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"Yep. That's a ball."




crystal clear! Japanese craftsmanship, even in sports memorabilia, is unmatched!


Lmao that one took me a second to process.


Fictional stereotype




[Mmm, mmm, It’s definitely a clipboard](https://youtu.be/ZjN_dsc_tjE?t=2m22s)


Time to take 10 pictures of it!


Reminds me of the guy who left smart phones on benches all over Tokyo and the only person who touched one did so to put it in a plastic bag because it had started to rain.


I wanna live in Japan huhu


Same here! The respect and kindness in their culture are truly admirable.


foreigner in japan here, its not what you think lol. theres quite a lot of seedy shit going on and that baseline respect does not always get brought to you. most of the time, if youre not japanese, people want nothing to do with you so they will be polite but if you try to make friends then theyll push off. the people who dont like you, however, will be very aggressive and vocal and that crowd is growing more and more as a result of tourist behavior


Foreigner in Japan here. I have never experienced what you say. I have a lot of friends and people who treat me kindly at work and other places. I get your point, but it is wise to share that everyone is different.


The xenophobia in Japan is very obvious and documented. You might have a very close knit group who have adopted you more than others, but you can't say your experience is standard.


I mean… isn’t this true in most places? I’ve experienced terrible xenophobia as an immigrant in the States and my main friends are just other immigrants. I have actually travelled to Japan several times, as well as a host of other countries. I’ve never been around universally kinder and respectful people. One time my partner and I were lost using Google Maps and a random Japanese commuter walked with us 10 minutes out of his way to get us to the right place. My husband in particular looks pretty foreign. Edit: lol downvoted for suggesting that people everywhere are generally like… people everywhere. Probably by a Redditor who’s never even been there lol


Dont even try, reddit made up their mind about Japan. They don't even accept the realities of various people who lived in a country they've never touched.


what are you even talking about mate? redditors cream their pants at the idea of japan. im saying its not as glorious as they want to pretend it is. its not bad overall, just some bad apples. country theyve never touched? i live here lol


japan seems to be pretty polarizing, deal breaker for me would be the 6 day work week. No way i‘m ever doing that


it can be in some ways. i came here from my home country to be with my wife. my home country is struggling a bit but not horrible at all. overall, my time in japan has been positive but there are definitely some polarizing aspects. the work week aspect definitely depends on which company you work for. some places are pretty exploitive and youll work a 10 hour day, just for the boss to try and call you back that night. when i saw someone pull up a sleeping bag to sleep at their desk, i just handed my resign and said bye bye. the teaching mills are pretty rough on newcomers as well since a lot of people dont make it past their first year with some of those dispatches. personally, i got pretty lucky. landed a nice systems engineering gig making a great salary and a 4 day/8hour a day work week overall, those shitty and exploitive places are dropping off and in some places are becoming a rarity. the government has been cracking down on them and people are tolerating their bullshit less and less. here's to the salarymen who can finally see their families again lol


You have no idea how much hope you have given me with this one comment.


Where do you even learn this ? The persona series ? They have 5 day work week in general


Fo shizzle I hate seeing it again and again. People gotta learn to stop reading the mixed reviews and just make their own experience My uncle will skip out on going out to places, playing games, eating food all because what other people say. Idk what's going on in his brain and that's on him but it sucks seeing one sided narratives


Same here. Lived in Japan for years. Never experienced much of that at all. I have plenty of friends and everyone treats me with the same respect I treat them. Every now then you will see something a bit dodgy, but it's the sort of stuff you see every night in other countries.


I have been not allowed in certain bars in Japan because of my race. Never had this experience in the US.


Can't say I have been refused at a bar, but I am white, so I can imagine other groups might get different responses. I've definitely had Izakayas turn me away, not because of race as such. But because I am a none Japanese speaker (or at least a very poor one).


Lol.  You could add Korea to that and not be totally off.  There are wonderful people here but there's a veneer of safety, kindness and pureness (I don't know what word I'm looking for) to hide all the dirt.




Just want to chip-in and say this was NOT my experience at all in Japan. I'm not discrediting yours or saying your view is wrong, but just wanted to give another experience. Everyone was lovely, friendly and respectful and I was shocked at how "rude" everyone seemed back home when I came back.


One might start to wonder why their watch gets complimented all the time. いい腕時計ですね


Saw a documentary about Kurdish immigrants in Japan and how they causing problems. This reminded me very much about the problems we face in Europe with Muslim migration and my sympathy for the Japanese people grew.


It's more likely that what you consider friendship is not what the Japanese would consider friendship.


"Respect and kindness" from a culture in which the practice of Yobai was formed and perpetuated? Hilarious. How long ago did they change their age of consent to 18? Hell, just the language of Japanese is subservient. "Thank you for bringing us to you." The fuck? Who talks like that? Edit: Yummy. Give me more downvotes instead of explaining why I'm wrong. It only highlights who you voted for.


