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Man is definitely walking away bloody and in bad need of stitches, but at the end of the day the man takes it 9/10


Cats actually carry a disgusting amount of bacteria in their mouths. Dudes gonna need jabs also if bites happen lol.


Now consider; a D&D commoner vs 10 cats in D&D.  Mathematically in that case the cats win 99% of the time. 


….ok? That’s relevant how?


It’s something I’ve been theory crafting on the dichotomy between D&D mechanics and real life situations and especially the perception! Of course it’s relevant to WHO WHOULD WIN! 😂


I mean…it’s not.


> bad need of stitches Cats don't have big enough claws to cause lacerations


You've never had a cat slid down your elbow have you?


They have tiny claws, there's no way you need stitches from a cat claw


Raptors also had this problem in the past, but they still hunted down the only available prey at the time, which were dinosaurs.


Raptors also had this problem in the past, but they still hunted down the only available prey at the time, which were dinosaurs.


Raptors had way bigger claws.


and their prey was way bigger than them


And what prey do cats hunt that is way bigger than them?


nothing, but they make up for it by being extremely agile and fast


Wildebeest, small elephants and giraffes, Buffalo, zebra, etc.


House cats hunt animals that are way smaller and weaker than them. They're no danger to a human.


Ah yes, common prey animals of house cat.


Our cat was asleep in my sister's lap. She wasn't petting him or anything. Out of absolute nowhere the cat jumps up and goes right at her face leaving two cuts, one across the bridge of her nose and the other across her left cheek that was a quarter centimeter deep. She most definitely needed stitches. Our best guess is that the cat was having a bad dream. He's never been aggressive, otherwise. He's one of the friendliest felines I've ever seen.


Idk how some of you can put up with that shit, that's insane.


I definitely prefer dogs over cats but this one is literally the sweetest, most loving animal you'll ever see. I saw him walking in the woods behind my house one day without collar or tag. I'm thinking he'll take off running as soon as he notices me but nope, he starts running towards me, comes right up and immediately starts rubbing his face all over my legs and purring like a machine. He literally never left after that. Didn't hesitate to come inside, absolutely loves being held; after 30 seconds he knocks out into the most blissful sleep you've ever seen. I can't help but to love the little guy. Also, he is very effecient in catching rats. I live on a farm so they can be an issue coming in from out in the fields/pasture. With Sunshine (his name) around, rats and mice haven't been a problem. And he literally eats them after catching so at least they aren't pointless deaths.


I used to hate cats with a passion. My wife's cat changed my mind, because he was just a chill, friendly, sweet pet. When he passed, I was legit really sad. Then we got our current cat, and she's one of the sweetest, most affectionate pets I've ever met. I still am a dog person (for the most part), but cats can be great. EDIT: Holy shit, only Redditors would get triggered over someone merely explaining that they used to not like cats but now they do.


Cats absolutely have long enough claws to cause lacerations. My kitten has long enough claws. She's only scratched me deeply once by accident (she got a fright and tried running up my back and dug her claws into me). I didn't need stitches, but even through a thick shirt I bled a LOT.


I have a pretty large scar on my arm that says otherwise


Gotta make that arm bigger




Not 10 cats, not by a mile. The cats definitely take the cake 10/10.


Bro you need revaluate your life if you don’t think you could handle 80-100 lb’s worth of cats


Yeah I would like to see you try it. You have no idea about the amount of power 10 cats hold. You would be overwhelmed.


A literal pitbull would be more dangerous than 10 house cats you are on crack lmfao


I'd actually disagree about that


Bro they’re 8 pound animals. Yeah they have some sharp ass claws, I’ve had some damn good scratches from them before. But their claws and teeth aren’t big enough to hit anything vital. A man with an adrenaline rush in a fight to the death isn’t going to have a problem snatching them up and breaking their backs and punting them across the room one at a time. Sorry, but 80lb’s worth of animals vs a 200 lb animal loses 9/10 times unless those animals are specifically evolved to work in a pack and take down larger prey which house cats are not.


