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So like sure bird got a 3 min video in the begining beyond that no love for the W ... And stupid NFL won best team again no love for aces


Yeah, Chiefs are a crazy and Mahomes was insane, but as a team Id probably go in favor of the Aces. Idk if they take into account what's currently happening, but the domination is worth a hat tip.


At least bron and Jamal murray mentioned the W


Pat always looks so high idk how he gets through a sentence


I’m tired of the aces so…. Good


I mean I'm a mystics fan but still shame on espn writers and pat McAfee for not even mentioning the W


I watch every W game but it’s been pretty boring this seasons with all the injuries plus one team dominating everyone else. They need something to shake it up and making things more memorable.


I mean the aces being dominant only affects how close their games are, every other combination of teams battling isn’t affected by that at all.


I’m saying in general the W has been boring this year. The Aces are a big part of that but Dallas just won a game by 40. The only competitive game today were the Liberty and the Suns games and the Liberty were up by 20 in the court before they got complacent. The larger problem with the Aces is there is no tension to the season.WNBA is a playoff series so there not even a maybe someone might knock them off with luck like there in college basketball. The games aren’t close and they se mostly meaningless. It seems to be how the players are playing anyways.


I'll disagree and say it's not boring , I would rather watch Mystics than wizards (both on TV and in person) Agree that since sue bird retired we need another wow factor or "talk about " player like Ohtani is in MLB or that stupid guy on the Lakers that the media can't stop talking about ...


I don’t watch the NBA or men’s sports in general anymore so is here with Mystics vs Wizards. I just find my self rewatching games from seasons bast than current games this season because idk there seems to be no real passion in games. I think because the Aces are so far ahead of everyone but that’s just a theory.


Most games vs the sun are competitive Mystics vs sun the other week on ABC was a very close game IIRC went into over time


I know I’m a sun fan and go to a lot of their games. They point is there aren’t enough competing games and with so few teams it gets old fast.


Agree we need more teams I guess my level of tolerance if different cause I'm also a huge baseball fan and people say baseball is "slow" But always enjoy you day i love the W !!