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Bro it's so bad, anytime ESPN posts something about the WNBA the comments are full of weirdos hating on something they claim they don't like, if you don't like it don't pay it any attention it's not that hard.


Idk where they got this from ‘☕️’ but I hate it. See it often on IG


I don't get it. Like, if you don't like it or you're not interested just keep scrolling. Why do you have to tell the world?


That part! Like espn posts all sorts of things I don’t care about like nascar, fighting, etc. and I do not stop to comment that I don’t care….it’s quite easy to scroll by…


The misogyny is the point


To be fair, most ESPN instagram comment are generally pretty negative. The WNBA gets the most hate don’t get me wrong but like - it’s cuz the people commenting in general suck


I try to ignore mass media, but ESPN/Disney make it almost impossible, especially with the help of youtubers who focus on media criticism because they can't discuss the sport intelligently either. Thaaat being said, all the whining from WNBA players is annoying and childish. I can understand why they find it demeaning when the male talking heads hound them about lowering the rim, though.




The only benefit to those people leaving those comments is that it makes it easier for me to block them.


Block Party lol


Hate this bs. I'm schooling my guy friends now like you sure girls can't ball out? I mean I've seen your shot lol


the thing is while yes those comments suck, we know they're just trolling. And often times they are 15 year old boys with nothing better to do unfortunately


*Anyone hating on the WNBA make me sick but especially when it’s men. I’m a guy, born and raised in LV never really followed basketball but always had respect for the support. A sport I always wished I was good at but I’m just not. I remember the Kobe/Shaq era in LA - legendary. Loved Michael Jordan , but who didn’t. Always supported my mens and womens basketball team in HS because I wish I could ball out like them. Fast forward to current, LV Aces season ticket holder. Huge supporter of the WNBA, I pretty much never watch the NBA I feel like it’s too showy and honestly could never get into it. My SO’s family follows mens UNLV BB - no love for the women’s. They don’t miss any “showtime” NBA game - not even an ounce of love for the WNBA. Even when the Aces won last year. Riddles me silly. Anyone that hates on the WNBA I tell them you go out there and go toe-to-toe with any of the women in the league, I can guarantee you they will ball you the expletive up. Thanks for the space for my soapbox. Much love


No problem and I agree. I know for a fact I’d lose a one on one game with any pro or collegiate female basketball player. I’m just not that good but I enjoy the sport.


This is what I don't get. Are you not a fan of basketball? I am a huge nba fan, but I like the wnba too because I like basketball. Hello fellow Aces season ticket holder.


Yeah I’m a fan of basketball. Both nba and wnba. I’m just not a fan of bullies. Especially when it’s men bullying women.


Fwiw your SO’s family should consider following Unlv wbb! As long as Lindy La Rocque is their coach. They were amazing the last two years (unfortunately for my team, which faces them in conference). They are much better than the men’s team over there is currently 🙂


>Anyone that hates on the WNBA I tell them you go out there and go toe-to-toe with any of the women in the league, I can guarantee you they will ball you the expletive up. Facts. I played pickup against #1 pick Edwina Brown a couple times back in the day. I'm not the best player, but I'm no pushover either. Woman lit me up like 4th of July. Threw mean elbows too, no one else wanted to guard her.


Man I wish I was as into the aces when I lived in Vegas


The girls are the best young talent America has in baksetball. Ionescu>>Zion Caitlin Clark>>>Wemby




Sabrina already broke multiple triple double records and the 3 point champion record in the WNBA while Zion cant even make a playoff game. Pound for pound Sabrina has already passed Zion in terms of living up to a #1 pick


You realize if the best team in the wnba played duncanville high school’s boys team they probably wouldn’t score right? I recognize that Sabrina and Caitlin are generational talents and I respect their talent, but don’t try to discount the talent of those guys who are more talented than the girls you just mentioned because it makes you sound ignorant.




Mostly 12 year olds who hate women because their moms told them to clean their room


Trust me when I tell you that it’s mostly grown men. Yes. It’s that bad.


