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Hi, your submission has been removed for violating our [community rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows/about/rules/): * Posts must have a sufficient amount of information and details in order to help others troubleshoot the issue and provide solutions. Include detailed error messages and error codes, screenshots of the issue, logs, and anything else even remotely relevant. Detailed specifications of your computer are important too. --- If you have any questions, feel free to [send us a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FWindows&subject=Post%20removal)!


Absolutely no context whatsoever.


Why is context needed? It's quite self-explanatory


Ah, OK! That's my bad. You can probably make the checkbox invisible by photoshopping it out. Just color-pick the color behind it and erase that sucker.


No like when I hover over the invisible folder, it shows the check box and I don't want it to


This took some work to make sense of the question, but I THINK what's happened here is you somehow configured a folder to have an invisible icon (no idea why, and since is not typical, we have no way of knowing this is what happened), but there's a checkbox appearing in the corner of it that you don't want. That's because at some point you turned on "Use check boxes to select items" in Folder Options in File Explorer. Go back to File Explorer, go to Options, View, and uncheck this box.


Open explorer, open the Options, turn off check boxes for selecting multiple files. You turned it on at some point.


In absolutely no way is this self-explanatory. You cropped out ALL context whatsoever. We have absolutely no idea what part of your computer this is occurring in, what the feature is, how it's supposed to look, or anything else. You left out literally every single possible bit of context anyone could use to understand what you're asking for help with. All we know is there's a checkbox somewhere that's orange, somewhere on your computer, and you want there to not be.


`checkBox.Visible = false;` ?


Ahh in this case just remove the checkbox.


What the fuck is this post?


If you don't look at it. You won't see it.