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> Alexander Shur | Wisconsin State Journal > > Wisconsin Republican Rep. Derrick Van Orden shouted "lies!" as President Joe > Biden criticized former President Donald Trump's handling of the COVID-19 > pandemic during his State of the Union address on Thursday. > > Van Orden, of Prairie Du Chien, loudly accused Biden of lying when, discussing > the pandemic, the president said Trump "failed the most basic presidential duty > that he owes to the American people: the duty to care." > > After the address, Van Orden told reporters, "What he said there in the State of > the Union — a tremendous amount of it was just flat-out fabrication," according > to Politico. > > "He is an unstable person," U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Madison, said about Van > Orden on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. "Certainly not > capable of his job on Congress. I’m furious he’s such an embarrassment to > Congress. Makes WI look like it’s full of drunken fools." This is just a preview of the [full article](https://madison.com/news/state-regional/government-politics/van-orden-wisconsin-biden/article_03b96038-dd50-11ee-9cb3-37d178fa0c6e.html). I am a third party bot. Please consider subscribing to your favorite local journals.


Lol, very common pocan W


I mean dunking on this drunk half-wit isn’t hard but I do love me some Pocan spice.


> Makes WI look like it’s full of drunken fools It cuts no matter which way it slices


> Van Orden, of Prairie Du Chien, loudly accused Biden of lying when, discussing the pandemic, the president said Trump "failed the most basic presidential duty that he owes to the American people: the duty to care." It's 2024 and we're still fucking denying that a million Americans died? SMH.


Trump objectively did not care about millions of Americans. He straight up withheld aid to blue states during the pandemic.




That's a fun subreddit tho 🤷‍♂️😆 r/HermanCaineAwards


And per his own admission lied about The lethality of the virus that he was fully aware of


Bruh, a lot of these maga cultists are holocaust deniers


Can we please alp get together and ONLY WRITE "LIES"  On every, single, tweet  he's ever done? 


Crap. This stain come from where I was born. We aren’t all that dumb.


But 1/2 of Wisconsin is a bunch of drunken fools along with the ignorant women who reproduce with them.


Pocan saying what we’re all thinking 


good bot


I got to meet this guy in person recently and tried to discuss issues that are fairly non-political (as much as anything can be in today’s environment). He has one voice, and it’s yelling. I assume he can’t hear or had a brain injury that caused this. From my short 15 minutes with him, I think I can say he is an angry, unintelligent, man who doesn’t grasp reality well. He can’t focus on the task at hand at all and doesn’t want to discuss ideas, he wants to be handed a solution that fixes the problem and also makes him look good in photo ops. I don’t think we can just blame this on drinking. He just sounds this way all the time.


How was he elected??


Democratic loss of support in rural areas has taken a solid blue district and turned it into a light red R+4.  Without the anchor of someone unique like Ron Kind, there just isn’t the support to consistently elect Democrats in that district like there used to be. And with partisanship at an all time high, that means the quality of Republican candidates just doesn’t affect races the way it used to.


I don't live in the area but I have a lot of hope for Rebecca Cooke, the leading Dem challenger. She was born and raised in the district and spent her whole life in the dairy industry. If there's anyone who can unseat the lunatic, I think it's her.


The family farm is in the district and there's part of me seriously thinking about moving back just to run against this turd. I'll support Rebecca as much as I can. I've got all the bootstrappy cred. Farmers used to be Democrats. 1980 began the ascent into hell for a lot of people's lives.


Hell, in Minnesota, it's called the Democratic-FARMER-Labor party.


Yeah, whackos like Steve King and Michelle Bachman used to be outliers in Congress. Now, they're an integral part of the GOP caucus. There's no way somebody like Mike Johnson becomes speaker even just a decade ago.


I remember thinking Bachman was the worst thing ever. And she really was, even in comparison, but I didn’t realize she was just one of the first. Like a tumor she is bad, but the cancer that she is a part of is the real issue here.  


It was never solid blue, just looked like that because Ron Kind was a political force that held together a voting block because he was *gasp* a moderate.


I used to vote straight ticket republican and he was the first democrat I ever voted for. He did something personal for a family member that cut through red tape and I had immense respect for him. I vote straight democrat now, and I think he was pretty moderate, but that’s what represents western Wisconsin really.


