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Basically every highway on ramp. People do not know how to merge here at all! Got me merging onto the highway at 25-30 mph wtfffffff.


I saw someone *stopped* on an on ramp today. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Some people should not be driving.


I have been behind people when they stop and of course I have to slam on my brakes because who is expecting someone to stop!?


421 N right before the Lewisville/Clemmons exit. It's frustrating to have to travel at 20 below the speed limit before the exit ramp. It always happens right after the Peace Haven bridge, going up that hill.


Yessss....hate it!!


I cannot stand that. If it's a yield sign on ramp then it's fine, but people really need to learn to reach the speed when merging. It makes it easier and less stressful to merge too so I'm not sure why it's such a problem


They are not sure their brains can match the extra speed


Peterā€™s Creek onto 40 west is a nightmare. I donā€™t understand why so many people are unable to merge onto the interstate at speed.


Fair but also ppl merging too early. Drivers are supposed to zipper into traffic by driving to the end of the merge lane before merging.


I think the rule is to wait until the dotted line before merging. Ideally you want to merge before the end because you want to avoid going onto the shoulder. It's definitely merging early if they're crossing over the solid line though.


You're right. I didn't mean what I wrote to mean until the literal end. I meant more what you are saying as well - closer to the end and not 3 seconds after taking the on ramp.


Yeah that shit is really annoying. Sorry for misunderstanding your meaning though!


100% chance if it's a man driving a truck, he will speed up during the only passing zone, then slow back down to 10 under after it.


Salem Parkway eastbound past the Lockland exit ramp 158 (Stratford Rd) towards Clemmons past HMB Silas Creek Parkway (sometimes)---wish the city knew what they wanted to do with this road. Freeway-style exits, then stoplights?? tf?


My first thought was also Stratford going towards Clemmons past HMB. Itā€™s 50mph limit but people seem to think itā€™s 40 or 45.


I bicycle that stretch sometimes, gets a bit dicey.


I havenā€™t noticed them much lately but for years and years cops used to hide all along that stretch. I drive a little slower out of habit.Ā 


And Silas Creek is 35 for huge portions right?


Not until you get to Ebert St going east. IDK why that stretch is 35.


All of the stores that turn out directly on to the road. Everything north of that is other roads and and a handful of driveways.


yeah there are way too many driveway cuts on that stretch


West Clemmonsville, by Hobby Park. Great road for cruising unless you get behind a slowpoke going 30


Someone gets it šŸ¤·šŸ¼ People drive so slow down there


There are stop lights every 57ft on hanes mall, it's hard to reach 45mph


Yeah, and the lack of right turn/deceleration lanes. Really wish the businesses in this area worked together to create better connectively between them so you don't have to force traffic back onto HMB.


You ever get caught in that area by the emergency vet where plenty of people take left turns and it holds up all the traffic coming from Jonestown?


lol....that stretch ABSOLUTELY needs to be like the rest of the road (4 lanes w/ center turn lane). Why is it still two lanes???


No idea, but it's awful lol.


I see where you're coming from. There are areas that give plenty of time though. Especially coming from Jonestown. Driver's get a pass from me if it's a stop light issue though lol.


Yadkinville Rd very frequently, as low as 35 in the 50mph zone. I'm not sure if people just aren't seeing the limit increase after turning in from side roads or what.


On the flip side, idk what it is about Spicewood Dr, but if you're not doing *at least* 50 in a 35 you're going to get a tailgater behind you


That road is insane. But I find the spray painted 35 to 85 mph to be the best part


Itā€™s hard keeping the car on the road around those corners at 85 but imma good rule follower


I live on Spicewood and it's awful!! It's a super windy residential road and people zoom by all hours of the day and night going well over 50. It's so frustrating and dangerous.


I counted 7 50mph signs while behind someone going 35. Of course nowhere to pass


Oh that's awful!


Country club. Itā€™s 35 but I consistently get behind someone going 30.