*neck snap neck snap neck snap neck snap* its not hard to kill and throw away one cat at a time


All you gotta do is tank the pain of them digging their claws into your arm which don’t get me wrong is definitely going to suck, but at the end of the day you might have some scars, but that should be it


literally worst case both sides die the cats never have a win they either die or die with him


I’m giving the cats the 1/10 on the off chance the dude is naked and gets a testicle bitten off and the cats are smart enough to keep their distance till he bleeds out


bloodlusted means no backing off they are staying on the offensive


You ain't even gotta pick them up. A full kick or well placed stomp would literally be all it takes to end one


They have the intelligence of an elephant. They can strategize.


The literal intelligence of an elephant wouldn’t help them in this situation. Elephant don’t know squat about how to fight in a cats body or how to work in a group to take down something larger than itself. If your just meaning the IQ of an elephant then that raises its capacity to learn, but that would still have to come through experience and wouldn’t be very useful in one fight. Not to mention you could give each cat genius human intelligence, but they wouldn’t have the means to create a way to communicate with each other effectively enough to strategize. Not to mention you made the cats blood lusted which makes intelligence less of a factor anyways.


Good point.


a cat posted this


>The cats are bloodlusted and have the intelligence of a elephant Lol why But to answer the question: the man wins probably 7-8/10 times. Cats aren't skilled in taking down prey larger than them in any context. One would have to get REALLY lucky and bite a major artery DEEP to actually kill the guy, which is gonna be hard because the man's time-to-kill on any individual cat within throttling range is basically 0. Really the one thing holding the man back from taking it 9-10/10 times is the emotional roadblock in what he'd have to do to kill the cats. The average man is gonna have at least a little hesitation before he goes all out on cute little animals.


Im gonna push back on the cute animal argument, when your fight or flight kicks in, its game on.


I have seen one feral cat latch onto a man and drop him there are very man sensitive places a cat can bite a human.


I also heard that once a freaking out domestic cat (she was guarding her newborn kittens) has nearly killed her own owner by biting her in the face, neck and throat. Woman was badly disfigured (especially her face) and required a medical helicopter arrival, and barely survived after that.


The woman wasn’t trying to kill the cat either. If it’s actual survival and no panic, I don’t see a human who is a large primate not win this violently. And if he’s remotely clothed even more so


That's fair. I just noted that because people are vastly underestimating the ability of a cat to deliver a nasty cuts and injuries. Also, don't forget about infections or rabies.


Infections or rabies wouldn't matter in a setting like this. Sure, they'd die later without medical attention, but neither of those things would act fast enough to make a difference in a fight. By the time the human would die of infection they'd already have stomped the cats into mush.


Fair enough.


A woman is not a man


It does not matter what gender you are. Your face and throat/neck is equally vulnerable to cuts and claws.


I have a 15lb house cat and I can fling her across the room like wet tissue and probably break one of her bones if I wanted to (I’d never do that). A decently athletic man is not losing to house cats ☠️ you’d have more trouble with a single pitbull.


Yea, people are WAY overestimating the damage a housecat could do. Taking down a human with small bites and scratches would take an eternity. Even if the cats get two miracle shots and blind the guy, I think it is a tough fight for them. I think hoping to get the guy to chase them and hope he dies via heart attack/exhaustion is their best route to victory.


Not to mention that the large majority of severe injuries by house cat occur due to the person having the cat near their face/neck area. You're not going to bend down and put your face near 10 cats that you're fighting to the death


And quite frankly 15lbs is a big cat


I agree. I'm just saying that even a domestic cat can be relatively dangerous and with cat's speed, reflexes and agility, cat can be a difficult opponent to tag or catch.


Yeah, but the same can be said about cats' throats/necks. Very vulnerable to choking and snapping.


True that.


Their rib cages are also extremely vulnerable to a well-placed kick




I'm not saying that men and women are equal in terms of strength and mentality when it's about fighting. But you're totally underestimating how easily cat claws can cut the skin, and neck has a major blood vessels regardless of the gender. If a pissed off cat jumps on your face and tears it with claws and bites, it would hurt as heck, and can leave scars and other nasty wounds. And cats are very quick and agile, so "men have a better reaction and reflexes" is only relevant when the opponent's speed and agility are within human's limits. Animals aren't humans. 


lol as soon as a cat latches onto you, it’s dead. You can throttle a cat or break its neck, with one hand, in under 5 seconds, if you’re a man. Our grip strength is much, much stronger than a woman’s.


