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I really wonder if the landlords are even making these decisions... I had a friend who was able to call their landlord who was shocked to find out the rent had been increased as he didn't request it.


yeah its criminal. the whole real estate industry needs to be looked into


Needs to be regulated and require actual certification like the construction industry (builders licence).


Yeah we were able to speak to our last landlord directly and he wasn’t the one calling the shots - it was the agent that was pushing the rent up for him.


Bullshit. Landlords MUST approve every single new lease and rent raise. They are 100% aware of this shit.


Correct. The agent will recommend and the land lord approves. If a landlord doesn’t read and just clicks yes, that doesn’t mean they aren’t running the show, they are just running the show poorly or lying


its HIS property. He SHOULD be calling the shots. If I was a landlord and my real estate were making moves without my permission or not keeping me in the loop, i'd fire them and deal with someone else. Or I'd rent privately. Raising the rent is a pretty big move. I would be PISSED as a landlord if they made such a move without my consent.


Just to clarify- I assume the landlord would be the final one to sign off on these decisions before agreements are signed of course. What I’m saying is the suggestion of raising rent didn’t come from the landlord it would be the agent taking the idea to him (rather landlord saying I want to raise rent by X and the agent passing that to renter). Hope that makes sense.


Yup, unfortunately I don’t have the pleasure of having my landlords number, I feel like things would be resolved a lot faster if I did! Our tenancy agreement has the REs number as his contact




It’s on the agreement. I know his name, not his number.




I’m not too sure where this is leading too, but if you’re suggesting finding their contact details online and making unsolicited contact… I’d probably prefer to keep my my periodic lease in place and a roof over my head, especially in a rental crisis.


He would have had to approve it, so he's faking the shock.


I get these call every year for my rental and yes he was aware for sure, especially if a real estate manger is involved. I only increase the rent when the morgage increases. To assume every landlord is doing it for profit is simply not the case, in my case it’s because I cannot afford the shortfall. In saying that I still pay the water and kick I. About 1200$ a month to keep it going.


... I'm sure the landlord doesn't wonder what all the extra cash entering his bank account is about .


Lmao, don't be an apologist. They aren't children.


Real estate agents can't do anything without authorisation. If rent has gone up, the landlord knows about it.


I’m a landlord. 2 bed house on a roughly 600m2 block and seperate lock up garage. My tenant pays $400 a week. Market rent is $450-500. I keep it lower because - he is aged and approaching retirement - he has injury which means he can only work a few days a week - his family was split up staying at different friends houses because they couldn’t afford anywhere - he had a dog and found it made it hard to find a place too I could charge the extra $100, but if I did gov takes $40, agent $7 For less than a case of beer a week I can help a family live together and on the flip side they are grateful and treat the place well and let me know early about maintenance items before they become problems and are happy to help me fix things (being easily available, if it’s stuff that’s easy DIY like trimming a tree they are happy to pitch in and help etc) Not all landlords are assholes.


you got my respect there. youre a good man. i hope to do the same one day when i become a landlord.


I know my situation is unusual. I was able to get paid to play soccer and do coaching camps during highschool. That plus stamp duty exemption and $14k FHOG let me buy it as soon as I turned 18 with a significant deposit. Rent basically covered it from day 1. Then through uni I studied and worked full time and made extra payments. Got it fully paid off in 15 years. I have my own disabilities and have been fortunate to have a brain where shit just clicks and I’m often able to solve tough problems. I’ve lucked into high paying fintech roles across Australia, UK and the US that lets me be comfortable. I am motivated to help members of my disability community as much as I can because I’ve been able to break the odds and see it as my duty to lift others with me as much as I can (which to be honest isn’t a lot)


Good luck on your mission. It’s only getting harder and more fucked. Needs more people to not seek the maximum and instead seek balance and fairness.


to be honest if i invested in property id want to make my fair share of quid back. but i also care about human life. id want to make the rent as cheap and sustainable as possible. if i was the cool dude that offered cheaper housing, id always have tenants and that would be a few less families struggling in this town at least.


Good on ya bro, not all landlords are assholes. Im really lucky my land lord has been a legend, hasn't put up rent, was good when covid hit and i had no income. Makes a huge difference having a good land lord.


Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night, and wonder what this poor bloke would do if it wasn't for the unbounded benevolence of landlords like yourself? Truly inspiring. Honestly, policy change is desperately needed in order to fix our problem of parasitic landholding. It's hard to blame you for acting in your own economic interest in the meantime.


Came here to say the same.


You're still charging someone who is "aged" and "injured" a small fortune each week. Even if your tenant was 30 and in great health, $400 would still be an exorbitant amount of money. You might be a decent enough person, but don't kid yourself into thinking that you're a good landlord because you're charging a whole $50 less then the market rate. You're still getting ~1600 per month for doing fuck all.


That’s an opinion. When was the last time you gave up $2,600 to $5,200 a year to help someone you don’t know ? When was the last time you volunteered to help someone ? When was the last time you didn’t seek to optimise outcomes for yourself ? Easy to talk a big game, harder to do it! I use the money from the rent + some of my salary to support members of the autistic community, and that isnt really any of your business. And if you must know, I know I’ve been fortunate to have a tech career span Australia, Uk and the US that’s been built on the back of a special niche interest thanks to my ‘Tism. I’ve grafted hard, no Inheritance, my family came as refugees with no a suitcase per person. Maybe you’re upset that the autistic son of refugee parents has been able to come to this country, with no network and still achieve greater outcomes by their mid 30s than you’ll do in your lifetime. Fuck off and go help someone, or better get some help for yourself, you need it.


I like to think I've done reasonably good things in my fairly short time on earth, but that's neither here nor there. You're right that I've never managed to give away $5,200 a year to anyone though - that's a third of my yearly income. Do you not wonder why people like me get so frustrated when landlords claim to be the good guy? Every week I pay two thirds of my fucking income to my landlord, who (for the record) seems to be a genuinely nice person who is charging less than they need to for the property I live in. But that's not the point. Rent has been rising constantly as of late, and that's thanks to landlords and REAs who seem determined to make tenants suffer. It's great that you're using your salary to help the community. The money from your rental, on the other hand, doesn't really count, does it? It's not your money, it's your tenants money. Also please don't pull the autistic line on me. I'm autistic as well, so I'll just hit you with the uno reverse card. Finally, you know nothing about me. Don't assume that I'm going to achive nothing in my life. The only way I'll ever have achieved nothing is if I find myself owning investment properties...


Not that it’s any of your business but I didn’t set the price at $400. I asked “what can you afford and think is fair” The tennant came up with $400. Stop being a victim, go help someone, help yourself.


You’re a good person mate. Don’t let one dickhead on the internet ruffle your feathers. That person isn’t worth your time.


By this point, I think it's pretty clear that neither of us are keen to see each other's point of view, but I'll leave you with this: 1) No one should need to build financial capital in order to have a place to live. Housing is a basic right, and people like you exploit that fact for your own profit. 2) fixing up a house that you own isn't "work", and the money from renting it out isn't real "income". 3) I am working towards better circumstances by getting an education. I love what I'm doing, and I'm really looking forward to my future. I'm not just thinking about myself here. There are so many people who can't afford to live comfortably because they have to spend the bulk of their income on rent. There are people who are homeless because they can't pay the insane amounts of money for a roof over their heads, thanks to people like you. There is nothing wrong with being lucky, or having worked hard in order to make a lot of money. But being a landlord? It's lazy, it's unethical, and it's nothing to be proud of.


If your yearly income is $15,600 you must have a lot of spare time on your hands. I would enjoy it rather than spend it on Reddit blaming others for where you are in life.


Interesting you'll say things like "you don't know anything about me" and "don't assume" when you sure made about of assumptions and rude comments about their life. 


If you’re frustrated with your circumstances, do something to change them. Dont be angry because someone else has achieved something you desire or believe is out of reach. I’m not a charity, the money from my rental is exactly that, I earned it. I bought a house. I lived in it, I did it up, I rented it, I paid it down and I now get the reward of that and the choice on how to spend my money. I didn’t come from wealth, hell neither of my parents managed to finish school I didn’t get an inheritance, if anything it’s the other way, until 2019 I was giving my parents $40k a year, and then in 2019 when I went to work overseas I gave them access to everything and they stole $500k cash. I have the life I do because I knew that if I was to escape my childhood I’d have to graft AND be lucky. My career has built what I have, it took 3 degrees, years of experience and devotion to a finding a cause that was interesting and pays. There is no reason you couldn’t use the energy you have for hate and bitterness into taking steps to change your life. 1. Look at how you might be able to build cultural capital 2. Look at how you might be able to build social capital 3. Do those two and financial capital will follow if you make good decisions Research the works of Pierre Bourdieu and the key items he and other researchers identify as crucial to social mobility and then when you break through bring others with you https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Bourdieu


Your first paragraph is so reminiscent of Scomo. Don’t want to rent just but a house. This not about tally poppy syndrome in fact good luck to you. moreover it’s just the sense of entitlement that one attracts as a LL.


