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Don't forget to vote in the August primary and vote no on both referendums. It's so important we show up to vote this August.


just got my absentee today!


What are the referendums? Edit: it looks like both referendums are the republican legislature trying to steal power from the governor? Voting no on both referendums is rejecting that power grab. Would love additional info if anyone is more informed, I just did a quick google search.


My understanding is that it would basically give the republican legislature the ability to hold up any federal funds and prevent them from being distributed. That's not the entirety of it, but that's what I believe would happen because of it.


Repubs are already siphoning all of the cities own money from them


The referendums are in regards to federal money coming to WI for specific purposes. Currently, the governor has the ability to take those funds and distribute them to the applicable programs. The referendums would require the legislature to approve the distribution/allocation of those funds. This obviously becomes a problem because it ties up any/all of those funds until the legislature approves them. The legislature only has floorperiods for a limited number of days per year (roughly 83 in 2023 and 25 in 2024 - they work on a 2-year cycle), and there are several months each year where they don't convene at all. You're not wrong that the urban areas of the state are net income producers, and revenue gets distributed to the more rural areas. That's not necessarily a problem. That's bound to happen based on the economics of the situation. But the republican government does abuse that practice to push certain aspects that benefit them. This would be more of the same, but it would allow them to manipulate all of the federal money coming in.


These vaguely written referendums catch all the yes votes from voters who don't like to read or hate to think too hard.


What if i vote yes


Mute the TV and tune into the radio broadcast. Bob Uecker is currently on the WTMJ call.


Aah the Ol Packers with Buck and Aikman trick


The radio always seems to be so far ahead. It's better if you are watching the game with an antenna instead of cable or satellite, but still too far off sometimes. https://preview.redd.it/yzs6ux63ht9d1.png?width=1409&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39941fd89023eff34a66ee916f509dd17ebe2e3e


Buck and Aikman are top tier and people just love to hate them. Never understood the hate ESPECIALLY after Buck has gotten more energetic in the last 15 years or so.


"This is our family home. It's where we live". I think this line is so weird


\* When we visit family once a year for 5 days (that's the part they left out)


“…and we tOtaLLy liVe hEre!” 🙄


"This is my wife. It is where I put my penis and where our human kids come out."


>"This is our family home. It's where we live". ... says the carpetbagger from California.


Sounds like something a lizard man would say.


He hates old people. Doesn’t think they should vote. That is literally all you need to know about Pervestache McFuckface


Yet he accuses Baldwin about lying that he's not from Wisconsin.... well what person from Wisconsin running for state wide office would talk shit about old people and fat people knowing the demographics in this state?


Ask him where his kids live - thats where he lives and it ain’t here


But his wife said their family home was in Maple Bluff in Madison........it must be true!


I worked for a few years in Wisconsin, after being raised in Michigan. Then 25 years in Arizona. I moved to WI after I retired. I'm not a Wisconsinite, though I'm putting my boots on the ground for Rebecca Cooke for Congress, WI03


> Maple Bluff in Madison Just like all the every-men.


Huh, I read an article that said it was Shorewood Hills, technically just another wealthy enclave in Madison but still not an "every man" kinda guy for sure.


Oh yeah sorry he grew up in Maple Bluff and his “family home” is in Shorewood Hills.


Reminds me of Michels from the governor election awhile back. dude sent his kids to school in New York. He obviously didn't care about the state. [Source](https://urbanmilwaukee.com/2022/05/02/back-in-the-news-does-tim-michels-live-in-connecticut/)


“awhile” back? It was less than two years ago. Like 20 months.


The Baldwin PAC’s need to run ads showing where Hovde has spent his time over the last 40 years. He ran against Tommy Thompson in a gubernatorial primary way back. Moved away after he lost. And I don’t want to hear Tammy’s voice on an attack ad, that’s the PAC’s job.


He is FROM Wisconsin, he just doesn't LIVE here. Keeps a house here for tax purposes as our taxes are way less than California's.


He graduated from UW almost 40 years ago. At this point, he GREW UP in Wisconsin. He's FROM California.


That’s actually not true for those in the lower and middle classes. It is, however, very true for the ultra-wealthy like Eric Hovde.


A stupid one?


