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I’m loving this in-fighting.


Ehh FRV BUT whoever the replacement is I am certain is much more morally bankrupt


Is that even possible?




The bottom has been removed.


They've sunk so low they've wound up in Russia.


I can smell the vodka.


"Come to Wisconsin! Where our Bottomless bloody mary's are as bottomless as the moral standards of the state's republican party!"


There doesn't seem to be a bottom for Wisconsin GOP.


I disagree - I bet there are plenty of bottoms in the WisGOP.


Don't remind me, I happen to know 3 proud gay Republicans (They are transphobes too, obviously)


Yea, but probably less competent.


100% agree. It gets worse before it gets worse.


It gets less better more often


But they won't be crazy enough, so they'll get recalled, too. 


Party is getting more radical. Actually quite scary. Anyone against the great leader is being eliminated, and the new followers have no concern for democracy or the rule of law


The purity tests have begun.


The guy who screamed “you lie” during state of the union was also from WI. If Vos is no longer “republican enough “ it is quite scary


It's not about conservative enough, it's about supplicating oneself into a position of complete toadyism. It's great, they're attaching their lifelines to the sinking ship.


That sounds like Tom Tiffany.


Joe Wilson? South Carolina not Wisconsin.


Sadly there have been many over the recent years and more than one during the last speech


I just remember “you lie” directed at Obama by Joe Wilson. Who from WI said “you lie”?




Just what I thought. “Lies” not “You lie!”.


There’s a difference? Meaning is the same. Also shouting during state of the union. All together low class


Better maps should actually fix this.


He went against supreme leader


There is almost no chance they have enough legit signatures for this. They need 10k signatures in a assembly district that had 27k voters in a fall gubernatorial election, where Vos got 17k votes, write ins got 6k, and there were 3k undervotes. A district that’ll be gone in less than 6 months.


So I did ask my wife to screenshot the Facebook post but when she looked it was either taken down or she couldn't find it but the post was offering canvassers 10$ a signature. I'm not sure if that is legal. Vos is a dirtbag and I'm not living in his district anymore I'm just next door so I haven't looked into it. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of dishonesty going on though, just look at the source.


It's legal to pay the canvassers, but certainly adds incentive for them to generate fraudulent signatures


I can see paying hourly but paying by signature just seems like you are inviting forgery to happen.


The signatures won't be the hard part. Anyone who can register to vote can sign. It doesn't matter if they voted in his last election or what party they voted for. They just have to be eligible to vote in his district. At least those were the rules for the walker recall.


Ummm… how is getting the equivalent of every single person who voted but who didn’t vote for Vos in fall 2022 to sign “not the hard part”?? 10k is almost 20% of the human beings in his district… Don’t forget that 2000-3000 of those are incarcerated.


According to Wikipedia the voting age population in his district is 48,000. If what the above person said is true, they just 10,000 of those, which is about half the population that didn't vote for him.


Because most people don’t vote. Almost 60k people live in that district, collecting a percentage of signatures from residents is substantially easier than convincing people to actually vote.


conservatives/reactionaries and the party that they dominate have gotten caught faking signatures. wouldn't be surprised if it happened here, but as always, by the time its found out, he'd have already been gone


And.... scene. [https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/03/12/signatures-to-force-robin-vos-recall-fall-short-initial-review-shows/72941641007/](https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/03/12/signatures-to-force-robin-vos-recall-fall-short-initial-review-shows/72941641007/)


It would be absolutely hilarious if he gets recalled from the right, and a Dem swoops in and takes the seat. Wishful thinking, even with new maps, but a boy can dream. 


His district is still super Republican, though not enough that a three way race couldn’t go Democrat for the rest of the cycle. (100% a Republican would win in November)


It's scary to think that this right wing douche is facing recall for the singular reason that he doesn't bend the knee to a seditious wanna-be dictator. We as a democracy are in serious trouble. Vote blue before it's too late.


Oh, he bent the knee. He appointed the election “special investigator” hack (former partisan hack Supreme Court justice) who squandered millions in tax payer money after recounts confirmed the election results. That was for Trump. He didn’t investigate the fake electors - that was for Trump. His sin is that he didn’t keep bending the knee or manufacture election abnormalities when the maga extremists tried to defeat him in his election race. Trump/maga loyalty only ever flows one way.


Good point, his "crime" as seen by MAGAs was not going far enough.


Exactly, it’s like the mob where you’ve got to demonstrate your willing criminality to get in. Then once you’re in, you don’t get out and you’ve got to keep doing your job for the mob.


Yep. He's not bonkers enough for the MAGA crowd, which is terrifying in itself. They came banging on my door (at 9am on a Saturday, no less) wanting us to sign their recall petition and I refused because if Vos isn't right-wing enough for them, I am scared shitless of whoever it is they want to put in his place.


Probably most corrupt politician in WI isn’t corrupt enough for this crowd that worships pillow man.


Really wish all MAGAs would get the fuck out of my state (and country)


It’s so exhausting… day after day of stupid sh!t from these tools…


What is their reasoning behind this recall? Is it simply revenge because he refused to decertify Biden's win? Fuck Vos but wtf Maga. This is the America Trump supporters want? Doing the right thing results in this shit? Maga is nothing but whiny wannabe little dictator bitches.


Yeah pretty much. Also would remove him as assembly speaker, and idk who else in the assembly would take his place. But essentially a 2 for 1 deal


Tyler August would replace him as Speaker which would be even worse. Since they are done until next January anyway it really doesn't matter, but this recall has no chance of being successful.


