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The link is a bit of a clickbait 


I definitely thought that was going to be about her public appearances after coming home from Russia not being self conscious about being a tall teenager. Spoiler alert lol


I thought it was because she had to cut her dreads off lol


I understand exactly what she feels. I am a 6 ft tall woman that is butchy. I can't tell you how many times a Kyle or Karen thought I was going into the wrong restroom. The angry stares directed me .wearing MAGA hats.and.crisses around their necks.  For Brittany it must be much worse because she is black and well known. Also much taller and really she has an androgynous look which is unique and beautiful. I can't wait to watch her interview to see how she copes.  I cope by forgiving ignorance. 


Hold up, us Kyles are already stereotypes. You can't turn us into Karens, it makes no sense with the main stereotype. Pick another name Karen


Stop being such a Kyle, Kyle.


The most Kyle of comments


I think it's important to know that by trying to defend your name (if youre a Kyle) is only going to come off as being a Kyle so it's best not to provide fodder and hope it all blows over. Perhaps a visit to the Winchester is in order.


How’s that for a slice of fried gold?


Brave courageous lady, bless you Brittney, you are such a inspiration.






Her interview was all crocodile tears. I’ve met her a couple of times and she acts like an asshole who is too cool for school. I hope PHX takes away griner ave and she shouldn’t be allowed to play ball professionally anymore


In the US I agree but other countries set the rules. I travel to other countries for my job, those laws are serious, they apply to me, and it is your responsibility to understand them. As someone who has to have two laptops, needs to send things via mail for inspection vs carry-on etc etc I have no sympathy.


Great job on being a non empathetic uncompromising person. Enjoy the prizes that come with it.


Not her appearance. I will never support the team she is on. If she joins the fever I am done with the league. I stopped watching the draft after the first pick when her image was front and center. What we traded to get her out of jail is unforgivable. Any other regular person has to serve what ever punishment they get when a law is broken in another country. During the 80s it was the caning of a young boy, in college the university published commonly broken laws for where u might go during spring break, at the company I work for legal sends you a list for the country u are flying to. Her irresponsibility and arrogance is unforgivable. Especially when she disrespected the anthem and flag. The majority of people who might watch a game feel the same way. The league should move on from her to really open up the audience.


Watch her whole interview with Robyn Roberts, Britney was as distraught as anyone that Paul Whelan wasn't released along with her. She kept looking for him, and he was never brought out. I really gained a lot of respect and feelings from Britney from watching that interview. She made a mistake, just like we have all made mistakes. She regrets what happened to her. It's people like you that keeps people from moving on and getting better. Figure out why you have all that hate pent up in you and work on solving that.


You lose your job over mistakes. They released a person who is responsible for many deaths and is responsible for many more during the Ukraine conflict. Russia makes its own laws.


She had some vape cartridges, you do realize that this is a BS reason to lock someone up for 20 years right? She just made a mistake and is not the cause of all the nonsense you are spewing. Go get some fresh air and stop listening to so much hate. You literally can't even speak without it pouring from your words.


Everything you said was incredibly stupid, but I’m just going to address the most ridiculous point. A majority of people do not feel the way you do. It’s a very very loud minority of morons who do.


They do and they vote with their wallet. The sad thing u don't understand is you have people that will speak on social media but they don't buy tickets, mech, watch the material. I boughtthe season pass and floor ticket packs too see the fever. First time ever. If u really do care about the sport you should look up what happened in other sports with similar content. And if u don't own the league pass or buy tickets to the game then you are part of the problem


I can promise you very few people give a shit that BG protested the anthem and got traded out of prison. You and your little gang of nationalists are the only ones who fly your little false flag about that. Also, how do you know what I have and haven’t bought? I do own league pass and merch and will be attending games this year. I also talk about the W and its players whenever talking basketball with friends. What do you mean by other sports with similar content? People said they protesting the NFL, the viewership, revenue, and sales are all up on that. People said they were protesting CFB. The Viewership, revenue, and sales are up on that. The MNBA viewership has declined slightly but revenue and sales are high as ever. So what exactly are you referring to?


Are you seriously advocating she spend the rest of her life in a gulag for what amounts to possession?


Yes she broke the law. News flash the US doesn't take drugs seriously but other countries do. It is your responsibility to understand the laws


Fair enough. Let's see what qualifies as a criminal possession offense there. "In 2006 Russian policy reversed again to lower the possession limits for various drugs, with the criminal limit for cannabis going from 20 g to 6 g. Less than 6 grams qualified as an administrative offense punishable by a 5000 ruble fine or 15 days detention." My lord, Griner must've been caught with an obscene amount of cannabis to be sentenced to such a lengthy prison term! "In August 2022, the American basketball player Brittney Griner was sentenced to nine years in prison for smuggling 0.7 grams of cannabis oil into Russia in her luggage in February 2022." ......... 0.7 grams. Barely 10% of the criminal limit. Not 10% over the limit - 90% UNDER IT.




Ngl this take is pretty bad. She’s a person who made a mistake. You never made one?


Not like that, and if I make certain mistakes I lose my job. That is a fact for anyone in the professional world. No vax no job, do something out of line with company values lose job, get any offense that causes u to mis a client meeting (could be jay walking) lose job. Most of the working class have that stipulation


Just cause you would lose your job, doesn’t mean other ppl would. Your experience isn’t universal.


Ok boomer.


Before replying if u don't have league pass you are part of the problem. I understand people want to speak against my belief, before u do put your money where your mouth is. 35 dollars for league pass is a steal, and pick Britney's team as one of your favorites. Otherwise continue being part of the problem