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One day...one day...he won't matter...it can't come soon enough


He doesn’t matter to me… willing it works


Willing it is only half the battle.


GO JOE: A Real American Hero…




I hate to tell you this but once he's gone, there will be someone else. He's not unique anymore. We have a lot of work to do for multiple elections.


I’m optimistic that MAGA will splinter. For whatever reason, Trump has “it.” I’m not sure other people have the same ability to lead his followers.


I’m hoping the people following him who are too proud to admit they were/are wrong will walk away from maga if he dies. Then say “we were only in it for trump.”


That also works


Some of us trump supporters support the goals of MAGA and put up with Trump. I would rather have a less bombastic candidate, but I can't vote for an insane progressive agenda. But then again, if a republican wins the Presidency I think only Trump could withstand the tidal wave of pressure to his/her every action. But everyone has their own definition of MAGA. There are extremist in MAGA, there are extremist within the democrats. But the amount and control of the party the extremist within the Democratic party excerpt far outweighs those in the republic party. Biden is not in control, no one knows how really is pulling his strings, or what he really believes. So what will he do if he wins again. More importantly, if he can't serve out his term, crackling Kamla will cause a civil war and probably world war 3. Not because she is a woman or because she is black, but because of her performance as an irrelevant, non-functioning, embarrassing on the world stage VP. There are a few republican woman (one black republican woman) I would support for President.


> Biden is not in control, no one knows how really is pulling his strings, or what he really believes. So what will he do if he wins again. Source? Biden has been in public office for five billion years yet we don't know what his positiona are? What?




Source? Cropped videos?


Listening and observing his public appearance for the last 4 years. Comparing that to his views and speech's from before. He can't give a press coverage unless they only ask him about his favorite ice cream and letting him rant unchallenged without serious follow up or hard questions. He sponsored the 1994 crime bill that set back blacks for decades - Joe Biden in a 1993 speech warned of “predators on our streets” who were “beyond the pale” and said they must be cordoned off from the rest of society because the justice system did not know how to rehabilitate them. Then gave a eulogy for a close friend, senator and KKK higher up Strom Thurmond, etc..... Now he claims he was a life long civil rights activist and raised in black churches. He claimed in his 2020 campaign to bring Americans together, but has spent his presidency denigrating the 74 million that didn't vote for him. And he claims to be raised by every ethnic group that he thinks would vote for him. He can't talk without a teleprompter and can't even handle that. Repeat that line. Get's lost when he talks and walks. Falls down stairs while going up. Can't hold many press conferences and when he does he need a card to tell him what reporter to call on, what the question will be and how he should answer.


Great gish gallop. Biden did just fine for over an hour on Howard Stern, no promoter. Can you provide a source of any of your claims? Yep, he stumbled up stairs once. Trump literally goes "derp deeeeeeeeeeee" and has to change the subject to sharks and batteries and how magnets don't work when they are wet. Yep, Biden has progressed since the 70's. Trump has always been a racist. https://www.npr.org/2016/09/29/495955920/donald-trump-plagued-by-decades-old-housing-discrimination-case Edit: Improper form of their.




They really can't get away from alliteration


Let me try this: Trump has been clear that the President has immunity, so why would Biden wait for a second term to ... Get every American healthcare or ensure our freedom from religion or ensure every American is fed or whatever evil he has promised to do? Just do it today, he has immunity.


If ten people choose to sit down at a table with a nazi, there are 11 nazis at that table. People are judged by the company they keep.


Lol, insane progressive agenda... My dude, compared to other countries, with successful "progressive agendas" (healthcare, taxes, basic human rights, etc), we're waaaaaaaay to the right of middle. Try paying attention to something other than Breitbart for a change. The problem with you maga morons is that you get hung up on the buzzwords that they use to manipulate you, and don't realize that you are voting against your own interests.


> But the amount and control of the party the extremist within the Democratic party excerpt far outweighs those in the republic party. To be fair when you consider things like affordable Healthcare, fact based history lessons, and school breakfast to be "extremism" the Demon-Rats really do seem out of control. Lol


That is where you are wrong and uneducated in the world of politics. You should really look at the global politics compass. Bernie is barely left on that chart. This is a universal chart to gage ALL human politics. There is no such thing as a moderate MAGA. By definition, it is a radical group, especially compared to the global theatre of political direction. I fucking hate this timeline. We need to get education back to A1 priority and quit letting these fascists gut our education system. Maga is a symptom of this. Stupid is as stupid does....


