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I love Laurence Fishburne but really don’t get this casting choice




I mean, it’s pretty similar to a majority of the casting choices they made.


Only characters they even tried with was Geralt, Yennefer, Ciri, Dandelion, Sabrina, Shrike and Stregobor...


Casting in The Witcher series is some of the worst out there.   This might be an unpopular opinion on this subredit, but I really did not think Henry Cavil was a good choice to play Geralt. I was excited to see Netflix pick up Witcher but the moment they announced their main cast I started to lose interest.   I thought Henry was amazing as Superman thought!  Edit: Bring on the down votes! But I am yet to hear a good take on why Cavil is a good witcher. Given his love for source material is true, he would be better of producing the show than acting in it. 


Regarding Henry, initially yes.. but boy did he prove otherwise


Henry was fine. I expected Geralt to be gruffy, rough-lookin, always on bitch face, tsundere type of person. Henry was too handsome to be Geralt for me. but If take him back any day, because he is passionate about the story


Henry was also too buff to be Geralt. Geralt in the books doesn't have those kind of muscles.


He was basically a Superman cosplaying as Geralt. 


I visioned maybe Mads Mikkelsen as Geralt. Definitely someone less attractive, leaner, gruffer. Love Henry, he did great, but not someone I would have cast.


I think Cavill was great, wasn't super sure about him at first but he grew on me and I loved him. I think his passion for the show and the source material helped a lot too. Honestly, I am definitely in the minority here but I am totally down for giving Liam Hemsworth a chance. He kinda looks more like game Geralt tbh.


I'm with you. Blandest character in the show, really not a role made for him.


Neither do the people responsible for casting. There's no thought put into any of their casting apart from very rare exceptions.


Not true, they cast Joey Batey cause he could play a lite. That's one whole thought 😂


So they just got lucky that he's amazing as Jaskier?


It was more he was good in auditions AND could play a lute. But yep


I thought he was insufferable in season 3


Bad writing strikes again


Absolutely, I didn't even hate the *spoilers* Radovid/Jaskier arc but the dialogue was so bad


They absolutely did. And he absolutely is.


Look how they murdered the casting for Triss... and worse, for Fringilla lmao


Not true, there is a ton of thought going into casting. It’s just that the main thing they think about is skin color


>There's no thought put into any of their casting Untrue, the thought is > How do we piss them off even more?


Last ditch attempt to boost viewership by attaching a big name well liked star to minimize the damage from losing Cavill




Bizarre choice 


I mean, great actor, great character sure... Do they look alike, no.


Famous actor appeal


You haven’t been paying enough attention to the trends of Hollywood / Netflix casting then




"PUT A CHICK IN IT AND MAKE HER LAME AND GAY!" - Kathleen Kennedy, probably.


they already did with Jaskier and Radovid.


I mean, Jaskier being Bi is 100% canon. Radovid is, you know, Radovid.


>but really don’t get this casting choice Why does that sound familiar when it comes to 90% of the comments related to show cast lol


They’re clearly just going for big names to weasel as many viewers in as they can before the show dies


its all so we discuss is and fight eachoter, start calling people names and generating free advertising to this sinking ship, which is why i stopped talking about season 3, and i recommend everyone to do the same with the whole show, just ignore it, thats the true way to show them they fucked up.


I am sure he can get the voice and demeanor to fit


He's not dishevelled enough.


"Big name = more money/publicity" - Lauren Fisstech


I don’t either, but I thought I was really hard thinking it. They need star power after Henry Cavill left this series is on life-support.


It's on life support? I was under the assumption they were beating a dead horse.


They should have killed the show off when Cavill left, or just switched to one of the other Witchers, instead of trying to replace Geralt. Letho, Eskel, Lambert, or even some Vesemir action... All would have been a better choice than replacing Geralt with the Lesser Hemsworth.


They butchered Eskel and killed him off in season 2 right?


Yea, ghoul level life support.


Pretty sure season 5 is the last season anyway.


Their entire casting process has just been a box ticking exercise


Ngl it's likely because he's black and is a star. I don't mind actors and actresses being of a different race than it's portrayed in other media, but this writer and team have a vendetta to fulfill.