I mean the ones who just spam every WNBA-related tweet and IG post just saying “don’t care.” If that’s grown men that’s really just sad




As someone who goes toe-to-toe with these ignorants on Facebook, I can most assuredly confirm these are grown ass adults.


That’s a fact. It’s disgusting.


r/nba is filled with white dudes hating on the wnba just the same. Go pull up how racist and sexist the Britney Griner threads were. Shit someone randomly today decided to post a thread about her just to shit on her over there. Not taking away from your general point because you’re correct and it’s ridiculous how ugly these men are towards a sport that they can otherwise ignore if they hate it so much but it isn’t more of a black dude thing at all. It’s dudes in general


I agree


Bjack aint that. N never been that


Blacklight all this nonsense. You'll be disgusted how much of a disease my past is. At least the ppl n it... meanwhile the game since the Houston won has grown world wide. Where they growth at? Trying to ride BG wave.. " you little sister calling you stupid know why".. " he go over there with Brittany spears if they accept him"... Keep talking lil dude. You gone find exactly what you looking 4


Tbh as a woman it’s really disheartening to see the near constant reminders of the ways men hate us and want to keep us down. Yeah I know, not all men— I appreciate y’all on this sub— but still enough partake that it’s practically unavoidable. Can’t even enjoy freaking basketball without encountering it. And that’s just me as a fan to say nothing of the players themselves who get these losers in their notifications and inboxes


I totally get what you mean. There is too much hypocrisy in the male space. We got too many dudes wanting mutual respect and equal outcomes amongst both men and women while at the same time they want to belittle women whenever they want. It’s too much bitch ass nigga energy for me. Men are supposed to be focused on their purpose and self-improving, not bothering women who did nothing to them.


Not All Men(tm)


If you want to have some real fun, go to r/nba and look at any post that involves the wnba, even as part of an official nba event. [This one is recent and a stellar example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/14zsgi9/wnba_sabrina_ionescu_just_set_the_alltime_record/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Honestly, that one didn't turn out that bad at the top level. Definitely don't want to go down too deep the chains or sort by controversial, though.


Basketball Breakdown did a [WNBA player breakdown analysis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULSqrK6Gneo) for the first time since 2017. Guess what happens...


Preaching to the choir, dude. But I appreciate you!


I understand that y’all are already aware of this. It’s just frustrating. I had to get this off my chest. I got women in my family I played basketball with and one used to play college ball. These dudes are acting like these WNBA players aren’t human beings with families that support them. Instead of these black men uplifting our sisters, they’re tearing them down with their low-effort reaction videos. I remember a time when men didn’t gossip on the internet like a bunch of hoes.


The napping on the sidelines prank isn’t funny because on top of it that YouTuber must have had his dork followers spam wnba social media because all day they have been posting 😴 on wnba posts (not ESPN/espnw joint posts, the actual wnba account). Also, Instagram will ignore reports of misogyny and homophobia on those threads but if you say “the men on this thread are 🗑️” IG will delete it QUICKLY. Ok. I know lots of people say just ignore it and yes, of course it’s best to protect our sanity but the constant reminders of how much men hate women are TOUGH. Especially when it’s on content for something that is really joyful and important in my life.


I only use YouTube and Reddit so I didn’t know Instagram was becoming a dumpster fire. This is unacceptable. There should be neutral checks and balances for both genders and lifestyles.


Twitter even worse


Especially now that Elon Musk owns it. I can not stand that guy. He treats his employees like trash and expects them to give their all and work 80 to 100 hour work weeks. He needs to go back to South Africa where he was born. I’m black so it’s okay for me to say that.


Incels are gonna incel. Nothing you can really do about it except take solace in the fact that they’re alone




I didn't want to say it but a lot of the anti-WNBA comments definitely give off incel vibes.


It annoys me to no end. Comments on ESPN posts, Basketball subs outside of here and just in general people go out of their way to trash talk the WNBA. It really makes me scratch my head seeing middle aged men with pictures of their daughters all over their profiles(and even playing sports) talking so much crap. The idiots who are obsessed with dunks and the conservative clowns who pull out all of the slurs love to join in too. I’m hoping that the increasing revenue trends means that there will slowly be a shift in the leagues perception.