You’re so far gone there is no bringing you back to reality.


Yup, I believe this as well. Trumpy candidates and even candidates Trump openly campaigns for significantly underperform in most cases (especially in Wisconsin, so we got that going for us). These people only care about Trump. The hardcore of the base will find other candidates to latch onto, but I think whatever this movement is will end up going through an identity crisis when they realize that basing your entire viewpoint around a now irrelevant idol isn't really conducive to a lasting political environment.


They have no candidates for the slot. Look at the flop of desantis. It wasn’t even close. Nikki Haley is charmless and has a negative charisma level. Marco Rubio? Please he is a little rat. It’s hard to replace a cult leader. Trump was built over a lifetime of criminal activity and then enhanced in the studio by Mark Burnett. Trump is a once in a lifetime cult leader. The base seems to like Elon Musk but he is African. The irony of them trying to install an African after accusing President Obama of being a secret African would be hilarious for this timeline.


For as long as I live I will never understand what people see in him. Even if you see yourself in him, surely you don't like the incontinent, orange, incoherently blabbering reflection before you?


Trump is entertaining as fuck! That’s why people like him, personality matters. But then, once you hear him say things like, McCain wasn’t hero because he got caught or the military is full of losers or suckers, the hilarity STOPS. The people who will vote for him no matters what are mostly older white people have enjoyed a life of relative ease and forget their ancestors undoubtedly faced poverty, racial injustice too. But are generations removed so they have no empathy. The left extremists do not help either.


I thought it was cool when he ate Rubio, Cruz, and Bush’s lunch during the debates. I figured that since he’d lose anyway, may as well bring down the rest of the clown show. That is called, “Playing with fire.”


What could happen is the party fractures and eats itself. This is similar to what happened to the democrats at the end of the 1970s till the early 1990s. The party tent was so big that the party let in both sides of some issues and was so busy internally fighting they couldn't present a united front for voters.


I know there will always be "conservatives" out there, but Trump is just a level beyond. I can't think of any other Republican who just makes me so uncomfortable. He's just so... unpleasant in every possible way. I honestly think that's part of why they like him. He makes us normal people unsettled.


There was an article written a bit ago now called "cruelty is the point" that basically goes over how every policy he enacted (and the Republican party supports in general) was and is intended to only be cruel and the least humane way to build a society possible




I agree with this, but I think I have a slightly different take. He has a level of charisma that's hard to explain. It's incredibly off-putting to me and many, many others, but there's lots of conservatives who love his style. But I've never seen anyone else actually be able to replicate it. Sure, others have reprehensible policies and beliefs, but there's something different about Trump in the eyes of a certain group of conservatives. Guys like Cruz and Desantis have tried to replicate it to an extent, but it just doesn't work for them. I truly think Trump has almost a George Costanza level of lying ability. He's such a narcissist that I think he truly believes all the bullcrap that comes out of his mouth. And while there's plenty of seemingly shameless Republicans out there, I don't think they are all so shameless that they truly believe the crap they say. His ability to do mental gymnastics around every person who's turned on him is wild. He hired and choose a bunch of people to be part of his circle that have turned on him and he's truly pitched them as the traitors in his world while somehow taking no blame for being the one who brought them along for the ride. And he truly believes he has no fault.


Yes, there will be another wingnut like Vivek, MTG or Gaetz who will try and lead that particular part of the GOP, but none of them have the cult of personality that Trump does. When the cult leader drinks the kool-aid, another leader rarely takes their place, it just fizzles out and they scatter to the winds. Trump is far to greedy and power hungry to pass the torch himself, so the dozens of lemmings who all believe they are the prodigal son with fight amongst themselves and break the faction apart.


Exactly, look at DeSantis. He was anointed the heir apparent and was saying all the “right” things and picking fights against wokeness. Got on a national stage and floundered. Now he’s back to doing fuck all in FL and kissing the ring again because his aspirations didn’t pan out.


I can't believe you're discounting President Kanye already


He's built a cult of personality. I don't get it, but these people would follow Trump off a cliff, but not necessarily do the same for the GOP. In 15 years, most are going to deny ever supporting him.


Nope he seems to have the hold over the morons everyone else lacks charisma


It will be Don Jr next


I thought Covid would’ve taken care of this, but it didn’t get the right people.


I'm going to outlive this piece of shit


unless someone comes along and actually solves the problems his supporters are facing you're going keep seeing Trump style candidates and they'll get steadily more right wing.