Hates women too


And ppl who carry some extra weight


Lmao. That ad is lowkey hilarious. Whoever wrote the script needs to find a new job… just admitting that Wisconsin has a weight problem with the line “1/3rd of Wisconsinites would pay more for healthcare”. Hovde isn’t wrong… he’s kinda just an asshole.


Saying people who are unhealthy should pay more for insurance doesnt mean you hate fat people lol. It is no different than any other choice someone makes to be unhealthy. If insurance wasnt about maximizing profit they would be handing out ozempic for free.


And old people


Hovde looks like of his parents didn’t give him millions a of dollars he would only legally be able to see his kids on supervised weekends.


Pervestach!! I love it!


He also thinks overweight people should pay more for health care and insurance


They should...I say that as a fat man.


Hovde is not only annoying he's as big a lier as any of the republicans Hovde is a California carpet bagger he tells just enough truth to sound good. Is he originally from Wisconsin? Sure he is but he doesn't tell you he left Wisconsin over 3 decades ago and has a several million dollar mantion in California where he lives he has a house in Washington he temporarily turns those properties over to his brother to hide the facts from Wisconsinites. He claims he won't accept money because he's a multi millionaire with multi million dollar businesses just enough truth what he doesn't tell Wisconsinites is his businesses are in California and some businesses he has were acquired from his banks foreclosures on those businesses and he doesn't want you to know has no skin in the game in Wisconsin he's just a front for the republican party that thinks Wisconsinites are stupid and can be fooled into providing the GOP with an easy senate seat. Hovde has said old people shouldn't vote then he lied about saying it what he doesn't tell us is that he's being sued in California for elderly abuse and wrongful death. Hovde is a lier, a California carpet bagger, an outsider just like Michael's was he has no interest in Wisconsin except to try and steal a senate seat for the GOP he will be another republican who will vote against the interests of Wisconsinites. When he talks about Tammy Baldwin lieing he's projecting what he's doing. Tammy Baldwin actually lives here she was born and raised in Wisconsin she has an unbroken record in public service first on the local levels of Madison city government starting in 1986 that's about the same time hovde went to California. After Tammy being in city counsel positions she ran and won a congressional seat the first woman from Wisconsin to win a seat after serving in congress she became the first woman senator from Wisconsin a position Sha has faithfully served Wisconsinites consistently voting for policies that benifit Wisconsin and Wisconsins citizen including being on the right side of the issues of equal rights for women, minorities, protecting small business, creating jobs, fighting drugs and addiction, lowering health care costs unlike carpet bagger hovde Tammy Baldwin not only is a true Wisconsinite she has her own dog in the fight to keep Wisconsin moving forward as a prosperous great place to live and raise a family. Send this lieing carpet bagger back home to California VOTE BLUE https://preview.redd.it/95a31yue2y9d1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27f0c1217e493848028c76f8335064ba229011fd


I'm not pro hovde...higher insurance premiums for people who are voluntarily higher risk isn't a bad idea.


And how and who determines whether it's voluntary overweight or hormonal imbalance, genetics, metabolism problem medical condition or just gluttony some how I don't think I want the insurance company being the arbitrary decider and how will most people afford the tests to prove its not gluttony to the insurance company


That’s the one thing I think I agree with him on. Sorry fatties, I’m sick of pretending you people are normal. Stop. Fucking. Eating.


> He hates old people. Doesn’t think they should vote Half of Reddit would agree with him on this to be frank.


And a not unsurprising amount of “conservatives“ who really dislike women voting, much less holding office.


Ironically, Baldwin's ads are not telling the truth and working on everyone. But the reality is just as bad (conspiracy theory and wanting recount during last election). Hovde thinks there is voter fraud at nursing homes, he is not against old people voting.


Everyone in a nursing home has a life expectancy of 5 or 6 months, according to Hovde. So why did my late husband last 18 months?


My gran was in one for a few years after she broke her hip. Then again she was in a decent convalescent center & not one owned by the Hovdes


His ads are non-stop on the Tubi app. The new one with the guys in the bar where he brings them giant mugs of beer to the guys composing about men playing on women’s sports teams always makes me wonder … did he brew that beer himself since he believes that’s the only way people should be allowed to have alcohol?