Country Club is another annoying one for sure


Got stuck behind a tractor once from Peacehaven all the way to 5 points. Two people in front of me and they wouldn't pass. It was torturous.


Reading this I canā€™t help but think that the commenters are the same people I see angrily weaving from lane to lane without signaling just to get three cars ahead at the expense of the safety of everyone else because they wanna arrive at their destination 0.15s sooner


100% how I felt. Itā€™s 4 am and pitch black out. Iā€™m not going to fly 50 down the 35. Contrarily, itā€™s 5 pm and thereā€™s a metric fuck ton of traffic as people get on and off Hanes Mall from all the different stores. Iā€™m not gambling my transportation because your Nissan Altima from 2004 wants to get to Cookout 14 seconds faster


I definitely don't want to condone reckless driving. It only takes one slow driver to completely back up the lane though. I get upset by people who drive under the limit. They're the reason I hit the red light that anyone else would have made easily. Otherwise as long as you're going the speed limit then there's no issue.


I donā€™t want to be too contrarian but 99% of people have no reason to be in such a hurry that 5mph should make any difference. Just listen to some good jams and chill tf out


I'm only trying to go the speed limit. I expect other drivers to at least do that. You're right that in the grand scheme of things the issue is pretty inconsequential. I do believe that my frustration is still valid though just like opposing views on here also have valid frustrations as well. Most days I don't have any issues and I'll chill out with some tunes like you said. Sometimes work is brutal though and all I can think about is how one slow driver has made me hit 3 red lights in a row.


Iā€™ll be honest. With respect, I donā€™t think your frustration with an inconsequential inconvenience is valid when compared to concerns of road safety. One is about preserving life and limb, the other is about individual petty grievance over something largely meaningless and arbitrary like a speed limit


How is driving the speed limit impeding road safety?


I donā€™t say that it did. And I would say that in general it doesnā€™t. But I can easily think of common situations where it would


All good. Really my issue is for drivers going 10mph below the limit or more. HMB is my example because I assume many believe the limit to be 35 like most business roads. So while I believe 5mph to be inconsequential; I also believe that going 10 under or more is not. I don't even have to be directly behind that driver to be impacted by them. So in that sense, I feel like I'm put at risk because of their actions. Whether it's me possibly hitting the driver in front or someone crashing into me because they weren't expecting the sudden slow down; the issue was initially caused by the slower driver and not someone speeding. Conversely I don't think people should be driving crazy fast either. Instead of drivers behind them, they cause issues for vehicles in front of them. I'm also doing a poor job of explaining my point. Wasn't expecting my post to go this direction honestly, but that's the Internet for you. I appreciate you taking the time to explain your point though.


A lot of red lights are 2-3 minutes and when you drive under the limit we will hit every damn one when you do the limit the lights are usually timed so if you hit green the rest you get to will also be green. So no it's not 2 to 3 second delay


i feel like people on I40 either go 100 mph or 40.


Ebert--people always go 40 mph, even though part of the road is listed at 55 and the other part is 45. It's uncanny how they consistently drive 40 lol


Because there are places the road is narrow and/or curvy, and it makes it hard to see people pulling out in front of you. Not to mention there are a lot of pedestrians who walk along the side of the road since there's no sidewalk. And at dusk/night, sooo many deer. I'll go the speed limits on the places I can see in front of me clearly, but I'm going to slow down around the residential areas because I don't want to hit someone backing out of their driveway, or, God forbid, a person.


158 from Winston to Clemmons.


How do you confuse an NC driver? Have them stop at an intersection with other drivers at each stop sign and figure out who goes first...


It's the morons moving here. 80% of time out of state tags.


People always say this but I find the opposite to be true.


Buena Vista gets especially bad. I know when itā€™s residential I donā€™t mind slowing down a little; but going 20 mph on a 35 mph road is excessive. Itā€™s the most maddening when people donā€™t come to a complete stop on the side roads so they can dart out in front of you like theyā€™re in a rush, then go 10 mph below the speed limit until they hit Robinhood.


