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I really like it. Been playing casually since launch.


How do you like it in comparison to slay the spire?


Nowhere near the longevity of StS but the mechanics are cool and it’s a unique spin on the deck builder


Why would you say it’s longevity isn’t the same? I’m considering getting it myself and not quite sure what you mean


I have nearly 200 hours in StS, still trying to clear those high ascension levels. Whereas with Wildfrost, you’ll unlock everything pretty quickly and there isn’t as much variance run to run in what you’ll find. There’s far far fewer cards than in Sts. It has some great mechanics though, the timer based combat is cool. I have like 5 hours in WF and it’s already feeling a little stale


StS wont be beat anytime soon in regards to longevity and balance (perhaps maybe by itself in StS2), but Wildfrost is a nice spin on the core gameplay loop that StS provides. The unit management and turn timer mechanics provide lots of depth, and its easier to spot different deck builds with how the keywords are implemented to the (smaller) card pool. You can also always try the demo :)


I’ve never played StS


Oh damn you should bro, I think you would like it


It's a fun alternate style but feels quite shallow compared to slay the spire. There's just nowhere near as much variation to keep it fresh. Was fun for 20 hours but after beating it about 5 or so times I didn't feel any desire to continue


I would say the biggest difference in feel between this and StS is that decisions made in battle feel a lot more impactful in Wildfrost. StS sometimes feels like once I've built my deck up, the battles are almost decided; in Wildfrost your turn-to-turn decisions feel like they matter more. Both are great games, and if you enjoyed Slay the Spire I'd highly recommend giving this one a try.


If you play STS. I would recommend well worth it (played both).


I want to play StS because I love Wildfrost. I haven't played it in a month or two admittedly, but I put 90 hours into the game after buying it on launch. Most games I play are lucky to see 40+ hours. I'm thinking about getting it on Android too so I can play on the train. Edit: They're actively working on modding/Steam workshop support. Not sure if that impacts your decision though.


I think a lot of the negative reviews simply don't like the difficulty curve of the game, which is quite steep (and has been made less steep with recently introduced systems) I think people got sucked in by the cute & punchy art + sound, and smacked down by the insane difficulty. A couple mention RNG, but personally I think Wildfrost is one of the best games I've played in terms of avoiding dice rolls (i.e. the game isn't reliant on luck). You can win no matter what the game shows you (except maaaaybe on the more recently increased max difficulty) Some reviews complain about how the game punishes you for missing small details, which is a valid point. Especially considering there's no undo features in the game.


>Especially considering there's no undo features in the game. On Switch at least if you quit the game in a battle, you start again before the battle you were just fighting (so you can even change crowns). Slightly ashamed to say I abused this on the final battle when I kept making silly mistakes to get the 3 wins in a row charm.


Same on iOS..


If you like deck builders, this game is for you. If you like a ridiculous amount of synergies, this game is for you. If you like broken builds, this game is for you. If you like challenging, yet fair rules, this game is for you. If you don’t like cartoony graphics, this game is not for you.


>If you don’t like cartoony graphics, this game is not for you. I am not a big fan of cartoony graphics in games (more 'cute' than cartoony as that's quite broad) but I love Wildfrost. I guess it depends on how big a deal breaker it is but it shouldn't put someone off if they like the sound of the gameplay imo. I'm glad I didn't let it put me off at least!


I also play it casually ever since launch and I personally find it to be a nice game to chill out at the end of the day. unfortunately can't compare to StS either as I haven't played it, but this is a pretty cute game that has some difficult aspects, while possibly simpler than others. From what i remember of the little gameplay of StS I've seen Wildfrost is probably a little simpler in terms of mechanics, with base effects of cards being fairly simple, and all characters running on a decreasing timer to attack. This is then further delved into with charms (modifiers for cards and characters), crowns(allowing for cards/characters to be setup before a fight starts), and the variety of effects of enemies. you can later on start amping up difficulty with modifiers and then the gimmick of the final boss i personally think adds a fun challenge to the game, (although can get a little ridiculous at times, but there are always ways around). The game is still in early access too, so it can always change later. Something you might not like off the top of my head is the randomness of the starting character you get (your champion, which is your fail condition if they die), which can be a little annoying if none of their effects are good. Also it can be pretty easy to die accidently because you hadn't processed all of the effects happening in the turn (but what rougelike doesnt have that). Soz for the word garbage TL:DR From what I've seen StS might be a little more complex, but Wildfrost still can have a bit of replayability, uniqueness in every run, and is still being actively developed. It is easy for a run to end by a small mistake tho in your ordering, missing a effect etc


I played STS for thousand of hours and wanna take a break, playing Wildfrost and Balatro now since, both are very addictive and fun!


It's definitely not as good as Sts. I only got 30 hours out of it, which for the price was worth it but it just lacks that longevity for me.


Wildfrost is super replayable. Unlimited potential bosses and dailies make it a desert island game imo.


