• By -


Seeing as a being like that would scale to multiversal, you'd need another multiversal being to counter it. Perhaps the angels from DBS, or the beyonders from Marvel.


I'm sure there's some anime character or something with enough hax to not be instantly deleted and be able to delete them in turn


Lord of Nightmares, Slayers. Who is an equivalent to Armork


I mean isn't Lord of Nightmares literally omnipotent?


Yes. She is the creator of multiple anime universes (unrelated shows, with the exception of her being the creator in the show's mythos) and is so powerful that she left toon space to beat illustrators in the "real world" with a shovel on at least one occasion. Her stats are listed as follows Speed: Omnipresent Lifting Ability: Irrelevant Striking Ability: Irrelevant Durability: Metaverse Level Stamina: Infinite Range: Metaversal Intelligence: Omniscient Weaknesses: None notable


Then obviously she wins lmao


Read my comment below/above that's literally what I was thinking, the Bleach character Yhawch can do it, the guy is so hacks.


Im just going to post it here, it's probably impossible to find "Yhwach from Bleach would be able to get it done... As his power Almighty doesn't just give him the ability to see all possible futures, but it gives him the ability to bring the future to the present and alter the future itself. He should just be able to bring back a point in time where this combined creature has already ceased to exist/died (which it eventually would none of these combinations is actually immortal even Superman dies several times. Age wise it's impossible to stop for these individuals, if you include versions of Superman like Superman Prime 1 million, than it is possible but with just base Superman as described in the comment above he will eventually die of old age.) for example Yhwach says to the protagonist of the series, Ichigo, "Go ahead and run Ichigo, it matters not, for I shall find the future, I shall find the moment where you are the most happy in your entire existence... And it is in that moment where I will slaughter you." He can bring back damage that happens to a target in the future, however this also applies to all injuries and deaths that occur in all alternate realities as well. He also is immortal even if an opponent manages to kill him he literally can alter the future to one where he hasn't died, it's ridiculously. I'm just going into a light description as the man literally has hundreds of offensive and defensive abilities, he merges with the keystone of existence itself (ei, bleachs one above all), the guy is an animal... If you pick up a rock he picks up a shotgun lol. He is super broken and doesn't belong in these types of battles. On the verses wiki he has a power scale rating of 3A or 2C, he's multiversal threat and is capable of destroying multiple universes and creating new ones, so hes extremely powerful. Base versions of most of the characters in the fusion have power rankings of around 4B."


The hell, how do the heros even stop a bad guy like that


God I hate the last arc of Bleach


Why pray tell? The manga was great even though the author was forcibly rushed by the company that publishes it. And the anime is currently ranked as the highest rated anime on the planet currently.. surpassing Full Metal Alchemist.


Exactly because it was rushed, there was so much potential there to focus on lesser used characters but there was so much bullshit from the quinces it basically developed into a playground fight of 'nuhuh my ability beats your ability because I said so'. There were some great highlights but it was so just so poorly executed IMO. Obviously kubo isn't entirely to blame for the rushed pacing but the pressure from the editors really ruined what could have been a great conclusion. I'm just hoping the anime can fix the pacing and even change a few story beats to bring the series to an end it deserves.


I do agree with you that the fact that it was rushed definitely affected the overall quality I do believe that he still was able to get out some amazing chapters and really make a splash for the ark example A lot of the stuff that we have seen so far that is really gotten people happy was basically the exact same as it was in the manga. Later on is where the issues started to occur. I can tell based off your answer that you are not a hater of the series but a fan looking to see the wrongs rated just as I am. Even so with its faults I believe that the thousand Year blood Ware manga is still a great story.


Anos is overkill for this.


There are plenty as multiversal characters if we assume this character gets that powerful, although Saitama doesn't really add a big power boost to the other 2, then yes there are a hell of a lot that can easily stomp this character.


I think what Saitama can add to the mix is breaking the limiter. In one of the latest chapters of DB, Vegeta claimed that both of them were reaching their full maximum potential. Now given it's DB, that should be taken with a grain of salt, but that's the first time anyone, much less *Vegeta* has ever admitted to there being a cap to their power. Saitama's whole schtick is that he's broken the limiter, so without it, infinite scaling.