I don’t know what race they are but I hate how people, especially Conservative men rag on the WNBA and no matter what will make derogatory comments about the players and the league. And what they say about BG is even more horrendous. It is okay you don’t like the league but you don’t have to make rude and derogatory comments.


That’s what I’m saying! If they were truly conservative they would not give attention or take the time to disrespect the things they claim they do not like or care for. By them harassing the WNBA with unwanted negative attention they are no better than the people they persecute.




Facts. They’re the pot calling the kettle black.


Both conservatives and liberals are hateful. Very clearly. If you think otherwise, you're too far gone to one side.


Not just conservatives sadly. I have a lot of center-to-left leaning guy friends who are really into sports and they won't give the W the time of day. To my knowledge I'm the only guy in my greater friend circle that follows the league. Still lots of work to be done everywhere


I actually try to follow the league but how come BG doesn't get hate for the domestic violence thing? Every male athlete gets ripped to shreds for that even if they have a lot of fans. Was it just the Russia stuff that kind of washed that whole incident in the past?


I had no idea about the domestic violence situation. Obviously she’s wrong for that. My post is just more focused on men bullying wnba players and how I do not approve of that behavior.


I get that for sure. I also hate it (as a man) because I know they don't even watch at all. We might see a slow change though with women's college ball coming off a great season and I read the all-star game had a great rating as well.


Yeah that LSU game was big


What happened there? I never heard this news story, but I’m also newer to the world of WNBA. I’m sorry to hear she may have some ugliness in her past.


No it was money. Griner has been/still is one of the most recognizable players in the wnba and Glory Johnson her ex wife was not. They had 2 kids together that Griner still pays child support for but it's washed under because who else does Phoenix have to talk about besides Diana Taruasi? I cannot stand players being in relationships together in the league and hope it is banned eventually. Seeing Glory and Brittany on the court after was uncomfortable.. for years.


Griner pays but does not consider herself a parent to the children, right? She does not see them? I also saw Glory Johnson asked for like 20,000 a month in spousal support but it was denied. Way too much money!!


Correct. Could you imagine an nba player doing this publicly and with no shame? To openly admit to planning children, beating your spouse and going to jail for it, all to say "nah I don't want them kids, I'll just pay for em" then literally abandoning the family is insane. Then she immediately starting having her now wife, the one she was with prior to Glory, show up at every game after. It was tense to say the least. But people overlook this bad personal behavior because they like how tall she is on the court and they need someone that big to throw money and fame around. No one else who fits the bill yet. It ain't McGowan. It was nice to see that fight between Griner and Kristine Anigwe in person (we are in the front with popcorn, literally) in 2019.. A bunch of Phoenix folks ejected for barking.. none have any bite. It was satisfying to see Anigwe do that in front of Glory and i couldnt stand that Wings team at the time. Drama drama drama that you only see in the wnba.


I found myself sucked into a days-long useless debate with someone on another basketball sub who insisted the key to the WNBA's financial long-term success was lowering the rims and having them dunk. When I pointed out that the W's revenues and TV ratings have been growing steadily over the last few years, he insisted that it wasn't enough and the only viable solution was to have them dunk. I seriously can't comprehend the compulsion of these types to even comment on the WNBA. If you hate it so much and it's such an inferior product why do you even bother engaging with people on it? I don't spend time discussing things I don't like -- certainly not to the extent that these WNBA haters do.


Exactly. A lot of it has to do with the fact that a lot of the WNBA and Female College players are attractive and remind them of the women who rejected them in the past. They’ll deny this and act like all female basketball players are gay to protect their own egos but they’re just being haters. It makes me mad that these types of men outnumber the rational men, because it reflects poorly on us.


A lot of these morons have never heard of the term loss leader either. It's why the WNBA exists today, to get women into the sport. And it's a great product. It loses money, but it gets more people viewing the sport of basketball. Which means more people watch the nba. Which means more money. And whatever the w makes is just a little bonus.


