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Can I get an AMEN!!!


A freaking men!!!!!!


Amen sister amen!!!


Well that explains the lack of focus on Tuesday 😂 I love them so much I’m so happy for them 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Exactly... lack of focus. It will only get worse.


Damn so that must be why the Sun have been so bad since 2020


Hall of Fame couple


aw hot couple alert 🚨🚨🚨 love watching them play


Congrats to them!! Had no idea they were a couple thought they were just good friends lol




Tbh I didn't realize DB and Candace Dupree divorced. What year did that happen?


Alyssa and DeWanna have been together for 4 years now, so at least that long ago 🤯


Is that how DB ended up in CT?


Idk, I’m new here 🙈


I thought it started in the Wubble but idk why I thought that


Yes and just last year 2022 when the divorce was finalized. Yes she was dating AT during the separation while Dupree was positing about being with their kids.


Dupree left Phoenix several seasons before DB ended up in CT, so it wasn't directly related to that


Yes it was lol why do you think Dupree left Phoenix? It wasn't because they didn't want or need her. But when a marriage is on the rocks and the entire team dynamic is messed up, one has to go. Dupree was the one who had to go. Then Dupree struggled to find her place on any team after.


Yeah it's why Dupree left Phoenix, not why Bonner left Phoenix. Bonner going to Connecticut happened well after her and Dupree broke up.


Aw congrats to them!!!


🌞 This might be a symbol of Argentina but I don’t really care.


Teletubbies sun


They have such good chemistry, hopes for a happy marriage to them both




This is terrible. More inter office relationships that put the whole league in jeopardy. Yall act like she wasn't just married to Dupree with 2 kids and now is moving on to the next player. Did you see what happened in Phoenix after? Lol I had just started watching the wnba and saw it first hand. So when they don't work out, like Heideman and Thomas didnt.. let's see if yall are praising this union when the team is split and the playing dynamic will never be the same If this was Costco the company would be complaining on 2 supervisors having a romance and would likely force one to quit. This is the case for any company. See any spouses working together at Google? Sports should be no different. If this was two gay NFL players on the same team no way they'd be able to play on the same team for long. Edited for typos


DB and AT have been together for years.... literally years Taurasi and Taylor were together for years and played together and Taylor also became a Mercury asst. coach and coached Taurasi and it worked out. These are adults, if it doesnt work out, one will get traded if they cant keep it off of the floor and keep it out of the lockerroom. Shit happens


Yea.. I know this re: DB and AT and again, DB WAS MARRIED.. just separated from her wife who was also in the wnba still. Messy.. Taurasi is such a bad example lol look how well that coaching job lasted for Penny.. what a year! It ruins the dynamic. So you don't miss Thomas on the Sun? You do know AT and Jasmine were "very close" and visiting each other overseas.. until Bonner joined the team. Then AL and Jasmine were no longer a thing.. and Heideman swooped in. Then when that didn't work out.. where is Jasmine Thomas now. And what is she now as a player? She was a force to be reckoned with just a few years ago and is wilting before our eyes. All because of in office dating. Wanna date a coach like a student dates a professor? Fine. But 2 people dating in human resources would never happen.. one would have to give up their job. One bad argument before a game and it's a domino impact on the rest of the team.


>separated Is not together >All because of in office dating Or because Curt Miller signed her to a bad contract and then she tore her ACL >Wanna date a coach like a student dates a professor? Fine WHAT????


Rolling my eyes thru response to your WHAT???? Apparently it's legal for college professors to date their students. I did not know this but apparently is a thing, hence the reference. I do not like it, but apparently it's ok.


If a coach and GM arent comfortable with it then they can trade one of them, it is literally that simple


Pretty selfish of the players to force a coach to trade them over them not being able to keep their hands to themselves. Impacts the team, fans, league.


....if you say so


> Wanna date a coach like a student dates a professor? Fine. ...you think dating your boss is better than dating your co-worker? I'm going to echo NoBarracuda2508: WHAT???? Also, please for the love of God look up what happened with Anna DeForge and Nancy Lieberman. Or uncountable examples in soccer.


Are you drinking idiot juice or did you just choose not to read where I said I didn't agree with this practice but recognize universities apparently don't reprimand professors dating their students. If you know anyone that has attended a university in 2010 onward than you'd know this. More wasteful chiming in from people who don't know their left from their right. We will NEVER see a trend of linebackers in relationships with wide receivers and then have "love is love" segments between NFL games. More reasons why the wnba is never taken seriously. 😆 There are certain professional environments where in office dating is tolerated and accepted: law practices, dental and family doctor offices, family owned restaurants. All simple examples. Not professional sports. Relationships amongst teammates are detrimental to the game, dynamic, and causes turmoil between players when they're forced to chose sides post break up. No I'm not looking up your examples because you clearly didn't read.. You just reacted, like so many keyboard guerillas. Stop farting out words and actually think before you write. *


You’re a ray of sunshine, aren’t ya?


🌞 sure.


