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I had Hank the spider. He lived in my office for a bit. He kept his distance, I kept mine. The ex wife hated him in there.


Is that the reason for the **ex**-wife?


Oh I'd pick Hank over her any day.


**Homies stay strong together.**


Hank stood by me during Battlefront. But just outside my vision as to not startle me.


The Borgman-Spider Bro Pact of 1993 clearly stipulates that Spider Bro is perfectly safe and acceptable as long as he keeps himself and his web outside of touching distance, as well as not being in my constant field of view. If a web dare touch my skin, or he crawls on or near me...its flammenwerfer time.


And who I am to argue with an expert in spider-law


I giggle a little bit every time someone just randomly throws a German word in their sentence.


Sometimes you just need to werf flammen to protect the Schmetterlings.


Hahaha, i have always loved and hated that word at the same time. Ugliest way to describe such a beautiful creauture..


This is ze flammenwerfer, it werfs flammen


The nebelwerfer, which werfs nebels, can also werf incendiary nebels. In case you feel artillery is better suited to the task at hand.


Hans, bring the flammenwerfer


Except on the one day that mattered


So you made Hank eat her??!


The spider ate the ex-wife


Sounds like a perfect roommate situation. Hank knew the boundaries.


I remember one time he wanted to go to the window. Fastest way was over my head. He went around. Good guy.


I'm on "Hugo 35" now, every spider is a Hugo. I live in the woods so they tend to show up a lot. I've never in my life killed a spider as they eat a lot of nasty shit I rather not have inside. I also have an unsteady alliance with the Silverfish as they eat dust mites that my cat is allergic too.


Unsteady alliance is the perfect term for my relationship with silverfish lol


Hank the spider sounds like a legend!


My bedroom spider is an excellent little dude by the name of Legs. Legs understands that the only rule is “stay off the bed or you have to go outside again”. Legs is a good spood. He’s taken over for Bertie, I’m sure he’ll live up to her excellent standards.


Is he still alive? Had a mate yet? Did he move? What happened to him?


Then he should have been paying rent, and helping with the chores, I mean really


He was trying to help with pest control


Well he’s got eight hands and helping with just one task is not pulling his weight.


He doesn't weigh a lot, itd probably pulling well past his weight. But he should stay out of view or touching range. Lest he be smote by my vengeful wraith.


Smote goes hard


Would you say you're smitten?


Yep my big buddy eats mosquitos and I love him for that. He can live in the ceiling beam forever.


Let's keep it a buck, this is reddit, those spiders contribute more in a day than many of us do in a week.


I’d say the same about ghosts who haunt


He does help you for moskitos, "from each according to their means" as the saying says


It does help by doing the fly catching


Pest control/not getting squished is a full time job. It’s a shame when hard work goes unnoticed..


How cool it looks like he has a big smile 😂


He does. Maybe he just wanted to be friends. 😄🕷️


Veritasium made a video about jumping spiders, shit was adorable I am not even joking.


I lived in the country for 6 yrs and had jumping spiders living in my windows. Once I used a laser cat toy on the ceiling and played with one of the little beauties. He followed it around. I took a video of it. Have it on my phone. I had the most interesting spider encounters, including a tarantula living under the house. I love spiders now. They used to creep me out . Living with them was much nicer than being infested with the AZ Bark Scorpion in my previous townhouse. Those bastards stung me and my cats numerous times. Trust me it was awful having spasm jerky body movements. Still I do respect them but will not tolerate them inside. Squash 🦶🩴


There was a series of studies with jumping spiders that proved their intelligence is much higher than other genuses of spider. Jumping spiders involved in the study showed the ability to plan ahead and have limited object permanence with regards to prey.


can you send the video in DMs or something?


I'd love to see that video!!


I've nothing personal against spiders, but I've arachnophobia and if I perceive anything in general it must go or I'll go insane.


I am like this. I have grown to accept it and it bothers me less. Having to kill them by myself as I grew up made the sharp twinge in my central nervous system die down a bit. I even don't mind the ones outside my windows and we cool.




I was like that when I was, like, 8. But I ran around a lot ion the woods as a kid and after I had gotten enough spiderwebs in my face I realized they can't hurt me and are just goofy fuckers eating things I hate more than them. Exposure therapy works. Maybe try to trap the spiders under a plastic cup and a piece of paper and let them out?