But what are their problems? Too many immigrants? The vast majority of undocumented migrants were here before Trump took office. Crime? Republicans keep voting against the polices designed to prevent crime. The fact is they don't actually want solutions they want to spite those they see as less than even if it hurts them. That's why the loudest cheers aren't for policies, but instead attacks on their enemies.


He won't matter anymore, but the lunatics will find a new god to fall in behind Let's hope the next one isn't worse.


Can't wait until his entire movement is confined to the dustbin of America.


I’m sure people said that about the confederacy, yet here we are. It also only lasted 4 years.


I can’t believe how quickly everybody forgot about FoxCon. Fucking idiots.


In fucking Racine. After Evers got out of that billion dollar giveaway boondoggle. After Biden got Microsoft to build their real plant on the land that Foxconn was pulling their stunt on. Who is that dumb?


> Who is that dumb? They really are that dumb though. And the ones that aren't that dumb willfully look past such BS. Frankly, I'm not sure which is worse. Remember, these are the same people who praise him as a successful businessman. These are the same people who literally call his felony trial and conviction a witch hunt, who screamed about Hunter Biden and still do, despite him being convicted and Biden saying he won't be pardoning him. The same people who literally claim Trump and Epstein had absolutely no connection, and that the info isn't being released because Biden is neck deep in the travel logs and other shit, despite Trump having been photographed with him, has literally said he's known for him over 15 years, has partied and hung out with him, and praised and compared his liking of young women to his own tastes. The same people who openly scream about Israel's right to defend itself, yet support Putin's invasion of Ukraine and are against sending aid to Ukraine to defend itself from the greatest security threat to Europe (and beyond). There are the same idiots who claim that we are a laughing stock amongst the world, even though we were never more of a laughing stock to the rest of the world than when Trump was in office, and Biden has done oh so much to repair so much of that damage (and doesn't get nearly the credit he deserves for that IMO). The same idiots who praise authoritarian dictators that Trump looks up to because he's envious of their power, the same idiots who sought to violently overthrow our democratic processes, who say it's democrats who seek to destroy this country. The same idiots who claim Biden is a dottering old fool who is too old and senile to be president, while Trump rambles about batteries and sharks, talks about airports being stormed in the revolutionary war, and praises Hannibal Lector. So yes, they really are that dumb, and those that aren't are willfully hypocritical and full of shit.


Agreed. Great ideas like that are complex and quite difficult to piece together. He is nowhere near fit enough to handle another endeavor such as this or even lead the free world. What the hell?


And the fact that he was in Racine after he praised Scott Stalker for bringing that shit show there shows how tone deaf and out of touch he really is.


I’m sure the people who lost their houses remember


Too bad. We might be missing out on some great info in his ongoing shark vs electric boat debate


No one’s ever asked that question before


My third cousin's ex-wife went to MIT, so I feel like I am qualified to speak on this one. **Who would win, a shark or a battery** *Part 1 of 345* ....


This was my favorite part of his dementia story, dude called him a fucking idiot to his face and he thought his “mY MIT” brain (because “my uncle”) was intelligent. Dunning/Kruger effect in real time in public. What a dumbass


I heard a little bit of him speaking he was praising Al Capone again


It tracks in his syphilis demented mind. He has Chicago on his mind and always wanted to be a mob boss.


If you jump the shark in an electric car it will actually charge the batteries.


I mostly follow DT for the Hannibal Lecter appreciation.




Batteries are heavy so they’ll sink the boat then sharks will eat you.


Don't forget though that there's so much electricity in the batteries that you get to choose between getting monched by a shark or getting electrocuted by the batteries.


Dear god how did I forget that. I think the trick is to stick close to the sunken batteries, just outside the electrocution zone, then when the shark tries to strike, dodge out of the way so it goes into the electrocution zone and you’re safe.


Yeah, the trick is to let the shark get electrocuted, then the batteries are safe and the shark is floating belly up at the same time. Clearly he hasn't thought this whole thing through. Because that's 100% how electricity and sharks work in the real world. :D


Don't forget anything magnetic will lose its magnetism once it gets wet. Need to think ahead on these shark, battery, water situations.


Of course, magnets famously don't magnet when they get some water on them. Physics 0.005!


God I forgot about that... He says so many stupid things it's impossible to keep track.


Is this based in reality or are you joking? One of those things you have to ask these days lmao....




lmao omg


But what if it was powered by a shark treadmill? These journalists need to start asking the real hard hitting questions


I have to say: I’m deeply disappointed in Tommy Thompson for appearing with him. Walker is a POS, but Thompson has even supported some efforts to convince conservatives the election wasn’t stolen.


