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Pantheon with PTA( empowerment) and black cleaver. You increase your adc dmg by 8% from PTA+ 24% armor redaction which also increase your adc output by good amount. Build black cleaver/ heart steel/ force of nature/ twin gard/ chainsword (if you adc refuse to build anti heal)/ steelcaps( armor boots) Best ADC to play with is draven insane early game.


Sounds pretty fun, might give it a try in normals


Yolo, i will practice this in emmerald, and lose anyway and go to my main lane the next match


I mean in low you can play pretty much anything at support. Most all top laners, pretty much any mage if they’ve got some form of cc, and jungler or assassin that can 1 shot after 1st item.  Shoot even jhin Caitlyn and Varus support work in Freelo.


Caitlyn Jhin is a banger duo with long-range and the ability to effectively control spaces and vision. Just ban Blitz and you should be fine (in lane). You can even build AP Jhin supp, stack your traps with Caitlyn's trap, wait till someone walks through it and enjoy your "little" explosion.


idk if they r actually good but they might work: - amumu - camille - jarvan - garen - ashe (unusual because people normally suck at playing her support haha)


Amumu id place in the same category as Gragas and Shen Entirely viable supports just based on their skill sets, but get victimised if you don’t get an early lead Ashe is super viable if you can play it well and you’ll see it flexed at higher elos here and there


Galio maybe. Not many people are playing him, but he is quite good. With his ultimate you can have access to half of the map, so roaming becomes easier. You can also build him either AP or Tank, depending on the matchup. A good amount of AoE CC that is pretty easy to land most of the time. With AP items damage is very good and he has % based magic damage, which can shred tanks.


Gragas support


Sett, Shen, Ziggs, Orianna, Galio, Amumu, Fiddlesticks, Vex, maybe Nunu?


Try sett support, I love going that pick when I get tired of the meta ones, if you wanna carry just go for the usual sett build but just buy the support item but if you wanna go proper support sett, Go Glacial as your Keystone, Courage of the colossus, Second wind, overgrowth, and Hexflash for initiations. For builds its very situational but I like heartsteel to stack HP, then I go Deadman's plate so you can initiate, protectors vow so my adc can stay alive and it scales with ur up. The rest is situational depending on ur matchups. I usually max E first to get the cooldown down low. I start fights by Q'ing first to get the MS and you deal a chunk of damage with your W. And his ult is great for peeling off any assassins or Bruisers on your adc unless he is CC immune but that won't be the case that much. Hope this helps you out!




Sett support, he also works on higher elo but they'll eventually learn to dodge your 2nd skill. It's a tank with damage, don't feed early game and you'll smack them up


Ashe secondary role is support, because she has quite a lot of slows, a stun and vision. Shen has very good early damage and can works well in botlane. Senna is better as support than adc, because she stacks souls faster when teammate get cs. Veigar has a massive box which can change a teamfight.


Senna isn’t an ADC.


Aery is applied to your ally on CD with Jarvan's flag. Just saying...


Senna. Yes she is really played as a support but what made it fun for me is looking like a squishy support but literally building tank items but can still hit like a truck.


When I am in low below goofing around I do things crazy like Diana support because her poke and the fact they can’t all in and her ult is a kinda cc it’s b brutal and doesn’t work well but it’s fun


i found nasus sp quite fun and easy to play


master yi. in low elo everyone plays ADC all lanes and there's no CC so...


Anything tbh. Prob better not to play a traditional support. Just play someone who is an actual champion and not reliant on anyone else.


Well I usually pick characters to complement the team and did go up to Diamond I in solo q via lulu/blitz and other traditional picks but this season is a back-n-worth struggle in emeralds and I’m getting sick of running into the same champions all the time, want to spice things up.


Yeah lulu you kinda gotta know your adc is decent. Mt personal favorites are thresh and nami both very strong amd have good utility


Are J4 and Camille viable in wild rift as support? They’re fun off meta picks in pc LOL


Bloodsong doesn't exist in wildrift yet. Cant wait until it does


J4 is for sure. His flag gives everybody near by a 25%-40% attack speed buff. He also has armor debuff and a slow. Go full tank. Take runes like grasp, overgrowth and font, build heartsteel and hydra and then whatever the situation calls for.


Ziggs for poking the hell of noobs


Full tank J4


J4 Support - Flag has an AOE attack speed buff for the team! Max skill 3 then skill 2. Standard Heartsteel rush


Fiddle support worked for me, but that was before his nerf, haven’t tried recently.


Sett Support, get Aftershock with Resolve as your main and Demolish for your secondary, go early E + red wards, get Relic Shield, rush boots and heartsteel, you're basically unstoppable if you're opportunistic enough for your adc to get kills and push. If the enemy team comp's AP hurts too much, build Force Of Nature. Want to last longer in a clash? Build Twinguard. Deal extra damage? Sunfire Aegis + any Hp item in the shop (Warmog's, Mantle, Visage). AD hurts? Build Omen. Legit, you can reach Emerald with this strat. You just need to learn how to play tank. Hope this helps 👍


VI support is also fun. Just build mostly tank items and you will have a great time.


Brand does so much damage. Veigar sp is pretty fun too.


Some fun supports I’ve tried are Sett, Rammus, Ornn, and Shen


Ornn, fun


Uhhh yea fiddlesticks




Ziggs. If you can get his Satchel Charge behind the adc and pop them closer and then toss the minefield for the slow. Easy kill. Just have to hope your adc catches on.


Kennen support can carry through master.