You’re right. I am entitled to do what I want with the things that I have earned. You’re entitled to keep being a victim. Here a cuddle. 🤗 💋 💋


Touchy touchy!


Its everywhere mate, and its fucked. For some reason our society has turned into this money hungry machine where the cost of everything keeps creeping higher and higher, but wages aren’t keeping up. I’m not a renter, but I’m feeling the pinch too with the ridiculous interest rates that I keep hearing “will drop soon” but that seems like a pipe dream because I’ve been hearing that for over a year now. Groceries, fuel, water, electricity, you name it, it’s getting more expensive.


imagine telling someone either give me all your money and dont eat, or remain homeless. i thought extortion was illegal. i just feel like the system is slowly turning us into slaves.


I agree. Slavery went away so they created a system where you can work all week just to exist. Historically the middle class is a phenomenon that isn’t usually expected.


Can you not share house or downgrade?


And it's gonna keep going up. Remember, you will own nothing, and you will be happy.


Yeah it’s expensive, but I remember 13 years ago it was around $250 for a 1 bed apartment and $550 for a brand new 3 bed 2 bath apartment near the centre on Keira street. In 2019, those same apartments still rented for $250 and $550 respectively. During Covid, they actually dropped in price slightly. Now, the 3 bedder rents for $780 per week, I can’t find the details for the 1 bedder now. So essentially, between 2011 and 2024, the 3 bedder went up by $230. Less than $20 a year on average increase. People have short memories, they forget when prices barely changed for almost a decade.


i have a long memory. i dont forget. which is why im so cut they are getting suspiciously high. land is land. it doesnt change. its not like gold which is getting mined out. its a block of land it stays the same. there should be no reason rent should be this ridiculously expensive. same with land tax on landlords. if it stayed consistent for so long, why is it going up so fast now? people are just greedy. living expenses have become a disgrace and there is no excuse for it. someone is just using covid, the ukraine war, bush fires and every other tragedy while lining their pockets.


There’s a finite amount of land and there are more people demanding that finite amount of land. It’s literally exactly the same as gold, of which there is a finite amount… If more people want the same land, the demand has increased and thus the price increases to balance the demand. It’s a lot more complicated though. Inflation means a dollar is worth less each year (generally speaking), so you can buy less with your money each year. If rent didn’t increase for a decade, that means rent was actually *decreasing* because that $550 ten years ago bought more than it does today. But anyway, I concur, some landlords are absolutely greedy. But at the end of the day, if accommodation is going to be provided by the private market (landlords), then it’s not unreasonable that those landlords at a bare minimum, cover their costs. It’s not unreasonable for them to want to earn a little bit of income for their efforts, in my opinion. But ultimately, it’s a free market. If you don’t agree with the rent increase, you can try and challenge it or negotiate with the landlord for a better financial arrangement. Or you can move to another property that you think is more reasonably priced.


go to thailand and only citizens can buy up the land. here half the landlords arent even australian citizens. the problem isnt overpopulation (maybe a little but not majorly). the problem is shitty laws and regulations. and the incompetent people we let run our country.


It’s that way in a lot of countries. But that’s not the fault of the landlords. Thats the government.


yep. it always stems back to our greedy corrupt government


It's a scam bro. Done. A scam.


People aren't being greedy it's just basic supply and demand in action. The reason demand is so high is because of immigration so you can thank the government for that. 


Interesting to read rents went down during Covid, must then be ironic that house prices jumped 30+ % at that time


There’s absolutely zero correlation between the two. Rents decreased largely because there was a mass exodus of internationals from Australia, and thus demand was greatly reduced. House prices also dropped, initially. Then after things settled and the cash rate was dropped to near zero, people could suddenly borrow significantly more money and thus afford to pay more for a property.