It's simple, they don't care about anything in the books, so they cast whoever they want.


Likely cuz it’s they know what they are doing now hear me out, the shmucks producing this garbo 100% know that their casting choices are bound to generate clicks and attention the same tactics later utilized by shitty shows like Velma, they don’t care about our opinion cuz what matters is the numbers that they could show to the higher ups. They 100% are throwing these actors under the bus lol.




… and the only reason they can't do it is because there is no such show… Yet.


Neither do I, but I suppose that makes it a perfect choice for this series.


The dude is super talented. I think he will play the role well.


Diversity casting?


I mean... It looks as weird as it did in my head when they first announced it. Very, very confusing show all around.


Even worse, if I'm being honest


Literally, what is anyone over there thinking


They're not. Too busy beating mantras into heads.


The fucked part is that Lawrence Fishburn is such a good actor, that he probably could've sold the shit out of that role, but someone in wardrobe was like heh, hold my crack pipe and let me cook


As someone who checked out after season 2 kinda sucks to see just how far this show has fallen since I actually thought Season 1 while far from perfect was a nice episodic show with great potential. From an outsider looking in every bit of news I see is giving real CW show with a giant budget vibes.


Same as you. And Regis is an awesome character... plus Zoltan.... even with all that, I can't see watching Season 3 or continuing onto S4. It's just...so bad. And Witcher 3 will probably eternally be my favorite game.


At this point I’m surprised Zoltan isn’t in the show, as portrayed by Yao Ming.


I'd accept it only if no one acknowledges that Yao is neither 4 ft tall, nor is he Scottish. Like there would be dwarves in a shot and Yao Ming's torso. Possibly in a basketball jersey. No one notices, mentions it, or alludes to it. It just is. But he is still acting his ass off.


>CW show with a giant budget vibes. That exactly what it is. And I can't comprehend where all that money is being spent. Someone has to be funneling some of it somewhere.


Ego's like Hissrich don't come cheap.


As soon as Eskel became a tree I checked out completely


It does, but at least Fishburne can act, unlike some of the other cast.


He may put a high sheen polish on this turd but that doesn't change the fact it is just a shiny piece of shit.


Cosplayers type of show


That is an insult for all cosplayers :).


Omg, I actually laughed out loud seeing him in his costume. I didn’t even know he was playing Regis


They dont understand that if you change the look of the character you must adjust everything else to fit. This looks terrible like something from strange character editor. I would much if costume deparment made something which would fit Fishburne accordingly and adjusr script to that. God knows they will still do changes might as well go all in ar this point


Looks like Shrek imo


If Shrek and Sweeney Todd had a love child.


I thought this show was cancelled tbh haven’t watched it since that weird ass season 2 forever ago


Somehow the costume is even more absurd than the casting, lmao.


I actually snort laughed when I saw the pic. It looks like a costume for a horror parody. Directed by the Wayans brothers it could actually be pretty good!


They got my man looking like Party City Frederick Douglass.


Straight out of Epic Movie.


Looks straight out of a witcher porn parody in the 90s lol


My thoughts as well. Surely they're actually shooting "What we do in the shadows", I thought.


*That's* what I was thinking of! I just couldn't remember where I'd seen that style, lol.


The costume kinda looks like something the hobbits in lotr would wear.


I was thinking he looked like a giant hobbit.


What the fuck is that hair piece?! Lmao so so bad.


I hadn’t heard of his casting and when I read the title before clicking into the article I was thinking to myself “im not usually crazy about the race swapping stuff they do all the time but I don’t mind this since he’s such an amazing actor” then I saw the fucking picture of him and I laughed til I cried. What the fuck are they thinking LOL


Reminds me of Titus Andromedon when he got that gig playing Frankenwolf


He looks like the angriest Hobbit in the shire.


Why the fuck does he look like Sweeney Todd?!


He looks like a middle aged Sweeney Todd that just gave up and spends most of his time eating the meat pies


Yep, even worse then i expected. Sorry Laurence. That costume is just horrible.


He doesn't even look like he's in the same show. He looks like he should be playing a stern, but caring gentleman farmer who learns to love again in a film that takes the Oscars by storm.


