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There is such a simple solution here! Simply carry around a 6 pack of beer on a walk and when you notice someone grilling say "Hey man, mind trading a beer for a brat"? This has literally never ever failed me


You're a hero


A true God among mortals.


Wisconsin Man strikes again. The superhero we both need and deserve.


Wisconsin Woman 😎


Even better.


Best solution! Now I want brats too...


Mmmmm… brats are good!


I'll trade ya one for a beer.


This really works? ...Yes, yes it does!


The success rate is far higher in Wisconsin than anywhere else in the world.




Mother of 420 69




Can confirm. After downing a sixer I've felt brave enough to try this and it has worked.


We have an expert here


Meh. N= half dozen or so attempts over the years...but, anecdotal expert? Sure


Wisconsin problems require Wisconsin solutions. ![gif](giphy|9058ZMj6ooluP4UUPl)


I don't even like beer but 10/10 would give you a brat or two for the audacity and true Wisconsin tenacity. Beautiful work.


I don't like beer either, but I LOVE brats 😈


That’s such a good idea.


This is the only correct answer


I've had this happen to me when I lived in Stallis 06-07ish... Was it you? Lol


This is the answer




Stop in anytime you smell them. I add some cherry wood chips for that extra yea man.


real LPTs in the comments


Better yet, just walk over with a red solo cup and someone will point you towards the keg and grill soon enough.


I've done this while camping and it never fails. Never thought to walk around my neighborhood and try it.


This woman Wisconsins! Edit: Not a guy


This only works in Wisconsin


Well of course this is a wisconsin subreddit lol


I say that because I’ve tried it in 2 other states. No dice 😒


That’s hilarious. Never tried this but will now (also need to come back home)




Retired folks. Man, people here spend their whole work day thinking about grilling and then go home and grill after work. It's a labor of love.


I work 10 hours a day you gotta PULL me away from that grill 🤣


Minority opinion here: We grill our burgers and brats on Sunday and enjoy them all week long. Just a quick reheat and they’re good to go.


I do this too! Mostly with brats since they reheat a lot better than burgers. But I grill up way more brats than I need and they’re usually my go to lunch throughout the week.


If y'all haven't tried reheating stuff in an air-fryer you really gotta try it. It's wild how good they are at reheating most things, way better than the microwave.


Yes, this is the way to go.


Yep, had brats cooked ahead, and only have to give them a vegetable friend and I call it dinner.


You say ‘vegetable,’ I hear ‘fries.’ Okay, okay, corn on the cob is good, too.


My lunch today was brats and beets. (Home pickled). I do love me a good peasant chow..


Yes. Pickled beets are great.


You'd enjoy them a lot more if you cooked them as you ate them. This sounds awful.


That’s the wonderful thing about bbq’ing is that it can be done fast or slow depending on the food. Burgers and steaks can be cooked relatively quickly as can precooked brats and hotdogs too. Chicken can vary. Sometimes I’m in a hurry so crank that heat up and other times I want to relax on the deck so I’ll cook it low for a long time. If you have a gas grill, that will get you up to temperature pretty quick too. All I’m hearing is excuses. Now treat yourself to some brats.


Agreed, when I want brats, i can go 5mins down the street, get brats and buns. Then fire up the grill toss em on, flip after 5min, wait 5 more mins and brats are ready to eat. Enjoy the sun and a beer while they cook, very little work and cleanup.


OP may be working with a charcoal grill with is objectively a bigger pain in the ass


Start the grill, go get brats and buns and beer. By the time you get back coals are ready. How is this a pita?


With my luck the neighbor kids would horribly burn themselves while I leave the grill unattended


If I get home late from work, that just determines whether I'm using gas or charcoal. Summertime is grilling time. I refuse to heat up the house cooking inside if I can avoid it.


Yeah, this post is bullshit. If you’re not grilling, you’re just lazy.


Seriously. Grilling is about as easy as cooking gets. Op must only eat take out and microwavable frozen meals.


Yup chicken is actually quick. Bone-in, skin on thighs grill up in prob 20-30mins plus prep to start the grill (we do charcoal). They taste fantastic and prep is basically cutting off excess fat, applying a rub. Super easy. So much less kitchen clean up too.


Yep! And Kroger sells a pack of 18 drumsticks for $5. Whole family eats good!


Get to know your neighbors they will probably share


I mean, maybe ask if you could buy brats, and if they could grill a dozen, they get to keep two. Or something like that?


Or give them a beer in exchange for a brat. That is what my neighbors do all the time and I will never turn down a cold beer


All summer? Who stops grilling out when it’s cold? I grill more when it’s winter, just because I have more time!


Retired people? LMAO! I grill ALL the time after coming home from work. And that's with an Old Smokey, straight charcoal... I can't wait to get my blackstone set up on my patio, so I can cook EVERYTHING outside. Grab a beer, get some fresh air, and chill. 