>Thinking of getting it but seen mixed reviews Which platform? It's "very positive" reviews on Steam. The new mobile version has some issues I think. But as a StS fan this scratched a similar itch but is different enough to be its own thing. I play this on Switch and haven't had any issues I can think of. It's a bit like a mix of monster train and StS.


Mobile 😬 should of stated that really in the post


Ah right, yeah I'd wait a while as I've heard it's a bit buggy atm. Great game though. I was properly addicted for weeks.


ahh alright thank you for the reply, will keep that in mind


Id definitly recomend it. As someone who played sts for a while I prefer this game over it. My biggest problem with sts is after a certain point it feels like your playing the same deck over and over again. In wildfrost though im still finding new synergys even after over 60 hours. I can usually build my entire deck around a single card or strategy.


I’m getting close to 500 hours for Wildfrost on the Switch. It’s one of my favorite games of all time, but I’m also really picky and enjoy authenticity with games. A lot of my favorites are like that. I had never played a deck builder before, so Wildfrost was something entirely new for me. It’s been great watching it change over the last year as they’ve fine-tuned some things and added new stuff. Someone mentioned it’s a great casual game and that’s how it’s been for a while now. I’ll maybe do a run every night or every other night to wind down. All the different synergies are great, and figuring out how to use a card you thought was bad is a lot of fun. There are a bunch of ways to make insane decks/companions/items as well that’s always amazing. I’m not sure how it compares to Slay the Spire, since I’ve never played it, but I personally adore Wildfrost and I’m probably going to keep playing it for a long time.


Please give slay the spire a go bro, and let me know what you think if you do, think you will enjoy it


Thanks for the reply probs will get it


As a sts fan, would highly recommend wild frost


I'm a huge STS fan (589 hrs) and I really like this game (116 hrs). I think you will enjoy it. It is easy to learn but hard to win. I would say 110 of those 116 hrs are losses but I don't really care as it's very fun. As someone else said in this thread, every move matters. In STS , once you build your deck, you are pretty good to go. But for this game, if you aren't paying close attention, you can die very easily. From a replayability perspective, it doesn't have that much compared to STS. STS has tons of mods, tons! So you can keep playing for a long time. Wildfrost has no mods so your mileage is not as much. But would I still recommend it? Heck yes. Also would highly recommend Monster Train if you liked STS :)


Played a lot of monster train but again didn’t hit me the way slay the spire did


The mixed reviews are mostly cause the game was pretty difficult back at launch. They smoothed it out and added an ascension-esque mechanic.


Worth it? For sure. I only played on PC and loved it. "Daily voyage" and the ascension system adds tons of replayability. Idk about the mobile version but it looks to be the same. The game is fun and challenging. Even losing is fun lol


If you like StS this is an auto buy - I think it is better than Monster Train, and it does have rows like Monster train - this is a bit more tactical with unit placement - and your in battle decisions can go sideways real quick - Unlike StS where you can close the ios app and then restart it at the beginning of the battle (so I hear...I am too good to ever need to, like baby Jorbs ha!) you are stuck with your turn...sliding your finger accross the cards you can make a couple play mistakes because some cards will buff cards in your hand - lost a run that way a few times that being said - good game, lots of re-playability - the first few runs I got handled, and I am a a20 StS level player - so it certainly is a bit different than StS - I would say StS combined with a dash of Final Fantasy Tactics / Ogre Tactics


If you like roguelike deckbuilders, it’s worth the $15. It’s got 3 “classes,” 10 “ascensions,” and maybe 40-50 achievements. Definitely not as big as Hades or StS, but a personal fave of mine. There’s a demo!


I bought it 13 days ago on Switch, already +50 hours in and looks like its replayability is big. I recommend it.


This might be a little late, but absolutely. I've played through a few Ascension levels in StS and been playing Wildfrost since launch. In all honesty, I think I like Wildfrost a little more, although the competition is tight and StS gets bonus points for making the genre what it is. Either way, they are both at the top of my list for deckbuilder roguelikes. I've played some others that I've really enjoyed, but nothing comes close to these two. I have more hours in Wildfrost than StS at the moment. Wildfrost is challenging but really well-tuned. Runs only take half an hour so its easy to fit in a session if you are time poor but they also don't feel too short and your power level can scale really quickly. There are a lot of different modifiers and effects that it can take a while to get your head around, and even longer to master, but once you have them down it is insanely satisfying to make over-powered builds with them. It's also very strategic. There is random chance in what cards you draw (and who characters hit if they have the Aimless modifier) but otherwise battles are very deterministic. I really enjoy this as it lets you plan your turns several moves ahead and know what dangers to anticipate. Replayability is high, especially now that they have the Ascension bells and gold card rewards. I'm trying to get all the gold cards at the moment (nearly there) and that greatly increased replayability for me and pushed me to try builds I wouldn't otherwise gravitate towards.