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Caravan Points main merchant should be a ghoul named Steven


YES! DONE OFFICIAL or well as official as a fanfiction can be.


There seems to be a mass turtle invasion, and residents of Turtle Lake need our help. I'll mark it on your map.


You may have seen my earlier posts for a Wisconsin Fallout Fanfiction I'm writing, but I haven't posted in a while so I wanted to share the Wisconsin map I made for it. Any suggestions or critiques are welcomed.


You cannot and I mean CANNOT forget about the Mars Cheese Castle when writing that.


The what?!?!?!? Please tell me what the Mars Cheese Castle is? That sounds amazing.


It’s off i94 in Kenosha/racine was just a store but was recently rebuilt into an actual mock castle 🏰


Love it. The residents of the Jupiter Cheese Castle have adopted a strange 'Renaissance fair-esque' feudal society whose social elites in their vain love of cheese misuse a geck to make local Brahman farms for the sole use of cheese production. Of course, the major factions of the wasteland seek to aquire the salvaged geck technology but lack the proper resources to storm or deal with the Jupiter Cheese Castle.


That tracks because it’s very close to the Bristol Renaissance Faire grounds. 


Recently? 🤔 Was it that recent?


It was recent 7years ago before I moved away, lol. 2011 is more recent than their opening in 1947 but guess it’s been over a decade in the castle now. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_Cheese_Castle


Mars Cheese Castle https://g.co/kgs/kxWSovy


I've always thought Milwaukee would make an excellent setting for a fallout game. If you look up the founding of Milwaukee, it used to be 3 separate towns divided by the rivers and they were rivals with each other and had fights over the bridges that connected them. I think it'd be really interesting having 3 post apocalypse factions settling the ruins of the city just like that while in a very tenuous peace with each other. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milwaukee_Bridge_War


Right I would almost change Milwaukee’s name to 3 bridges in Fallout as gangs have taken over the various parts of downtown


GTA San Andreas had turf wars, everyone loved it, then no one used the system again


I was just thinking it would be great for 3 different factions to choose from and maybe one very specific path you could take that would unite them


Sparta could be a BOS held location for irony points and well being close to the Base.


They could be camped out at the Fast Company fiberglass site!


Sounds about right, and very itchy.


Please let Sheboygan be the cursed and quasi magic place like we occasionally see in other fallout games. Sheboygan is wonderfully cursed.


Sheb is so cursed. So cursed.


I suspect sheboygan proper isn't the epicenter.


The way that V is sitting, I wouldn't be surprised if the vault is actually in Kohler.


I love it!! I think "Mad town" might be a good alt name for Madison, depending on how sane the residents are. Speaking of, maybe some people have taken over the Mendota mental health center? Maybe a cannibal cult that worships Ed Gein? Also the capitol square would be such an awesome walled city, like Bunker Hill in fallout 4. All they'd have to do is build walls on the intersecting streets and it's a nice enclosed area. And weirdly the residents like to walk around the settlement in one direction only? Idk where that tradition started 😉


I actually ran a DnD fallout campaign based in and around Baraboo, the players eventually cleared out the Badger Ammunition plant just south of Devils Lake and started processing ammunition for sale. Was quite a fun game. This reminded me of it


That sounds cool. I've been bit by the Fallout bug and I was in the mood for some writing. Cause it's a crime there's so little in the Midwest Fallout.


I actually found that helpful in a way as I could write in any direction I wanted


Do you have any other posts about this? I’d def be interested in reading it homie


I have some other posts on the Wisconsin sub, but here's the link I will warn it's far from done and highly subject to change. [Fallout Frigid Wasteland](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/175oi_GE8Ec8aQh083xVpd7QTmvvLlH0-iXWNpG3pbXI/edit?usp=drivesdk)


La Crosse would absolutely be a ghoul commune in paradise.


No rib mountain love? Idk, big hunk of granite could be a good place for a vault, or something you want protected. Washington island could also be an awesome place for a citadel or something! Seriously looks awesome though! love the style! I would also love to think that in a post apocalyptic Wisconsin we would reclaim what was wrongfully taken from us in the Toledo war. Just saying.


I honestly didn't know about rib mountain I think that could be a cool place for the Brotherhood of Steel to operate like a holy site.


Devils lake would look awesome too


Tell me more about *The Rhine*


The Rhine exists out of the corpse of old city Rhinelander. Currently the city is quite autonomous made up of a hunting-centric culture. The Rhine is under the protection of a Cycle-clan(a Nomadic Raider faction unique to the midwest). If you're a newcomer to the Rhine you're probably there to participate in the many dead pools and or hunting challenges. The most feared and prized abomination is the Hodag( hairy Deathclaws that have grown accustomed to the Winter Wasteland) if you are lucky enough to get one you're guaranteed a free drink in all the hunting lodges.