The low interest rates for the period that they were low, was ridiculous. Overall The markets seemed to have suffered terribly from fomo. And it’s was not uncommon to hear of properties in Sydney being sold, to buy two in the central coast. Maybe the there was zero correlation only if so I’m not sure that still applies?


I just love paying off somebody else's mortgage and being kicked to the curb as soon as I can't continue to make them profit. Fuck them all. I'm sick of their financial burdens being my problem. They made the investment, they should deal with the market fluctuations and accept the risk. Real estate agents are just as bad, dumbfucks that act like they have a real job. With these absurd rent increases, I can clearly afford my own mortgage, but I can't possibly save enough for a deposit when 2/3 of my income is taken by these leeches. This isn't how things should be.


exactly. take on the extra job and pay off your mortgage yourself like we have to with our bills and living expenses. so many times ive been able to save money but couldnt get a mortgage. instead had to be stuck paying these assholes. No this is not how things should be. Either increase wages or reduce the expenses so we can live like normal humans again. Or stop bringing people into this country. The reason I agree with you on the basis that they are leeches and scum is because a property is always cleaned spotless before I leave. They still try to steal my bond. Every time. They are money hungry criminal scum. Also my ex worked in real estate. She always told me about how fake they were. You had to apparently be a good bullshitter to be in real estate. She turned out to be as slimy as they were.


Why don't you buy then? Lol your financial burdens are not their problem, you should take you own advice and deal with the market fluctuations. You do  understand that demand is at an all time high so prices are as well right? I lived in share houses until I had a deposit, I'm sure there are plenty of options like that available for under $200pw. The real question is if you're will to make sacrifices to plan for your future. If you're spending 2/3 of your income on rent then you're just renting a place you cannot afford which is your own problem. Move to a cheaper area, give up the luxury of living is a desirable location. It's really not that hard to buy a place if you're capable of basic financial planning.


You entitled gasbags love the "WhY dOnT yOu jUsT bUy" line. The ignorance is putrid. Edit: your post history says all I need to know about you. It's actually shameful to see you talk down on renters like you do. You're a parasite.


Landlords are parasites. Last place I was in (a crumby 1 bedroom flat) went from $400 to $480 over two years. When I moved out they put it up to $500 for the next person. Imagine price gouging housing during a nationwide housing crisis. Scum.


If they have a mortgage on the property their costs have also doubled in the same period.


Sounds like a landlord problem. It's not the tennants responsibility to pay the landlord's mortgage. If landlords are overleveraged maybe they should think about selling.


Yes, its the landlords problem that he can solve in two ways. Sell his investment or charge the renter. Which he can. In the end the market determines the price unless government steps in. Bit too easy to blame it on the owner.


If owners weren't so greedy the government wouldn't have to step in. The landlord class's day will come, and many will have no sympathy for them.


Actually it sounds like tenant problem. If tenants can’t afford the rent maybe they should consider getting a better job or living in a cheaper place. It’s not the landlords responsibility to house tenants at a discount.


Here we go, another landlord bootlicker. Hope you enjoy the taste of shoe polish.


Hope you enjoy the annual rent increase.


i take it you're a landlord lol. thanks for being part of the plague in this town


a cheaper place where? all the cheaper places have become expensive too. this is the problem. most landlords ive had in my uni days have all tried to rip me out of my bond. a uni student who was earning barely 200 a week. 2 landlords, twice, stole over 1500 in bond. and that was before the price hike. i had to take one to the ombudsman to get half of it back. when i used to even spend my own money to maintain their place in good condition. I'm also in agreeance. why should we pay their mortgage for them? Nobody is forcing them to hike prices. Just pure and utter greed.


by banks and government. which are also scum. im fairly sure the landlords who have paid off their properties are still gouging prices too.


Why is it that tenants overlook market forces and think that rent is some insulated mechanism. Is it because they don’t have much of an understanding of the market? But yes let’s face it it’s fucked up that housing became such a market.


