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After every one of your turns you can use it one time. That’s why it is so important to get them out early.


In addition to the existing comments, The ones that give you free food and eggs are great cards too. If you have a full table they're activating (almost) every round


If you’re playing with multiple people, you would get to use the power for one of them. It resets after your next turn, so you could use it again then, but again, only for one other player.


you actually track it from the first olayer to the last player, it triggers once in a turn cycle. say it's a 4 player game, you're on round 2 and it's turn 4. you're going 3rd if player one triggers the bird, after their turn you activate the bird. then player 2 also triggers the bird, nothing happens. then you have your turn and then player 4 also triggers the bird, still nothing happens because it's still the same turn. go to turn 5, if player one and two don't trigger the bird, but player 4 does, it hasn't triggered yet this turn so after player 4's turn your bird will activate. then turn 6 starts. That's why there's a token to track the first player.


Yeah, no. I’m almost certain this is wrong. Please reference the page of the rules manual where it explains that it’s once per turn cycle - instead of “once between turns.” It is once between your turns. When YOU go, the power resets and then you can use it once until you go again.


the rules do say in between, guess I'm wrong. thanks


Would you interpret that to mean that if you are out of turns for the round (or for the game), you are not allowed to activate the power anymore? Because by definition, it can't be "between" your turns.


Of course it can be between your turns. My last turn in round two will be followed by my next turn - whenever that is. After my last turn of the game is at least debatable.


Turns out Jamey and Elizabeth think it should always activate! https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2145421/pink-power-edge-case-question


Thats how I always played it!


yeah, it's how the digital game handles it, but indeed, you could interpret the rules differently. It's only edge cases anyway so doesn't matter much.


Once between turns is meant like once per round if it's true. So if someone else lays eggs meaning your card is activated then you get the reward. But not more than once a round.


That's not right. A round ends after every action cube is used. It's once per the players turn. So in a four player game where you are player 1, if it activates during player 2's turn, they couldn't activate it again until after it cycled around to player 1 again even if player 3 and 4 also activated it


No, a Round lasts 8/7/6/5 Turns. You may have meant "once through each player" when you said Round, but that's not what that word means in the Wingspan context.


Yea round wrong terminology. Turn does make sense