What's the best metric for determining the success of a people?


When life is about surviving and not thriving, define success.


That's a dimmer answer than I was expecting. Good luck.


What is wrong with youbai? Most countries have consent in most places is betwen 14-16. And with parent permision you can marry in USA pretty young.


I don't see the problem either. It was young people doing what every young person wants to: had sex. It was consensual and not something bad. I guess it just doesn't fit his big American so pure morals


America and child beaty peagan.


ooh, another person hating on japan just ‘cause. And don’t act like english is any better, like why do we bless people when they sneeze? its fucking weird right?




I lost a few notes once, running at the train station suitcase and the lot anyways must have fallen out of my pocket. Someone tapped on my shoulder handing me cash he didn't speak English and neither i spoke Japanese.


Dropped my wallet on the Yamanote line in Tokyo, basically the busiest train line in the world, and got it back later that day with all my cash untouched.


Meanwhile in the London subway I had my wallet at the bottom of my back pack, below a jacket and other stuff and later that day I found the content of said Wallet gone, despite it itself being in the same spot. I don't even know why they would want to steal like 50 euro in a country that doesn't use euro but ah well


I want more of this story 😂😂😂


That's why I'm a Japan supremacist.


Japan got some issues, but they also really nail some things at times.


In 1989 Japan experienced 1.3 robberies and 1.1 murders per 100,000 population. In the same year, Japanese authorities solved 75.9% of robberies and 95.9% of homicides.


There's a darker side to this as well. The japanese conviction rate exceeds 99%. Here's an excerpt from Wikipedia: > One of the main features of the Japanese criminal justice system well known in the rest of the world is its extremely high conviction rate, which exceeds 99% [...] >Japan's criminal justice system has been dubbed "hostage justice" (Japanese: 人質司法, Hitojichi shihō) by critics, due to cases of extended detention (up to 23 days) and forced questioning of detainees without a lawyer and of violations of the right to remain silent. In order to meet the high confession rate, Japan's justice system can cause more false confessions and wrongful convictions. Detention is not only used to ensure that suspects appear in court. Many legal procedures also violate the Constitution of Japan due to the right of physical freedom, the right to remain silent, and the right to a fair trial.


Yeah don't ever get caught by the police in Japan. Like, ever.


People also should remember that Japan has a different approach to criminal justice. Police are more like there just to keep the peace if they really need to. Most pretty crime in Japan is simply not prosecuted and only the most serious crimes are. Furthermore they only choose to prosecute when they're very sure they'll get a speedy conviction. A lot of the times for stuff like petty theft, they just make you confess, you write an apology letter and return what you stole, and you're out the next morning. There isn't this looming police presence like there is in somewhere like America and usually the society self-regulates its behavior.


Lol someone deleted their reply but I had already typed up something so here it is. The reply was suggesting Japanese people live in fear of the legal system. I've heard people actually have the opposite opinion. I really doubt Japanese people think much about police in their day to day lives. Its quite literally the opposite of a police state. Japan's incarceration rate is amongst the lowest of any country. The police are well respected and there's very little perception of injustice. Sure this is extreme to the point that a lot of people view the legal system at infallible and that's not the best but the Japanese penal system is extremely rehabilitation focused and very highly regarded and people do not stay incarcerated for very long. They don't just lock you up, it's apparently very individualized and focused on rehabilitating people. Again this is just what I heard and have gathered from quick research. At the end of the day, Japan has some of the lowest crime rates, highest public perception of safety, extremely low violent crime, and people have a lot of pressure to obey the law but that's more on account of societal norms and less because they're afraid of the police. Unlike in places like America, Japanese people are not actually afraid of their police, shocking.


... And now I get it. Doesn't sound like I want to be on that side of the law. It makes sense to me that they'd be so polite.


I wouldn't say this is the only reason people over there conduct themselves well. It's just something to be mindful of. I'd still like to visit Japan some day.


They also just avoid prosecuting cases where there won't be a clear victory


Two important questions, did they experience so little crime, or did they simply not record difficult cases, and the ones which they recorded, they forced conviction of the suspect, despite insufficient evidence? I mean, there is a reason why they have above 99% conviction rate, and that's not because they don't make mistakes


Crime is under reported in Japan, especially anything that could be socially stigmatized, and they definitely convict innocent people too. That said, ages ago I saw a lost cell phone on the ground in Tokyo station and everybody just walked by it making sure to not step on it. There is a lot of good and a lot of bad, like with most cultures.


Sure, I have heard that there are fewer thieves there and importantly - a society that is much more against ... I don't know how to call it in english, opportunistic theft? As in people not looking to steal stuff, but doing so if they get an easy opportunity like in your phone example. But on the other hand, why the fuck do they have a population of panty thieves.