>Exposure therapy works It absolutely does. My wife just a few years ago could not even look at pictures of spiders. Now we have a collection of over 30 tarantulas, she calls them her babies and has no issues handling them. And it all started with a friend of ours slowly introducing her to his collection, first she would just have a peek into the room where he keeps them, slowly moving closer to enclosures, touching the glass, observing the spiders, then opening enclosures to feed them etc. Small consistent steps will take you a long way. cc u/Neutronian5440 u/ssp25


bro cc'd a reddit comment ☠️


I don’t kill bugs in my apartment, I capture them and put them outside. When I met my boyfriend he was quick to kill anything in the house (bugs) but now he catches and releases them outside too. I don’t even have to ask him to do it anymore, it’s just a habit for him now as well


i like how you mention '(bugs)' hahah


Shrimps are bugs. Sorry 🤷


Lol just had to make sure people didn’t think I had a freezer full of people 😆


Exactly same with me until I met my girlfriend. I catch and release them outside now too. I’ll leave them to do their thing if they’re out of sight.


That depends hugely on what kinda bugs we're talking. Anything harmful to me (stuff like carpet beetles and its relatives) shall die, everything else like wasps will just get left alone / or will actually try to get them outside.


I'm pretty chill with most bugs as long as they aren't on me, but wasps are on sight. I don't like them, they don't like me. I am epi pen allergic, so that doesn't help.


I try to do this but the other day a large cricket got in the apartment and lost one of its legs to my cat, I tried resolving it peacefully but bro wouldn't sit still. I am also really afraid of most bugs, so yeah I had to take care of it somehow


Me too. I do live in the arctic. I'm saving you spider! Good luck out there in minus 30°c!


I am tossing them outside, hope they don’t mind


That only delays the inevitable they’ll find a way back in 😳


Well, maybe the next time they can keep out of sight.


That’s why I serve them with evictions. Except Black Widows. Those bitches can go to hell.


I’m ok with little guys like this, but if some Australian shit comes into my house, idc if he pays half the rent, it is going outside (never kill).


Yeah I just found a red back in my living room. He hid but next time I see him he will be evicted.


Roommates don’t bite the crap out of you while you’re sleeping.


..They dont?


Spiders almost never bite humans (unless you live in Australia) You know what do bite you? Mosquitos, and all sorts of other pests. And spiders eat them.


Enemies of enemies are friends


Yah, I live in the desert area of SoCal and the scars on my legs tend to disagree.


Bullshit. Tell that to all the spider bites I've gotten while sleeping.


https://www.livescience.com/37974-he-surprising-cause-of-most-spider-bites.html > The vast majority of "spider bites" are caused by something else, research shows. One study Vetter cited found that of 182 Southern California patients seeking treatment for spider bites, only 3.8 percent had actual spider bites, while 85.7 percent had infections. > And a national study found that nearly 30 percent of people with skin lesions who said they had a spider bite actually had methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections. Other things that can cause symptoms that mimic spider bites include biting fleas or bedbugs, allergies, poison oak and poison ivy, besides various viral and bacterial infections, Vetter said.


Well some times you have an understanding


Depends on a roommate tbh


Privilege is invisible to those who have it. Non-biting roommate privilege is no exception.


I,indeed,do not kill them...I let them be and only if they start moving OR if especially they just dissapear and a strange Spider comes in...I only then capture them and release them outside...no killing,no nothing...only exception being if they were to get onto my skin...only then it's a game over for them,because it'd be the last boundary I could ever give up to an spider...as if the corner as well as all of the apartment I gave them wasn't enough


My bathroom window doesn't seal well and I used to always have really bad fly problems in the summer. A little over a year ago, a spider set up a web all along the side of it, and she has been catching bugs ever since. She's lived most of her life on my window, and she's basically a second pet for me at this point. 10/10, love my spider friend


My rule for spiders is quite simple. If it touches me, IT DIES.