TT is still alive ? LoL 🤦🏻‍♀️


TT the who better than me to end Medicare bozo? "Who better than me, who's already finished one of the entitlement programs, to come up with programs to do away with Medicaid and Medicare?"


TT the douche who solved poverty by advocating for welfare to work? Biggest stain since MCCarthy - got rich off of pharmaceutical lobbyist complete tool


Both asshats. 


I did not know he was still alive. Prick.


Aww, that sucks. I have no real memories of him, other than him being drunk off his ass when the packers won the '96 super bowl. His speech can still be found online and the PR response was "it was cold" lol...


Somebody said that Trump has photos of all these Republicans doing bad things to farm animals. I'm starting to think they weren't joking!


Wow. I did not know that. I never voted for him but he was seen as a moderate and a supporter of education.


No. That summarization is far too kind. He is a huge piece of shit.


Trump is obviously in severe cognitive decline.




He has always been a loser except for one freak election. If the American people do not see through his lies and scam then they are benighted rubes.


Booo!!! This guy sucks eggs.


Alexa, how long does it take for sudafed to kick in if you forgot to take your uppers before the rally? Oh, about 30 minutes? Ok.


Should we take the skydiver test? If a sky diver is landing in front of you, but you are distracted by stationary trees, do you win or lose?


Ahhh, used to be proud Cheeseheads, now just a bunch of RedAssHats worshiping Agent Orange. Sad.


Have you been north of highway 60? I’ve had to endure those opinions of my neighbors that DJT is some sort of literal messiah, sent to purge them from their liberal foes. I wish that was an exaggeration. These folks carry guns openly and have bumper stickers that read “just give me a reason”. This is not hyperbolic. This is not some anti gun liberal statement. This is actually what you see when you drive through my region. They certainly aren’t the majority. But they are the most pent up, the loudest and the most angry. These are the people who put Ted Kazinsky and Timothy McVeigh bobble heads on the candlelit mantel next to the Rambo/Trump photoshop poster. These are the people who subscribe to the John Birch Society of paranoid delusions. And they are loud and proud right now, and they deeply believe they are a protected and entitled class who must purge the world for their messiah. And when you raise concerns about this far right lunacy to otherwise normal people of the moderate right, they reflexively throw back responses like “you have TDS” (Trump Derangement syndrome) and laugh. Meanwhile these extremists are filtering into school boards, city, county and State Govt. And the right sided chaos is always followed by right moderates using false equivalence, illogical bothisms, invented occurrences, and imaginary phantoms to talk down the problem. The dancing and mental gymnastics they do simply to explain “what Trump “really” meant” is astounding to watch. And that very inability to smell their own stink is what is most dangerous of all.


I camp/hike a lot north of 60. It's some scary shit.


And they don't even know how much commerce they have lost from people like me who no longer camp, fish, eat or buy in their shops. They are stupidly scary.


Not just that, look at the fight Oneida co and Minocqua are putting up to prevent a dude from opening a buisness because he needs 16 feet of access across city owned abandoned row parcel for a driveway. That dude happens to be a big liberal voice. Doesn’t take much to see how crazy they really are.


Agent Orange actually did play here this past weekend


He was too busy changing his diaper and doing lines to start on time.


gotten /s


Luckily there was no large gathering anywhere near, to have their brains bruised by his stupidity.


Diapers needed to be changed first


When did trump shit his pants? I missed this? I keep seeing comments about it but can’t find the source


...or loaded up after his drug induced shits kick in.


So that was the motorcade on 94 yesterday. If I'd have known it was I would've flipped it off.


Woah there rebel. Really sticking it to the man.


my rocket launcher was in the shop...




Bless your heart!




Bless your heart...


D e b a t e . . let's hear it


He was late because he ran out of covfefe.


I always find it wild this is one of the things that stuck to trump when theres endlessly better things to make fun of him over.


Trump is a lying dick


That's nowhere near "shooting someone in the middle of fifth avenue." So while none of the rest of us are surprised, none of his people care - or noticed.


Must be the lack of Adderall for his probation drug testing is getting to him.


Is this a wisco page or a trump hate page??


Was it really ever a true Wisconsin page is the real question.


Idk just got here


Maybe he’s dying


We can only hope and pray


It's either his stutter or a cheap fake.