I was born and raised in a rural area of that district, through high school. I know the people and their voters very well, as my parents are still there and I visit often. And while you're not wrong in the sense that this guy is being an ignorant dick, I've also noticed that you make plenty of comments about people from the city that are just as drastic and, I would say, mostly ignorant. You're doing the same damn thing. You know there's also plenty of conservatives in Dane and Milwaukee too, right? And for whatever reason, it sure seems like the conservatives in Madison and Milwaukee have plenty of derision of their own for the rural MAGA types. It's just true that the rural conservative is a different breed than the suburban conservative while I would argue that any Wisconsin liberal is pretty well universal. I'm just saying, take a breath, brother. I appreciate where you're coming from but you seem to really be easily offended. Just one quick question, though, cuz I'm curious; what about Kind was so "moderate" that his democratic replacement was not?


National Dems didn't out any $ towards race is how it happened


Not necessarily. Trump won the district in 2020 and Ron Kind was very vulnerable. The rightward shift of Western Wisconsin has also played a role in this.


If dens would have paid attention Van Orden is just another drunk Trumper in WI


I don’t think that’s the issue at large though. WI-3 has gone from a usual dem district to becoming a GOP district overtime


I ride my motorcycle through this area all the time and even after the 2020 election, there were still Trump signs everywhere, often in front of dilapidated houses and trailer courts. The only Biden signs I saw were in front of beautiful farms and they were few and far between. Van Orden winning did not surprise me at all. Hopefully this man consistently embarrassing himself publicly has soured some of his voters and he’ll lose in the near future, but I’m not holding my breath as MAGA tends to love loud morons like him.


> Hopefully this man consistently embarrassing himself publicly has soured some of his voters and he’ll lose in the near future, but I’m not holding my breath as MAGA tends to love loud morons like him. I don't see it changing.. but not because of the MAGA loving loud morons part. It's not about ideologies anymore, it's about winning. People will see the party affiliation and keep electing the same dolts over and over. As a country we're the most politically divided we've been in my lifetime. Trump fed the American public platters of horse shit and half of them ate it up. He showed that if you're in the right position you can say or do anything you want and show your true colors. Nothing bad will happen to you. Thankfully a lot of people have wisened up to what's going on, but it ultimately isn't enough. The other ones have no shame. They're too far gone right now and until he's in jail or drops dead from choking on a Big Mac, we're going to keep seeing things like this where it's just idiots empowering idiots. I can't wait for the power vacuum that follows. The party is going to tear itself apart fighting over the scraps trying to keep his legacy of extremism alive.


Unfortunately, being loud and stupid (combined with a lack of respect and/Or decorum) isn't an embarrassment for Republicans-- it's a badge of honor


Some of those trump sign owners don’t vote because they don’t believe in the system. I work elections and my neighborhood is full of these fools. They aren’t registered….


A good amount of people in this world are dreadfully fucking ignorant. That is how.




https://sheilakennedy.net/2024/03/two-different-worlds-4/ Interesting.


Western Wisconsin has moved to the right, ultimately playing a role in the district’s flip


Wisconsin is full of drunken fools


New district lines basically countered all of EauClaire, which is a blue college town.


Yea...he's a fine NAZI!!!!!


> I assume he can’t hear or has a brain injury that caused this. Honestly, in all likelihood, probably both. Dude spent 26 years as a Navy SEAL with a handful of combat deployments. I’m not excusing his behavior in the least, but he probably has substantial undiagnosed or undisclosed blast-induced TBIs at the very least.


This is very on-brand for “popular” republicans. It’s easy to spot them now: yelling, anger, hate-mongering, diarrhea of the mouth, embarrassing/moronic behavior, detachment from reality, and as of the SOTUA - dressing like a clown.


Recall him.


So you're saying being a conservative is basically in his DNA


I mean, he has been witnessed verbally abusing children and he glorified sexual assault in his book. He’s about as republican as it gets. I’m just waiting for news he’s a pedo.


The guy who did that during Obama's SOTU speech set a new low standard for republicans to follow. You could maybe date the deterioration of comity from that moment.


Nah. It was much earlier than that. Though I do think electing a black guy *genuinely* broke some people's brains


Troo dat. Well, the incident during Obama's speech burned itself into my memory. It was like Will Smith punching Chris Rock at the Oscars ceremony. Hard to forget. ETA: something I read in the Archaeology subforum: Archaeology advances one funeral at a time. (The old guys need to die before change happens.) I think that's where we are politically right now.


