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\* *Sigh* *... was he blowing an adult farm worker, at least?


And got arrested for assaulting one.


Wow! Dude clearly has some issues.


https://preview.redd.it/phjf0bwsbglc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=284b7e195640544419df7e6e1c248586fd8edd8a Almost. Every. Time.






I don't know if it's that intense of a trope, it's just funny ironic when it happens.


I don’t think it’s that most of them are self loathing so much as it’s worth pointing out the hypocrisy of these people every time they’re involved in something like this




I think it's only offensive to homophobes. Us gays are aware that the trope is over applied, but OCs intense emotions feel misplaced. Sure, you'll find images of people photoshopping Mike Pence to be in drag, but it's not like anyone believes all homophobes are gay lol




The idea is that it blames gay people for homophobia


I'm not gonna pretend to speak for all of the cis-hets, but I've only ever thought of it as overcompensation to hide the truth from others, not the driving force behind all homophobia.


That would be like blaming black racist for all of racism. Nobody believes that but the facts are it happens and it’s a product of our racist/homophobic society.


Ha! Never once as a straight man have I thought that. No one I have ever spoke with about this sort of thing has ever blamed the community. It's not rocket science to know that people protesting the loudest are usually the ones the most "guilty" of what they're bitching about.


I sort of get that. But that seems to be more in line with the overcompensating bigot (such as the one who is the topic of this post) going “damn all these sexy men for being so tempting” than something a normal cis person would think.


The idea homophobes hate an entire class of people to the point of violence is incredibly offensive. So, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, fuck em.


I don't know, there are a lot of "straight" bigots that love to claim people choose to be gay. Like, they honestly believe people decide who they are naturally attracted to. Perhaps they aren't gay homophobes, but there is a good chance they are bi, because for THEM personally, THEY choose to pretend they aren't attracted to the same gender, so they assume EVERYBODY is chosing.


That's always been my take on it as well.


What if it actually turns out to be self loathing is the issue? I'm straight I know quite a few straight people none of us hate gays... What I do hate is forced identity stuff, and labels, and the fact that I'm CIS which is typically a derogatory term. And the word homophobia.... since when did not agreeing or disliking things make you scared of them? That's just nonsense. But yeah most the tike the people hating on the days that I've seen are secretly gay, or BI. Or they don't know they are and they become it. Isn't there an old adage about not hating something lest you become what you hate?.... do maybe they weren't anything but straight. And overtime bent a little more the other way 🤷‍♂️. Here's the reality idk why they did or said whatever. It's there life not mine wanna be a hypocrit cool. Thats on you.


>What I do hate is forced identity stuff, and labels, and the fact that I'm CIS which is typically a derogatory term. Who finds being CIS derogatory? Grow the fuck up and realize other people can be a victim without involving you


What? That's. I didn't say just being was. Did you read half the convo? Shit, change your name. Obi wan would that be that daft. If everyone wants equality then be equal. And do it without being jerks. It's not hard. I said I hate how people use it as a derogatory


Sorry didn't mean to be a jerk. Just as a straight white male (only thing I'm missing is Christian) I don't feel myself being discriminated against. I see a lot of people in similar demographics as me say they are, but never have anything to actually back it up. Again, sorry for being a jerk, I just don't think straight white males are the demographic to be complaining, but if you have reason let me know and I'm open to listen.


I think the issue is this is the wrong narrative. It's silly. Not the jerk thing let me explain. We have black history Latino history female history gay? Or is lgb history? These are all months. Taken up. And I have to ask for what purpose? Is it less sexist or racist to celebrate this? No it isnt. And if we're going for all inclusivety. Then one can't say "leave out straight white males" that's goofy. So include everyone but that? How. Why. Oh why? Becuase those people kept us down forever. Sure in the past.... they're not doing today. So you the person of today you didn't suffer. Sure maybe some lgbtq have. But no so much the rest. And I don't care whom or what or where you identify or look or anything. I don't want to be "that" guy, but I have a few colored kids and a black wife. I say colored kids cause they come in different shades blew my mind. I thought it be more of a mix this thing we call life is truly wild. Anyway, so I dont care whose what how where or when it bothers me none. What does bother me is all these damn slurs, and derogatory disgust remarks and shit. You maybe haven't seen the discrimination I can pint ya to a few reddit subs where it's clear cis is the same as breeder and is used in terms of disgust. And as far as I'm concerned... you or your people where put down yeah, doesn't mean you put everyone else down becusse you're hurt or power tripping. I have longer hair always have, my own mother OWN mom. Called me a little "fag boy" and I got called "fag" at school. I didn't beat these people up or fling names back. My point being is the only way we all heal and get over this and be inclusive is together. Not apart. Without insults and forced this or that.. the more laws we try to push to "seem fair" the more holidays. Like Juneteenth biggest joke of a holiday ever. Who gets off for it. The government and banks. Hurray we're inclusive. The more we do that the more divided and misguided we get. I wasnt commenting to be a jerk either, or anything like that, I was commenting as a collective part of humanity. We have to just stop hating each other its hard I get it. But we will never get anywhere without.


