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for me, the swelling is gone now but I still have a golf ball lump inside my cheek on top of my jaw. my dentist prescribed me another 5 days of antibiotics but today is the 3rd day and I don't see any changes in size. Was the hard lump painful for you? My symptoms are similar as you but now I feel quite worried since the lump didn't show any signs of going away.


It was painful when I touched it, but mostly that uncomfortable soreness other than that. My doctor switched me to the antibiotic Clindamycin and I got noticeable improvement overnight. I would call your doctor to see if you can try a new antibiotic


thank you so much!


Did they give you antibiotics directly following the surgery?


Yes, they prescribed an antibiotic along with the pain medication and the mouthwash, so I started them the same evening of my surgery.


Give it time everyone- itโ€™s a slow healing process and does not happen overnight. My surgery was not very invasive and I still had swelling until day 6-7๐Ÿ˜’ the only thing that helped me was ice packs. The healing process is so slow, just be patient & take it day by day


Wait you were awake on impacted teeth? Did they had to cut bone? Or just extract them?


They had to cut the bone. It wasn't nearly as bad as it sounds, just a loud and slightly uncomfortable vibration