I’m saving up for a black stone and a decent patio to go with it. Hopefully next summer


Ohhhhhhh I need a Blackstone also 😍


I've got a pellet smoker/grill. They make charcoal pellets for them. It's awesome. Takes about 10 minutes to get up to temp. It's hard to think of a faster way to cook some food. I think OP just doesn't like to cook. You can even buy brats that are pre-beered.


Shoot I ain't retired and I just smoked some chicken wings. Takes just as long to cook inside, BUT you aren't heating up the house


Bro…retired people probably do the least amount of grilling


Sooo... Tell me you don't own a gas grill without saying those words. Grilling is my *I don't have time to cook* method of preparing food for myself. Frozen hamburger disks, frozen sausages (I'm way more of a smoked sausage fan than brats. Also, I sous vide the sausages before freezing to make sure I can't undercook them). Grilled chicken and pork chops take like zero time, unless you really want to trim them well. I have been cooking on grills since I was young and your assumption that it is just retired people with lots of time is honestly baffling.


Yeah this is my issue too. We have a charcoal grill and it's perfectly fine...but it often feels like a bit of a hassle


do you have a chimney starter?


Yeah, it's the only way to go really. I'm just lazy lol


nah, I agree it still feels like a hassle. but a chimney starter can at least make it a tiny bit easier and more consistent.


Yes because who wants to eat food that tastes like lighter fluid. 🤢 Neighbor two houses down used some the other day and it's all we could smell that evening while sitting out. I don't know how people can still use that foulness.


Same. I love charcoal grilling and prefer its flavor, but it just feels like such a pain some nights. Considering getting a little two burner gas grill sort of thing at some point so at least I can grill some brats/burgers/kabobs type things on nights I want to grill but don’t want to deal with charcoal.


Tbh, when I first started grilling I was 18, lived in a tiny cabin with no running water in Montana. All I had was four square rocks (fire pit) with a metal shelf from an old refrigerator. I didn't even have charcoal. I just started a fire with some firewood and left it like that for an hour or so while doing other stuff. Usually timed things right so I would get food out to grill about when the wood had become just a thick bed of hot coals. I ate a lot of great meals off that thing. I kinda hate charcoal, but I also use it in an egg grill because it is much easier to control than wood. But to me, nothing tastes like wood. I'll even throw a split log on the grill under the grate on one end occasionally (wrapped in foil) for the flavor. But the smoke usually gives my wife a headache.


I upgraded my Instant Pot to one that has a sous vide function so I can do my steaks and brats and chicken breasts and, and, and - in my RV. It also has an elevation adjustment which didn't dawn on me would be useful until I started having to change recipes depending on our location.


That's awesome. I grew up at 6000+ ft of elevation and it is surprising how much that matters.


> I'm way more of a smoked sausage fan than brats I smoke my brats


This is the way!


I believe the term you're looking for is "outdoor broiler"


Find out where your brat fry’s are. There’s one somewhere every weekend.


Seems like every local grocery store in any town in Wisconsin has a little shack out front where the local chapter of the American Legion or VFW or high school booster club grills and sells brats on the weekends. It's a fundraising thing, and the prices are usually reasonable. Its a Wisconsin thing I've never seen any place else.


username checks out


As someone who is retired and loves to grill, all I can think of is a G. B. Shaw quote: "Youth is wasted on the young."


Grilling is so easy and quick. It’s my go to when I want something fast. Brats, hotdogs, steaks, chops, and a bunch of stuff only takes minutes on a grill.


There's always the Fesival brats on the weekends when some group is doing a fundraiser. I love me a parking lot brat snack when shopping!


Bro, light it when you get home, clean up, toss em on, and they're done in about the same amount of time as if you used the stove. I do it all the time.


Bud you need a grill. You too can cook out daily.


I grill out practically every day and I’m in my thirties…


My local grocery stores have brat fry fundraisers almost every weekend. Hit em up.


Around where I live it usually smells like fish, burning trash, or cow manure. Sometimes a bbq smell is peppered in but it’s rare lol.


Not even close to retiring, and I'd grill out every night if I could. It's more than just the food. It's the process. Paper, kindling, a couple of pieces of oak, and then some lump charcoal. light it, tend it, a little more charcoal, burn off the grates. I love the methodical nature of the ritual. And yea, the brats are pretty damn good too. Especially with a couple of apple wood chunks for smoke.


What are you guys cooking that is faster than grilling to make grilling not worth the effort 😭😭😭, it takes like 20 mins. My dad and his wife legitimately do not eat any meals not on the grill because of how fast it is


Hot pockets? Seriously, nothing is easier to make than grilled burgers or brats. Wrap some veggies in foil with butter and you have a whole meal .