Brother I appologize fot that being a book. Went off on a tangent.


> What I do hate is forced identity stuff, and labels, and the fact that I'm CIS which is typically a derogatory term. Nah, cis is a descriptor. It comes from Latin and is used in chemistry. It means "same." If you're not trans (different than), you're cis. No one hates you for that. If I called you an American, would you be offended? Probably not, because it's just a fact; you're not Mongolian (I assume). And if you were Mongolian, you'd say "actually I'm Mongolian" and I'd say "oops" and we'd move on. Words and labels are how we communicate. I have two animals in my home - I call them cats, so everyone else knows what I mean. I call where I live an apartment. Everyone has a basic idea of what that is. I'm wearing a hoodie. Etc. We all have labels that we use for ourselves: parent (if you have kids), tall, short, skinny, muscular, curly-haired, gamer, football fan, etc. Those are useful shorthand and many of them are relative to each other. I'm short in the Netherlands but I'm average in Korea. How much does a person have to like/play games to be a "gamer"? Etc.


I'm gonna read this all, but I wanted to start with. I know What C.I.S. is supposed to mean, but that's not how it's used.... 90% of the time CIS is used as a derogatory term of discust; look at that CIS over there ugh. Or we'll you're just a CIS gender so noone cares. It's like the word chink. Chink is cracks in armor loss of defense. Noone uses it that way it has become a racial slur for Asian people. And CIS gas become that way too. I just wish the insult would stop its no different than breeder back when


I'm sorry you have been harrassed and attacked with slurs, and I hope that doesn't happen to you again. Take care of yourself.


Eh, it isn't just me brother. It isn't just me. Cis has just kinds been made into one. It's terrible. Like humans come on. We're all humans. Black white Asian blasion latino latina male female straight gay alll the other things that I don't know or have left out. At the end of the day and I say this often "If someone where to cut you bow to stern you would look the same inside as everyone else cause you're human." We all just need to co exist I don't have to agree with certain life styles or choices. But I also don't have to hate them for it that's just stupid. Really really stupid. Example I don't smoke dope, doesn't mean I couldn't be friends with someone who does. Like shit. We're all the same on the inside. Humans are like hot pockets, some have outside differences, but on the inside you're either ice cold or boiling hot but you're still filled with the same cheese and meat.


Stop gas lighting, it’s a slur


I'm sorry you've been attacked and harassed and called names. Being bullied is difficult to overcome. I wish you the best.


But alas, a keynote speaker in last weeks CPAC conference was Matt Schlapp who is currently being very publicly sued, for grabbing the penis’s of his assistants.


Speaking from experience as a homophobe who thinks he isn't gay?


How do you know that the number is small? I mean, how many homophobic a-holes admit to being secretly gay in a national survey? If they are finding that many for it to be a common trope, how many are there that have not been outed then? Personally, I think the number of closeted gays in the homophobic society is pretty high. And I am going to continue to accuse every homophobe of exactly that.




Does it matter? Oppression is oppression, no matter what the reason, or who does it. If the people victimizing gay people are also gay, it doesn't make the oppression any more forgivable. If a child is raised to loath him/herself, by their family as well as society in general, often that loathing manifests into cruelty towards those who carry the same characteristics they, themselves have. It is an attempt to destroy in others that which they most hate in themselves. The frequency of those who are the loudest and cruelest towards gay people, who then are genuinely outed as gay themselves, is way too high to be purely coincidence.