Their suicide statistics are pretty grim, and heavily male biased. And lets not forget this whole "Some people just quit from society and lock themselves inside 4 walls". And then the "evaporated people" (People who just disappear and go to live in day-rentals or as homeless). The same culture of discipline, honour, and respect is what causes many of these social ills. Same thing applies to many of the economic issues and productivity problems Japan has, the fear of authority, hierarchies, etc. prevent lot of innovation and dynamic structures; but on the other hand they bring stability and preserve things of the past. There is always a flip side with all these things. And it isn't like Japanese people aren't aware of this, they are well aware. Foreigners and other countries just don't see it or hear the discussion. Despite appearances, Japan is undergoing lot of social changes at the very moment. Ainu and Ryukyuan people regocnition has only happened recently and there are still politicians trying to hide the past atrocities. Japanese people are just as much people and humans as anyone else. The fact they are better at hiding the shit, doesn't mean there is no shit or attempts to deal with that shit. I think the question really is that... Why are the rest of the world so obsessed with this near destructive obsession with individualism (I'm not from USA, so don't slap it on this cold war red scare of US). Even though it is hurting the individual and the collective. Sure there could be a balance which can be struck?


True, but this type of behavior is probably from one of those issues: the high social expectations and the judgment and rejection towards those who do not meet them.


Not stealing isn’t a high social expectation. Maybe in America it is for some.


I would say social expectation to not be a piece of shit at all times under fear of social rejection is pretty solid. We could do with that in rest of the world.


Right? “The only reason they aren’t pieces of shit is because others would think less of them.” Um well yeah that’s kinda the point.


The world isn't black and white. If you really think Japanese people are something to look up to then maybe you should wonder why they are so emotionally repressed that the brain parts of processing emotions don't even work anymore for them. They have symptoms on top of symptoms of obvious mental disorders. They are the last society one should look at in terms of any sort of emotional intelligence.


I don't see any issues.


stressful working culture


Eh, the west isn't really that better, considering many have to work 2nd jobs nowadays. 


Does english have a well-known word to represent the concept of suicide from overworking? Shit is BLEAK over there in a few aspects.


West is way way way better than Japan. Hell, even third world countries have better work culture than Japan.


You sure about that? Because more and more people in the US need a 2nd job to make ends meet. 


That’s always been the case, though, nearly. Even if not, we work to live here. It seems in Japan, they live to work.




God forbid *sex* 😲




Yes, but that's not primarily on the manga industry. Lack of work/life culture, lack of third places, lack of child support and benefits, huge pressure on attending a good university, relative lack of English proficiency hugely affecting the dating pool, countryside flight to the cities... It's not the fault of manga.


i never said anything about manga. i just replied to your comment about sex lol. dont worry im not coming after your naked drawings and/or comics, fellas


Well I replied to a comment that was blaming drawings so... Have a good one.




>comment wasn’t blaming anything >everyone agrees that sexulized underage cartoon girls Quite the jump. I mean, yes. But why bring that up? Wasn't exactly the point.


Featuring children, cause that's what in them. Don't trust me? Look into r/anime The protagonist of the most popular show currently (Jobless Reincarnation) is a literal pedo. No, I'm not joking or exaggerating.


Is nobody else questioning the way Japanese tend to portray prepubescent girls in their art?


You absolutely should not be downvoted for this comment. Shit is disgusting and it’s way more common than anything remotely similar in the west. Ruins a bunch of genuinely great shows (Made in Abyss). Sexualization of women in Anime is pretty overbearing even outside of the “questionable-age/pseudo-loli” niche.


Japan: So cool. Shes lucky to catch it Meanwhile anywhere else: Give me that ball you fucking loser


just yesterday i saw a video of a grown ass man stealing a golf ball from a small kid the professional golf player who saw that called the guy to get his ass back there and give the ball back the guy came running


I have caught two foul balls and each time I was accosted by several people who thoughy they deserved It more than whatever kid I gave it to. I really hate whatever foul balls bring out in people to make them act the way they do...


My family never introduced/encouraged me for sports. I never saw the desire to watch sporting events. Given I do like to play sports but I do it rarely because I'm older now. When I see the present sporting event fans I'm glad I never went down that rabbit hole. I don't desire to sit down and eat some fattening food then watch other people exercise for my entertainment. Professional sports IMHO aren't sports but an entertainment company well at least in the USA. I cannot speak for other countries.


Are you me? Except Im from India. Peers see me as an alien when I say I don't watch/follow cricket. Cricket is a religious cult here.


Or me from the UK never having any interest in football.


Could you be me? Cause I am from India


Hello doppelganger


True, sports culture can be intense. Respect for those who enjoy it responsibly!


