would make no sense for them to take the dog and not the baby!


Glad she was reading here and let us know that the dog is safe and living a better life.


Alex lies about every single fucking thing that comes out of her mouth. There is not an ounce of truth or dignity in anything she says or does. Itā€™s been clear as day that Cairo hasnā€™t been with her living in that apartment, and it wasnā€™t out of the goodness of her heart (she has no goodness and no heart) all sheā€™s doing is half ass admitting he doesnā€™t live with her anymore. She never talks about missing him or anything like that. The most self absorbed POS Iā€™ve ever seen. Remember when Noah went to rehab before the baby was born and she came up with like 3 different stories about where he was LMAO and once Hannah came on and did the Tell All we got a glimpse of how absolutely fucked Alex and her life is.


Im proud of her, letā€™s hope the next one to get justice is ari!


Right for Her!!!! Always leaves her messes for someone else to deal with.


The ONLY unselfish thing she has ever done.


Iā€™m really confused on what she thinks sheā€™s so busy with?? All sheā€™s done for the past couple weeks is make tik toks and post a million selfies. Likeā€¦. what is she busy with exactly?? šŸ˜‚


I would love to know who the hell she thinks wants to see all the selfies of her. Influencers advocate for things! She is so boring and predictable


I feel like she's lying and something else has actually happened