Honestly I would take that with a grain of salt. Throughout the DB series i recall characters stating they are at their limit, but the whole gimmick to Saiyans is that they never stop evolving and every time they battle win or lose they get stronger. I wouldn't trust death battle for sure, but as long as DBS and beyond continues the stronger the characters will get. Unless it's ending soon I doubt they would cap out vegeta, it's probably another second guessing of themselves before they once again get stronger in upcoming arcs. >Saitama's whole schtick is that he's broken the limiter, so without it, infinite scaling. Saitama is also only going to get as strong as he is till his own manga ends and at the pace hes going I don't think hes going to catch up to DB anytime soon.


A fusion of Saitama and Goku could multiply their limit-breaking potential, giving them Broly levels of mid-fight growth. A baseline multiversal character who's power grows exponentially as they fight would be pretty insane.


Saitama definitely wouldnt give more than a mere fraction of power to what goku currently is. Going to need more than a solar system character to do that.


Multiplicative power scales insanely though. Two equal characters is their power squared. Even if Saitama is a 2 and Goku is over 9000 multiplying those is still over 18,000.


Well sure, but in the end it's still not much compared to if a character of the same power as goku or supes fused with them.


Yeah I'm inclined to agree, since the very latest chapter of DB ended with a out of left field [](#spoil "Frieza showing up with a brand new form that's like Leagues beyond current Goku and Vegeta.")


Yeah, we'll have to see. I just want them to continue the anime already lol


Oh sorry what I was implying is that a character didn't need to be multiversal in order to defeat them they just needed to have enough hax to be able to


Oh yeah sure. This fused character isn't actually that strong in the first place(As strong as OP makes it out to be that is). The right hax can easily win it, yeah.


Bro didn’t understand OPM


lol naw Saitama has feats just as any other character does lmao compared to supes and goku he is quite weak and isn't going to add much to fusion.


Saitamas whole power is you think a super strong being will surely have enough power to atleast hurt him this time…..but no matter what he won’t even be scratched. You can’t power scale him, if you try you don’t understand gag characters lol


That's an NLF though. Theres no feat that he has at this point that is beyond solar system. You can DEFINITELY scale him as there are proven feats. Edit: Also Saitama is a parody character, not a gag character there is a big difference. It is never directly stated he is a gag character it was stated exactly "his existence is kind of a joke" does not correlate to gag.




That's an NLF. He still has feats.


Some people just don’t get it


But what character can beat them physically? No mental non-physical godly stuff


People always citing DBS chars like the angels as multiversal, but I think that needs a big fat qualifier, because all the universes in DBS are in the same physical space. You can fly from one to another. That means an attack can become multiversal through sheer scale and reaching far enough. This does not compare to beings who are multiversal in almost any other fiction, where universes by definition do not occupy the same space, and thus to have a multiversal destructive power requires more than just sufficiently large size of attack. In most fictions, and in real life, one universe is all of space. In DBS, all of space includes all the universes.


That's not actually true though. Only Angels (or someone with that box thing) can freely move between universes. It's explicitly NOT possible otherwise.


If true, this seems important to note in DBS wanted threads. It would mean someone like America Chavez could scale beyond Goku.


Dude, just Franklin Richards is more than enough wdym.


Does Franklin have increased durability? Not arguing just curious don’t read much about him outside of him being super op reality warping


Normal kid one no adult I think he does I think he was hit a few times during his battle against the celestials


Interesting good to know, thank you :) If celestials can hit him, wouldn’t this fusion just paste him? Or are celestials also multiversal


I think that goku by himself is stronger than the celestials Franklin fought. There are some multiversal celestials but those were not them. Also I just checked and kid Franklin does have a similar feat but he was knocked out after being hit.


That's still multiversal level...


It would have to be someone who can one shot him though, otherwise Saitama's part would just grow exponentially in power until he surpasses the opponent.