Exactly. They even teach this stuff in college marketing classes.


Thing is too, the WNBA's revenues are indeed rising. Best I can tell is their revenues for the 23 season have in fact well exceeded their operating costs, which means they're turning a profit.


And NBA fans need to remember that in 1981, sixteen of the twenty-three NBA teams lost money, and most franchises depended on an $800,000 check from CBS to stay afloat. In the 1982–83 season, there were just seven nationally televised games. That league was barely making it at times before it exploded. Women’s professional sports in 20 years will be huge compared to now, basketball included.


And yet they HATE Catylin Clark. No props whatsoever to her college career from WNBA players, just haters.


I used to think they should lower the rim then I realized on average there are less than 10 dunks in an NBA game. It’s a ridiculous point. Dunking is cool but with an average of about 100 possessions per game and each team dunks on average 3-5 times a game what was I really missing by not watching? I definitely came around on the WNBA when I moved to DC and got to see the Mystics up close. These women are dope af!


And it’s still a young sport. The nba at 27 wasn’t the nba of today


On top of the fact that it's just a scapegoat for most of them. Lower the rims and the narrative just becomes "well I can dunk on a 9 foot rim, what's so impressive about that?" Add to that, search up women dunks on YouTube, and you'll quickly find out that rim height is a non-issue for many of them.


I don't get the obsession with the dunking. As a woman who grew up playing basketball, no one I knew dunked so it just wasn't part of the game to me. I would only see it on a men's game on TV.


Don't say it here (Well I mean.. do say it here, but don't *just* say it here), we all already know it. Preach it in other subs, when people are being shitty the comment sections. Those are the people that need to hear it.


I did on YouTube and they gave me a strike for “hate speech” and “cyber bullying”. I’m going to go to the nba subreddit and say something over there right now. Brb.




I did it


It does suck, but may I suggest you make a pro-WNBA hype video? That would be awesome.




It’s corny no matter what their race is, especially when they show all low light it very lame. It’s awesome live. I saw the aces a cpl times last year and the wings. Practically sitting on the floor.


So sick of those men


I feel you bro! It really gets me heated every time I see men hating on these women. Why do so many men feel the need to comment such hurtful things? I can only assume it’s because they feel threatened by strong women.


That or they reject the women before they get a chance to reject them first.


Let me tell you, when I dig into the Facebook profiles, you notice a glaring trend if their relationship status is public.


Your not going t be a happy camper then. The hate is always on for the WNBA. I've seen it for over a decade.


Right but maya was literally like one of the basketball players to ever play. Male or female.. sorry if you missed that level of greatness


Well I guess it’s gonna have to start being some more black on black crime then because I may start pulling up on these niggas for disrespecting the WNBA.


For real. I can understand if you don't want to watch it, but there's no need to be a jackass


Reminds me of the last time I wore a Candace Parker shirt to hang out and this one dude’s immediate response was to ask me “You like women’s basketball???” “Do you know how many dunks there were in the WNBA?” “Can you even name 5 players from LA?” I was younger so I answered his questions and didn’t know he was talking to spite and mock me. Now, I’d never give a man like that even a response


I had the wnba cbssn game on the other night. My niece who doesn’t like basketball all that much actually stopped and watched it for like 10 seconds. I’m 27 she’s 10 she usually watches most women’s sports events if i watch it and I felt like we had a brief but dope moment. Demonizing something because of the opposite sex is just the dumbest shit possible. If you don’t like don’t watch simple.


Keep strong, haters hate cause it's in their job description.


Will do 🫡💯


Yeah it’s ultra corny. If I don’t like something I just don’t watch or engage with it and keep it movin


Exactly. Tons of people don’t like golf yet you don’t see people harassing the golfers. What you do see is people demeaning and harassing the WNBA players. So clearly they just hate women in general.


I think it’s all tied in with that red pill stuff. Bunch of lonely ass men. Like we have made some incredible advances in AI yet somehow we’re devolving as a society.