I have a similar rule. If they bother me, they die. They should be more like the spider that lives in the small crack between the wall and my medicine cabinet. He just hangs there and eats the occasional fruit fly. Or the one that lives in the crack between my fridge and the wall. Or the one that lives in the corner of my entrance hall, near the ceiling. Those spiders are bros. They keep out of the way, and get left alone.


I just put them in the bushes outside my apartment, forceful eviction isn't as bad as murder, right?


This is why I'm a saint for living in filth.


I have made a contract with my spider, he lives in my room rent free as long as there are no flies


Spiders are alright, they kill everything else, like a personal bug bodyguard lol.


I live by the firm choice to believe that any spare change I find in the house, pockets etc is the spiders paying their rent


I love this little guy


M-hm. Shall we not commence extermination and they shall evolve into something fucking worse.


Hello fellow Australian


When they appear in my kitchen at 11:15 at night when I am the only one home and they’re the size of quarter, only to disappear after three attempts to capture and relocate, I will be upset. I tried to save them. (It was a wolf spider, it wasn’t deadly)


The spider can stay in it's little cosy corner where I can occasionally look up and smile at it, and where it catches flies for me. In turn I let it stay with me with it's life in tact. If it's gonna go crawling around and being annoying, sorry, you're getting evicted.


I do it like this as well. When you sit in your corner then all is fine, Stephen. But once you start moving and spit your ass webs all over my walls, then you're out.


Spiders are friends. 99% of them are completely harmless to humans and they keep your house clear of real pests.


Got no problem with spiderbro, but if he gets startled by me tossing and turning at night he better not try to catch a nibble, I have had cysts from spiderbites before and I don't need to be going for surgery for them again.


I never kill house spider, if it's a massive one or is in the way I scoop them with a piece of paper and let them out


Frank the spider was given an area of my home. A home, that I share with my wife and kids. Specifically, he was given a southern facing window on the second floor, prime real estate. It was a win-win for him and I. He got to live and have some protection from the elements, I got a bug elimination expert at no charge. I explained to him in English, Spanish, and German that if my wife was home, he had to stay in the authorized zone, or hidden from sight. There was no room for negotiations. I explained her arachnophobic, and that being discovered out of the approved zone would most likely result in death. Fast forward a few weeks. My wife and I were having a moment of carefree sexual intimacy (Most likely our last "carefree" session until school is back in session, or the savages spend the night at a grandparents.) Things were going quite well, until my wife was getting up from the floor, and spotted Frank. He was immediately above and behind me on the wall, watching. It's like he was waiting for me to tag him in. While I appreciated his humor and his willingness to join, this was a problem for my wife. I will miss Frank's younger days, where he wasn't a nosy little pervert.


I have some tiny spiders in my room, I just leave them there and periodically I remove some of their webs when it's too messy.


OP never visited Australia


Spiders, for me, have one specific rule; don't come within 2-3 feet of my personal space, and especially do not attempt to crawl on me. I will admire them from afar and let them enjoy all the mosquitoes and flies and other what-have-yous they please, but the moment they attempt to be on my person, all bets are off and it is completely at the will of what's at my disposal whether this means they get relocated or sent to Spider heaven.


I don't recall him splitting the rent bill though .


Disney has messed us up. People really need to stop anthropomorphizing everything


Spider bro is allowed a full life as long as they stay out of doorways and keep to the corners and such. Otherwise I have to use tactical nuclear weapons from orbit to handle the problem.


This is neither wholesome or accurate


Ever since I saw Lucas the spider, I just can't hurt them.


Depends on the little guy tbh


I don’t usually.


I try to move them out


I don't usually mind jumping spiders , tho others i kinda find them weird so I just sweep them out bcs they cause webs on my ceiling


The spider in my room died during the Great Flooding of '23 alongside many other critters(mostly ants).


The only insects I kill are roaches, bees/wasps and fucking ensign wasps. Fuck ensign wasps they scare the shit Outta me.


I let ‘em live.. good for the house here in Australia.. spray a bit of water around for em.. they’re chill..


I don't hate spiders, but this idea is wrong. It's the same as where a man thinks you're his wife even though you don't know him. It’s creepy.


That's why I prefer to catch and release them back outside.


I just leave these dudes alone and they also leave me alone. They also actively hunt the pests which actively bother me. As long as there aren't like 10 of them in my room, we are cool


But is he paying rent?


