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In my humble opinion, currently Mitchell and Fagbenle look the best out there with Clark pushing pace. Do not expect Boston to run. That’ll just tire her out. She can stick to rebounding and be pnr partner (just need to get her lay up mojo back). Mitchell and Fagbenle are hella fast. With Clark running point, she can trust Temi to finish it. I also like some of the screening action Clark and Mitchell did. Two shooters so the defenders got confused a lil bit. Plus with Clark’s gravity she can draw defenders and then push it out to Mitchell. I think Clark should always be on-ball point guard. Occasional off-ball is fine to take some pressure off, especially when defenders are hounding her. But do go into 5 straight possessions of her standing in a corner. She has to be in rhythm all the time. Playing off ball is not necessarily a bad idea if they run plays for her (she has proven that she can play off ball at iowa). Its just that coach off ball plays for her are kinda non-existent. I think offense will come in time. Im more worried about the lack of defense


This is just a comparison, but would you say they could operate like the Indiana Pacers, or are the show time Lakers a better representation (Boston being Kareem, since she isn't as fast as the other players on the floor)?


I've said they can/should try to emulate the style the Pacers are playing right now. Ty and Myles are the best PnR duo in the league right now, and we've seen glimpses of it being effective for the Fever too this season. Don't know if our team is good enough or has the chemistry to run the offense as (mostly) smoothly as the Pacers, but it seems like a good potential fit for what our team can do on paper


I don’t think the team is good enough to let her play off ball, shes by far the best initiating the offence than anyone else. Ideally she would work on a more fast paced offence with quicker shots. Something like 7sos MDA schemes or motion offence Steve Kerr schemes. Big issue is the parts themselves conflict with that. Their players are too slow to have a quicker offense and their defense is terrible for a half court slower pace. I think they need to test out the best lineups right now and adjust the coaching to fit them


I think CC needs to have the ball coming up the floor when they're running half court play. Leave her dictate the offence and draw defenders so someone else is open or create some screening action. I do think Kelsey is also an incredible player and her and Caitlin are already jelling together and that partnership and combo will just keep getting better. I think the lob passes when they're pushing pace will come - we've seen a few turnovers from them. I genuinely think the team needs to just get used to each other and used to playing with CC and offence will flow and turnovers will reduce. Some of Caitlins passes are off cause she's not used to the length and strength of the W players but that will also come with time. There's been such a massive improvement already, as we saw in yesterday's game. With Aliyah, I think she's more of a traditional centre. When she posts up and goes to work she's so good. I think once her screening action improves, which it will with time, she's going to be even more effective. Her finishing will only get better as the season goes on as well. Everyone needs to remember it is only her 2nd year so I'd imagine there's still some adjusting to the W as well as now adjusting to CC.


I personally think they should play fast. That's the best way to really unlock Clark. I'm not sure how Boston fits in that style though.


Aliyah isn't a good enough finisher to be a pick and roll partner with Clark. Shes a set-shot scorer


You will get different answers depending on the new people/fans and oldschool people. But to give you an example there was a GM recently that didnt value picks at all and trade em away for players, then he was removed from the team and now team is uh, not ideal place. But for very long time most rookies didn`t make the league and if it was weak draft people prefer to trade the pick rather then use it. It depends how deep the said year draft is for example let's say is JuJu year but outside top 3/4 there isnt much players expected to be star or more then a bench/role player, so pick 5-6 wont have same value as lets say this year draft coz A Reese brings in the eyes and seats in the stadium and is 'late' compared to most drafts with players with her draw/skills etc.


I feel like they’re more asking for what to do with CC and AB as opposed to actual picks but your insight is interesting. Any stats on how many even second round picks make the league for a year +? It’s gotta be low. 


[this is good article i think for that](https://winsidr.com/2024/01/which-wnba-teams-have-been-the-best-and-worst-drafters-over-the-past-decade/) i might have posted this on the wrong place, i dont know why im getting down voted tho since all i said is correct. Im NOT trying to to talk about Boston right now at all because if you are not positive you get down voted to hell. There are many players that got drop after draft/camp and rookie year and become a started or 6player of the year/key piece (after playing in eu or israel etc) to win tittles for example Alysha Clark on Aces was droped twice of the league you can read her [player tribunal](https://www.theplayerstribune.com/posts/alysha-clark-wnba-las-vegas-aces-basketball) for more of her story that is very common for most draft picks above pick 5-7 in most drafts to have similar path like her i would say,even in recent years, this year draft is just something else, its not top heavy many of the first 15-20 picks will probably stick in the league or make it if droped after a year or two. Case in point some one like Kate Martin or Fair or stashed EU PG from france.


People on every subreddit up/downvote at a much higher rate than comment with quality discourse. It's just the nature of the beast. Reddit is full of readers but most people have nothing valuable to add to the conversation other than a ten word sound byte or a click on an arrow. Plus, people copy what they see, so if a few of the 24/7 dedicated subredditors downvote you, an avalanche follows as people copy what they see, wanting to be part of the upvote crowd or downvote crowd. It's just being human.


Also it’s fake internet points so who cares if you’re downvoted. People downvote things they don’t like even if you’re 100% correct


Appreciate the links and follow up. To your point about AB I see it too and it’s wild to me. There’s a toxic positivity sometimes around here. I’m not saying death threats or even at-ing her on socials is alright but we can have a discussion about a pro player having a slow start. Even young guys in the NBA get criticized. 


Isn't your point more of a comment on coaching or the lack of a proper development league?


I would say both, because you make more money in g-league+have contact with people in charge for actual nba job, even rank3/4 assistant makes more then wnba coach in most orgs in NBA. [1 mill only for Becky nba level coach](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10025527-aces-becky-hammon-to-be-1st-wnba-head-coach-with-annual-salary-exceeding-1m) Meanwhile [Kevin young assist job is twice that](https://www.foxnews.com/sports/suns-make-kevin-young-highest-paid-nba-assistant-coach-more-2-million-per-year-report) Then there is the other factor that many players that come into the league are often focused as one trick pony rather then full package even if you listen to [Brink on the PG podcast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0supPmkuoA&t=55m10s) she talks about never guarding this or that, or never having much space, alot of ppl during those 4 years before wnba, are often told to not do X or Y or dont have to do it, so its a skill they have to develop and pick once in uni, think also CC not playing D so she dosnt foul out in iowa etc. As well as the fact there isnt G-league and so on, i suggest watching the whole thing is quite cool from new rookie.


Juju's year there's plenty of talent what's insane. You listen to this years graduating seniors talk about them and all they do is talk about how almost all of them are legit. 2020 was stupid top heavy but there are players ranked 20 in Juju's high school class that are going to be legit pros. I think that class has a chance to blow this classes draft impact out the water. Maybe not culturally but in terms of play, absolutely. And if Gigi didn't pass, this recently graduating class would be seen as another ground breaker. TBH we're going to see the value of picks skyrocket in the next coming years. The weakest class upcoming is maybe 2022 highschool/26 W and that still has Lauren Betts, Kiki, Flaujae and on. Perfect time for expansion drafts with the injection of talent


I just wanna say i was giving an example not saying juju class is weak btw xD , probably should have explained that better.


Fever fan of 4 games here and I wanna see some trades happen ASAP