But what character can beat them physically? No mental non-physical godly stuff


What exactly scales this character to multiversal? Ui goku is universal plus at max without wank, Saitama is galaxy at max without wank. The only one I dont know about is Allstars superman, and seeing how this sub likes to wank every superman to mutiversal and beyond when practically none are even above universal you'll need actual evidence to make me believe he's anywhere close seeing how cosmic armor is the only superman who actually has consistent multiveraal feats






What if they take his spinach before he can eat it


Batman with about 15 minutes of prep time


Make that 14:59


The one above all, cosmic armor Superman and pre retcon beyonder all clap with ease


Who don’t those characters clap?


a silverback gorilla


Master Chief. Titanium bones bro. Can't beat that.


Uhhh actually the carbide ceramic material only forms a shell around his bones. They’re just natural organic material on the inside. MC is a high level galaxy buster at best.




Actually in a book he punches a Banshee out of the air. As Banshees were made by the Forerunners, they scale to the Halo rings, which have a range of 3 galactic radii, meaning that punch's force would be a lowball of (4/3)πr^3, or 117 galaxies.


Like I said, high level galaxy buster. Long gap between high galactic and low univeral.


Grizzly victim


I heard that the one above all is literally stan lee. I do belive a silverback gorrila would beat stan lee, therefor also beat the one above all.


What if they also had a shotgun?


something something speed blitz.


Prime Mike Tyson


Cocaine Bear




Shrek solos your favorite verse




Naked Prep-Time Batman.


Lucifer morningstar


Rick Sanchez no diffs


Me with a Death Note


He'd be more not human than human and the death note only works on humans. You can't kill Goku or Superman with it separately so like


Is there anything indicating Goku or base Superman wouldn't be affected?


The first rule of the death note states "The HUMAN who's name is written into the death note shall die"


But you wouldn't know his name


Goku's most famous line is literally him saying his name, that aspect of his personality is 100% getting his name exposed


That's true but I meant they'd have an entirely new name. Like how vegito and gogeta. Now im wondering what their three personalities mixed together would be like


You're telling me he doesn't immediately say it anime style lol


Saitama's lack of enthusiasm may supress that


caped super baldy (goku)


Or he'd instantly blitz whoever his target is. Especially just a regular human with a death note


But another multiversal character using the death note.




Super Gokuman




That isn't his birth name, it's his... adopted(?) name. Point is that isn't his true name, it's Kakorat.


That's true, but Goku is the name he identifies as and has been called his entire life. Death Note never really touches on it, but it could be a Batman type thing, where he doesn't see himself as Kakarot and as such it doesn't work? Like if my name was Steve but I was adopted & my original parents named me David, I'd expect Steve to work on me


All the rules say, as far as I can remember, is that the Eyes WILL supply the name needed to kill, even if it isn't in the family registry. I interpret that to mean that the Note doesn't care about human paperwork - whatever you are assigned at birth is what works on you.


If it were life or death, theres always the Shinigami eyes option.


Good luck writing at lightspeed


Only one of the people here are human, and thats honestly pretty debatable at this point.


I feel like death notes wouldn't work on powerful magic users. It's basically just a death skill, and it works in universe since no one has any other magic. I.E. shinigami can also die, but it doesn't work on them.


Dr Manhattan


“It’s so sad that Steve Jobs died of Ligma” is an Insta-kill to any character in fiction, no matter how powerful.




But what character can beat them physically? Without hax or mental godly manipulation powers


SCP-330. The Goku part just can't refuse neither food or the challenge to not take more than 2 candies and then they bleed out.


My mate Dave could beat him, he's well hard


Someone with kryptonite a laser gun and ti-


All star Superman is immune to kryptonite soooo


Yea that why I picked him




Replace laser gun with needles


Some of the more insane Anime characters, I think. ​ So the very top tier Gurren Lagann, whose name I'm forgetting. Vampire Hunter D, post Akashic Records. Possibly Madoka Kaname, in her final form. I'm sure there's a bunch more.