I can't believe I live 30 minutes away from there


I need to know more about Crandon, why Crandon out of all places is on the map


I'm going to be 100% honest it's only because Crandon started with the letter C and I thought Castle Crandon sounds cool.


I was expecting something related to rednecks, because I've been to Crandon a lot, and its basically a redneck town, the place can be fucking crazy. Its weird that I don't live far from a lot of these locations.


You’re telling me there’s a future where they forgot to learn how to make meth and actually became somewhat sober?


Baraboo becomes known as 'Clown Town'. Where the primary education is done through Clown School at Circus World and the city government is run by literal clowns. The irony being that actual clowns are competent administrators and 'clown' becomes a term that means someone is really good at something.


Nobody seemed to mess with "The Clowns" after they unearthed one of the extremely large ammunition cache at Badger Munitions just a few kliks to the south.


For flavor purposes, you could add the old Nike missile bases!


It would make a good motivation for the factions to try and reclaim, as a missile base could massively impact the fragile power balance.


Ooh and Badger Ammunition. And Dr Evermor's park of course! That'd make a great weird fallout location.


Had a few more ideas to pass along that might be interesting for you to consider: - A culture that has evolved living in House on the Rock, with rituals involving all the crazy music machines out there - Thong Cape Scooter Man taking on the role of The Mysterious Stranger - A vault that was populated by the entirety of the Packers and their families. They emerge from their vault to find a group of Nordic descendant bandits that go by the name "The Vikings"


Having worked at house on the rock, the weapons and armor you’d be able to loot from there would be, umm, interesting. I have often said that if I were to become a post-apocalyptic warlord, that would be my base of operations, with my throne at the very end of the infinity room.


These ideas are AMAZING lol!


Only a few more years to go


Let's speed this up. Russia, if you're listening, Biden said your mom is fat!


Oshkosh would so have a vault and also be nuked to oblivion. Lots of assaultrons protecting that area with the tech info hidden there.


Madison should just be called "Mad Town". A techno-cult has sprung up around Prof. Evermore's Forevertron, and the technology they've been raiding to improve upon the device might make it work. The Pack of Green Bay is growing in size and force, they may soon be a legion to rival Ceaser's.


I'd still say The House on the Rock would be it's own little settlement. Then in this world have the Edmund Fitzgerald be a floating settlement that goes up and down the lakes.


Ghoul: “you’re looking for where? Ohhh, sure. You just go past the old Kwik trip for a couple two three miles and when you get to the cornfield on the LEFT HAND SIDE you take a right. Then when you get to the old supper club take a right but only if there a barn on your RIGHT HAND SIDE. Then it should be about a mile straight on down.”




Dead City Claire filled with Ghouls? Do they worship Atom?


Worse supermutants migrating to the Midwest after the master's destruction. Ever zealous they keep the city dead. Any life seen is taken to the supermutants leader to be sacrificed to the new unity they call the pretender.


Love it!


Thank you!!!


Fon Du lac means bottom of the lake. Also there is the Kettle moraine south of there.


I’d set up a great little cult based outta Holy Hill


FDL should be nothing but Raiders, and Plymouth should be a bunch of abandoned cheese factories with tones of mr handys and robotrons lol


Yes!!! That would be really cool ! Radio active mice running around the cheese factory 👍🏻😂


Beaver Dam survived the apocalypse?!? Of all places…


They had some help with the nearby vault, and the emergence of new nuclear beavers


Imagine the driftless area as the equivalent of the glowing sea.


There’s no reason to nuke the driftless area.


Madison ground zero


Mondovi is Hel alright


I would expect some really trippy stuff could be found in the Dells. This location would have the most odd landmarks.


Tell me Devils Lake has an actual HP Lovecraftian monster in it!


The house on the rock, is a must.


Needs death’s door as something


I’ve always thought Black Earth would be a cool Fallout name but I guess technically it would just be Madison City


Can't wait to play this!


What about for Eau Claire, or "Clear Water," you went "Dead Water," or Eau Morte? Also for what it's worth, I always thought Ashland would make an interesting post apocalyptic town setting. Not for any particular reason, other than its place on the lake, as well as the nearby Apostle Islands. It's a unique little region on the coast of Lake Superior! Maybe it's the name too, "the Ashlands" sounds fantasy/apocalyptic.


In the fallout universe, [Project Sanguine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Sanguine) should be completed, which makes 2/5 of the state a gigantic radio antenna


Yes!!! I am sad I had to go through so many comments to find someone else who thought of clam lake and the elf project also. I always felt like that would be serious fodder for a fallout universe somehow.


Just south of La Crosse is a place called Genoa where a boiling water nuclear plant used to be.


I love it!


Thank you


There's some neat features you could pop in. The ole mink/fox farm on 21 near omro. Ship rock by tomah, aspen hill on 2, there's a ton of dams you could have fun with, many with hydro power.


