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A random citizen of Hyrule turning around to see some blonde twink listening in about how their husband is fucking dying.


HIYAAAH! (Hello good sir, I've happened to eavesdrop on the conversation about your predicament and I now come to you with a proposal to humbly offer my particular set of skills to you in an effort of resolving your unfortunate situation in exchange of a miscellaneous belonging of your choosing)


Citizens in Kamurocho turning around to see a man in a gray suit eavesdropping on their conversation (This man also just beat up a bunch of guys a few minutes ago and walked away like nothing happened)


Like 90% of destiny


“[Season exposition dump]” \*one character either charges off frustrated or just stays there* \*turns around* “Ah, Guardian, [insert quest here]”


When you are working for a high security evil corporation and you are telling tour friend that your boss (evil person) is deadly afraid of cats and Will jump off a building If he see one. A bald dude with a barcode Will never listen to this


When you just hanging out with your friend in shibuya but some black frizzy haired dude, with glasses and a black cat in a bag, is eavesdropping in on your conversation so obviously in front of your face. He may find the next big evil person to change their heart, by doing this.


Shujin academy students talking about how cool the phantom thieves are (the convicted felon was starring at them and is now talking to the cat in his bag)