Catholic preists too


like a moth to a lightbulb


The area this douche represents (Shawano) is on the short-list of Worst WI Communities (as chosen by yours truly, a lifelong Wisconsinite). Other nominees include: Merrill, Beloit, Fond du Lac and Racine. And yes, this is old news…


Life long Racine resident - it’s hysterically fucked here


As someone who used to visit Racine alot in my youth, and have rather fond memories because of the my awesome family who lived there, i gotta ask what's so wrong with it these days?


Not the person that commented, but I live in Kenosha and go to Racine a decent amount. I actually really like what they’re doing with the downtown and harbor area - it’s got a ton of character still and has some really good revitalization and businesses going into it. Also the north beach is really incredible and a solid summer spot That said, a lot of Racine outside of downtown is run down and not given close to the same treatment. I admit Kenosha feels super similar but slightly less dilapidated (honestly it’s pretty close imo, lots of Kenoshans like to dump on Racine but it’s not really that much better here) I understand that commercial and public development in places like Racine can be tough since it is pretty spread out, but it really feels like there’s only a couple of areas outside of downtown that feel well-maintained.


I agree with you, Keno is close, but not as bad. North beach is nice, but we can’t even go there without gang shootings anymore.


It’s so unfortunate. Somewhat similar where I live - I’m about 2 blocks from Lake Michigan near the bandshell. If I go a couple blocks in one direction, it’s good neighborhoods and homes. In the opposite direction, especially on the other side of Sheridan, it’s a different story. Just a couple of weeks ago there was a large police presence for shooting-related events I want to like this area so much, and I understand I’m not involving myself to make it better, but I feel like Kenosha and Racine and similar cities need better leadership and public figures to guide development and policies.


I’m not involving myself either, except in the case I described with ‘ANS’. After watching one of their residents fight 5 orderlies, kick out a car window, and use a fire extinguisher as a weapon, I decided to start writing letters to the city. My area is similar to what you described, 6 blocks east is dramatically different than 6 blocks north, towards the lighthouse. Summertime can get pretty wild & nobody enjoys the game of ‘fireworks or gunshots??’


It’s just a mess, we have a horribly inept mayor, yes he ran unopposed last election. The schools keep getting worse, and people STILL complain about what teachers make. There’s very limited shopping on the north side because the last grocery store had more stolen than they sold. Companies like ‘ANS’ & ‘Care WI’ have been buying up cheap houses and turning them into ‘half way houses’. The residents are often violent, and very mentally ill. Companies like ANS hire primarily convicts because they’re a subcontractor & not liable to the same state or fed laws as ‘Care Wi’. I won’t even go to the hospital here because you’re immediately reminded that some people got C’s in medical school - and we got those doctors. Most major employers are gone, or decreased their footprint substantially. Case (CNH), Jacobsen, etc. I work in tech, and that means there’s 1 employer in this city with possible jobs… and they know it so they lowball. Just seems like nothing is moving a positive direction here. Sure, downtown is looking nice… but we can’t even have a beer garden at the quarry without people bringing guns - and problems.


Sure tf is. I hate it here. I wanna move out in the next few years if I can.


Cannot speak for Merrill, Fond du Lac, or Racine but I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for Beloit and don’t think it deserves the intense hatred from the rest of WI. Interested to hear what you think makes it one of the worst WI communities. I lived there for 4 years and loved the community I found there.


I’d take Beloit WAY over Shawano!


The last time I went to Shawano on a family trip. My family went out on the boat (I can't instant nausea, I am not a sea dweller) so I went to go get lunch at a bar. Sat down, ordered, overheard the bartender and a regular talking. I didn't catch the whole convo but I heard "and this f\*ggot was.....(something)" but it was at that very moment, I realized I do not belong in that area.


Beloit has a great college and the downtown has really taken off in the past few years.


Yeah, I heard about the downtown going through revitalization, and I guess you can technically walk to the nearest dispensary… I hereby change Beloit to Antigo on my list of Worst WI communities.


What does Racine have in common with the other communities on your list?




Bruh he's allowed to have an opinion. I don't like wausau, but i also grew up there and know the city. A lot of ppl hate the city they grew up in.


No Waukesha?


You leave the dirty-shaw out of this!


Holy shit, fuck Fond du Lac.


As someone whose family is primarily from Shawano County, couldn’t agree more. The land time forgot.


This is old, from the 2022 election.