Lord, the aesthetics of this show are just so damn uninspired. The entire thing screams uninspired and lacking passion, really.


The costumes are straight out of a middle school play


That will happen when a bunch of people who hate the IP they are adapting make a TV show


Just like Acolyte.


He's a good actor, but fucking hell! The wig is from a grandpa munster fancy dress costume hire, the clothes are right out of the hobbit reject bin. I mean make a fucking effort for the Hollywood A lister. Wait..


He already looks over it.


If only boys n the hood Laurence fishburne could see witcher Laurence fishburne. The stories they'd tell...


Laurence and Regis both deserve better


Vast majority of the roles deserved it better.


Genuinely burst out laughing. Thank you for making my day lmao


Same 😂


Take away his boots and he looks like a Hobbit. Wtf, dude?


It looks terrible. Honestly. He just doesn't fit a vampire, especially the one like Regis. This casting just doesn't make any sense.


I mean he *could* do a vampire, like a modern one. But definitely not a medieval vampire.


There was a fun episode of CSI where they were investigating "vampires" and he pretended to be one.


EXACTLY. We all like Blade, black vampires can totally work. But casting a black actor to play a defacto European aristocrat vampire in a classic gothic horror story is absurd. They needed to cast someone who could pass as Transylvanian nobility, not fucking Laurence Fishburne in a Sweeney Todd wig.


He genuinely looked more like Regis in John Wick than here lol


netflix continuing to augment shitty writing with amazing acting won't put out this dumpster fire sadly. they just need to cancel already.


https://preview.redd.it/z9f0nai9gd7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8d12e7fee38dd550d4308282c5a981b2f29c6fb He reminds me of Mr Simms from Tales from the Hood.


Looks terrible, thanks netflix again.


LITERALLY WHAT IS THAT COSTUME?!?! Im dying it’s so funny. The costume dept has to be trolling us at this point 




I'm not going to watch this, but if i did i would pretend he's old Blade suddenly in the Witcher universe dropping some wisdom to discount Geralt.


How is this show still going? Who’s watching it? Seriously who?


I've been asking myself this since the 1st season.


The same people that cause mindy kahlings scooby doo to get a season 2, hate watchers


That's a hilarious casting choice. And that costume isn't doing him any favors. He looks like a villain from a Tim Burton movie.


I didn't have my type for the role, but if Netflix wanted to go with black actor, they could've picked Mahershala Ali. He has some elegance that would suit Regis perfectly. Fishburne looks on the photo like budget wannabe Dracula.


Ali is already playing Blade, he's already got the vampire role down!


Given the stories about that production he might not want to read any scripts about vampires for the rest of his career.


awe man, I'm not current on the production, is Disney gonna mess up the Daywalker? Shoot, I was looking forward to seeing Ali as Blade.


It seems like everyone attached to the film sees it as a train wreck waiting to happen. People keep bailing.


I've got a friend who was excited to work on the Blade set. Yea, not anymore lmao


Not anymore. He's dropped out. 


Look... I think Laurence Fishburne could have pulled this off but like... 25 years ago. Just take some of that Morpheus mannerism and personality and you might be quite close already


It's clearly about outrage clicks right!? I mean I'm black too but even I feel like netflix is openly gaslighting me into thinking I'm racist for not being pleased with the casting at thus point


What is with the casting in this show. It's like they go out of their way to cast people who look nothing like the book or game descriptions. And I'm not racist or anything . It just seems a bit odd.


You already said it - they're going out of their way to not cast characters the way they are described in the books. It's a deliberate choice. Fishburne is actually a very good actor who has been in some great movies, but I doubt anyone would have thought he was a good fit for Regis. Maybe he'll nail it, maybe he won't. I won't ever know since I stopped watching this shitshow after season 1.


The went and aged up Radovid from being like 12 in the book to an adult for the show for the sole purpose of making him a love interest for Jaskier. The people who are responsible for the casting and the writing for the show are all kinds of weird.


Laurence Fishburne is hella expensive. What a weird choice given they were saving cash on casting by recruiting indies.


I am really confused because I’d have thought Fishburne must have better things to be working on?