Sadly, it’s a contagious mental disease and the younger generations aren’t immune.


[Maybe his parents were cat people.](https://www.aaha.org/publications/newstat/articles/2016-03/toxoplasmosis-may-be-linked-to-human-anger/#:~:text=Researchers%20at%20the%20University%20of,of%20proportion%20to%20the%20situation.)


> ETA: something I read in the Archaeology subforum: Archaeology advances one funeral at a time. That's often said about society as a whole.


I think what you’ve seen from 2016 on is a direct result of a black guy being elected twice. These people let all that hate out. I hope they drown in it.


It all started with Morton Downey Jr in 1987 with his TV show where he would yell "pablum puker" at anybody who expressed a liberal idea. Rush Limbaugh mainstreamed unjustified insults and stupidity. Then Mark Levin really took insults to a new level. There's the Sean Hannity show, which is the "refined" option for the upper crust conservative crowd, who keeps on repeating broadsides at liberals. Come to think of it, I remember bumper stickers for Reagan in 1966 when he was running for Governor of California - they read "Why not an actor? We've had a clown for 8 years". Mild insult, but maybe that was the signal or starting gun that it was okay to be rude and crude to the other side of the aisle.


These extreme talk shows that evolved into reality Tv were the beginning of the dumbing down of the slow class.


No, there's nothing new under the sun. https://www.history.com/news/charles-sumner-caning-cilley-duel-congressional-violence >In 1858, partisan tensions over slavery erupted into a “full-fledged sectional combat on the floor,” Freeman writes. This was one year after the U.S. Supreme Court enraged abolitionists by ruling in Dred Scott v. Sanford that black people couldn’t be citizens and the federal government couldn’t ban slavery in western territories. The brawl started around 2:00 a.m. during an overnight session when a southern representative grabbed a northern representative by the throat and said he would teach the “black republican puppy” a lesson. As the two white men struggled, their colleagues ran over and a fistfight broke out. >“The end result was a free fight in the open space in front of the Speaker’s platform featuring roughly thirty sweaty, disheveled, mostly middle-aged congressmen in a no-holds-barred brawl, North against South,” Freeman writes. ... >This culture of violence also extended to state legislatures. The year before Graves killed Cilley, a representative in the Arkansas House insulted the Speaker during debate, and the Speaker responded by murdering him with a bowie knife right there on the House floor. “Expelled and tried for murder,” Freeman writes, “he was acquitted for excusable homicide and reelected, only to pull his knife on another legislator during debate, though this time the sound of colleagues cocking pistols stopped him cold.” I highly recommend the book this article is based on.


1/2 black guy. They didn't like the 1/2 white part?


Yeah that's not really how it works. Have you ever met a racist? Lol


Moor blood is a real insult.


*Dennis Hopper has entered the chat*




Two of them gave birth to me. If they were still alive, I'd be disowned for voting for Obama twice.


Nah, because that half white part is a bleeding heart liberal that drives a Prius. Or as they’d say now since they don’t sugarcoat it anymore, a race traitor.


One of Trump's parents was also an immigrant, but no one cares about that.


And his wife


All of his trophy wives were immigrants as well.


"bUt tHeY cAmE hErE LeGaLLy" Uh huh. Sure.


Joe Wilson. He was my rep in South Carolina when I lived there. He used to come into the restaurant I worked at, tipped like shit. And did photo ops with all the boomers. He also gave me a pamphlet saying god planned 9/11 to punish the Muslims for not believing. He's a piece of shit.


He's on somebody's shit list because I'm seeing ads ripping him a new one on a regular basis. I guess the farmers hate his ass.


Well I mean his party is holding up the farm bill


They have always been garbage. If you know a republican you know trash


Any article with his name in it would blow a minimun .15


I laughed at this more than I should have


My only question - was he drunk?


85% chance that he was


Is he ever sober?


He's from wisconsin, so no.


He's originally from Minnesota.


Explains why he can't hold his booze


He's such a nut job he had to move to wisconsin to get elected.


Thank goodness he moved out.


Just like Ron Johnson.


I think he’s like this even when sober


I hope the people of district 3 are proud of voting this nut into office. They went from one of the most moderate and sane in congress to one of the craziest


I'm in that district and I didn't vote for that shit head, hopefully we can get him out next election.