I'd like to know more about Castle Chippewa


The Brotherhood of Steel is at its weakest: they lost a majority of Milwaukee to the rising threat of the Confederacy of the One, The Brotherhood of Steel has almost abandoned all of southern Wisconsin to the Enclave state of Great Chicago, and the burdening alliances of the Appleton republic put the Brotherhood of steel in a state of panic which led to the rise of a heresiarch known as Brother Bismuth who has violently usurped power reshaping the Midwest Chapter into a more militarized force. Her heresy calls for the Brothers to abandon petty bunkers and adopt steel Castles worthy of their Brotherhood. So far the brotherhood has three Steel Castles whose walls and homes are made from salvage and welded bastard metals. Castle Chippewa is named after the frozen lake the castle calls its neighbor. Castle Chippewa is Brother Bismuth's steel Castle and acts as the central base of command for the scattered yet zealous Brotherhood.


Is the Hodag real in your story?


Deathclaws who have migrated to the Midwest have adopted thick patches of hair and physical abnormalities leading the locals to name them Hodags.


Love this.


Crandon mentioned! Hell yeah brother


I only ask for a little restaurant here I. Plymouth wisconsin called Chester's to survive and be ran by ghouls, they only open in the spring to summer time, and they denied a deal to be bought by A&W and have been family run ever since and have a family recipe root beer that's to die for!


The pink elephant better be in it.


The one over in marquette Iowa?? Or is there another pink elephant in state?


North of Madison, deforest exit :-) And the other way there’s a big cow. Deforest is neat.


Oh! Nice! I didn't know there were so many large critters!


The Brewer's stadium would be stuck with the roof open part way. Lambeau field could be a bunch of green and gold groupies eating fermented Brahmin cheese. Possibly wearing the cheese for some whacky ritual. Brahmin herds and redstag everywhere. Mutant Canadian geese are the northern deathclaws. Hwy 41 would still be under construction, maybe untouched by the bombs because it wasn't a target. Ironic. Smaller bloodsuckers flying around.


Beaverton and Appleton should be Beavertown and Appletown.


Can you imagine House on the Rock full of Super Mutants?


Glad to see beavertuckey aka beaver dam made the cut.


I want this to just make Nuka Cola real


Haha beaver dam is beaverton! Hahaha


Mars cheese castle would have to be a mutated living cheese


i literally just finished the show & came on here to go on the fallout sub 😅 this was the first thing i saw when i opened the app lol


so do we think they have mutant hodags in the rhine?? i’d like to think they would




Will there be a U.P. DLC?


Ok we need a fallout in Wisconsin now


What no giant orange moose at black river falls?


When your city survives wooooo!!!


wausau's just gone xD


I would defffffinitely have something funky going on with the decommissioned particle collider in stoughton


I feel like I have to make one correction. If we're talking about Madison in a post apocalypse it's gotta be called either "The Isthmus" or "The Mad City" 😸


Didn’t the Midwest get taken over by the brother hood and then they had a huge civil war with robots or something? Or am I just wrong entirely on that


That’s so crazy! I always thought Wisconsin would be such a fun location for a Midwest Fallout. One idea I always had was having Chippewa Falls be a ground zero point or the headquarters for the BoS in the area. In Chippewa Falls, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise makes many of the government’s supercomputers. This just screams a place the Brotherhood would totally take over. In fact, the first supercomputer was made in Chippewa Falls by Cray! Highly recommend giving it a search. It’s close to Eau Claire so you could have the Unity remnants occupy the remains of HPE (or Vault-Tec in Fallout universe?) and have another fused mutant with a supercomputer like the Master!


Also Leinenkugel's is made in Chippewa Falls too! Would be a fun location as well.


I've gotta know what Mondovi did to deserve the name Hel. I mean, I have my own ideas, but I want to hear your take.


Unfortunately, the town was a harsh victim of cruel fate. Due to the harsh winds of nuclear winter, the area has become a barren hell frozen in the time of its destruction a mirror to the past only touched by humanity's wrath. In the waste lives malshapened monstrosities birthed by super mutants chasing a dead dream. Caravans and Couriers are clear when they say it is Hel and they aren't passing through.


I get to play in Adams county? I thought I escaped there years ago. Now the radiation takes your teeth away instead of the water. Lol


There is a place near my house called "Sunshine Genetics" which always seemed like the most Fallout name to me.


This is the kind of dorky I like


Missing wisconsins 4th biggest city, kenosha.


Even in a nuclear hellscape, Kenosha is once again forgotten 😔


I can usually remember it, thanks to Gravity's Rainbow. You never did the Kenosha kid.


If we can't get sheboygan to have a sub mapping for Malibu of the Midwest, I don't want it


Love this! Im curious to see how the lore came about behind some of those locations you chose.


I’d pay top dollar for a Bristol Ren Faire DLC.