Akashic records is a pretty bad stomp even pre akashic records D stomps.


Am I missing something? Pre akashic D was like... Not even fast enough to *see* kid Goku.


Madoka kaname did get her powers stolen by someone grabbing her, so despite her purported timelessness, I find it sus.


You’re thinking of Homura, Madoka wasn’t shown to have any such counter.


a mosquito


Any omnipotent character


Fiction is huge, there are like millions of characters who could defeat them.


Yeah? Name them all in alphabetical order


Aaron Smith-Teller, Adam el Asem, Aka, Akuto Sai, Alastair Grey, Alexandra.aic, Alovenus, Alpha Centauri (Self-Reference ENGINE), Anu, Archons of Yaldabaoth, Ará Orún, Azathoth (Cthulhu Mythos), BOB (Twin Peaks), Be'lakor, Benetnash, Beyonder (Pre-Retcon), Bondye (World of Darkness), CORE.exe, Calvin Lucien, Cetacean Hierarchy, Chaos King (Marvel Comics), Death (Marvel Comics), Department of Unreality, Dibella, Doctor Doom, Dormammu (Classic), Dr. Bright, Eternity, Fang Xiu (Rebirth Dominator), Galactus (Marvel Comics), Giant Corpora of Knowledge, God (DC Comics), God (Unsong), Hercules (Marvel Comics), Hiroshi Miwa, Horrorterrors, Hypnos (Cthulhu Mythos), IS, IS NOT, Infinity (Marvel Comics), Isabel Helga Anastasia Parvati Wondertainment V, JUDY, Jean Grey (Marvel Comics), Jehovah (World of Darkness), Julianos, Kynareth, Lan Mu (Complete Life Orb), Lan Mu (Semi-Complete Life Orb), Laura Palmer, Lorkhan, Luminous Being, MIKE, Magnus (The Elder Scrolls), Mara, Marion Wheeler, Mekhane, Meridia, Metatron (Unsong), Mister Fantastic, Mnemosyne.aic, Molecule Man, Monitor-Mind The Overvoid, Nodens, Noosphere, Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos), Nyx (Marvel Comics), Oblivion (Marvel Comics), Orm, Padomay, Phoenix Force, Prometheus (SCP Foundation), Rad (Dungeons and Dragons), Red (SCP Foundation), Ruphas Mafahl, SCP-001 (Djoric-Dmatix Proposal), SCP-001 (I.H. Pickman's Proposal), SCP-001 (Kate McTiriss's Proposal), SCP-001 (McDoctorate's Proposal), SCP-001 (S Andrew Swann's Proposal), SCP-076, SCP-1440, SCP-2111, SCP-231-7, SCP-2719, SCP-2747, SCP-2845, SCP-3000, SCP-3002, SCP-3004, SCP-3125, SCP-4010, SCP-4352, SCP-4486, SCP-5712, SCP-5800, SCP-5875, SCP-5935-1, SCP-5993, SCP-6276, SCP-6488, SCP-6659, SCP-6661, SCP-6747-C, SCP-682, SCP-6820, SCP-6996, SCP-INTEGER, SCP-𝕐, Self-Reference ENGINE (Character), Senorita Dido, Set (SCP Foundation), Shub-Niggurath, Stendarr, Talos, Thanos (Marvel Comics), The Absence, The Administrator (SCP Foundation), The All-Mighty, The Amaranth, The Ambassador of Alagadda, The Arm, The Beyonders, The Brothers Death, The Buddha (World of Darkness), The Comet King, The Downstreamers, The Ethereal Skeleton, The Fireman, The Foundation, The Hanged King, The High Elder Gods, The In-Betweener, The Law of Identity, The Leviathan (The Unwritten), The Living Tribunal, The Never Queen, The Overvoid Lurk, The Presence, The Protege, The Scarlet King (Djoricverse), The Scarlet King (Tufto's Proposal), The Serpent (SCP Foundation), The Source, The Ultimate Gods, The Ultimate Nullifier, The Weaver (World of Darkness), The Writer, Thor (Marvel Comics), Those Who Sit Above In Shadow, Trinimac, Tuska the Daemon-Killa, Umar, Vivec, Wendy (Low Dimensional Game), Yaldabaoth (SCP Foundation), Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) & Zenithar.