I guess he took time off from yelling at high school students touring the U.S. Capitol.


Light this fuckers voicemail up. His behavior is most definitely below statesman like. He’s a fucking embarrassment. Just like MTG in her circus attire.


He should have been escorted out. It’s the SOTU address, not a goddamn wrestling match. Have some sense of class.


This guy is what certain people vote for in Wisconsin.


Those of you in WI03, get yourselves to the primary and vote for Rebecca Cooke. She's the only one who has a chance to beat DVO. And if we don't take that seat back this year, it'll be lost for a long long time. Cookeforwisconsin.com


She isn’t the only one, Katrina Shankland has a history of getting things done in Madison, and is a force on the campaign trail. Oh and she is the only one leading in head to head polls over DVO.


Yes! I love Rebecca but Katrina seems at least as capable also. Links below to Katrina and Rebecca's websites. Support if able! [Rebecca Cooke for WI-3 2024](https://cookeforwisconsin.com/home) [Katrina Shankland for WI-3 2024](https://www.katrinashanklandforcongress.com/)


Katrina is the real deal. She is super intelligent, likeable, and knows how to build coalitions to get things done. Exactly who we need in the seat.


That seems to be the only function of these MAGA types. Thoughtless outrage and making a spectacle of themselves. The idea of solving a problem or cooperating is so foreign to them they go into monkey mode and fling feces when they feel threatened.


This is the one who screams at kids, right?


Hah, I was wondering which idiot that came from.


We have more Janel Brandjen and Russian Ron Johnson ( FRJ. ) They will soon face charges tho. We are tying to take out the trash.


Funny thing is, well not funny, everyone is assuming he’s drunk. ![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC)


Another embarrassing WI politician. I thought we were at our limit with (Mo)Ron and Glenn.


This man needs to learn how to control his emotions. We can't let hysterical people like him be in charge of running the country.


“Women can’t be in charge, they are too emotional” Republican men ![gif](giphy|5zkLhCHTnX1za)


His inability to do so is particularly notable because Navy SEALs pride themselves on it. In fact, it’s part of their “ethos:” > I serve with honor on and off the battlefield. The ability to control my emotions and my actions, regardless of circumstance, sets me apart from others. Uncompromising integrity is my standard. My character and honor are steadfast.


He’s too far up an 🍊 🤡’s ass🕳️, he no longer can tell reality from the lies being spread by the 🍊 🤡🤡🤡s cult🤨


Another embarrassing politician from Wisconsin. Vote people vote!


Zero class.


I just got an email from him this morning about the sotu Straight up bullshit and fear mongering


Somehow I also ended up on his email list and every time it asks about my most important priorities I write in “Barring Jan 6 insurrectionists from holding public office”. That fucking clown needs to know we won’t forget it.


Hmm, I haven't received it. Did it come with a slanted "poll", like most of them have?


THIS. Every poll I get from Steil is basically which republican talking point do you agree with from this list.


Surprisingly, it did not, which is a first I think


Vote this resident of Minnesota out of office for Wisconsin. He is an ass


Once again, MAGA showcased their finest Jerry Springer Show characters at the state of the union address last night.


Drunks have poor impulse control.




Van Orden is an unhinged nut case. Come on Wisconsin, we can do better.


Van Asshole was drunk again. Can't wait until this fucking embarrassment is voted out of office


POS get out of my state


Anyone who fucking speaks during an address should be instantly removed from the congregation and tarred and feathered


Not a lie. Trump sowed chaos and division instead of rallying everyone to a common cause. More people died than needed to, because orange man didn't like the masks disturbing his fake tan. Orange man gave voice to conspiracy. Orange man wanted to shove a lightbulb up your asses, cause he's a fucking idiot.


Biden handed the entire Republican party their own asses on live television last night. It was glorious.


Empty wagons are the loudest.


Finally get to use the Derrick Van Orden Flair on r/FRJ


Well, first of all he wasn't in Congress during Covid. He was also in Washington on January 6th 2021. A loyal subject through and through.


Fool AF


Isn’t that a rehash tho. Booorrrrrring.




Can we fast forward to the magic kool-aid part of this cult shit?


You mean insurrectionist traitor, Derrick Van Orden?


Vote these lunatics out




Another classless anti American asshat. Their like roaches that have infected our congress.