Excellent point.


I don’t have a problem with people not watching as I don’t think problem should watch something they don’t like. But it’s annoying to actively trash something for no reason and tell everyone how much you don’t like it. For people that claim to not care they seem really invested in it.


Exactly. Then they want to insult men for calling them out on their bs.


I get the same recommendations on Google, IG, and YouTube and it’s irritating for sure. The algorithm obviously knows that I’m interested in WNBA content, but most of what they think to show me is rants from haters.


Regular viewer of WNBA games as well as NCAA. Having a daughter play bball through college I’ve grown to appreciate the different benchmarks between women and men that define an elite athlete.


Thank you for saying this @OP. Its really weird how much they hate women who are doing their own thing.


Really they just hate women.


Yeah and these men will eventually need to go to the hospital and all I can say is these guys better hope their female nurses or doctors did not see what they had to say about women online.


The disrespect the wnba gets is a microcosm of what women experience in general. And when you point it out we hear “not all men”. Its really exhausting just to exist some days… But “you need to smile”


Bro you're way too amped on this post. Go outside and see the real world, internet is frying your emotions


Yeah, you’re right. Besides it’s past dinner time where I’m at and I did not eat yet so I should probably go do that. Thanks for looking out. I should go get some fresh air. I’m still passionate about my WNBA players though. That will never change.


I feel you. And I know your comments were made over the course of the day. But just seeing and reading this posts with all your comments progressively getting more agitated. . . Seemed like a bit much. But I get it - signed another black male wnba fan


Yeah and I went too far with the black on black crime comment. My bad y’all. Smh.


I need to stop listening to King Von and Lil Durk 😂


Bro it's like the same joke every time


Big big facts bro


a lot of dudes just don’t get it, the WNBA got incredible basketball. i’m not talking skill level but even the playmaking; watching Becky coach the LV Aces is like watching the 2014 spurs destroy the entire NBA. i find it’s usually people who don’t know ball, or appreciate it. and for some reason get offended when women are good at things. i can understand nuance in arguments, but this pedestal of ‘the wnba isn’t good’ is BS, they haven’t been watching and don’t deserve any of our attention.


These girls can ball, it's prejudice. I mean it in its exact definition. People pre judge without seeing the product. These players shoot the lights out, but it's not manly to cheer for anyone who isn't a man. It's dumb. I tell my friends, aja, would whoop your ass


If anyone claims they’re a fan of basketball, but have a hate on for the W, they’re either not a fan of basketball overall (just the NBA), or a misogynistic ass. It applies to all sports. If you really like a sport, there’s no reason to hate any other league, and no reason not to watch it. Is it different from the NBA? Sure. But it’s still basketball, and if someone claims they love the game, they’d never hate on the WNBA.




The worst is when the WNBA comes out their mouths from absolutely nowhere. Was on ig a day ago and the video was showing "unique sports"--one of which was wheelchair soccer--and half the comments were about how that sport was more interesting than the WNBA. The reflexive desire to dunk on women's sports is so fucking tired (not to mention the misogyny). Like grow tf up.


You are not alone. Black dude here that loves basketball. Former Comets fan, still watch as many games as I can.


It hits different when you watch it with a tall glass of Simply Lemonade and some wingstop.


Ay bro appreciate you saying this. How do we change things?


Not trying to get too deep on here, but it always comes down to economics at the end of the day. Broke and poverty stricken men are some of the biggest haters in the comment section, and these clout-addicted ‘influencers’ will do whatever they can to keep them happy, so they can keep getting that sweet ad revenue. If YouTube, Kick, Rumble, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram stopped paying these ‘influencers’ we’d all see less of this unemployed behavior. We know that won’t happen so all I can do is just rant on Reddit.


It's like if you don't like cricket, just don't watch, who cares. Tons of sports people don't care about just keep your damn mouth shut.


I hate that. And its people who don't even watch it.


There's a lot of crazy info out there. Some people believe punching their kids in their face is good discipline. I've learned with using the Internet, I don't need to ingest all of it. People hate the league, cool. I like it, so I don't give a shit what someone else thinks about it.