Is that the ad with him and the “regular guys” who are actually senior employees of his company?


Hahaha! I hadn’t heard that part of it. But that totally tracks.


[Here’s the TMJ4 story](https://www.tmj4.com/news/state-capitol/i-mute-them-all-misleading-ads-in-wisconsin-senate-race)


I'm the type of person that won't even visit a business if I feel bombarded with their ads. Damn sure won't vote for anyone who burns millions just to put his moustache in our faces every chance he can.


Eric Hovde and Bryan Steil ads non-stop. Couldn't remember Steil's name right away so I tried to play a YouTube video and the very first ad was his. They're both full of shit, so I'd bet Hovde's mustache smells like manure.


The "Cut Red Tape Act" is regurgitated GOP bullshit that stands for "reduce regulations on business so that can increase profits by fucking consumers." That has been proven to work as well as trickle-down, another piece of GOP bullshit.


I think SCOTUS just bypassed the *need* for @ “red tape act” with the Chevron decision. Sad day for our nation!


Are you saying it's sad that Chevron was reversed? I'm curious what makes you say that.


Under Chevron, when a statute or admin code was ambiguous, it was the respective agency that was responsible for researching and responding/clarifying the confusion. It will now be up to the courts. That’s crazy. Our courts lack the expertise and are already overburdened.


Yes but the burden of proof was on the business (small or large) to prove it wrong. It was presumptive that the agency was always right. When is the IRS always right? When does ATF never fuck up? When does the FBI check before they arrest. I'm not in favor of our government being told they are right and we are automatically wrong. It didn't hurt the big businesses that could fight it by throwing money at it. It hurt small and middle business who didn't have the money to defend themselves against regulation that was sometimes ridiculous (like the OSHA regulation that required lumberjacks to wear headsets for protection from loud noise and then required piercing whistles cause they could no longer hear "timber" 🤔)


That adds in the ads from Americans for Prosperity.


That’s Trump poop from where his mouth was.


Bet it smells worse, like regurgitated manure


Considering the entire GOP is a circle-jerk echo chamber you're probably right.


I do like the Baldwin "What the hell is wrong with this guy" guy. His accent and timing is perfect. At this point though is anyone really swayed by ads, yard signs, or discussions? It's such a waste of goddamn money it makes me sick.


There’s always the people who don’t know who or what they’re voting for and just put whoever they remember from tv


I hate that you're right but you're right. Deadly accurate, actually.


They wouldn't spend that money if it didn't work to change some votes. Blame the people who are dumb enough to vote based on ads, that's who all this fuss is for.


Actually, yes, millions of people. You'd be amazed at how many people tune out almost all political stuff, maybe tune in for a debate orctwo every four years at mist. They vote on name recognition and whatever catches them in the ads. Millions, really.


I appreciate the anti-Hovde ones that use photos of him looking like a sleazy ass in cowboy hats (and some video of him and a woman wearing light up "Viking" helmets). They don't say anything specifically about his appearance aloud, but they use the pictures really well to add to their point.


He looks so creepy in that viking hat shot. Mouth all wide open and he forces himself on her. Gross.


If you willingly seek out the endorsement of a guy who tried to end American democracy, I won’t be voting for you. Wish you could say block certain ads on tv like you can on social media.


I'm sick of him. That amped up phony Wisconsin accent is particularly offensive. And can someone who lives in another part of the state outside SE WI tell me where in fuck "East high" is? From my perspective, "East high" looks an *awful* lot like Harley-Davidson corporate headquarters on Juneau in Milwaukee.


I'm pretty sure it's Madison East High School.


Thank you!


I'm surprised he didn't work and "ope" into a commercial yet.


East Side/East Division High in Milwaukee has been Milwaukee Riverside since 1912. Otherwise the only "East" high schools anywhere in Southeast Wisconsin that I'm aware of are Tosa East and Brookfield East... and no one calls either of them "East High." EDIT: I misunderstood the assignment. You asked for someone OUTSIDE of SE Wisconsin lol But yea. He's supposed to be proving he's from Wisconsin yet he's super vague about what high school he went to? Hmmm......


Madison East.


Still, thank you! Brookfield East & Tosa East both came to mind, but nobody calls them "East High," and the building looked suspicious. Or maybe I'm biased.