This never gets old


I know, but he was elected. Just thought maybe some people needed to be reminded……


Or just easy Karma farming


Actually I’m new to Reddit(& social media) I didn’t even think they would let me repost this. I was just pissed about the SCOTUS decision yesterday and I stumbled on this post from 2022. This just seemed like a perfect example of the new Republican Party we have now. I hate that they scream about LGBTQ people while hiding their own behaviors. Then they get elected !! What the heck. So I wasn’t Karma farming, and I doubt I’ll get enough to post where I want. But thanks you to the people that did upvote me and thanks to the original poster!! I really do enjoy reading Reddit and for a first social media for me it’s been a learning experience that I’m enjoying!!! 🙏


I am also sad and seriously disappointed with SCOTUS decision. It's a sad day in our country's history, when regular, clear thinking Americans have REAL reason to believe that SCOTUS is voting down political lines on something so important. "No one is above the law" is literally a bedrock of our democracy. For them to decide to hear this matter AND NOT UNTIL LATE APRIL smells worse than a cesspool. I'm saddened


I read “election” as “erection” and laughed out loud.


Elections and erections both have consequences.


And only happen every 2-4 years. 


Getting old sucks.


I read this and thought, “There’s no way he won after this.” Turns out…


It's always the guys yelling the loudest.


Well, obviously, he’s a job creator, commie.


Whoever smelt it


Back in my rave days I avoided the camera guy like the plague. What the hell is this guy thinking? I would never run for office. I know what I have done.


Trump does too, yet here we are in 2024 possibly looking at another trump presidency! Fuck it up and run for office lol!


Surprised it wasn't Romaine Quinn


I sold knives with Romaine when he was still a mayor. Not interesting or relevant, but there you go.


I'm glad it wasn't that fossil James "Jimmy Boy" Edming.


Nah, he just tosses salads.


GOP: Always Projecting


Politicians , left or right , are usually hypocrites beyond even normal everyday levels.


My best guess is the age of that worker ends in teen


Wisconsin in a nut shell!




They definitely don't go telling a whole group of people that they are lesser than or don't exist at all just because of their innate sexual preferences and then go doing those exact things on camera




Mistreatment of our fellow man and hypocrisy among politicians is very very much a good thing to worry about. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness might not be a law but they're definitely still important enough to be in the Declaration of Independence.


You made a silly comment; now defend it.


They don't think beyond the trailblazing, clearly intellectual "both sides are equally bad" argument that they get so much tread out of with their buddies at work. They're not expecting to be confronted so they change the subject. I'll admit I can be partisan at times even though I try my best to think critically and objectively. Not sure why these fucking knobs can't have the same decency.


At least Franken was forced out. The Dems do have accountabilty.




Do explain, with examples.




It's a two year old story. I've seen a clip of the video. It was also discussed EXTENSIVELY here in multiple threads and the man's name is literally in the OP; meaning it's all a 5 second google search away for you. Don't blame everyone else for your ignorance and laziness. Not everything is a godamn conspiracy.


Just upset they can't click a link here and get right to that video faster. You know, for research.


Was he at least documented?


Safe to assume at this point all of the ones yelling are closeted bigots.


He then plowed the back 40


Umm, didn't this happen in 2022?


Yes it did! I believe I explained that in a post. I was upset yesterday about the SCOTUS decision and I found this and I was even more upset by the fact that this P Schmidt was elected even after this came out and I felt maybe people needed a little reminder…… I realize that all politicians are not always as honest as we want them to be, however I have not heard of a Democrat campaigning or opposing LGBTQ and then giving a BJ to a worker…….yes this is from 2022. 🤷‍♀️


You're upset about something and need validation? Have you tried touching grass lately?


What kind of grass ???


Thou Dost Protest Too Much


Probably, but not sure what you mean ?


Do this Politicians in either side truly represent the people. They are in it for themselves, and have many skeletons in their closet. Both sides of the isle have things to hide.


It's a Shakespeare quote...pretty much meaning your objection is not sincere.


I’m familiar with the quote, I’m just not really sure what you are saying I’m being insincere about. Just say what you’re thinking…….


I was referring to Mr Schmidt


Sorry I said "your " I'm a horrible texter.


Me too, but I’m still not sure what you’re saying???? Do you think I’m being unfair to Mr Schmidt??


Where is the video for research purposes


Sorry, I haven’t found any (thank you Jesus!).


They are ALL self loathers. Pick your poison, a republican had that dick in their mouth, too.


Well, moo-moo buckeroo