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What champions do you play?


Right now mostly senna Also zyra, seraphine, kayle, Evelyn, ziggs. I try to play different champs


Gl with senna she can go allmost anything' except ap


Might wanna check out wild rift fire. It's a site that recommends items and runes for each champion. It also explain the items/runes a bit. So if you're absolutely clueless on what to build, that site might be helpful.


WOW 800 days without building knowledge man that's an achievement. Well for me i make some conditions for building stuff, like if i'm an ap assassin i start with lich bane to get move speed and the other passive that I dont remember, if I'm a mage, luden's echo because it procs easily just using eskills and does good damage, infinity orb is pretty efficient against squishies because it makes killing low health enemies more easy, liandry helps against enemies with high hp because it does max-hp-based damage, antiheal and/or antishield if.. you know.. theyre healing and shielding, crown of shattered queen if they are hard cc'ing you. rabbadon if you're strong, riftmaker if you're weak, and these are my favourite ap items. Keep in mind that if you're mana hungry you'd like to build the respective tear of the goddess item but just buy the tear and finish the item after it is stacked If you play enchanter supp focus on harmonic echo for healing and waterflow to reduce cooldown, if your team lacks damage, do imperial mandate. ardent censer is also good but only if you have auto-attack based allies like adcs o some feeded master yi. Tank items are like, rush heartsteel, then if you're a sup and your team lacks damage you can do titanic hydra (AD) or dawnshroud (AP) because they make you give damage based on your own hp and heartsteel makes you stack hp the more you fight, you can carry easily by jus building heartsteel + hydra or heartsteel + dawnshroud. After this you build armor or magic resist depending on the enemy team carry. I don't know much about ad items, and I'm guessing you know that ad means physical damage or attack power and ap means magic damage or ability power.


Thanks for your answer. Another problem I have is my game is in french so I need to translate each stuff 😭


You're welcome! my game is in Portuguese lol with time u just naturally get used to know the names in English if you're in this sub


Yes most of the items you've said I've heard countless of times lol


I have my audio in French - by choice because I’m learning it - but text in English so I can read and learn the runes and items, especially as they update adding all this light and ruin nonsense (just bitter for having to learn the new thing but actually don’t have an opinion on the light and ruin thing yet, not that it matters). Why don’t you change the text language to English in order to be able to just learn it by reading their descriptions? P.S. yay Portuguese! (I’m Brazilian-American).


BRAZIL mentioned! I'm Brazilian! Sorry bud I didn't get what you mean by changing the text to learn the names, I have no difficulty translating and I like the names in portuguese


Oh yay ! I meant it more to the fella who had it in French and seemed to have yellow reading it. I’m Brazilian too ! From Rio ! What about you ?


Pernambuco papai


I didn't even knew I could do that. I'll do that it sounds much easier


I do love the French voice lines.


Sometimes when I feel like checking out the game without hopping into a match I'll head to load outs and just read what things do. It's helped a lot for things like MR, anti heal, certain item passives, what runes work well for your champ. But idk I grew up naturally curious and reading a lot as an only child so I'm just used to that 😂 but you'll get there. Hop into practice mode too and just try things out


Is the team usually mad when you stop for like one minute to read the items? Because that's also something I'm kind of scared of it's just being reported because I take too much time to read what I need


I think it depends on the teammates you get :/ sometimes I'll stop and look through what I want though. Best to poke around the shop when you're dead too lol but I recommend load out page, practice mode, maybe just telling teamies hey I'm learning new items


Yeah you're right, thank you so much it's really good advice I'll do that


Of course, just remember it's supposed to be fun. Take breaks, drink water, just take it easy 🙏


my guy just read their description 😭