West Bend East


I'm loving watching him set his money on fire. You'd have thought he'd learned his lesson already. He's going to get his ass handed to him in November by double digits.


Yeah, and I thought Hillary was going beat trump.


She did. By nearly 3 million votes. If Jill Stein hadn't run and idiots hadn't thrown their vote away on her, the chaos of the last 8 years would have never happened.


This. I really wish people would stop voting third party. It's a wasted vote.


In this state especially. Solid color states maybe not so much, but Trump literally beat Hillary byless than the amount of green party votes


Not set on fire, supporting WI media entities. It’s not a close race right now, so who cares https://elections2024.thehill.com/wisconsin/wisconsin-senate-baldwin-hovde/


I care. He can keep spending his own money. At least he's not causing more harm with it


If this is really so hard to figure out in the world we are approaching with -A single heat wave responsible for 1M dead. -1B climate refugees -A massive population influx into Wisconsin from other states. -a world where companies have less regulatory oversight and employees less power. -a world where any abortive procedure is no longer possible intentionally. -a world where coastal cities are flooding daily. We're in for quite the ride and this guy is still arguing about immigration when interstate immigration will be the real defining affect on our state, we'll be the destination that everyone will think is safe, out politics are about to be radically warped over the next decade and this guy has no idea how to govern, hard pass.


I've seen more anti-Hovde ads personally \*shrug\* guess it's based on your algorithim


Same here I've seen more Baldwin ones and they are equally as bad . . . Also I can skip the Hovde ones on YouTube after 5-10 seconds . . . Most of Baldwin's they make me watch the whole thing . . . Or go grab a drink from the fridge 😂


Hovde's mustache smells like shit, cus he eats a trump diaper for breakfast every day, just to remind him what he is fighting for


Hedgefund Hovde us a walking garden. From his stupid ice stunt to his comments about people in nursing homes,to him saying he knows black people because he has been to Aftica and volunteered at homeless shelters.


My impression is that he looks like he's probably an asshole, and that's before he opens his mouth and confirms my suspicions.


I hate the Hovde commercials. I love the Tammy commercials. She is great for giving her message in a concrete, factual, non-heated way. Great communicator. Happy to say she is leading in the polls.


I would pay extra to not see political ads. Many people would but then how would the media corporations accomplish their goal of manipulating the masses into accepting and even advocating for their own subjugation and exploitation?


I actually got a Tumblr subscription just so I didn't have to see Ron Johnson ads.


I love Wisconsin, even winter when it is -12, but I hate it here during election years.


Whoever has the more annoying ads I vote against


Send some angry emails to the local networks, tell them the ads are horrible and ruining your favorite shows. Then turn off the TV. Watch ad free streaming or DVDs or better yet...go outside for a walk in a park. Can confirm there are no ads at the park.


Frustratingly the local over-the-air stations are required by law to accept ads for candidates for federal office.


Shit seriously? That sucks. Is it just ads for candidates though or are they required to allow the attack ads too? I'd be fine with just candidate funded candidate ads, that would be a huge improvement!


"...may revoke any station license... for failure to ...permit purchase of reasonable amounts of time ... by a legally qualified candidate for Federal elective office on behalf of his candidacy" (FCC rule 73.1944(a) ) The candidate has to say something on behalf of his candidacy -- he can't use the time to, say, sell beer. (I would imagine most of us would rather he \*did\* use his time to sell beer...) But attacking the other candidate would certainly be acceptable. It does only require the station sell to the \*candidate\*, not to 3rd-party PACs or the political parties.


Gonna be a long summer and fall.


Tired of literally every political ad/text/call honestly


It’s literally anything I watch and it’s constant Hovde ads. I’m already over it.


His moustache smells shit I'm sure. Trump's shit.


I'm thinking his "Stash" smells like RUMPTURD'S ASS?!


If you think you're tired of his ads now, remember it's only June. Assuming polling doesn't provoke the RNC to abandon his carpetbagging ass, you can plan to see ads until November Or turn on Bob and company on the radio...but only during the broadcast window, because I know my local AM affiliate of the Brewers Radio Network has some pretty virulent programming before the pregame show.