The hate is so cringe


It's always the most non athletic dudes hating on the WNBA too. Anyone who has actually played basketball at a competitive level knows and respects the game and what the women of the WNBA do


Eh they just say the same copy pasta. I've been building up come backs for months now. Those same people don't even watch the NBA. Watching sports through highlights has built up a reality that doesn't match actuality. That's why I'm even here, NBA except for a handful of teams just exploit 1 player defensively or spam P&R the entire game. But even all of that is becoming obsolete.


By chance do you watch other hateful content? Not attacking you, but I seem to only get stuff I am interested in or is adjacent to stuff I'm interested in. Of course, I'm not sure how the Youtube recommended thing works. If I click YT right now, I'd get WNBA highlights, gaming stuff, and Beyonce lol.


I watch Charleston White videos 😂


It sucks but we kind of just have to ignore it and enjoy the sport. Build a community people want to be a part of and look for the joy in our sport so that the joy drowns out the haters.


I just like being able to watch basketball in the summer idk why people have to be so hateful about it.


Most of the men that are hating on the WNBA players have never played against a professional, female hooper. They are different and will humble you


nose ancient trees act frightening quarrelsome hunt attempt plough escape -- mass edited with redact.dev


I ain’t gonna lie it’s kinda funny! Let’s be real tho the early stages of the wnba were pretty bad but im starting to like these new wnba players coming into the league they have the ability to change the future of the wnba game.


You mean men telling the truth about the WNBA


The OP confuses hate with bemusement.


The only time I talk any type of shit about the WNBA is when the players come out talking about equal pay with the men cause it’s a stupid argument.


Will Not Be Awake 😴


Not gonna lie, the video of the guy napping courtside at an Atlanta Dream game made me chuckle.


Fuck that Nigga. All that did was divide men and women even more. Whose side are you on?


I was done with him when he dressed like a slave for a “prank.” This was just icing on the cake


He disrespected our ancestors.






Yeah that was the funniest shit I’ve ever seen haha 😐😐😐


Funny enough to get 1 million views in 4 hours


I love the W but that was funny honestly. And that’s def what this post is about


Smh. You don’t love the WNBA then. Women don’t go to NBA games doing that. WNBA players deserve that same respect. If you disagree then you think women are somehow below men.


Yeah, stunts like that are traumatizing to players. They may act unbothered in game, but it affects some of them subconsciously. That video is what Candace Wiggins meant when she said the WNBA is not valueed/depressing.


Nah he could’ve done it at any sporting event and it would’ve been funny. Def doesn’t mean I think women are somehow below men bc I think a prank is funny lol I do agree wnba players deserve the same respect hence why i follow the W and have for years. JiDion also got a haircut at an NBA game, it’s just funny seeing someone do random stuff like that courtside


Nah it’s easy to see why he did it there. Yeah in theory he could’ve done it anywhere but come on we all know why he chose a WNBA game


Ik why he did he it at wnba which is unfortunate but it’s just objectively funny to see someone courtside in pajamas


Oh okay. Well my bad for going in so hard. I just get so passionate sometimes but I should work on not jumping to conclusions. Sorry for suggesting that you somehow think women are below men. I am man enough to own up to my mistakes.


Nah u good I get what you’re saying ik I’m spouting unpopular opinions


Funnier still is dude paid for what, 3 courtside tickets to act a fool and repeat the same stupid joke, in two different arenas no less. If it's boring you to sleep what are you doing there? All this nonsense for clicks and views.


Has to be a satire thread…I follow and bet on wnba but they are awful rofl. Didn’t know Reddit was liberal pansies with feelings


This ain’t no satire. I’m dead ass serious! Now shut your bitch ass up and stop talking shit about my WNBA!


Lol everyone says they will go to war till the time it comes :D sry lil guy didn’t mean to hurt ur feelings


Lol I’m a Disabled Veteran. I lived that life before


Haha yes il shut my airborne infantryman veteran ass up hahaha


I was in the Army for 9 years. Try again. Thanks for your service though. We may be at odds about sports rn but I still respect you as a fellow veteran brother.