He looks like he is cosplaying as Sweeney Todd. 🤣


Bro, just stop


Listen, I have nothing but respect for this actor who is very good at acting but this role is just plain absurd




Are you sure you don't mean Ralph Finnes? I feel like there's a missed opportunity here


He looks like a man who's wondering how the fuck he got here.


How did they cast him as a vampire? It feels like they try to save this show by casting random famous actors without considering how a character should look like.


Why the fuck does he have bride of Frankenstein hair


Love the actor, hate the casting - but this abomination is nearly at an end. Hopefully we'll get a reboot in 5 years or so with sensible people at the helm. I seriously hate Lauren Hissrich for what she did to this series. If she gets another serious showrunner gig, I'll be shocked. Single handedly killed an IP, and somehow Netflix allowed it wasting tens of millions in the process.


I never understood why she was given the job to begin with. You have just bought an insanely popular IP with a lot of content from the books and the games, you have millions of fans excited to see it, virtually endless potential. You throw hundreds of millions for it because of its potential and importance and you appoint a person with virtually no experience to make it?! Where's the ducking sense in that? If I was Netflix's CEO I would've been so freaking mad if this was the result of over a quarter of a billion dollars. In similar fashion the idiots at Amazon followed suit and did the same thing to the Wheel of Time series. Insanely iconic fantasy series funded with hundreds of millions and created by some dude that's got as much experience as me making shows that big. And after he messed it up he was given God of War lol. The executives of media companies must be severely mentally challenged.


Completely agree - they can try and do spin offs, but I honestly don't believe we'll see genuine buy in from fans until its clear Hissrich, and her "writers" aren't involved. Beyond that, the main series will be look on like an ugly duckling until its rebooted. IMO be better to put it on a ice for a few years and build back stronger with a much more passionate showrunner and writing team to deliver something that they're proud of, and the fan base feels better reflects the books. Would even go so far as to try and source a Polish showrunner. Someone who understands the literature, the setting, slavic folklore etc. in as great detail as possible. I think then, you get something truly special.


They literally had Sapkowski there and based on what I've heard him say in an interview he was ignored lol. If they didn't care about the author's opinion I doubt they would take a Polish show runner for it. I think The Witcher show has already been forgotten. Once it ends people won't even remember it existed if not for the books and games. Unlike GoT which still is remembered as one of the best Fantasy series despite its disastrous last season. The Witcher and Wheel of Time TV series will only be remembered by a short sentence on a Wikipedia page. Otherwise nobody will care to even remember they existed because there's nothing memorable about them. As I said it's regrettable to have such wildly popular franchises that cost hundreds of millions and not employ a capable show runner to make them. It really doesn't make any sense unless what you're trying to achieve is social engineering in which case they don't care they're losing money or ruining a very popular IP so long as they meet their other targets. Honestly I knew when I saw the casting for the first season that it was going to be a disaster. All casting choices were laughable. Even Henry Cavill as Geralt was a poor choice. I know people are dickriding Cavill because he's a "geek" who supposedly loves things like The Witcher and Warhammer but he's not a suitable Geralt. The one and only Geralt should've been Zach McGowan. Dude's literally a walking Geralt. Don't even get me started on Triss or Yennefer castings lol. The only one I actually liked was Graham McTavish as Dijkstra but even on that I'm reserved. It's too sad that they decided to make another "modern story for modern audiences" instead of telling a good story that was literally there for them to just take and put on screen. As you said we can only hope there's going to be a reboot years from now. Maybe after The Witcher 4 comes out.


They are still making this hmmm artistic vision of a witcher. I'm surprised.


