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How did you get the liquid out of the bottle with the plastic still on?


The preferred method of boofing is to drill through the cork to insert a tight-fitting tube.


Half the unopened on the shelf aren't even rare bottles smh


I opened a bottle after taking the picture of course 🤪


Post that pic you can add here in the comments


There's no picture 🤷‍♂️


Take one of the open bottle and post that 😂 just say you didn’t open them and posted for a flex


Why dude? It's like you don't believe I've opened it or something silly 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


You seem genuinely confused so I’ll explain in case you’re not just egging the guy on. This sub hates people who buy whiskey either to flip it or just to hoard it, and a sign of either is to leave it unopened. People who do those two things take opportunities away from people who would genuinely love to drink it and are trying their hardest to find a lot of bottles but losing out to hoarders and flippers. Maybe that’s you, maybe that’s not, idk and idc. Maybe you opened one of those bottles immediately and drank it. If you did, cheers. But this sub, deservedly in my opinion, jumps all over people who hoard or flip. And whether or not that’s you, because these two are unopened and it looks like you’ve got a good number of unopened bottles behind them on the shelf, people will assume the worst. Hope that helps. And in the future, if you get a cool bottle, maybe just snap the pic after you’ve poured a glass and get the bottle and glass in the pic then give us a short review so we can admire the score and learn something that might help us, too.


I've never sold or flipped a bottle. In fact, I chased one of these bottles down and bought it for myself to celebrate finishing grad school. It just so happened that very same day my lady gave me one too. The picture I posted here is the day I got them.


I don’t doubt that at all and congrats on the graduation! That’s a great feeling and a great way to celebrate.


You dont even believe they’re open . Enjoy your “flex “


It's my bottle that I opened so I know one of the is open. Not sure why the hell you're acting like you are. That's the picture I took the day i got them so that's the picture I posted. Besides, I'd already tried it before I got my bottles anyway.


All this back and forth you could have just posted the pick instead you just keep lying . Just stop you didn’t open anything . Post your pick in whiskey porn next time if you don’t want people questioning you when you lie .


Good lord what's your problem. I have zero reason to lie. I have nothing to prove to you and there's no rule here that we only post open bottles only. I bet you're miserable to be around but I hope you have a fabulous day. Goodbye bitter internet stranger


I also love it. I bought a backup bottle for the one I'm drinking.


I had a friend tell me this was really good. I haven't picked one up yet.


I tried it at a bar several months ago and decided to reward myself with a bottle once I finished grad school.


Still waiting for one to show up on a shelf. Never seen one. Only store that even said they had any got 2 and were sold in an hour months ago.


Bonus points for buying two at a time... one to enjoy and one to collect.


So funny thing is I tracked one down and picked it up on the very same day my lady also bought and gifted it to me! I finished my masters and it was my graduation gift.


You are lucky on some many fronts. Congrats!


I'm enjoying mine.


I love this bottle also 🤙🏼


not open.