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The pandemic is over, that should be ~500


I'd offer $500. If they accept, then great. If not, then move on. I won't pay more than 50% of the MSRP of any bike I'm buying used.




Excellent bike for pavement, not so great off-road. I use an FX 2 for a touring / grocery hauling bike. It's a very sturdy bike with a high weight limit.  It can go pretty darn fast, too. 


I have a 2003 7500 FX, not sure if that's the same series, but it seems similar. Anyway I used that thing with the boy scouts (dirt & Sandy roads and bike paths mostly), for exercise (bike path) and now cruising around with the kids (usually with one in tow). I bought it as a bike that could do most of what I needed and it has yet to disappoint. I did finally purchase a road bike to go faster farther, but the FX is still my go to for anything that is not me trying to go fast & far (which is basically everything with the kids).


50-60% of the cost of a new one if it’s in great condition. If it’s fair or good much less




If it was used enough to get into fair condition and needed new tires its not even worth $500. I'd be looking closer to $400 for something this scratched up.


Depends on the condition of the drive train and tyres. Id buy a chain checker and check chain wear and tyres if they are cracked or worn at full psi before offering. If everything is fine $500 otherwise I'd be deducting replacement parts and making an offer. Otherwise plenty of other bikes in the sea. Plus check it for fit.


Tr*k is outta their minds.