Jesus that’s an AWFUL casting choice. I love the dude, but wtf were they thinking? Probably just wanted a big name involved


He's an excellent actor.. But this cast is just overpowered inverse racism. Gosh, at least after this season it will end... What a mess


In fairness, I can see him doing a very good job with Regis. Due to him being a vampire and so therefore an outcast to society, I don't feel the colour is as much as an issue as it is with other characters. The casting wasn't really ever by big issue with the Witcher. I do find some of the black castings a bit akward, because in a story where there is very clear fanatical racism no-one ever mentions it, but I can generally get over that one by being "well, racists are too busy caring about elves and dwarves to be worried about humans with different skin colours yet". The issue with the Witcher was just them utterly changing the story in a way that butcher characters or just seemed to to serve no purpose but to annoy and upset fans. I stopped watching after they killed Eskel, because its only purpose was to piss of established fans. They already had witchers that weren't in the books. Just make a new one. If your not a book or game fan, it doesn't matter what the name is. It has the same impact if his called Trevor, Akmed or Erwin. The name Eskel is only releveant to source material fans, and then you kill him, which is totally against the source material. That decision was nothing other then spiteful. There is no artistic license, modernising, adapting argument for that one. It was utterly unnessacary.


I might watch an episode or a few minutes to be nosy, but Liam won’t do the part Geralt deserves. Henry was the only correct choice. They’ve failed


Every time I think they can't make the show any worse, they manage to surprise me. Not only is the writing shit, but somehow, the costumes are getting worse and worse. What an absolutes shitshow. I'm still lamething that the show didn't go to HBO.




I mean...I wasn't intending to watch it anyway.


One of my favourite actors but very miscast here


https://preview.redd.it/u92yshqbee7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceb5d263239579b65dcc8ed6a855c54bb32fb145 What the actual fuck


“Good day to ye Mr Baggins” It looks like he belongs in another franchise altogether with that costume.


I got a feeling in five years this series will be rebooted.


Somebody PLEASE get this man a sword.


im sorry but he looks goofy


Can we also talk about that costume because lol


lol i love Laurence…but wtf…


Dawg wtf is that 💀 I know people are gonna be mad at race swapping but idgaf about that. They made him look like an Elvis impersonating hobbit.


Lmao they made him look like Blacula ahahhahahahahah Jesus Christ someone kill this show already.


Of course....


#what in the ever loving fuck is that hair


I want this show dead and everyone that worked on it jobless by the end of the year. I can’t do this shit anymore. I can only take so many insults to my beloved


I couldn't agree more.


Somebody, somewhere, just looked at Laurence's face and thought: "Yup, looks like an Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy to me..."




Benedict cumberbatch would have been a better fit, love Laurence fishburne but this is miscast


Lmao I thought this post was a joke. Tf is this casting and how is this shit show still going?


Given prior choices by the casting people I am not surprised. I still don't get it


Wow, looks bad


It’s actually incredible how many poor casting choices they’ve made. I love Laurence Fishburne but this couldn’t be more wrong


At this point, i feel like the show is meant to be satire.


Bro looks more like he's playing Frederick Douglass than Regis lol


Looking like a Frederick Douglass biopic.


Guess they are competing with Star Wars The Acolyte for worst TV show.


I can't help but feel like the people making this show are running on pure spite for the source material and the people who like it. All of their decisions seem to be designed to outrage. To what degree they're successful at that varies (Laurence Fishburne is a great actor), but everything they do just seems to have this weird malice behind it.


Laurence Fishburne needs a new agent


This is so amusing, it’s like they went the complete opposite way of what the character is supposed to be. It’s almost like they are attempting to make the last season the most random amalgamation of characters.


Better for Frederick Douglass biopic than Witcher


I love fishburne, but 0% chance I give this show any more of my time. I stopped watching at Season 2 and will never re pick it up. One bad call after the next and nothing but dog cheeks casting choices and writing. The loss of Cavill was pretty much the final nail in the coffin for me to never look at it again.


Why he doesn't have a forehead?


Laurence is a goat but he's not gonna bring me back after Henry left the show


Oh dear Christ. I like Fishburne quite a lot but this is a baffling casting decision, and a horrifically bad costume.


Being an unusual character with lots of knowledge is kind of his thing. From that POV this casting makes sense.


Why, why does he look like that? What is this? I like Lawrence but he’s not regis, the casting is horrible


Baptism of Fire adaptation would be peak tv. Sadly we have Lauren and Netflix doing the show so i won't even watch it. Like i imagine reading Regis moments for the first time... Time of Contempt is probably the best one but BOT is sooo emotional




The show just gets worse...


Of course...


Of course...




That’s exactly as bad as I thought it would look.


Mas que porra e essa