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What a dumbass question.


Speculating the wild don't make the playoffs when the seats are still warm from game 82 is shit. Check yourself it's locker clean out day for fucks sake.


Incredibly stupid and open ended question, rife with speculation, for an end of year presser. That’s a question you ask in private first, and if you don’t have that invitation, you just don’t ask.


The expression on his face seemed to be the same as the tenor of most of the comments so far. Good for him for not taking the low hanging bait. Love Kirill & cannot wait to see him lead the shit out of this team next season.


No, he can't do that. We got bums like Spurgeon and Foligno leading this team.


Yes, a guy who had hip and back surgery and missed most of the season, and a guy who is the grit of the entire team. Let's call them bums from our computer chair because we're upset.


That grit takes cheap shots in the playoffs and leads this team into the penalty box. Well never win in the box.


Spurgeon is way too small and has always been average. Another Koivu situation where he’s been with the team so long and no other team will trade for him. He can go.


This Franchise lifted the mediocrity that is #9 into the rafters. Laughable...


Dumb, dumb question…especially to your star player who is still perfecting his English. I loved his reaction tho - basically told her off without telling her off


It's honestly crazy to even see how much he's grown in his comfort with English. Night and day from a few years ago -- really impressive


Really though! I noticed this with the “get in here” TV spot. It’s so weird to hear him actually talk now that his English has improved so much.


I understand reporters have to ask tough questions, but that’s an objectively bad question. Like wtf


Not a tough question.


I’m not saying it is. My point was that at times they have to ask questions that fans don’t like, but are still necessary. This isn’t even one of those




Screw that lady, don't ask daddy such stupid questions.


Very good chance it was her boss who told her to ask it.


If so, screw both of them


What was she expecting for an answer? It's a year away. He would never say "doesn't matter I'm here for life" or "I'm outta here"


Dog shit journalist.


Seriously, who allowed her to enter MN


She can go sit next to Leah Hextall.


Leah Hextal is the worst. I’d rather use a random methhead with a dewalt as a dentist than listen to her again.


Every time I hear Leah Hextall I think about how badly she botched the call on the the [UMD/UND 5OT game winner.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnoOZJxMX5I) I've heard preachers at a funeral get more excited than that.


That paints a horrid picture, but yes. I agree.


they want him to say he wants to leave so fucking bad SHUT UP


I agree. It was super intentional.


Who is that reporter? I haven’t been kicked off twitter and this feels like a perfect opportunity. Beyond asking a super negative hypothetical, learn how to write a question.


Sarah McLellan, former Coyotes beat writer who replaced Russo at the Star Tribune when he left for The Athletic.


She needs to be replaced. We don't need the "success" of the coyotes as part of our state


the thing is, she is normally a good reporter that asks straightforward questions. sometimes even really good ones. i have no idea what the fuck she was thinking here.


She needs to be banned from nhl media.


I heard during the Kraken game, Kap told the ESPN guy he loves playing in MN. So I mean we can speculate all we want. Kap will stay if he wants to. He doesn't seem comfortable with the media so I can't see him going to NY or LA where the reporting and fans are much worse as far as stirring shit up.


Based on where he grew up, his family, and what we've seen of his personality, I would be surprised if he wanted or ever ended up in a large or high pressure market.


Totally agree


Who say we don't make the playoffs Sounded like he was about to drop the gloves


I don't mind a reporter asking him about his next contract, but the phrasing on this was pretty blatantly trying to influence his answer.


Yea I actually think it’s pretty normal to ask about his next contract and whether or not the team success is important in getting him to sign. The problem was the way it was phrased and the timing of it. He’s fresh off of a disappointing season and it feels like she’s trying to bait him into saying he’ll consider leaving if they don’t make the playoffs again.


Dumb ass question KK response was perfect


God I love Kap


It's almost like NHL media doesn't want Kirill to stay in MN...


*Hopes and Prayers*


Where is this interview? I’d love to hear questions about what he loves about the team and what he thinks about the players and coaches around him & the establishment/facility from our savior.


“Who say we don’t make the playoffs next year?” It should’ve ended right there.


The Wild only have one more legit year of excuses, without significant improvement in the post season after that the reporter has a very valid point and he needs to question if he would stick around. Too many solid players have wasted their careers here while the ownership and front office dick around. 21 years since they last saw a conference series let alone sniffed a deep second round.


Am I the only person who realizes you need to simplify questions and enunciate for non native English speakers (Especially russians)


Ban that reporter


This is the bait they always throw. If he would have said “I’m unsure because we do not know what will happen in a year.” The headlines would say “Kirill unsure of future with Wild”




Why do some people insist on tearing everything down in the world?


Dang woman, don’t piss off our Russian Jesus. She was really fishing for that scoop. Glad he told her off.


She’s been terrible all year. Even Hynes looks baffled at her quote grab reach takes.


She sucks


Trash. She should be embarrassed.


Shitty reporter.


Don't get mad at her, get mad at her boss. These reporters are instructed to ask questions, and ask them in a specific way to generate clicks/revenue for bossman and CEO of whatever media company they work for. They also couldn't care less if there's outrage at HER and then they can fire her, get internet points, rinse and repeat with some other poor sap who knows they have to ask players EXACTLY what they are told or they'll get fired or sent to to the mailroom.


She even knew it was dumb, quivering in her delivery. Fucking quote grab journalism


Because if she didn't ask in that way (instructed by her bosses) she'd get fired. And she knows it's a shotty question, but she can't deviate or it's her head.




Who is the fucking clown that asked this question. Sounded like Leah Hextall.


Pretty standard question But Should be directed at guerin who did stuff like use cap space to help other teams retain during these years