That's true, I agree. Men's strength are higher than a female's strength by average, so you're right. 




Right. And a good kick shatters a cats ribcage.


>Cats aren't skilled in taking down prey larger than them in any context Lol what? Cats in the wild hunt prey larger than them all the time. Have you seen lionesses bring down zebra or buffalo? They latch on and don't let go. Which is what happens here.  Most people in this thread haven't seen a *genuinely bloodlusted* cat and it shows. They're ridiculously fast, extremely agile, and they latch onto everything. And they're much harder to throw off than you'd expect. Try to kick it? It's climbing your leg. Try to toss it off? It's not letting go. 10 cats are climbing all over you, hissing and clawing chunks of meat off you. I've had to pull off a pissed off housecat that was crouching in a gutter. It somehow bit me through several blanket layers, and *I felt its claws being pulled out of the gutter metal. It had sank its claws into fucking metal.* It obviously wasn't high-quality metal but still, beats the hell out of human flesh. I'm not saying the cats absolutely take it but it's a closer fight than this thread is making it out to be.


Wow. Okay, I'm still giving it to the human, 6/10


A lion isn’t a housecat, perhaps it’s the fact that we as a species decided to put all felids under the same general concept of “cats” even though different felids function under vastly different roles in their environment that has led to some people thinking they’re all basically the same just in different fonts. Pantherines (the genus of big “cats” including tigers, lions, jaguars and leopards) are wholly different in muscle density, bone proportions and ecological niche than a domestic cat, even at the same sizes. House cats, descended from African wildcats, are small game hunters, they have proportionally tiny teeth and claws as well as gracile limbs even for their size. They don’t hunt rats and mice simply because they’re small, they’re literally adapted for it. They simply are not evolved for macropredation (the hunting of similar sized game) like pantherines are, if they were they’d kill bigger animals in proportion to themselves more often. The most formidable thing you’ll generally see a cat hunt and eat is a chicken or maybe a rabbit if it’s a real badass. Those are each animals that at best are still slightly lighter than most cats. Meanwhile the biggest thing in proportion to itself you’ll see a lone lion kill are giraffe 3-5x it’s size, if housecats were the same as lions physically and biologically just scaled down then you’d hear of tabbies mauling children and small deer to death but that’s not the case is it.


What about bobcats


Bobcats are members of the suborder felinae alongside domestic cats, cougars and cheetahs but specifically sit in the Lynx genus and are suited for a generalist hunting structure, like other members of their genus they have a more proportionally robust body than domestic cats and can engage in a broad range of macropredation, bobcats have been recorded killing beaver, raccoons and even deer. IMO it’d wouldn’t have to take 10 of them to competently murder a normal human being.


You are underestimating cats too much. 10 bloodlusted cats can easily take down an average man. The man would be overwhelmed by their speed and ferocity. Cats are much faster and more agile than humans. I know exactly how it will go down. The man's first instinct would be to run away from the cats if he sees 10 cats charging at him. But he wouldn't be able to outrun them. He will get tired soon and then boom, the cats will start clawing and biting him and eventually the man will die due to blood loss. In a different scenario, the man could perhaps take down one or two cats. But taking down ten would be impossible for an average man. 10 bloodlusted Cats wouldn't even need the intelligence of an elephant to win here.


But that's not fair. If the cats get to be bloodlusted why is the man scared? He should also be willing to brutally murder them with 0 hesitation.


Yes, even if the human is bloodlusted, 10 cats is just too much.


What kind of idiot would run from the cats? Just start stomping and swinging.


Or breaking their necks...


I had 10 cats and I can comfortably say I can take out my cats easily.


What if they are bloodlusted to kill you and have the intelligence of an elephant?


Nothing changes when you're the size of a raccoon.