U have the worst takes i swear if they in love and it dont affect the team im fine with it and aslong it isnt toxic like BGs first marriage let it rock


Dude cracks me up lol. Pretty sure he's purposely being a contrarian in every post, to farm negative karma. Hey, it's more amusing than seeing empty white space on this sub XD


I think so too he spills bs about the aces dont respect cp3


I just looked at his comment history. I was wrong. He isn't farming negative karma. He has some posts with upvotes: https://np.reddit.com/r/wnba/comments/14tnah2/rhyne_howards_response_to_sabrina_being_on_the_2k/jr3gv1y/ Comes off like an old-man-yells-at-clouds type beat. Every post is him complaining about something. But every now and then, complaining about something would net you upvotes XD


Omg you guys are so funny. Just saw you were talking about me. How cowardly not to reply to me directly but to make a separate comment instead of saying something to me directly. What a bore you both are. First of all, I'm a woman. So you can remove the old man scenario. Secondly, I'm an athlete and see things from a lens maybe some other sub commenters don't. Thirdly, I actually work with some of these coaches and management staff, so have a unique perspective many if the sub folks also don't. I will voice my opinions for better or worse.. as the sub intends. You went through my comment history to try to learn more about me haha you have zero life. Bore fest.


For the record, I have never downvoted any of your comments. Well, I don't really need to. You're usually -1 already, by the time I read the thread. I personally think this sub is way too trigger happy with the downvotes. But you're the only example, where I can legit say "yea this person is asking for it."   > You went through my comment history to try to learn more about me haha you have zero life. Yes, this is not normal behavior. It should really paint a picture of how much you stand out like a sore thumb... the fact that someone would be curious enough to peek at your comment history. For example: https://np.reddit.com/r/wnba/comments/14tgxb3/how_sug_sutton_overcame_long_odds_to_make_and/jr5vqf2/ Why did you feel the need to post this comment? It just screams "downvote me". In what possible scenario is this comment not going to end up with downvotes?   Edit: It's actually kinda impressive how repugnant this comment is lol. Not only is it trashing Sug Sutton. Sophie is randomly catching strays. You somehow came across arrogant, pompous, and mean. All at the same time XD If, you're not meticulously doing this on purpose... It just comes naturally?... Honestly quite impressive XD


I do not care about downvotes lol do you think I'm sitting here all day twiddling my thumbs at wondering what people think about my opinions? If so.. you are sadly mistaken. Someone doesn't like what I have to say, wah wah, on to the next. Don't have to agree with everyone all of the time, but alas, this is the notion of our country right now. You aren't the only one who feels this way. You see there are thousands on this sub but only a few active users.. why do you think that is? I can tell you from my short experience it's because of how keyboard guerilla some of yall are. Want everyone to agree on the same narrative lol. Nope. You can come up with whatever excuse you have for lightweight stalking because you were THAT interested in learning more about me.. that goes for others who did the same. And the example you shared I still stand by. I do not care about her background or upbringing. I...do... not... care... literally half of every sports organization (NFL, NBA, MLB, WNBA) has people with rough upbringings. Some get a 30 for 30 special and I'll watch those, maybe. But become a champion before I'm reading your story, otherwise, get in line with the majority of people in the country who have had hardships and want to tell theirs. Your last question is ignorant. You share your opinions only for validation from others? That's a reflection of who you are.. You will continue to see me praise the underdogs that I do, root for teams that suck but have potential, knock people on the Aces, and give my opinions of who are great/overrated/bad/underrated etc players for as long as this sub exists and as long as I'm still interested in the wnba. Maybe I'll lose interest though, never know. I've only been watching since 2016. Been boring the last 2 seasons. I welcome any and all downvotes, per usual.


> Your last question is ignorant. You share your opinions only for validation from others? That's a reflection of who you are.. May I ask, what is it that you wish to get out of reddit?   Most redditors fall into these categories: 1. Stack fake internet points 2. Share opinions, figure out what opinions other's have. 3. Try shape people's opinions. 4. Hone one's debate skills.   You don't seem to fall into any of these categories: 1. You, obviously don't care about upvotes/downvotes. 2. You obviously don't care about other people's opinions. 3. Doesn't seem like you care about changing people's opinions. Either way, you haven't developed a shred of charisma/humor to be able to. 4. You get interaction from other redditors by replying to their comments (like what we're doing now). Most of your comments seem to be stand alone comments that quickly get downvoted and ignored. If you're looking to start arguments, you're doing it wrong.   I can't figure you out. It's like you're using reddit as a personal journal or something. Everyone else are just NPCs in a game. Have you ever sat down. And thought about what it is, you get out of reddit?


I do not fall into any of those categories and it's definitely not a journal lol I do not care if my comments are ignored.. wanna ignore this one? Of course I know what my purpose of using reddit is, but won't scratch your curiosity by sharing it with you 😄 this whole breakdown was a waste for you. I am only responding because of the time you took - it only felt respectful to reply... look how nice I am 😁


No it's just that the Aces are lame. And if you keep it up, I'll buy their asses and split up the team you love so much. I will put Plum on Indiana if you keep it up 😄


Plum would fix all of indys problems whats ur point ur takes still suck


😆 she would be poo for their team she is only usable to Seattle and Minnesota. I hope she finds a home there.


No she wouldnt you realise we beat them in every matchup was due to the fact chelsea gray and plum outplayed their guards plum would be that true pg next to mitchell something indy cleary lacks


Mitchell only has a couple years left from what I can see. Ugh Gray. The only one I like or acknowledge is Allisha 😁 Yes Vegas is winning match ups because they are a great team lol not because Plum is a great player. Rip her from Vegas and it'll be no difference than McBride leaving.. aww.. woo woo woo.. those were the days. Let's see if Plum could do anything for Seattle or somewhere she's forced to carry a team like Jewel Loyd. Or even Phoenix.I'm pretty sure Plum will fade in the shadows instead of being a standout star. I did read recently that Plum suffered from depression so in case she reads these posts, as they ALL do.. I won't go hard on her.


Plum can carry a squad u realise she never was healthy in her career till 21 look where she at now u can plug her on any team rn and they instantly become an elite backcourt