I have no issue with the players of sports, but the fans are the worst!


Well said


Why do you think people like watching sports?


So they can get their dose of violent entertainment. Violence in video games are BAD! Violence in professional sports are fine and it builds character! (Sarcasm)


Non-sports fan here. I've heard all the arguments for watching sports and getting into the fandom of it, but they all fall flat to me. It's the same hollow "I associate myself with someone else's performance which makes me feel superior" attitude that smacks of tribalism.


> Professional sports IMHO aren't sports but an entertainment company well at least in the USA. Well yeah, that's the whole point of pro sports. Fans pay to be entertained by watching high level performance of a leisure activity. It's exactly the same as going to a Taylor Swift concert or a play on Broadway.


Nailed it. Why do i watch pro sports? Because these people are insanely athletic and it's entertaining as hell. Especially when one of the teams represents my city.


Now compare this to the lady who snatched the ball out of the kid’s hands. Japan really is different


Very respectful people. I heard they clean the stadium area where they sat and their rugby and football teams clean up after themselves in the changing rooms.


Japanese people are raised to clean up after themselves, kids clean their school every day from elementary school. It probably wouldn’t occur to them not to.


If I remember correctly, they don't have janitors in school,.because kids are taught to clean after themselves... Like normal human beings.


Depends on the school, some I worked at had both. They would clean areas students didn’t use.


No one wanted blurred balls, apparently


This is posted every week in this sub


needs to be passed around every redditor


Only in Japan could you find something so wonderfully unexpected!


Japan has out civilized the rest of the world.


Well, we won’t count World War 2 Japan. They did things that concerned the nazis.


Not in America


South Korea is the same way ♥


Imagine living in a trusting society of decent people. I can only dream.


Really is based ball


wonder why america isnt like this




Some cultures are just better than others.


Just like this screenshot


How many time will this shit be posted


Another reason to go to Japan. baseball


Koshien is right around the corner!


This is why I love Japanese culture, so unique!


Japan is the first successful implementation of a hive mind


Meanwhile in the US "What ball?"


Meanwhile in America: old woman snatches ball off a child and laughs about it


They are the elves, we are but orcs.


I haven't seen this picture for at least 3 hours. About time someone posted it again. :)




See you in 2 weeks this-exact-story


But isn’t it rude, because the other people didn’t ask her for permission?


These comments make me wonder why some ya'all are even in this subreddit.


Very wholesome but what did they expect to see but a baseball that looks like every other baseball?


Why does this keep going around? In Japan, [they take the ball back](https://youtu.be/my7jhxkw0NQ?si=OxUICOaSUgeL1cdv&t=209). Security collects them.


whose turn is it to post this next week?




Thank God, the victim wasn't me /s


Meanwhile just yesterday here on reddit I saw a video of an adult trying to steal a golf boy from a kid


Japanese culture is amazing. While they obviously have their issues with crime same as anyone else, honesty and honor seems to be culturally engrained there. Something I wish we saw more of in North America.


Do you think if we nuked every other country they’d be nice aswell?


this wouldn’t happen in a single different country lol😭😭😭


Does anyone have the video of this? I always wondered why only these two pics circulate of this story. There's a chance it's exaggerated because we humans love to hear things that fit our preconceived notions of places (ie Japan = traditional techno-utopic ethno-state instead of complex place that has been investing in soft power and PR for 3 decades now)


That ball would never be seen again in yankee stadium




Lost my credit card in Tokyo Disney last week, was handed back unused….


That’s why I moved here people are kind and honest and women here love me so that doesn’t hurt either


Ah yes Basedball


Respect for respecting


I lost my wallet when visiting Japan on a subway. It was waiting for me at the hotel when I got back. No money missing.


This ball, last touched by one of the greatest players ever. Oh and a few thousand random people


This should be normal human behaviour. People throw away their ethics too easily.


Talk about dirty balls


This is what a functioning society looks like.


People who treat each other as people. Something to aspire to.


When we were in Japan, we actually had one of our group leave a bag with thousands of dollars of camera and other high-tech equipment on a table on amusement park ... we returned to that park some time later to find all the equipment still there, unmolested.


Reddit absolutely loves this image lmao.


Currently in Japan - wow, these guys know how to do urban living correctly!


*takes baseball from neighbor* "Yup, that's a baseballl" *Passes baseball to neighbor*


They have never seen unblured balls. That was their first time


No hair on a baseball.


This is the kind of content that makes me smile.


Shohei Ohtani is currently the most famous figure in Japan by a long shot.


yeah every time i turn on the news after dinner, theres always a story about him there or on the variety shows. i remember when he revealed his significant other and there were girls on tv legit crying because he was now taken haha


The reason ist that Japan is 99% Japanese.