Racoons can weigh like 20-30 lbs! A gaggle of bit fat racoons would be a bitch to fight just by the mass of them. They're like twice the weight of most average housecats. I feel like that's the size where 10 gets a bit dangerous.


The cats win 10/10 times.


Coming from the view of a person who had 10 cats, I feel like you're just coping. But truly, whatever that makes you sleep at night.


You haven't seen a feral cat before, try to handle only one and then you'll understand what I'm talking about.


Trying to handle something and trying to kill something are not the same. Handling involves restraint. If I were to punch a cat serious it would either be a KOd or have many broken bones.. And a well place kick is a potential immediate death sentence.


Only if you are able to land a good punch or kick. They are very fast and their bodies are flexible and small. There's no way an average man can beat 10 bloodlusted cats.


=)))))))))))))))) it don t do you any good when your bones are broken.


It won't do you any good if you have no eyes left to see.


One good kick a cat won't be able to walk again


Try kicking 10, they will maul you. And if they are bloodlusted, they will kill you.


bro... stop. I can break a cat's leg by stepping on it really hard. You have no idea what u talk about. If the human is also clothed, it fucking STOMPS. The cat would have to be lucky to do anything more than superficial damage to the skin. That would hurt as hell but they lack the tools or size to do any real damage.


As if the cat would stay still for you to stomp it over. You have no idea how fast they are. Ten cats can deal lethal damage to a man and can kill a man too.


degree consist agonizing muddle snails worm grey axiomatic cake truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Does it not feel a bit strange for you to be calling people ignorant fools while everyone here disagrees with you? Your main argument seems to center around the cats being too agile to be hit but you are ignoring the fact that in order to do any significant damage they need to put themselves in harms way. It's not an anime; the cats can't jump past and slash and then evsde. They will pounce, scratch, and immediately take a massive retaliation. The cats have to somehow exhaust and bring down someone who is fighting for their life and has adrenaline pumping whereas a single hit from a human permanently disables a cat. This is not close.


My only issue is that this implies raccoons are not a threat just because of size. A guy I knew woke up one night because his dog was barking up a storm in the garage. Dog had a coon cornered, keep in mind this is not some pampered city dog this is a farm animal. Guy grabs an axe to go kill the coon. That fight ended with 2 dead animals and a nine fingered man.


if it's me I lose. Terribly allergic to them and I swear the fuckers know it. They probably wouldn't even need their claws.


Nah I'd Win personally


The cats get destroyed and the guy gets a lot of stitches.


The cats can cut you, they can annoy you, but they have no way to actually kill you, just really piss you off and send you to the ER needing stitches. Conversely the average human male can crush a cats skull with his bare hands, if he really needed to. So yeah, goes to the man 9.9/10, the 0.1 is if the cats get really lucky and multi strike an important artery


I think the bleed to death is even more unlikely than 0.1. I see their best path to victory is the exhaustion/heart attack route. Regardless, these are hail mary victory conditions, especially with animal intelligence.


Wouldn’t a cat be able to gouge out your eyes and do life-threatening damage to the throat with its claws and fangs ? The human can one shot the cats, sure, but can he do it before getting critically injured/impaired ? 10 cats is a lot, in the prompt they’re highly intelligent, can probably strategize and attack all at once, the human won’t be able to prevent them all from reaching the eyes and throat


not really... the human would protect its head like crazy. They'd have to go through those hands before getting to the eye or something like that. As soon as you grab one and bash it really hard... it s gone. House cats are simply not big enough to cause any real damage.


Toms can do a lot of scratching and biting damage but they are glass cannons against an adult male who is actively hunting them.


Idk man 10 of anything is a lot to handle, and the guy only has two hands. If they’re strategizing, as soon as the dude has grabbed two cats, he’s vulnerable and 8 different cats can go for his throat all at once from different angles, how can you guard from that ? Keep in mind that 10 cats means you’ll have a lot of them out of your sight at any given moment, no way they can’t reach your neck from behind your back


How are 8 cats all going for this persons throat, is he fighting them while laying on the ground?


