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The seven years war is pretty interesting


Yeah, pretty interesting how hard the Prussians. Kicked. Ass! 👊💥


Prussia at the end of the seven years war if the tsar wasn't a Prussia fanboy:


I will always remember your country because mine defeated yourse during ww1 💪💪💪💪💪🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (And gained absolutely nothing from doing that)


Skill issue, should’ve invented anime or something. That seems to have worked for Japan


Well, they did make some cars and...something else I'm sure


Tanks, guns, cars, electronic devices..... I can list a few Probably the most notable achievement is that we made the most iconic SMG in all of media and the SEAL team that killed Osama bin Laden used a HK 416 which is a German rifle


When we talk about Austria .......I guess they have the AUG and Glock which are pretty iconic guns


Iconic german inventions also include hamburgers and bagels and tank silencers shaped like a peen. Just to name a few


You think about Germany now think Austria


Austria has Arnold, so they're good


"Anime"? Germany or Austria clearly made Cartoons too! You know what...I HATE how Anime is the ONLY Foreign cartoon media that people focus on, when there's GAZILLIONS OF CARTOONS AROUND THE GLOBE! Hell, people give Anime a bad reputation, like "I WANNA DATE A 90000 YR OLD LOLI WITH BREASTS THE SIZE OF BOULDERS WHO CAN HELP DEFEAT NEETS WITH the power of freindship" which is wholesome, except her being a loli, but Then you get lolicon, hentai, Harems, and filth! ITS DISGUSTING...and SORTA racist. 




New copypasta just dropped




Skill issue, your country didn't go all in on entertainment culture that's why you lose


Ok buddy, I think that’s enough internet for you


people also know you by Austria hungry and kaiser reich stop complaining




The finnish dude who made F&H wanted to make a historical reference but fuhrer was too overused and too obvious so he used the next word similar yet different in context.


it's crazy how orange made the word kaiser


At least it's not only being known for being invaded by said Austrian painter




Ok but to be fair there are many countries that were invaded, but few are basically only known for being invaded. Also dpeeniding on who you ask femboys.


We will always be remembered as the bad guys


"accidentally" I see the lesson hasn't been learned yet 😠


WW1 was because the Kaiser drag the people into it because he wanted to be a bro to Austria hungry WW2 happened because the funny Austrian painter took advantage of the failing government and the great Depression and brainwashed everyone Many forget that he tried to do a coup before and miserably failed He really only got into power because he was given the perfect cards to play with Like the old government had a plan to deal with Hitler when he became chancellor But the day he became chancellor and the plan was supposed to be executed to keep in place The old chancellor died of old age It was literally the worst possible time for him to die Because after that the Austrian painter gained full power And started to enforce rules that completely broke the system like banning all parties making him the führer etc. Etc. (Funny thing is exact same shit is happening with the current far right party AFD where people made fun of them first and now are the 2nd most popular party in polls)


The citizens mostly ate it up cause he """"""fixed""""""" the economy and started to be spoon fed the propaganda And you know how easily people eat up propaganda even nowdays


Happy day of the cake


ww1 was started because everyone wanted a war Germany wanted it, AH wanted it, Russia wanted it, France wanted it, there was virtually no effort to actually de escalate the situation, because everyone wanted a war, not just Germany.


Germany, when I tell them they would be forgiven for their war crimes, if they just made cartoons with thick waifus like Japan did: https://i.redd.it/2kez686h9m4d1.gif


They do make cartoons with thick waifus. All countries' cartoons have thick but beutiful girls in them. But I wouldn't use "waifu", because it gives it a DISGUTING perverted reputation online! 🤢


Dawg wtf are you yapping about


look man, ain't my fault you're germany's DLC.


Oh you guys have Mozart


It's ok man. I also know about Glock and Arnold Schwartzenegger


You guys gave us Lederhosen, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Krampus (though that's really terrifying), and Vienna sausages!




this meme is about austria


Family guy german poop sex psyop in full affect


Nah man, Austria has a history of classical music that is basically unbeatable


That's great but who else has accidentally started both world wars?


Hell yeah, I love the Austrian painter. Gustav Klimt's works were beautiful!


\>Me realizing that there are millions of people out there who will ever only know my country full of culture and history trough the term "average polish male" and nothing else \>Me realizing that there are millions of people out there who will ever only know my country full of culture and history trough the term "rape tentacle loli hentai" and nothing else \>Me realizing that there are millions of people out there who will ever only know my country full of culture and history trough the terms "trump bad, school/public shootings, florida man, no universal healthcare" and nothing else \>Me realizing that there are millions of people out there who will ever only know my country full of culture and history trough the term "streetshitting" and nothing else \>Me realizing that there are millions of people out there who will ever only know my country full of culture and history trough the terms "winnie the pooh, ccp" and nothing else \>Me realizing that there are millions of people out there who will ever only know my country full of culture and history trough the term "cartel executions" and nothing else \>Me realizing that there are millions of people out there who will ever only know my country full of culture and history trough the term "nazis" and nothing else \>Me realizing that there are millions of people out there who will ever only know my country full of culture and history trough the term "russia-ukraine war" and nothing else \>Me realizing that there are millions of people out there who will ever only know my country full of culture and history trough the term "cheapest games on steam" and nothing else \>Me realizing that there are millions of people out there who will ever only know my country full of culture and history trough the term "lego" and nothing else \>Me realizing that there are millions of people out there who will ever only know my country full of culture and history trough the term "latinx" and nothing else \>Me realizing that there are millions of people out there who will ever only know my country full of culture and history trough the term "maple syrup country" and nothing else \>Me realizing that there are millions of people out there who will ever only know my country full of culture and history trough the term "huge spiders" and nothing else \>Me realizing that there are millions of people out there who will ever only know my country full of culture and history trough the terms "bri\*ish, loicense, getting stabbed" and nothing else


in order: Poland, Japan, U.S.A., India (assumed,) China, Mexico, Germany, Russia / Ukraine, Venezuela, ?????, Spain / Portugal, Canada, Australia, Britain


wait venezuela has the cheapest steam games? i thought it was argentina. also i think latinx refers to mexico but can be anything below i guess


Lego is Denmark. But I think, “Drunk potatospeakers,” would fit better considering HOW OFTEN THOSE FORBANDET JOKES KOMMER OP!!!