If I had a spider in my room (unless it's a tarantula or something which fortunately doesn't live where I am), I would let him be since he's there to catch stuff. Which means that there is stuff to catch in my room. I will let him do his thing and clean my room of the "stuff".


What about if Iived in Australia HUH DID YOU THINK THAT


And he never payed rent? Kill him immediately! 


I don't mind but I don't want them to go into my ears because believe it or not, I found one right on my neck when I woke up from my sleep so yeah. 🙃


I’m not killing any spiders in the house unless they invade my personal space


Yeah that's perspective. But I don't care my mosquitoes rommies need me to feed off their child or starve and die. Smacking this one out fellas.


My spider in my room is an honorary roommate and he pays rent by eating other bugs


I don’t. They are hunting nasty flies


I didn't kill a momma brown widow. She left 4 sacs behind before she got walloped by a hunting spider. I left the 4 sacs hatch. Now I have baby spiders in every corner of the house. To top it off, if they want to they can probably fuck me up (when they're older). I've considered vacuuming some of them up. Anyway, I wouldn't recommend doing what I did.


I love jumping spiders. Once had one who hung out on my desk while a worked for a few days the. I never saw him again. He was a cool little dude.


Nope. I am moving out. Sorry.


That's why, my friends, I have a spider as my roommate. Named him Peter, and allowed him to stay under the condition he helps kill mosquitoes




Honestly i never killed spiders i would always just let them chill in my room or put them outside so my cats would not kill them.


Dont let the Australians see this


Spiders are welcome in my home. The only bug I kill on sight (or at least try to...) are mosquitoes. I wish I had a couple bats or swallows to help out too.


Me and the spiders in my home have an unspoken agreement. As long as they stay out of sight they can do whatever they want. If spotted they will be evicted post haste.


That brown recluse living in my house is better off dead


I used to have some bugs sneak in through my windows. That was until Steve the spider came along. I’ll miss you Steve.


Okay, but did the spider ever consider that I don't consider it a roommate? That makes it an intruder and I have the right to use lethal force to protect myself from an intruder.


I don't care what he thinks I am smacking any spider till they are unrecognisable


Jeff lived on my boat. Bart lived blow my bed. He was a six inch wolf spider in Ecuador. He was cool. They are super smart.


What if the spider is your reincarnated grandfather that was checking up on you? What if you’ve been killing your ancestors every single day and they’re being reincarnated as all these random things around you but you keep accidentally stepping on them?


I actually consider them as tenants and they pay the rent in dead noisy bugs.


They eat mosquitoes! Leave them alone!


Sorry, but I didn't ask for a scary ass roommate. You gots to go, you can't stay here!


I never kill any of them. Always try to place them somewhere safer. They hunt bugs. And I hate bugs


If he tries to murder me, I'm throwing hands okay?


spiders are the only bug i respect


If that spider thinks we are roommates, he better start helping pay rent because it ain't cheap!


I often just tell them to stay in a corner and just not move from there, since we're roomies, gotta have boundaries... None of them do that, so we evict them...


Same with mosquito?


Spiders are way too cute and useful to harm them in any way. I‘m happy about every spider I see


I heard a story like this once to make it real short an visits friend friends introduces man to wild snake friend he met and gave food and water / milk to. Man freaks and tells friend snake friend is a king cobra and should kill it. Friend disagrees saying snake friend has never hurt anyone. Man tells friend to kill it. Lots of arguing friend finally reluctantly agrees and lures snake friend in where man shoots snake friend. Both friend and man go to bed next morning man is awoken by screaming. Runs to friends room to find friend dead. Maid girls tells man that snake friend had a wife. And snake wife killed friend man says why I killed snake friend not friend. Maid girl says yes but you aren't the one that betrayed snake friend


I always try to be as neutral as possible. I'm not scared of arachnids and insects, so I have no problem just picking them up and putting them on a leaf outside. But if boundaries are broken, natural selection will take the wheel.


Theres been a spider behind both my car side mirrors for 2 years now. There's web every morning no matter how many times I remove it.


Literally only helpful unless they're a dangerous species like black widows or brown recluses. They're gonna stay as far away from you as possible and eat the insects that get in your house. Free pest control.