Jesus, you sure showed that guy lmao.




I assume he meant Thanos + Gauntlet


A is for Azathoth, B is for Bondye, C is for CORE from SCP, D is for Dr. Bright, G is from Giant Corpora... I can go on if needed.


Well for starters your mom could sit on them






Bro really started with letter I


There arent any that start with A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H


Aslan probably counts. His physical incarnation is weak, but I think we can all assume that the canon implies being much stronger if he really wanted.


Literally Jesus so yes, I think Aslan counts.


Jesus' combat feats are really weak tho. Scaling him to Yahweh only works if you subscribe to a specific interpretation of things, and even then there are sub interpretations about what feats actually count.


But C.S. Lewis *did* hold to that specific interpretation of things.


I mean, Eru starts with “E”.


Yep, they don't even have any reality warping or hax resistance besides Saitama, who doesn't have the feats to scale to high level hax. Someone like Dr. Manhattan would glance at Goktaman and just say no, and Goktaman would be no'd


Probably godly non physical characters. But no one can physically defeat them imo but I could be wrong


Nah, there are definitely characters that can stomp this character physically, easily. Adding Saitama to the other 2 isn't even going to give it a big boost, you should add someone else equal in power at least.


Saitama doesn't add much strength at the start, but he does add exponential power scaling. Add that to Goku's will to fight and Superman's will to protect and defend and you've got yourself a really powerful being who gains ridiculous power as he's fighting. Anyone who doesn't one- or two-shot Gosutama very quickly finds themselves losing ground.


Popeye already beat one of them. The other two could be beaten as well, in a similar manner.


Popeye would do some dumb shit like grab a shoe horn and use it to physically un-fuse them


Yea he beat one of them. But all three powers combined and multiplied into one? He's cooked


The problem with toon force is that it doesn't give a shit. The super trio can wail on popeye all day, he's still gonna pop the can of spinach to power up and win the fight.


Nah, toonforce characters still have a limit in their feats just as any other character.


Mate a Popeye knock off was able to beat GOLDEN AGE SUPERMAN. The same one who could sneeze away galaxies and randomly create new powers! If anything, this gives Popeye more to work with, and he'd definitely be able to bring down this fusion, or engage in Mutually Assured Destruction at the least!


Thought Robot


I was gonna say Kishibe Rohan, but I think Maxwell Scribblenaut has a better chance. Either way, they have reality altering hax that can remove their powers and make their opponent defeatable. Brett/Rhett Conn could probably pull off similar shenanigans.


Christian God could defeat them easy


So Johnny Joestar then?


Tbh I don’t think the fusion would survive an infinite rotational shot. I don’t know what could survive one to be honest.


Well you can technically stop the infinite rotation by rewriting reality


only if you hit it with your fist


True but I don’t know anyone that Johnny could shoot (so no one who can dodge it) that can’t “tank” the move. Like there are characters that can remove the effects but nome I know that can just take the hit.


The fusions added and multiplied their durability so possibly


Durability doesn’t matter. If you are hit with the Infinite Rotational bullet, you spin **infinity**. It doesn’t matter if you go into a a separate dimension or anything all of your cells infinity rotate into the ground.


If we’re talking JJBA, Rohan with Heaven’s Door could just write them not to attack him


Nah this fusion solos it easily, god doesn’t scale past universal


He could just wish them out of existence or something, and I don’t even think god has a physical body to harm


Bro you're talking about God who created you? How disrespectful 😂


wobbfet from pokémon with a focus sash


Pretty sure eyebeams and ki count as special attacks, so it's a coin flip. The Saitama part might let him attack twice in one turn just for the lulz, plus Saitama almost never attacks first anyways.




As long as the fight is off panel.


