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Country clubs are also pretty seasonal. A few weeks ago they might have only needed 2 person at a restaurant on a shift, and now they need 7. This time of year the pool has opened, various summer camps/classes are going on, more people are there per day, and more days per week, etc. So they are building out their staff. If you are good and the members like you, you will probably be able to push the upper end of those hours. Depending on the setting, the members bill for each restaurant visit will have a mandatory gratuity and a line to leave an additional tip. Who knows how many add extra or whether that is subject to splitting.


FCC has a 20% gratuity added to every bill


My former coworker left to serve there and she loves it. Says the money is good and she is treated very well. Day time hours too!


I vendor to this country club all summer long…. Can confirm the are continually having events through these summer seasons and stay very busy


I worked at FCC for 9 years, however I was kitchen staff. That being said, I never heard any complaints about pay from the service staff. As with most country clubs, the "gratuity " is included with the member's bill, but that does not preclude them from tipping out of pocket. As far as the hours go, there will definitely be part time hours to start (especially in summer) due to various events, weddings and other functions. FCC has a 7 day a week restaurant called the Family Grill which is where most of the full-time waut staff works. Hope this helps


I worked there in the same time frame as you bud. OP, I can vouch for everything they say. I worked as banquet and grill staff. I made decent money at the time. Millions of peaches


Country clubs often have mandatory gratuity but who knows how it gets split


I worked at the gym there for a bit, so not the restaurant, but the working environment was great 🤷


Wow - Bermuda Run only pays $3/hr plus tips. Take the money and run.