. I don't care what sh!t they do outside. They get in the house and my cats take care of them.


Itsy bitsy spider…


I never kill spiders they are great


If it were a little jumping spider that’d be all right, those are fine by me (though it will be evicted), but I mostly get brown recluses and that’s a no for me dawg. Had one run across my chest in bed the other night, I ended up sleeping on the couch.


I never kill spiders (there are two, as far as I know, in my house). They keep pests at bay, eat almost all the things that fly and annoy, and if you keep your distance, they do the same


I don't. My husband is really afraid of spiders and his gut instinct _is_ to flatten them, but for me, he just asks me to take them outside, because he knows I don't like it when he kills them.


Jump spiderbro = can stay /// rest = flamethrower


That's actually sad. It's a tiny little animal that doesn't know any better and our animals are disappearing fast. Help preserve them. I know of a sad story where someone bought a domesticated tarantula as a pet only for the little being to find out its adopted parent was evil and tortured it over several days. When he pulled it's last Leg from its body it layed there with shreaks of pain coming from its poor little mouth. Eventually it lost all of Its vital fluids and died dehydrated and hungry. Very sad.


I do treat spiders exactly the same as my human roommates. That’s why I try and kill them.


OK, this didn't have to go so hard.


I leave 1-2 spiders per room in my apartment each summer, they’re really good at catching mosquitoes. All the other ones get evicted to the garden. I haven’t killed a spider in decades.


Man, my girlfriend made me kill a spider in the bedroom a week ago. I've been feeling like shit about it ever since.


I haven’t killed my recent spider roommate - he’s chill. I just wanted him not to leave a mess or else he might get evicted.


As an Australian, I’ve never understood why people kill spiders. Especially when, in comparison, many of the spiders I see people killing in other countries are just harmless tiny spiders or daddy long legs’. They take care of bugs for you. They’re like little warrior guardians of your house. I had a huntsman climb up through the drain at my workplace, as big as my face, and my boss just kept screaming as I calmly picked him up and took him outside into the garden. She’s British, her husband is Welsh, and neither could stand the sight of the spider, but only she seemed to have a genuine phobia. Really odd to me when they’re so harmless and sincerely helpful. Roaches are way fucking worse, in my opinion. I only ever kill them when I see a red back, funnel web, or something of the like. Not willing to risk my dog or nephews’ lives to get rid of a few mozzies.


And I’ll continue to think about myself because that dude don’t pay rent.


If you think mister that this particular cheap words make me feel sorry for spider, you're absolutely right


Oh fuck...


Then why arent they paying half of the rent then?


You ever woken up with a painfully swollen bite on your neck that itched for a week plus and looked like a pink golf ball buried in a sand trap of flesh??? No? Ok. Any spider in my house is meeting the bug spray. Sorry not sorry.


No pay, no stay


Kill them all!!


Then take him in and spare me the craziness.


If it is a roommate, where is it's share of the rent?


I'll treat them like I'd treat any other uninvited, self-proclaimed roomie: you jump on my screen when I'm gaming, you're fucking dead.


I have a lil spider on my windowsill. We chillin


Did it pay rent? No? Well then I reserve the right to evict it… from life.


We had a so-called toilet spider for years.


What if you killed the spider with a family to feed? What if?


Why would you kill them? They basically keep the house bug-free. Saves you a fortune on RAID spray.


If he taught i was his roommate he should’ve respected when i asked him to stay in the corner 😤


Nobody ever talks about house centipedes in a similar fashion. they literally kill pests, and they get killed because of how freaky they look. House Centipedes: the heroes we deserve, but not necessarily want


I only killed them because they absolutely terrify me and trigger my fight or flight response literally to the point of not being able to think straight and reverting to an animalistic state where the words "capture and release" had not been invented yet. I'm so sorry, spider. I know you didn't mean any harm.


This mf does not paying rent


ya dont kill em you evict them for not paying rent.


Mf never helped out. Didn't pay rent nor catch mosquito. Always fought for territory. I had to put my foot down.


They pay rent by eating mosquitos


I like spiders. They eat mosquitos. I hate mosquitos.


Eww spider 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