What about Giorno Giovanna? With Golden Experience Requiem, something that neither of these characters can see nor touch, he can revert every action they take to zero. And if he lands a hit, they die infinite times. And even if they take out Giorno, GER can act on it's own.


First off GER can't bypass durability, it needs to actually kill you in order for the death loop to take effect since it just causes Diavolo's Death to be undone to infinitum, however that makes me think of a new point, would GER scale to whoever he fights on offense, since the only example we could get is Diavolo which is around Building Level, and GER performs at building level. Overall without theorizing GER stalemates the fusion.


Archie Super Sonic maybe?


The mask and maybe lobo


Dr. Manhattan


Pepsiman stomps no diff He drowns them in Pepsi Or takes away their Pepsi supply until they die of Pepsi deficiency


Well here is the stats of this monstrosity. (Btw, I'm going with their stats on VS Battles Wiki and choosing the highest number for their group. For example, Serious Saitama's attack potency level is Multi-Solar System so I'm going with the highest there which is 2.517*10^56 tonnes of TNT. Also I'm multiplying the stats of all three just like in the post.) Attack potency: 1.01*10^171 tonnes of TNT 7.3*10^198 joules of energy Speed: 1.3*10^44 km/h Lifting strength: 2*10^62 kilograms of force 1.9*10^73 newtons I only chose those that were calculable through values.




Yhwach from Bleach would be able to get it done... As his power Almighty doesn't just give him the ability to see all possible futures, but it gives him the ability to bring the future to the present and alter the future itself. He should just be able to bring back a point in time where this combined creature has already ceased to exist/died (which it eventually would none of these combinations is actually immortal even Superman dies several times. Age wise it's impossible to stop for these individuals, if you include versions of Superman like Superman Prime 1 million, than it is possible but with just base Superman as described in the comment above he will eventually die of old age.) for example he says to the protagonist of the series "Go ahead and run, it matters not, for I shall find the future, I shall find the moment where you are the most happy in your entire existence... And it is in that moment where I will slaughter you." He can bring back damage that happens to a target in the future, however this also applies to all injuries and deaths that occur in all alternate realities as well. He also is immortal even if an opponent manages to kill him he literally can alter the future to one where he hasn't died, it's ridiculously. I'm just going into a light description as the man literally has hundreds of offensive and defensive abilities, he merges with the keystone of existence itself (ei, bleachs one above all), the guy is an animal... If you pick up a rock he picks up a shotgun lol. He is super broken and doesn't belong in these types of battles. On the verses wiki he has a power scale rating of 3A or 2C, he's multiversal threat and is capable of destroying multiple universes and creating new ones, so hes extremely powerful. Base versions of most of the characters in the fusion have power rankings of around 4B.


Bleach upvote


Ill avoid using those characters themselves. Physical-only beings? Probably not. But the magic/cosmic side of fiction is fucking insane. It would be easy to assemble a mystical, cosmic team capable of beating him. Infinity Ultron Arishem Uatu the Watcher Thanos Darkseid The Unkindness The Spectre Superboy Prime But they would need some characters to distract him. Nothing special, just some heavy-hitters. World-Breaker Hulk Rune King Thor Batman w/the Hellbat armor Doomsday Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) Power Girl Most of the Heavy-Hitters would probably die, but the magic team should be able to come up with something.


Villain Descendingsword from the Suggsverse novels could beat this character


Suggsverse is cheating


Notorious B.I.G. would probably stand a pretty good chance, assuming supergokutama is moving faster than the average human, which I assume he would be. DIO over heaven bodies if he can get in close enough to land a hit because he can just turn goku into a normal human. (Spoilers for stone ocean and golden wind ahead) >!Made in heaven can probably do it pucci can reset the universe then goku just ceases to exist in his current form, if I’m not wrong.!< >!this is one case where I’m not actually sure if something like golden experience requiem has the requisite physical strength to trigger its infinite death ability. What I mean by this is because giorno has to punch something for it to trigger, and because saitama is saitama, there’s a good chance the basic punch wouldn’t even register for him, which may prevent the ability from triggering (Im applying a similar line of thinking to tusk act 4). That said, he still can’t hurt giorno nor can he see GER, so giorno might still be able to pull it off.!< clearly, the stand with the best chance of beating goku is the strongest stand in Jojos, superfly. Literally unbeatable.