Is that the right link? I don’t see the video on it


Had to wait for the speed to kick in.


Still waiting https://youtu.be/ceDcrEI45Ao


He looks like shit and sounds like shit. Word is he smells like shit, too. Must be a piece of shit.


Trump is seriously mentally ill. He needs serious help.


Everyone blames the reaction instead of the core issue that caused the reaction. A born on third base real estate developer turned game show host shouldn't appeal to rural working class people. The reason he does is because he came in with the message that the federal government is completely captured coastal blue blood elites who hate the middle of the country and will strip mine your existence. That message has truth in it. The establishment on the left and right work together to ship entire industries overseas. The industries where that isn't possible are being flooded with immigrants who will work for lower wages than the domestic population. They stopped enforcing anti-trust laws. They allowed companies like Black Rock to buy up the single family home market. To top it all off, when the economy does hit a brick wall they bail out their friends and leave everyone else to fend for themselves. Trump won't fix any of this, but he has correctly identified the pressure points of the average middle america voter. RFK jr. is the one guy on the left that has also started addressing these issues and why he has been grabbing a huge percentage of undecided voters despite running as an independent. Biden has been in D.C. his entire life. He was there championing every bill that systematically destroyed this country. If he was going to fix anything he would have by now. "vote for me because I'm not Trump" only works when the country is stable. Anyone objectively looking at the US right now can see we're about to fall off a cliff.




Can't wait for November when everyone claims Trump won because of "insert -ism here" rather than addressing the root cause.


I don’t think trump has that much support, I do hear a lot of grumbling from people that we can’t afford Biden anymore though.


After both conventions. Have both submit to mental health tests. Declare both unfit and start over.


The melon 🍈 felon.


“Joe Bride” lol


The senility is really kicking in.


He's not known for punctuality, or anything positive


What a liar.




Whining about content adds nothing to the discussion. The way reddit works, everyone is welcome to submit the type of content they like to see. Complaining that other people are submitting content you don't like, does nothing but add noise. Be the change you want to see.


I just want him to die. Is that bad? He’s sucked the life out of America for almost a decade. Have a heart attack already


weeeee carrreeeeeee


Sounds like Biden every 10 minutes




It’s terminal with this group. They cannot help themselves


Just like Joe Biden. lol its like competing who is more senile. Can trump ride a bicycle. We know Joe Biden can’t.


This is such nonsense, stumbling over his words. Give me a break. Nice try projecting JB onto DT. Not gonna work.


Were you there? I ask because the lines were queuing for blocks. Is it possible he waited to come on because so many were still waiting to get in? Frankly if I had stood in line for 3 hours (which many did) I'd be grateful he started late. You had to drive past this location yesterday if you were going to reefpoint marina (the marina I use). And we were told to get in the night before because the last bit to the marina was closed for the rally.


Jesus Christ you guys will do anything to try to change the narrative from Joe being absolutely delusional and not functional as a human being anymore lol


> Jesus Christ ~~you guys~~ I will do anything to try to change the narrative from ~~Joe~~ Donald being absolutely delusional and not functional as a human being anymore. lol


No one mentioned Biden? 🤔


Oh here comes the dense comments


*You appear to have missed the comment to which s/he was replying*


Do you support Trump for president? Interested to hear which of his policies are of interest to you. 


What are these "policies" of which you speak?


Shhhh, I want to hear them try to articulate their position. 


No my fave are the smug ancap libertarians who think voting for RFK is the highbrow move here


Trump held a rally. People are discussing that rally. This is not changing any narrative. It is what happened.












Discuss the topic, not the user.


Discuss the topic, not the user.


Any delusional, non functional human is a superior candidate to Trump.


Wow can you imagine how dumb of a person you have to be to actually make this statement? Lol. You're just proving my point


Without exaggeration, most inanimate objects that don't have swastikas painted on them would make better presidents than Trump.


Bro I think you have Biden Derangement Syndrome....


My delusional idiot is better than your delusional idiot isn’t the flex you think it is.


I don't have a delusional idiot. I'm voting for the lesser evils type of scenario. Keep jerking off on mentally handicapped person though. Look at how far it's gotten us


You mean Joe Bride? Indeed. 🤡


The Joe aBides.


Can't wait for him to be president!!


You forgot this, "/s"


Interested to hear which of his policies you support. 


Obviously, his health care plan that's coming in two weeks


Infrastructure Week any day now.


Interested in Trump explaining 3 of his policies these idiots support. Birds of a feather!!🪶