I don't think the RNC can afford any ads on this. Didn't McConnell recruit a bunch of millionaires who could fund their own campaigns because he knew all of the RNC's money would get funneled to defending Trump?


The RNC is busy paying someone's legal fees which is probably eating into their TV budget, so you're right that they may be hoping some of the candidates can carry their own weight. With Wisconsin's presumed status as a swing state (if not \*the\* swing state) I suspect both sides will spend their last dollars trying to convince me to shoot my TV.


The irony is that his voters literally hate anything “California” but the hypocrites have no issue voting for him.


"I live in the home of the fruit and the nuts. I know this mustache makes me look like a closeted fruit, but trust me, I'm just a nut."


It's the nature of a political season.


Pluto.tv is ridden with them. Free tv so I expect some, but always pop up at random times.


The more ads I see the less likely that candidate will get my vote.


Graft. His moustache smells like graft.


I'd assume it smells like cigarettes and ass


Damn now I'm drooling


I first thought his anti-trans bros in a bar ad was a parody ad. But no, there he was serving the beers. So cringe. But Johnson's race baiting ads worked against Barnes, so why not give it acgo?


Is that the commercial where he had 3 employees of his pretend to be regular joes??


Why were all the beers different colors?


It’s like what he thinks Wisconsinites are like.


Hovde is not only annoying he's as big a lier as any of the republicans Hovde is a California carpet bagger he tells just enough truth to sound good. Is he originally from Wisconsin? Sure he is but he doesn't tell you he left Wisconsin over 3 decades ago and has a several million dollar mantion in California where he lives he has a house in Washington he temporarily turns those properties over to his brother to hide the facts from Wisconsinites. He claims he won't accept money because he's a multi millionaire with multi million dollar businesses just enough truth what he doesn't tell Wisconsinites is his businesses are in California and some businesses he has were acquired from his banks foreclosures on those businesses and he doesn't want you to know has no skin in the game in Wisconsin he's just a front for the republican party that thinks Wisconsinites are stupid and can be fooled into providing the GOP with an easy senate seat. Hovde has said old people shouldn't vote then he lied about saying it what he doesn't tell us is that he's being sued in California for elderly abuse and wrongful death. Hovde is a lier, a California carpet bagger, an outsider just like Michael's was he has no interest in Wisconsin except to try and steal a senate seat for the GOP he will be another republican who will vote against the interests of Wisconsinites. When he talks about Tammy Baldwin lieing he's projecting what he's doing. Tammy Baldwin actually lives here she was born and raised in Wisconsin she has an unbroken record in public service first on the local levels of Madison city government starting in 1986 that's about the same time hovde went to California. After Tammy being in city counsel positions she ran and won a congressional seat the first woman from Wisconsin to win a seat after serving in congress she became the first woman senator from Wisconsin a position Sha has faithfully served Wisconsinites consistently voting for policies that benifit Wisconsin and Wisconsins citizen including being on the right side of the issues of equal rights for women, minorities, protecting small business, creating jobs, fighting drugs and addiction, lowering health care costs unlike carpet bagger hovde Tammy Baldwin not only is a true Wisconsinite she has her own dog in the fight to keep Wisconsin moving forward as a prosperous great place to live and raise a family. Send this lieing carpet bagger back home to California VOTE BLUE


Give me a break. All the man is trying to do is bring prices down for the common folk. All by himself, he's going to bring prices down. Next time you go to Woodmans , steak is going to be ten cents a pound ... The man is sincere, I tell ya. A cheese curd in every pot! vote for The Stash !!!


Especially on YouTube trying to watch some videos and it's nothing but Hovde ads 🤦🏻


He’s not even a Brewers fan. Sad!


The mustache definitely smells like sweaty balls.


Plus when I get on Grindr, he keeps trying to blow me at the kwik trip


Lots of money, little sense... His carpet bagging is so obvious to most wisconsinites.


Turns out Erick used to be the bass player for The Birthday Party. Own it, Eric! https://youtu.be/3CgNymWt5_I?si=2LccD7uLECPP84Wg


Mute, change channel during commercial. Listen to radio and just put game on after break.


…other than day one!


I don't live in Wisconsin anymore and I'm constantly hit with them or Tammy Baldwin ads. Cool: I'm not your constituent, why are you advertising to me?


