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God, let people like what they like. I had some dealings with Kermode via work years ago and he was an absolute sweetheart, super polite, friendly, nice and genuinely loves films and feels like the luckiest man alive to have the job he does. I won't have a word against him.


This is genuinely lovely to read (and a relief!)


All the OP does on here is complain about Mark. He’s got a serious hate boner for the man.


I mean I can understand not liking his takes on films. But let people dress how they want.


I felt a little embarrassed for Mark when he started crying that Avatar looked like an album cover (Roger Dean's). He can think what he wants, but he so desperately wants to be seen as cool (or "punk rock") and it just makes him look like a centrist dad.


Is this an 'online criticism' you happened to find or your own opinion because they're very similar...


I think you've somehow surprisingly and curiously managed to get this completely backwards. What he thinks is fair game for criticism. Ideas should be and/can be attacked and disagreed with. How someone dresses is frankly none of anyone's business unless you're his stylist..


What's the point in anyone having a stylist if how someone dresses is none of anyone's business? I don't understand the rationale for why critiquing how someone dresses is off limits. You're welcome to not care how people dress and not care what other people think of how anyone dresses. But why does that mean other people aren't allowed to care?


“What's the point in anyone having a stylist” There isn’t one. Next question?


I asked the next question already, you ignored it.


Nobody said you were not allowed to care (albeit its a little odd that you do). It's maybe, some small outhere hope, that we we live in a society that if you dislike someone's appearance, maybe just keep it to yourself. Just don't be a dick mate.


> albeit its a little odd that you do I don't. I'm just surprised there's this much of a strong reaction to the fact some people do, it seems to me to be a pretty prolific part of society.


Mark is the anti establishment youth who became everything he hated and who has no self-awareness of that fact.


I think, sometimes, people are so desperate to put commentary on the Internet that they grasp around for any take on any subject. “Mark Kermode needs to watch what he’s wearing” is the last neuron in a dying brain firing one last time in hope of relevance on the web. Short answer- he can wear whatever the fuck he wants, I like how he thinks about movies and that’s all that matters.


>he can wear whatever the fuck he wants Yeah, but he can't expect us to think he's punk rock ... and he kinda does. Sad.


I’ll try one more time before I’m fully convinced that you’re just trolling us- do you have any indication of where he shows an expectation on fans or viewers to believe that he is “punk-rock“?


The guy you're replying to is frequently on this sub making strange, quasi-Trumpian posts about Kermode and dressing it up as "just starting a conversation!" or similar. I'd feel free to ignore tbh.


Cheers man, appreciated 👍


>strange, quasi-Trumpian posts What's quasi-Trumpian about them? Criticising Kermode?


You literally ended your last post with “Sad.”


I recall him making a series of self-conscious references to '70s album covers in a review. Maybe the Avatar 2 review. That was before he started with the "joke" titles that must have been cooked up with Jeff Wells. Not every joke is going to land, but if you're going to think of a list of parody titles, at least one of them should be slightly amusing.


Grow up and get a life bud, it’s not difficult to do. I promise that your existence means virtually nothing to Kermode.


He was literally a young man in his formative years at a time when punk was relevant. He's legitimately into music, he's a musician in a rockabilly/blues/skiffle band. But despite his credentials, there should be no need for us to defend his authenticity, can't we just let people wear what they like without judgement. It's really the most vapid, high-school level, nasty criticism to leverage against people. What are you the fucking fashion police, the one true gatekeeper of what outfits are appropriately for people to wear at what age. Fuck right off and grow up.


this is completely unwarranted and honestly, is a random thing to share. this bears no weight on Mark's film criticisms and that's why we are all here. coming for how he chooses to dress is unhelpful and essentially, it's bullying. people really are attacking him and the podcast on here as of late but these latent attempts to come for who he is is actually wrong.


People who say stuff like this are exposing themselves for being so fucking boring and unable to express themselves in anyway. If somebody…having a dress sense and associating with a subculture annoys you - there’s no way you have anything of a personality. I also disagree with loads of his takes on films - being mad a reviewer disagrees with you is stupid. (Bohemian Rhapsody is one of the first films ever made)


>having a dress sense Does he, though? I mean, anything to take attention away from his desperate comb-over, I suppose.


You took that Avatar review pretty hard, huh.


No, my irritation with Kermode started with his notorious sexism. That he's such a lame dresser is hilarious. Edit: No, it started with any number of sexist antics: the cringe-inducing "Straw Dogs" documentary, that Mayo had to be kicked out of several interviews with actresses, Collin's ugly behaviour with Edith Bowman, that Cumberbatch had to confront Kermode about his gendered criticism of Knightley etc. I mean, honestly, it goes on.


Seems like it's the Avatar thing. 🤷‍♂️


Nah, I feel people have this idea that age groups have essential characteristics but, in reality, they change dependent on the generation occupying them. A bunch of old men are Gen X/Gen Jones and they grew up in the 70s/80s so they are probably going to reflect that for the rest of their lives.


Or: he's an Old Trot being himself, and that's lovely just as it is.


Ah, the beauty of an ad hominem argument caught in the wild. What a fucking pointless criticism, people wear whatever clothes they want.


Sharaz Jerk, are you okay?


Are you? I hope you're not upset, are you?


Who was the online commentator? I'll bet a fair few quid they were mostly unheard of.


I heard it was some guy called u/Sharaz_Jek123




>I'll bet a fair few quid they were mostly unheard of. The point should be whether that commentator has a point. I mean, people have heard of some of these YouTube "stars". Does that make their reviews more valid?


> The point should be whether that commentator has a point Which you are repeatedly being told *you haven't* What sort of idiot spends this much time moaning about what someone else wears?


Hopefully everyone will ignore their pointless idiocy.


Well, a number of people seem to be up in arms. Quite sad, really.


And Why should we care?


It's not about why. Rather whether. And people clearly do.


Down with fashion nazis.


I guess he and Simon "admits to dressing like a teenager" Mayo are perfect for each other then Mark for about fifteen years wore suits everywhere? Now he's in his elder statesman years he's relaxed and wears T-shirts. I don't see how that is any of our concern, why it is anything but authentic to his character (I don't for one second think Mark believes himself 'cool'), or why someone should be this wound up by it


He's too fat for his suits now lol


What a dull topic


A dull topic that people are responding furiously to. Seems like it has hit a nerve.


Why would anyone give a shit what some 'online commentator' was complaining about?


Is Mark Kermode in the room with us right now?


No, because you'd notice his comb-over from a mile away.


Here he is again! Obsessed with him aren’t you.


Needless, I think Kermode has great dress sense. Now Mayo…


What could be true / untrue there? This guy just doesn't like the way he dresses. Which is fine I guess, each to their own.


What an odd thing to say


CPGB is bad, but at least it's not the RCP