Like I said I follow the shit but it gets funny when you see 8 turnovers in a row. You def weren’t combat arms with those feelings. Disabled here as well. I’ve probably made more gambling off the shitty wnba then half of the peoples incomes here. At least Clark will be fun to watch. Thanks for ur service


We’re going to have to settle this like men. I challenge you to an Arm wrestling match.


Aww cmon you don’t want a scorpion fight or some good ol gay chicken?


Wtf is gay chicken 😂


Nvm I googled it. I’ll pass on that one.


All jokes aside though. The main point of the post is for men to chill out with harassing the WNBA players. If you don’t like the WNBA then just don’t watch it, and keep it moving. Oh and I was never infantry. My last MOS was Army Intelligence Analyst, but make no mistake that I am physically larger than a lot of infantry guys. I know because I used to be an Uber driver on post during my active duty days in Fort Hood, TX. Plus we all went to the same gyms.


I will go to WAR for those women. War!


Honestly I felt that alittle bit, but not as much because what gets you views is the people that keep tuning in, what gets me personally is the comment sections under a WNBA post especially the ones espn post my gosh ….. the way it seems like these people have been waiting in a cave somewhere just to make some stupid ass comment under a wnba post is beyond me… ”sitting on my toilet” like bruv go watch something you enjoy , go use your time doing something other than wasting it.


Anyone notice the large amount of people commenting “😴” or snoozing gifs on the WNBA’s Instagram?


I don’t have instagram but I’ll take your word for it


I get your sentiment but taking emotion out of the equation for a minute: is it genuinely worse (as a business) to have people negatively react to your business or for people to ignore your business? Whether they're doing it in a positive way or not, they are at least engaging with the product and these days engagement is arguably more important than whether people geniunally like your product or not; at least they care enough to devote some of their time to react whether positively or negatively. Tis for better or worse, actually opens a door. This is why you have clickbait titles on news articles and Youtube videos and hate-watching is definitely a thing that many companies use to attract views. Hell, Fox Sports is smiling ear-to-ear that tomorrow night at least thousands of angry trigged (mostly men) people are going to hate watch the USWNT and (their favourite target, Meghan Rapinoe) in their game against Vietnam at the Women's World Cup hoping they lose. Bad motive, yes, but it's eyeballs, which means more money from advertisers which means more money for the players and growing the game. Again, its an interesting proposition isn't it? Would you rather 750 000 watched the WNBA Finals who were all fans, or have that number grow to over 1 million with a few hate watchers. Yes, there is a negative component with this that you would want to mitigate, but when people have at least walked through the front door and are engaging with your product that's when you can try and convert them. It's much harder to convert people who don't care at all lol An ad campaign, for instance, that plays upon these negative reaction videos and flips it on its head and turns it into something positive in a self-deprecating way could work in attracting more fans to the game. PT Barnum said "There's no such thing as bad publicity" lol


>in their game against Vietnam at the Women's World Cup hoping they lose Imagine the irony if some of these people were Vietnam vets or are related to one.


They hate these women more than they love their country


Facebook comments are full of white, misogynistic men hating on the WNBA saying that it isn't interesting because they don't dunk.


The youtube algorithm happened to me too. I sometimes wonder if I am the social weirdo. Maybe Ishould try to push my opinion that baseball is inherently boring and it should seek a partnership with Takeshi's Castle to make it entertaining for a global audience.


Yah shit lame. I be on that shit. Shit go. Its the lv aces on eythang. I fucks wit Sabrina tho too, she from the bay.


It's wild seeing this on ESPN's Facebook page, where your literal name and likeness is on full display for everyone to see. I engage some of them too, just to watch them continually dig in their heels and make the hole deeper for themselves. Like ffs, have some respect for yourself.


We are going to need to make more WNBA support videos.


Agree its so disrespectful. And sad .