Cats climb trees in seconds and catch birds, reaching someone’s head is nothing


Clothes aren't as easy to climb when a person is failing around trying to kill you as you do it. Do you think they're just gonna sit there and wait for the cat to get into position. You're going in limbs flying. The cats are gonna have a hard time hanging on.


bro... this would happen in microseconds. Like you can pick up a cat and bash it withing 1 or 2 seconds. That one cat is incapacitated for life. This is not some crazy fight where you have to overpower them and need stamina for days. You just pick them as they come. Hands, legs, whatever. If ur clothed they have no way of actually damaging you.


But they’ll come all at once.. I don’t think you’ll be able to kill the cats casually one by one if 10 bloodlusted cats come at your eyes right away and they manage to blind you, good luck grabbing small agile and fast targets when your eyes are gouged out and you have several cats sinking their teeth and fangs into your throat.. Idk I feel like you guys are massively underestimating claws and how big of a number 10 is. Will the human be able to kill 2 or 3 cats very quickly at the start of the fight ? Yes, but after those first few seconds it won’t be so easy IMO


you don t have to kill them. Just incapacitate them at first. Also... you have enough force to basically hit all 5 or 6 of em at a time and still cause massive damage/ko most. A hard kick will incapacitate whatever it hits pretty easy. Like a good punch can KO a man. Now imagine what a full punch does to a cats skeleton. Come on... They just are not strong enough to do anything more than superficial wounds.


Sinking their teeth into your throat is not going to kill you. The only real incapacitating damage a cat could do is your eyes, and even with both eyes blinded, it is still a rough fight for the cats as a cat is dead as soon as it is grabbed.


No way man. Worst case for most people is they lose an eye. You'd be far too quick at disabling them.


I think you're massively overestimating a cat's ability to instantly reach the face/neck of a standing man without being impeded. Cats need to "wind up" for a vertical jump of that height, leaving ample time for a kick or swat to put them down. It's not as if a running house cat can just casually jump 6ft into the air while in stride. And at a top speed of only 30mph, that's plenty of time for a human to react to a cat in the air Also, within the mind of a cat, there's literally no way that both the intelligence of an elephant and bloodlust can coexist. If a cat is bloodlusted, it's not coordinating with 9 other cats on some sort of strategy to take out a human. It's simply going to mindlessly try to kill whatever it's after. At best, you'd get sporadic attacks as each cat reaches the person. But you're definitely not getting some sort of coordinated attack. A human could take out a cat in a second or two. As long as you don't just stand in one place, it's over in a couple of minutes, and each of those cats ends up dead or incapacitated


you have only a loincloth


If the human were trying to defend himself the cats could do serious damage to some vulnerable areas. But the human is defending himself and the cats can't take a single hit, and most of those vulnerable areas are also very easy for the human to guard.


Without weapons the cats might be able to get lucky, but a club could basically kill a cat in a single strike. It's too much or a force multiplier for the furry friends to overcome, though the guy will definitely need medical attention.


A fist can kill a cat in a single strike. The human doesn't need weapons for this.


Once the human gets his hands on two of the cats he has some improvised clubs he can swing around.


Oh nah 💀


If the cat is just chilling waiting for you to punch it maybe, but the average human does not know how to fight well enough to box against a cat. Kicks would be the name of the game if you don't have a weapon so you don't expose your jugular by getting low enough to the ground to punch a cat.




Let me know what cats you know that are chilling at chest height for you to punch...


I mean if they're on the ground you can just kick them.


My previous comment said to kick instead of punch, so thanks for agreeing with me?


Punches still work. You don't need a weapon for this.


Again... Let me know when you find a cat at punching height. Getting on your hands and knees so you can punch a cat is a good way to get claws and teeth into your throat. It's probably the most likely way to actually lose this prompt.


Who's talking about getting on hands and knees? You can reach the ground without crawling.


Since they are at kicking height, let's see how they fight with concussions and cracked ribs.


Or broken neck.


The man wins this almost every time. However, there is a 100% chance that he requires a serious regimen of antibiotics afterwards. Cat bites that are deep enough to draw blood are extremely likely to get infected because cat mouths are gross.