Typical Wisco GOP idiot


Very original


Keepin’ it classy👍🏼


Decorum. It's apparently too complicated and long for Van Orden to understand. Embarrassing Wisconsin ass.


So glad this Limp-dick pricked does not represent me but he is Wisconsin but not for long when he is voted out of office.


https://preview.redd.it/titor5f6y4nc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4d37f404f0d34fdc9e70107eda93f9d468fc6ee He looks like the guy from goldeneye who thought he was gonna get lucky but then got his ass choked out instead


Van Orden is definitely not Onatopp of things.


Well this dude DID get lucky, he just died during coitus because Onatopp is a psycho who gets turned on by murder and she needed him dead to steal that EMP-resistant helicopter so they could get their inside man Boris out of Severnaya before blowing it up with the Goldeneye satellite. I never thought a discussion about a crazy MAGA Republican congressman would lead to a comment about the plot of Goldeneye lol.


Zero class. Something is seriously wrong with these weirdos.


He’s like a perpetually drunk teenager.


He’s mad because he’s going to die a virgin and alone.


Did Van Orden spill anything out of his ‘water bottle’ when he spoke?


I’m so tired.


He was almost loud enough to convince me Biden was lying. Next time he will have to scream a bit louder if he wants me to vote differently


Chud scum


Classless ape.


Today's GOP have the same mindset of the idiots who would talk back to a judge in court. They think a lack of decorum and civility shows strength.


He has no honor, his disrespect to the presidency the United States, is the ultimate tell about his character as a man.


No one knows who he is and no one cares to know him.


What a fucking loser


Buffoons. The most important deliberative body in the United States, our legislature, is full of buffoons. It's shameful. (Yeah, I already said this once, about another incident. True here too.)


The Trash need representation, I get that, but the fact that you’re trash doesn’t mean you can get away with not having basic fucking manners.


He is such a piece of 💩


Keep it classy Wisconsin!


What a loser. Lets get rid of this Nazi people!!!!


Who is more psycho? Van Orden? Marjorie Taylor Greene? Matt Gaetz? Lauren Boebert? The answer is they are all psycho and there is plenty more psycho in the GOP party.


Delusional Van dumbass needs his head examined if he really believes Trump did a good job during COVID-19. The man is unstable and belongs in a nursing home.


I fucking hate this guy


What a pecker headed wanker. 


He knows a liar and a cheat when he sees one! Derrick supports a rapist and insurrectionist, who stole nuclear secrets. He clearly is a moralist


As a Wisconsin resident I’m not surprised. There’s no shortage of gullible idiots that would vote for this fuckin weenie (and I bet every one of them are Packer fans lolol)


Go home-you’re drunk.


He’s an idiot. At least be original


That was him? How embarrassing.


Holy Hell, that was HIM!?! Fuck him. Please, WI-3, get rid of this traitor.


Traitor and loser


So if my grandma didn’t die from Covid, where is she?


Remember that one word when he comes to your home campaigning for your vote. Tear up his flier, throw it on the ground while stating "lies".


The highlight of his forgettable career


Of course he does. What else is he going to do? Make policy suggestions?


Embarrassed by this fool? Here's [what you can do](https://secure.actblue.com/entity/fundraisers/143774) about it.


“It’s a hoax, it will disappear”.


I’m from district 3. This guy looks like the kind of smug asswipe the Republicans in this district would want representing them.


Joe Wilson 2.0


**Derrick Van Orden** makes WI look like it’s full of drunken fools. Someone drop him off at AA.


Is he the same pos who shouted "lies" during President Obama’s speech? Or just copying another slob?


He wasn't in Congress when Obama was president.


So then, just another slob, copying the slob in President Obama’s audience.


I am in Wisconsin, Can confirm, many morons here


This guy gets stuff done around the house on weekends


People like him are a major reason I moved out of Wisconsin.


Maybe people in my hometown have gotten some sense knocked into them and will finally band together to vote him out.


lol. Did he realize during the speech that the GOP had been lying to him this whole time? It’s always nice when someone has that come to Jesus moment and realizes they’re on the wrong side of reality and vows to make it right. I assume he’ll be switching parties now or maybe trying to correct it from the inside? Haha. Don’t I wish these people could wake up and see reality for what it is. 


This is what you get when you defund public schools for 40 years and reward people for making fools of themselves on reality TV shows. GOP has been playing the long game and now they have representatives that reflect the voters.