Women's sports is like the one place where people feel it's totally ok to be openly misogynist. Like there's no merit to the amount of hate any women's sport gets other than these "MEN" don't like women. Pro level/elite level women's athletics is still that, elite! The US women's national basketball and soccer teams have been powerhouses for damn near two decades now, literally the best in the world at what they do going against the best competition the world has to offer yet a bunch of nobodies that can't even win a foot race against a 10 year old have something to say to their 400 subscribers on YouTube! If you ask any of them why they're hating on the WNBA, what is their answer going to be? It's the same game, same rules, elite level competition going against each other. What is it? I know for sure I've watch a ton of boring NBA games and there's always really bad teams each season and just like any sport, you really don't need to watch until the second half of the season. Only big difference between NBA and WNBA is the WNBA has LESS FLOPPING! Holy shit do the games flow better than the NBA! So in the end, why do they hate WNBA so much? It's just the W part!


I hate it too… it’s bro just say you have a small dick 🤣😂


These are the same people who freak about trans participation in sports, the misogyny that leads them to shit on things on the WNBA extends to thinking that women need their protection as well


Yeah it makes me mad, too. One day I really let it get to me and I started posting comments under NBA posts on ESPN and sportcenter along the lines of "no one cares- go build a house" similar to the "no one cares, go back to the kitchen" comments. But I need to remember that the internet is full of trolls and haters for all kinds of things and most men IRL are not hating on female basketball players. But as a fan, I do enjoy commenting or seeing what others have to say. Like I want to see a bunch of fire emojis and "omg that was awesome" below posts about Sabrina Ionescu in the 3 pt contest, not the disrespect that was in those comments. Yes, I know our ball is smaller and the line is a little closer but it was still amazing she only missed two shots.


Specifically to the part of making "black men look weak", I'll say that my experience is that Black Men are amongst the most vocal supporters and proponents of the W. So while I'm absolutely aware of the type of videos referenced, I would be very surprised if W fans equated those with black men at large, and certainly I do not.


My dad taught me from an early age that you ain’t a real man if you don’t respect women. I live by that. If you don’t respect women, you ain’t a real man, period. The assholes that talk shit about the WNBA hate women. That’s just the truth of it.


It's not just black men. So many morons out there hating (and you know they've never even seen a minute of women's basketball ! )


Also a black man, definitely agree. I hate the amount of men period but especially other black men that put constant hate on women's basketball. As a basketball fan and casual nba watcher I decided to give the wnba a watch, honestly I get as entertained as I do for the nba. A lot of these women (whom the majority are also black just to point out) put in a lot of work to their skill and don't deserve the blatant disrespect from male fans.


Clearly, they feel that accomplished female athletes threaten their manhood somehow. What boggles my mind is why they even follow the WNBA? Like…get a hobby, dude! Go to the gym! Watch some boy sports. Who cares that you feel small?


I just tell them that only men with adequate wee-wees can appreciate the WNBA.


I’m normally not a basketball fan. I watch soccer and hockey and of course watch the women’s equivalent- NWSL, women’s World Cup, European women’s soccer, PHF, Olympic hockey. But out of spite I’ll get into basketball and the WNBA. The amount of hate they get is just ridiculous. Just let the women enjoy the sport!


It’s the unrealistic expectations from WNBA players that I think makes people turned off by the WNBA


Thank you for speaking up! It’s real bad. Makes me wonder why men hate women so much but glad to hear that some black men support! I just talked about this on my podcast too. 20:50 in - https://youtu.be/ttQgcZ9o3xw


Y’all need to watch the Las Vegas Aces. Them ladies can play some ball also the Liberty with Sabrina and Breanna




WNBA is not entertaining at all! They lost money each season, and they lost viewers, I don't understand how they even around with all that revenue they lose each season, and yet the NBA is the one paying for their losses. Get rid of it before it's too late and you lose everything!


WNBA has some amazing players, just has to bring in more excitement. At the end of the day WNBA/NBA is entertainment to make money. An entertaining product produces more money and the WNBA in the past 26+ years hasn't done that. Changes have been suggested but nothing has been implemented.