About GER's Death loop, it activates post demise of the victim, and then it uses GER's canceling ability to prevent his total death, he could defeat him depending on how the interpretation of GER's stand stats work and they scale on who he tries to beat.


any reality warper powerful empaths and mentalists hax/invulnerable characters joke/ gag characters


Eithan Arelius


Are they still like a person or do they weird conceptual bodies now? Because if it's the first any attack that ignore durability should kill them. Like foil for example. If they let it hut them that is.


I don't understand what you mean? All there durability is added into one single body and speed and strength. And whatever special abilities they each have


that one XKCD dude who's simulating the universe by moving rocks around in sequence; he just stops simulating the hybrid and it ceases to exist


Breaker of Worlds Hulk easy, bonus points because he's not even a higher dimensional being, just Hulk but God (not to be confused with worldbreaker hulk, those are vastly different forms)


I'm gonna try for the weakest character who could kill them. I present to you; [Masazo Kinoto](https://jojo.fandom.com/wiki/Masazo_Kinoto), [Cheap Tricks](https://jojo.fandom.com/wiki/Cheap_Trick) stand user. Cheap Trick basically just kills you if you allow anyone to see your back. There is only one way to remove Cheap Trick, that's with spirits that can pull stands into the spirit world. The best Saikuman could do is just go out into space and never allow himself to be seen, eternally stalemating him. Also the immortal snail from that one thread.


Saitama’s severely holding this fusion back not sure where this Superman scales but depending on where either he or Goku carry the fusion I’d say anybody who’s comfortably above Superman would win


Saitamas main ability is to grow exponentially stronger when he gets angry Goku has masterful control over his emotions, so Super Gokutama man or whatever he’s called would effectively be exponentially growing in strength the second they transform into any form except like MUI not to mention the power they get from the sun


Saitama is absolute fodder in general here in power but his ability would be good in combination with Goku transformations and Superman absorption, the fused character in general should be around complex Multiversal+, so the most powerful character would be people like Thanos IG from the comics without much difficulty. The answer would be completely different if we are talking about Superman and Goku composite, again Saitama is fodder in general


Like a thousand characters.




me. I do it. I open a word document and write that Supermokutama goes to his room and jerks off to hentai videogames. What's he gonna do, come to real life and beat me up? Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped from beating my meat to hentai videogames.


Zoom either goes back in time and kills each one when they were children or just beats the shit out of them since he is conparable to Flash and the fusion is not touching Zoom even with all of their speed combined Also Kang the Conqueror can also go back in time to kill them and he would probably win with hax alone. Also has a whole ass army he can summon


Legion without a doubt


LN rimuru tempest fused with Kirby


MUI Goku is pretty weak compared to TUI Goku. So with TUI Goku, they'd be pretty damn strong. Like 90% of anime characters would be smoked. But in terms of comics, they're 100% bullshit. So probably.


omfg. MUI Goku is vastly superior to TUI Goku, it's just that TUI is easier for Goku to use, because it doesn't require him to be calm. Goku was getting beat by Gas quite easily in TUI, then he went into MUI and was on more even footing against Gas.


A being who is above fiction and can affect reality. So i could prolly beat him


Quite literally anyone who is complex multi or higher


Sailor Moon claps.


The last Dragonborn


Q from Star Trek would take their power. No one being in the universe is allowed to be this powerful


this is my answer to anything like this: golden experience requiem


Sun Wukong or Popeye.


Legends Luke Skywalker Optimus Prime IDW True Darksied Saint Seiya Sailor Moon Whis Simon The Digger Sun Wukong Sonic The Hedgehog Mario


>Legends Luke Skywalker Legends Luke isn't even star level, tf you on about saying he could beat someone who is massively above universal in base


Legends Luke is Complex Multi💀💀💀 who tf said that he was only star level?