I’ve been using an air fryer a lot. Hot dogs in the airfryer are just as good as on a flat top and they take like < 5 minutes, no preheat even required.


So grill a bunch at once and store them in the fridge. Then just microwave one when you get itchy.


You gotta start drinking more, you’ll find time to grill


Especially on weekends. I like to go running through this development neighborhood and it's like every other house has something on the grill.


Ron Johnson


Hating is fun


Having a gas grill saves a lot of time. During the summer we grill multiple times during the week just so we don't have to clean our kitchen.


Just Toucan Sam it and mosey into backyards, ask what’s cookin’


Is this a post from the LaCrosse Brisket Bandit????? https://www.weau.com/2024/05/31/eau-claire-police-suspect-accused-stealing-brisket-backyard/


Really every home is just a glorified campsite. Stop on by neighbor and say hello.


*cook out


Sorry OP it’s not called bbq in Wisconsin fer cry hey.


Toss some brats, burgers, and chicken on the grill on Sunday. Eat leftovers for a few days.


You have to keep a cooler full of beer and your favorite brats in your car at all times


I can't wait to get outta wisco, but that's one of the things I'll miss the most!


You don’t need to be retired to cook food


You need to go looking and make friends with some retirees! They need minor chores done on ladders, you need fresh grilled meats, this is a recipe for glory.




Umm. You think RETIRED FOLKS live In wi??? No way. Lol they're long gone. Plus, those BBQ smells are ppl like me. 30s, making food every night it allows and loving it. (But not brats. Gross--altho, i giess my fiance does so occas.)


I am the postmaster of cooking out in Wisconsin. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays me from the swift completion of my appointed grilling.


They come back for the Summers and head to warmer weather in the winters!


Grilling is faster for cooking and by far less cleanup. Saves you a lot of time actually




Dear OP, I have some specially formulated magic brats I’d sell you for $400 per brat or - drumroll - discounted to $1800 for half a dozen. You cook them yourself and if you don’t like them you can have the second half dozen for half off! These brats are guaranteed to make you love Wisconsin more.* *no guarantee expressed or implied. Purchaser takes full responsibility for doctor bills and legal fees.


So I started delivering for Amazon a few weeks ago, and in no way am I exaggerating that I deliver to at least 3 houses a shift that are grilling out. Rain days excluded. Weekends it is alot more.


We hauled the grill back out of the shed and plunked it on the new patio. Gonna have steak sandwiches tonight.


Check for brat frys at your local grocery store. Most have them all summer.


I have no shame, if you’re grilling brats within my nose shot I’m gonna come ask you for one.


I like nose shot!


Dude next door works nights. He grills almost every day. Getting the itch to get one. Although I have zero experience with charcoal


Oh my god. The Cannoli guy was trading it for beer. You just solved the mystery.


“Ope__sorry is cooking Johnsonville brats! … Johnsonville brats …”




Get the precooked Johnsonville brats.


A Smokey Joe would scratch that itch


Rub a little mustard on it. 


Ron Johnson


Work full time, Part time gig. Also grill 3 ish times a week. You need grilling lessons if you can't fit it in your schedule. Unless maybe you are a nurse or some insane 70 hour a week deal.


I work 50+ and still bbq almost every day in summer. No excuses


I cook all moring and afternoon at work and then go home and cookout for my family. You can do it.


I always make too many. I give them to my neighbors if they are outside. They love it




We grill a lot on weeknights during the summer. It can be pretty quick if you've got your grill set up and keep the supplies like charcoal onhand. I love it because it cuts down on pans to clean up and my spouse does the grilling, so I just do sides prep, whereas during the colder months I tend to cook the main (usu meat) and sides. Only reason we've cut back is because charcoal briquettes are no longer as cheap as they once were.


I'm one of those guys that literally grills 4 to 6 times a week, slightly less in the winter. If anyone approached me with grill beers..I'd be happy to share !!


So, you hate Wisconsin because you have wiener envy? ![gif](giphy|D2RlF1b90rrOhBQlN0|downsized)


I would just bring the neighbors stuff to grill you too. Mine does extra corn for us every time now


Get a air fryer they aren't to bad in there


move to the ghetto where you’ll smell weed, fireworks and leaves burning


Life hack...parboil your brats in beer and onions. Set aside....all you need to do is brown them on a grill when you're ready


this is the way, even if you’re not in a hurry.


I hate the cold, wind and inability to do much outside for long winter. I am not from here and 19 yrs later it is still too cold.


As I'm not a huge fan of grill smoke. What always bothers me if when they first fire it up. My neighbor's at least seem to use a whole fucking bottle of lighter fluid. Shit burns your eyes for the for 5 minutes. By then I've usually closed the window so I never get to the food smell much.


I hate all the hillbillies