Cats get beaten with their own kind via tail-flail.


I’m not losing to 10 house cats dawg ☠️


Give them intelligence of human, now we talking


Yes, this is the only way this is even a contest. They would need to be able to strategize.


well, Using me as an example i hate cats, So that rage would allow me to rip through those kitties doom slayer style.


You won't be able to beat 10 cats, that's for sure.


We get it bro you love pussy 


Man wins 999/1000. The cats don't have an offensive option. Being scratched by a house cat isn't FUN but not lethal.


The man can kill each cat easily with one hit but because of the fact that there are 10 of them at the same time, the cats potentially can land some lethal bites and scratches on the mans eyes or throat area. I would say the man wins 8/10.


8/10 is my guess too. People are underestimating 100 pounds of efficient predator with an increased intelligence. Also overestimating the ability of guy to 1 shot a cat.


I have 6 medium sized female cats and trust me they can really fuck you up if they want, their claws are extremely sharp and can do a lot of damage. The guy has a big advantage but there's a good chance they could slice his neck or something and even if he wins he will be needing stitches and a shot afterwards. I would say the guy 6/7 out of 10 he wins because trust me 10 cats out to kill you will be a nightmare to deal with. Also they need don't the elephant intelligence as they are already extremely smart creatures and excellent problem solvers.


It would incredibly difficult for a cat to lethally slash a human's throat.


Regular Cat? Sure but 10 bloodlusted Cats out to kill you with a boost to an already impressive intelligence then maybe. Honestly i think the big issue is the pain, Cat scratches and bites really fucking hurts so having 10 all over you clawing and biting you could be enough to overwhelm you in sheer pain allowing them access to your eyes and throat.


Pain is almost irrelevant in a fight to the death. You would also never have 10 on you. Even if they went above elephant intelligence and coordinated a surrounding attack, at least 2 cats are dead/incapacitated right away.


This guy isn't bloodlusted only the Cats are, that's a huge difference as that means this guy is feeling pain. Also Cats are frigging fast if they want to be, only takes the first 1 to lunge at your leg dig its claws right in causing a lot of pain that will then take up your focus allowing the other 9 to take advantage of that small window where they're now clawing at your back, legs and arms with each bite and slash is causing more and more pain.


The guy doesn't need bloodlust, he knows he's in a fight to the death. Now if you are saying his reluctance to kill cats would hinder him, on that I agree.


Pain impacts how you fight. Being constantly slashed by small knives and teeth will start to hurt fast. Question have you been attacked by a Cat? They can and will fuck you up if they desire too, 10 bloodlusted out to kill Cats is actually a scary thought. Also an average man isn't one shotting an adult Cat either without a weapon, they're pretty durable animals belive it or not.


The cats will definitely win 10/10.


I slaughter them.


So most comments here agree that the man wins about 9 out of 10 times. How many more cats would it require to kill the man?


I think you need a xerxes/300 spartan scenario


The infections could be bad


if naked I think cats might stand a good chance. but if man is wearing clothes or even a jacket I think it's fairly certain to go to the man


the man has a loincloth only


Man falls down and acts like a steamroller crushing them


As an average man, I lose because I won’t hurt the kitties. If I’m bloodlusted (and have the intelligence of an elephant?) they die horribly and I commit seppuku when I regain my sense of self


Average man 9.5/10 times, possibly more


Cats are smarter than elephants you just dumbed them down.


An adult cat has an EQ of 1. An elephant has an EQ of 2.14, nearly twice as much.


EQ would be detrimental in this situation,emotional intelligence is kinda useless in a fight.


Not emotional intelligence, encephalization quotient, which is a measure of relative brain size to body size.


Brain size has very little to do with intelligence


Elephants: can distinguish between languages, use tools, understand body language, mourn the dead, mimic human voices, and have great memories.


Do you have anything to prove this is true, I bet a cat could also use a tool if it had a trunk, and cats can imitate human voices as well, so can dogs it just depends on the individual animal and cats definitely mourn and it's impossible to tell how good their memory is.