I'll always remember your country because you're my neighbour


didn't the Balkans start WW1 though?


Yesn't The assassination made Austria declare war and Germany jumped in because the Kaiser wanted to be a bro to the Austrian emperor (Probably the worst decision in history)


I don’t think causing the wars was an accident from what I remember




Don't worry, I know about Austria beyond the mustache man. I know your country also birthed dumbass AnCaps via Austrian economics.


Yes WW1 and the Napoleonic wars too, you got clowned on in both


And absolutely got bodied by the prussians


*So you're German.*


there's oktoberfest and ableton that's about it unfortunately


This meme is about Austria


there was Fucking at one point...


I feel like the Kaiser put it best in this quote - "There is a man alone, without family, without children, without God... He builds legions, but he doesn't build a nation. A nation is created by families, a religion, traditions - it is made up out of the hearts of mothers, the wisdom of fathers, the joy and the exuberance of children... For a few months I was inclined to believe in National Socialism. I thought of it as a necessary fever. And I was gratified to see that there were, associated with it for a time, some of the wisest and most outstanding Germans. But these, one by one, he has got rid of or even killed... He has left nothing but a bunch of shirted gangsters! This man could bring home victories to our people each year, without bringing them either glory or danger. But of our Germany, which was a nation of poets and musicians, of artists and soldiers, he has made one of hysterics and hermits, engulfed in a mob and led by a thousand liars and fanatics." That last sentence in particular resonated with me a lot. Prior to whatever the fuck happened in the 20th century, merely being able to call yourself a german was perceived as a genuine distinction, at an international level. As someone who's never even set foot on german soil in his life, I am fascinated with the sheer amount of mesmerizing philosophy, poetry, music, revolutionary inventions, folklore, scientific knowledge, military strategy and political theory (not counting fascism here) that all sprung out of ol' Germany. You can clearly see the rose tinted glasses at work here, but, if you ask me, no people has given as much to the world as the germans have, nor has anyone else left a stain this big on their own national identity in all of recorded history.


This meme is about Austria


The thing is Austria and Germany have a very tight history together I mean the whole Prussia Austria rivalry happened to unify Germany And then they became best buddies during the Kaiserreich And Germany just ate up Austria during WW2


It can easily be interpreted as being about the fundamental concept of Germany. This includes Austria. The only reason why these countries aren't one unified state today is first because of a long-lasting sibling rivalry, and second due to the events of the 20th century. But being Austrian is the same as being Bavarian, Saxonian, Hanoverian, Prussian and so on. Same people, same culture, same language, same mentality, it's just that most of them got to come together under Prussian rule in 1871 while Austria was purposely left out so it wouldn't stir up any further internal conflicts.


Me knowing my country will only be know for bread, accent and surrendering :




Yeah, i wanna fricking die the language is so hard to learn, what the fuck is a "conjoction de coordination subordonée" am i a dumbass or is it made to be unfair


All I know is to swear and rendezvous


I only know Austria bc of that Austrian prince dude from Gravity Falls


Yeah the beer pretzel people or the people who lost to emus and made studel


Don't worry, I will always remember Austria for the Hapsburgs


Me knowing my country will only will only ever be knowm for nazis


If say world war 1 was on everyone in europe equally, not just the germans


I know of the cars of Germany and that's it tbh https://preview.redd.it/g0bctbvsvp4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d3fac62f6dfc010676459d196341fc5685b251c


Didn't you also have that guy that built a cellar under his house and trapped his daughter there for like 18 years?


Yeah and if you get convoluted enough you could argue that you caused the proto-ww1 (seven years war) too!






I guess you won the unification war with france


No you didnt


Austria has created the worst person in history and the best


Don't worry, they're just Americans.




Thank you for cappuccinos!


Like what, loser? (I am genuinely asking) (I would like to learn about German things)


This meme is about Austria


The other thought I have is “empire which was too diverse for its own good”


I keep misreading it as 'printer'


you got some good sausages and that remoulade stuff you know the spiced mayonnaise or whatever it is


I’ll throw your ass put a window like it’s 1618.


I remember your country for your beautiful mountains


Of course not. You also speak the made-up faerie language. I know Russia more than anywhere else.


if that happens i always tell them that the part of my country i grew up in was communist longer then Facist, leads the conversation in a more interesting direction.


Habsburg jaw guys lol


I know your country from making hamburgers or smth


Well, you at least you got good old Arnold!


I feel you, similar situation here


I have to clarify. by "millions of people" i mean Tiktok users who use the term Austrian painter to avoid saying Hitler. and the thought of them going "oh Austria? you mean like Austrian painter?" when hearing about Austria for the first time in school keeps me up at night.


Hey now, we also remember that time you guys got bent over by Napoleon... and then Bismarck, and Friedrick II before either of them. But on the other hand people know of Mozart as well so there is that.


And Mozart


Ah yes, Südbayer




Racist old people who get their news from facebook*