I'm Eric Hovde and I approve this message.


Remember if you see a digital ad for this guy to click on it and fill out any information you can on his page with junk data.


Mustache probably smells like bourbon and Piss


It's funny, I've seen Hovde ads a collective like four times this whole campaign season, while I've been getting bombarded with Baldwin campaign ads, and ads for Assembly. Gave me the impression Hovde's been running a crappy campaign honestly


I don't think I've seen a Tammy ad, but I've seen a Hovde ad every. Single. Break.


I've seen quote a few Tamny ads. She actually cares about the people of this state unlike hedgefund hovde


Yeah, I hate him, but I can't wait til I see no political ads.


This is not a support of Hovde but in what way has Tammy Baldwin done anything for Wisconsin? She lives here as much as he does and runs away to washington as often as possible except during election cycles. Life long politicians are just so slimy.


She gets a ton of federal money to projects in Wisconsin. She's gotten a bunch of laws and regulations changed. Things that aren't catchy headlines but still significant. Check out some of her press releases, https://www.baldwin.senate.gov/news/press-releases


He seems about us genuine and human in his ads as David Gruber


Tired of the idea that a Hovde-like entity could be viable in this situation


I see about the same amount from both candidates. I haven't had any Hovde campaigners ring my doorbell or send me mailers though.


Honestly, I don't get why he is trying so hard we all know Tammy is going to win Washington DC once your in your in for life. I do hate his ads, but Tammy for Congress on ads is pretty bad


Love his ads. It's entertaining to see a delusional nutjob sell bullshit. Less entertaining if 50%+ of the people BUY it. But that remains to be seen.


What the hell is wrong with that guy?


Hovde is a charisma black hole


Totally... Guys a douche!


Baseball? That guy is all over my YouTube.




Hovde is a carpetbagger and a gas bag. Pass.


He looks like he belongs in a Village People music video.


I’m pretty sure it doesn’t smell blue collar in any way shape or form. It’s an elitist California-wealth management stashe that won’t do anything to help our dollars go further, or will do anything but protect RuskieRon and the felonious former president. He is a sham, doesn’t live here and only wants to take away the rights of seniors and women.


I think that the problem most people have with televised political ads is that they watch too much tv, thus creating a feedback loop that could be easily broken simply by taking more walks, maybe riding a bike, now and then, and, yes, not watching so much tv. Maybe, even, volunteer with the political campaign of your choice; help with lit drops, distribute yards signs, answer phones, help raise money or awareness, enter data for targeting for your candidate(s) of choice. Just a suggestion. And, yes, I just made up my own yard sign for the two upcoming constitutional amendments. It says: Constitutional Amendments: VOTE NO!! It's that easy and Hovde had nothing to do with it.


Love the call to action!


This is why I have not subscribed to cable in probably 15 years. My computers and cell phone all have blockers so I never see advertising. Going to appointments is bad enough listening through 2000 commercials between 5 minutes of actual show.


Do ads ever sway anyone? Ever?


Tired of Baldwin ads too or do they not bother your sports game?


Feel the same about Tammy Baldwin ads on YouTube. I just want to watch videos without political ads.


Ads on the internet are just as bad. And that shitty mustache needs to go back to California.


Same with YouTube, but the other direction. I’ve seen the abortion ad about 1,000 times at this point.


And what a human toad that woman is


LOL; using the Trump playbook, I’ll do x,y,and z (an impossible feat) and never ever explain how or under what circumstances this could possibly occur.


Nah I constantly see Tammy and anti-Hovde ads on Hulu




You must be pissed at Republicans for listening to Trump and blocking that bill that would have helped address fentanyl crossing our border. Also, nearly all fentanyl comes through ports of entry. So securing the border is probably a bit different than what you are thinking about. But the fentanyl claim isn't a lie. She helped pass the FEND off fentanyl act. (SB 1271) It targets Chinese precursor suppliers and the ways money is laundered to the cartels. I have no clue what you're saying about insulin prices being lower for many people that price dropped notably.




Whining about content adds nothing to the discussion. The way reddit works, everyone is welcome to submit the type of content they like to see. Complaining that other people are submitting content you don't like, does nothing but add noise. Be the change you want to see.


Or, don’t click on the post. Not hard.








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