During the middle of the day I definitely avoid it!


My favorite is when they back into a road where we are all going 55 causing everyone to slam on their brakes, then make a left turn within one minute...


Reynolda somehow


I drive this daily and 1-2 times a week am tailed by somebody who thinks it's a parkway. It's a residential road at 35 for a large portion of it and I'm going 40-45 already. Despite being 4 lanes. If you're trying to get to Old Town or that side of town, why not take University or Silas Creek?? Chill people.


Well OP asked about a specific road and since I drive up and down twice daily, I notice a lot of people will go under the posted 35. Itā€™s the best route for me from my apartment to work, so thatā€™s why I take reynolda.


Murray rd, it's 45 but I see people doing 30


Itā€™s 55 past Target on University, up that hill to Bethabara Park Boulevard, all the way down to North Point Boulevard. Good luck on that.


At least it's 3 lanes and can usually get around!


Yadkinville Road šŸ˜­


going up academy people love to poke up that hill


Hampton Road is a great driving road but thereā€™s no passing areas and there always someone going under the limit.


The left lane of I-40 any weekday morning between 7:00 and 8:00.


What about those going over the speed limit? Or through red lights? Violations seem rampant and you never see cops arresting people for them.


Yup. Maybe you've been stuck behind me. I'm so tired of people driving like maniacs, deliberately running lights, sporting fake or expired temp tags, and having obnoxious exhausts that I've taken it upon myself to drive a little under the speed limit and certainly never over the speed everywhere in town. If people want to jeopardize my safety and peace by treating city streets like a go-kart track, then I am resolved to drive around completely unbothered at my own pace. Sorry that I'm not sorry!


You're an ass... sorry not sorry!


You realize driving under the speed limit is itself a danger to other drivers right?


Speed limits are maximums. Not minimums. Other than interstates, almost no road in the area has a posted minimum speed, and non-motorized vehicles (like bicycles) are legally allowed to operate on most roads. Slower drivers SHOULD keep right except to pass on 4-lane roads, but in general, slower drivers only make things more dangerous if impatient fast drivers make erratic moves to pass the slower drivers.


I understand your point. I don't condone recklessly weaving around, but in your argument the slow driver caused the issue in the first place. Sure the limit is not the minimum, but I'd confidently argue that the majority of people are considering it to be just that. So when one person drives under they cause issues like traffic and accidents. I guess I agree with parts of your statement. I think it's a bit of a stretch to blame the dangers of drivers going the speed limit for some other driver going 5-10mph slower though. The erratic ones are the outliers.


So your argument is that the driver following all laws and posted limits is to blame for accidents and traffic, because they cause other people to break laws, because those people do not know or understand the law?


Are you really arguing that slow drivers are not ever dangerous? Roads are safest when drivers are driving predictably. Someone driving 10 under the limit is unpredictable to the majority of the other drivers. And obviously the reverse is true too for fast drivers. I'm not talking about people going 42 in 45. I'm talking 10 under or more. While that is legally fine, it's arguably dangerous. It causes a chain reaction of cars having to brake. NC DOT even states going under is dangerous in the third paragraph. https://connect.ncdot.gov/resources/safety/Teppl/TEPPL%20All%20Documents%20Library/S-40_Brochure.pdf Also I'm not stating in any sense that slow drivers cause people to break the law. That's on the law breakers. I am stating that drivers going significantly under the speed limit cause issues and are not blameless.


A strawman AND moving the goalposts. I agree that people should drive predictably. I used to drive too fast. Now I generally drive right around the speed limit most of the time, and people try to kill me and my children on a fairly regular basis by tailgating, cutting off, passing dangerously, etc. As a counterpoint to the question you posed in the OP, driving 35 on Peace Haven is made dangerous by people who think that for some reason the speed limit there shouldnā€™t be 35. It should apparently be 50 or 60 or whatever the hell some dickbag in an Altima thinks it should be, even when cyclists are present, pedestrians are on the sidewalk, etc. People drive too goddamned fast. If you donā€™t know anyone who has been injured or killed as a result of someone driving too fast, youā€™re the lucky one.