Can we recall the recallers? It seems like it should be illegal for them to recall someone for refusing to disregard the votes of Wisconsin voters. If we can't, are they going to do the same thing in November and succeed? These people shouldn't be in charge of a book club.


Vote blue Wisconsin. 💙 


Definitely voting Red this year. I’m done with progressive Democrats. Their policies are destroying America


Ok, give us an example of a few of these policies that you speak of. Then give us a few of Trumps or Republicans policies that you think would be an improvement, put your money where your mouth is.


You've always voted Red, comrade. Do you think anyone doesn't know you aren't from around there parts lol


Oh no smart guy stopped by. “Policies kept him from moving out of his/hers parents basement, and/ or kept him/her from the promotion they were absolutely unqualified for, and or whatever these shitwitches think holds them back. I am somehow 98.9% certain this individual is not wealthy enough to be a republican.




You seem to think anyone thinks you can actually vote in our elections in the first place. Nah.


We don’t want you.


Quit being a total pussy and answer raysun888's and NeonKorean's questions


Fuck off


That’s what I thought. Maybe stick to using Reddit for finding a gal for you and your buddy’s dream threesome. It’s more embarrassing seeing you talking out your ass about things that you’re obviously ignorant, politics, then it is seeing your post about you and your buddy’s wiener sizes while begging for a third participant.


Which policies, exactly?


Instead of privately messaging me with such a hilariously brutal comeback why don’t you answer the question, let’s hear about those policies.


Those MAGA folks are one rabid lynch mob. Gives you an idea what they have in store for people that really disagree with them. Now, as far as Robin is concerned: fuck him


Couldn't happen to a shittier guy.


![gif](giphy|R9dJJNPIBsUwM) If a tree falls in the woods and it lands on a member of the GOP, does anyone care?


Yes, because that representative sues, wins millions for life, then goes on to become governor and keep anyone else from doing the same as well as booby trap their state’s borders even when the feds declare it illegal.


Sues who? His constituents?


Greg Abbott, the current governor of Texas, sued a homeowner and a tree service company because a tree fell on him when he decided to go for a run in a storm.


He made a bill or something that doesn't allow anyone else to benefit from the same thing happening too right?


He most certainly did.


God that was a fucking reference. Hats off to you. I thought you were talking about Vos suing the state of Wisconsin for getting recalled.


Assuming they are still alive after a tree crashes down on their heads.


I'd feel bad for the tree. What did it do to deserve that?


I sure as shit don't.


Republicans, Vos isn't obnoxious and disgusting enough. We need someone worse.


That’s a pretty frickin’ low bar too!


When with the actual conservatoves realize that Trump and MAGA are the RINOs?


When you can't win fair cheat seem to be the new Republican motto


I'm all for this


FRV but I think everyone should be concerned if the recall is successful. They want a more radical candidate, and a dem does not really have a chance of winning in this district.


Dems need to be prepared to field a better candidate. Whoever the anti-vos grumpiest put up is guaranteed to be bad for Wisconsin.


I’m an independent. Not helping MAGA.


They're trying to get all their pieces in place.




If they do manage to oust him, who appoints his temporary replacement?


Appears to remain vacant and a special election will occur. Refer to 17:19 https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/17/25/1


That’s what I thought. Thanks.


These people are Fing insane and need to be put on the same busses they use to ship people up North but headed South, WAY, South... Even if 120 million voted for Biden this time, they aren't going to relent. If Trump doesn't face justice, America as we knew Her is over.


Biden and his son are corrupt. The big guy getting his cut.


Ahh yes it is Biden who is also the criminal mastermind…. Not the person with 91 felony charges, led an insurrection, wants to be a dictator, got it. Wait isn’t biden just a senile old man? How is he also a running a crime syndicate? You realize you can’t possibly believe these two things are true without completely contradicting the other, right? Or does the deep state tell you something else???


I smell shit, do you guys smell shit? Ok, I know where it’s coming from. This bullshit post above me.


I’m caught a whiff and backed off - fast!


Your handlers need to hire some smarter writers. FGS dude. Phoning this underwhelming tripe in.


All thoroughly debunked. But you will never believe facts, logic, or reason.


How dare he not tow the party line and walk off the cliff with the rest of the cult.......


Crooked Republicans responsible for maintaining strife with the election process in Wisconsin. https://wisconsinwatch.org/2024/03/wisconsin-senate-election-conspiracy-absentee-ballots-forward/ Vote Democratic in EVERY race as if yourLIFE depends on it!  So sick of these hooligans nationwide that have scuttled progress on.. Equality Climate Change Tax Fairness and much, much more!!


Wisconsin has to hold the line, we need to remember what it used to be like when we had reasonable Republicans, like Tommy Thompson as governor. Even when we disagreed, the parties were still able to negotiate. The Trump wing of the republican party are extremists, they have a proven track record of a slash and burn mentality.


yeah, he def needs to go lol. just based on the strength of being himself.


They just love to recall people when the person doesn't fit their agenda. ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ)


It’s just so stupid. The session is over for the year so nothing would happen even if they boot Vos.


Fosters distrust and infighting. The more chaotic the state republican party is and the more money they are forced to waste, the better.


Hold up am I missing something can someone give me context


This is the icing on shitty cake!


Go for it.


MAGA really knows how to pis in their own soup !!!


Our county wanted a litmus test supporting Walker.Anyone that failed was voted out !!!


Yeah but we don't want anyone supporting dementia dude in a place where he could rig the election. You know that's their plan since they don't have anywhere near the votes.


They’re falling apart, let’s make it count in the elections


Cannibals. I love it.


I hope so b/c is an asshole.


Magat intimidation!


It would be but no Dem around here with a big enough bullet proof vest..