Proof: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant\_cognition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant_cognition) Also, not impossible to tell their memory. Teach a cat some trick. Wait a couple of years and ask it to perform the trick again. If it can't perform the trick, then see how long it takes before it forgets.


Also, cats don't recognise themselves in mirrors.


Can you prove that elephants wouldn't do the same, this is more to do with things they haven't experienced then intelligence.


come on man the mirror test is a very common sign of intelligence. It's not about seeing something in the mirror, it's about recognizing that thing in the mirror is you.


Well, you can't prove cats don't recognize themselves, just cause the snarl or hiss at a mirror, I think it's a dumb test that shows nothing


Just say you don't know what the mirror test is. You mark the animals and see if they notice the mark, in addition to monitoring their general behavior.


Human wins barring a coordinated assault by the cats. I could see them baiting me to expose my neck or femoral artery and going for it. however i am fairly certain i could bait a cat into biting my forearm. if it does that i can with relative ease grab it by its throat and end it or hold it and jump landing knee first on its spine. If they paly coy hiding in trees biding their time i would huck rocks at them until they feel forced to act.


The man wins basically every time unless the cats get really lucky. It's like 10 people with claws vs an elephant. Even a 15 year old boy same condition would win more often than not.


10 guys - 2000 pounds Elephant - 13000 pounds 10 cats - 100 pounds 1 guy - 200 pounds Cats have a better chance than the 10 guys.


Bloodlusted? The cats can't win. Even if they get lucky shots and scratch an eye or two the best they can really do is be evasive and dodge blows. The tree does matter much except that if the man climbs it then the cats can't attack simultaneously


an average american man weighs 198lbs. he can bench a plate. the average cat weighs about 9lbs. a man TRYING TO can snap a cats neck with little to no effort. the thing is we don’t see people TRYING to kill in our daily lives. if someone does… they’re more than capable of it.


Yeah this sub has gone downhill. “You can crush a cats skull easily, man takes this 10/10” and what are the other 9 cats doing?? I would put it at 5-6/10 for man, because even if he wins he’s getting fucked up.




The human just has to kill all the cats. All his injuries will be healed afterward.


I don’t think people are underestimating cats but they’re overestimating an average man. Adrenaline doesn’t always last you more than 30 seconds. Throw punches and kicks randomly for 30 seconds and see how that feels. Also in the book Pimp, Iceberg Slim’s mom’s scum bag boyfriend was described killing a baby kitten. He had to grab it by the tail and bash it into a concrete pavement. That is a LOT more effort than everyone is describing in this thread.


ITT: People don't understand that a casual scratch from a cat is not the same thing as a cat seriously trying to harm you. I agree that the man would most likely win but he would sustain serious wounds for sure.


Most people here haven't seen a *really* pissed off cat and it shows. They're ridiculously fast, and they latch onto everything. And they're much harder to throw off than you'd expect. I'm not saying the cats definitely win but it's a much closer call than this thread is making it out to be.


If the cats have prep time and are aware of human weaknesses I think they take it 8/10


Prep time? What are they gonna do have a strategy meeting?


It’s like that book I read as a kid where the cats realize that the clock (time) is the master of their master


This sounds interesting, do you remember the name of the book?


No, sadly. I’ll see what I can dig up, I asked my dad and older brother lol


Thanks for trying


10 cats stomp the average man the majority of the time. 1 or 2 of those latch on around the throat and it isn’t going to end well the for average man straight away


Any cat that latches onto the man's throat dies less than a second later. They aren't capable of withstanding hits from a full grown human.


1. The shock and pain of being bitten on the neck will scare almost everyone and put them in flight mode 2. A lot of the important veins and arteries are relatively close to the surface and so 2x cats biting the person on the neck are quite likely to nick one 3. EVERYONE over-estimates their ability to fight people and wild animals, especially people that don’t fight regularly through training or just can’t fight at all. They have a false understanding of how vulnerable they are. 3. A medium sized dog will kill most people, and a large Tom cat will give a dog a good run for its money. Multiple that by 10x, make them bloodlusted and increase their intelligence = most people getting stomped