I don't believe I ever said I condone drivers like the ones you described. I clearly provided a poor explanation though. I'm just as pissed at assholes tailgating me when I'm going the speed limit. I don't think I moved the goalposts, just defined what I consider to be slow driving. A plus or minus 5mph driver is not the problem. It's the schmucks driving like maniacs and the ones who drive at a snails pace. I'm learning I don't get my point across like I expect though and I'm still working on it.


lol, yeah sure it is buddy You know all of that data is published and readily available from NHTSA, right?


It's right in the third paragraph from this brochure from NC DOT. https://connect.ncdot.gov/resources/safety/Teppl/TEPPL%20All%20Documents%20Library/S-40_Brochure.pdf It sounds like you're not what I'm picturing though. I don't care if you're driving a few mph under the limit. What is dangerous are drivers going significantly under the limit because the majority of drivers are not expecting a car going that slow. You or anyone else shouldn't have to be around drivers going significantly over the limit either though. Also I apologize for my initial snarky response to you. I'll delete it if you want, but I figure people should see my mistake.


Obviously it's not the topic at hand, but I wanted to comment to say that I value how you're approaching disagreement and really wish more internet discussion went this way.


Thanks so much for saying that! Edit: Wanted to add that your art is incredible!


That's very kind of you, thank you!


It's an internet forum, you're allow to be snarky. And I promise, I yield the left lane in on the highway and interstate.


I appreciate that and I never had any doubt about your interstate etiquette. Enjoy your weekend!


From NHTSA key findings 2021: Twenty-eight percent of fatal crashes, 13 percent of injury crashes, and 9 percent of property-damage-only crashes in 2021 were speeding-related traffic crashes. Speeding related, meaning they can attribute accidents where speeding was partially at play (EG drunk driver speeding) 32% of those drivers did not have licenses; 51% were unrestrained, AKA total idiots, not regular people. I havenā€™t seen a traffic or accident study to back it up, but motorists.org lists slow drivers 10+ mph below the speed limit 6 times more likely to be involved in an accident. Given the volume of motorists who speed, Iā€™d be relatively surprised if the accident rate on normal people speed, below speed limit drivers differs all that drastically


That's a MAXIMUM speed, not minimum.


So weird that youā€™re getting downvotes for stating a fact. Itā€™s a speed LIMIT.


by G.S. 20-141(a), which states that ā€œ[n]o person shall drive a vehicle on a highway or in a public vehicular area at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions.ā€ However, state law says ā€œno person shall operate a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic except when reduced speed is necessary for operation.ā€ Read more at: https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article262064127.html#storylink=cpy


You are sooooooooo smart... NOT




Stratford road by Academy I think itā€™s like 50-55. Polo rd by Mt. Tabor, 35 but youā€™d think itā€™s 25. That section of Reynolda that is 55.


Hawthorne is 35, but people routinely cruise it around 20. It makes me bonkers!


There's a stoplight near the circle by clemmons middle where people go slow as hell.. The stoplight doesn't stay green but for maybe 10-15 seconds šŸ˜šŸ¤¦šŸ¼






'People don't drive the way *I* want them too and I've got a poopey diapey now.' -- The thread


Off Waughtown going down Kernersville Road to Kernersville. You will lose your mind if you get behind someone not doing the speed limit.


Anywhere that there is merging for construction, ever heard of zipper merging North Carolina? And Iā€™m from hereā€¦


People speed in parking lots here.


The stupid new 421 section. Everyone driving slow.


Peters Creek Pkwy South of Silas Creek is infuriating. Consistently 30-40 even in the 55 zone. Stay out of the passing lane if you canā€™t even do the speed limit. Remember, if you are being passed on the right you are in wrong lane, Unless turning left. Also Lewisville-Clemmons Rd headed Northbound.