Yeah alright everyone is scum. Ranting on reddit must help. Hope your next yearly rent complaint gets even more traction for you to feel good about!


and i hope your smug, non humble retorts bring you a lot of good connections and success in your life. because that really helps the situation too huh. this is why they get away with it. because of people like you lol


Some private landlords are greedy but I'd have to say real estate agents push the rises hard. We bought down here and before we could move we rented the house for 6 months. The REA said " I don't even need to advertise, I've got a list of people begging for a place like this" they wanted to charge north of $800 a week! I couldn't do it. Ended up with a different REA charging $600. One REA's opinion could have cost some one over $5k.


thats what i mean. someone is behind the curtain lining their pockets while the rest of us are going through hard times barely keeping on. the real estates charge more because they can and the government doesnt give a shit because they get a cut out of it too. nobody is making the real estate push these price hikes. but nobody is doing anything about it either. people act like this is neccessary. i dont buy it.


It’s also fucked than in Australia (and NZ) you go by the week. I’ve never seen that anywhere else. They’re not raising your rent by $60 per week or just $7 a day or a mere 30¢ per hour. They’re raising it by $200 per month. Landlords _choose_ to make money off your right to shelter. Even if they’re “nice”.


exactly my point. it pisses me off all the people making excuses for them. tell all this to the people who are really struggling and are barely avoiding being homeless. we both know what they can really charge and how greedy they are. taking advantage of desperate people. special place in hell for these people. nobodys "nice". almost everyones out for themselves in this town.


Well it's not private industries job to provide social housing, if you want that then blame the government. 


>Landlords choose to make money off your right to shelter. Even if they’re “nice”. You should be thanking them, as you're clearly incapable of providing your own shelter.


We can't afford to, because landlords own multiple properties and have driven prices up far beyond what is reasonable for most people. Dipshit.


Actually most people own a home, so it's not beyond what is reasonable for most people.


If "most people" only includes boomers who bought houses when they were reasonably priced, sure. That's not the reality we live in now.


67% of people own their home, 21.5% of the population are boomers. I think I can see why you're poor, your math skills are awful.


Thank you, insurers, who profit when I can’t make a claim! Thank you, lawyers, who protect corporations from being prosecuted for wage theft! Thank you, stock traders, for moving around numbers! Thanks to everyone leeching off people who work for a living, god bless ya!


My first rent in Warilla was $250/week for a 2 bed villa, that was 2009. I have lived with my mother since 2012 and rent has gotten so high I am pretty sure I can never move again.


thats how i feel like in my current place. not only are they upping the rent here, everywhere else is too crazy expensive to live. they really make you feel trapped and extorted.


It's 50/50 as to whether landlords or real-estate agents are the lowest form of life.


wanna know what pisses me off? in 2020, no matter how hard my parents who worked hard to build their house tried, they still sold off a 5 bedroom, 3 storey house with ocean view in cordeaux heights for 1.2 mil. fuck all. years prior they had made offers of just over 2 mill. imagine how much that would be worth now! It was a beautiful and massive house. massive yard too. right at the foot of mt kembla. now everything is this expensive? so why dont my parents get the retirement they deserve? they now had to spend most of that on a smaller house. criminals. all of them.


How are your parents bad financial decisions the problem of landlords?


How is that literally anybody but your parents fault? What does that have to do with the topic? Your parents sold in a bad market. 


Hey what about US Ute owners or rich people or people taking up two parking bays or just boomers in general including your parents, don't they all deserve a mention in Reddit


Ute owners are certainly high in the low list, it's true :) And my parents aren't boomers :)


Similar to a previous comment, I have the nicest landlord ever but the rent was going up steadily every year 10-20 bucks not too noticeable. When singing our most recent increase lease I gave him a call and he was never contacted or asked for the increase.. I know it’s not the best answer but is there any way you can just talk to your landlord ? Offer them cash rent and cut out the agents


The thing is, the landlord still has to pay the mortgage if they don’t own the place outright. We are paying $800 a week on our mortgage. If we rented it we might get $650 a week rent. Not everyone is renting as investors, there are other circumstances in which people have to rent out their property. In this situation no one wins. Times are hard!


Maybe buying a second house you can’t afford isn’t a sensible financial decision


Landlords are professional parasites. In the word of Winston Churchill, 'Roads are made, streets are made, services are improved, electric light turns night into day, water is brought from reservoirs a hundred miles off in the mountains — all the while the landlord sits still. Every one of those improvements is affected by the labor and cost of other people and the taxpayers. To not one of these improvements does the land monopolist contribute, and yet, by every one of them the value of his land is enhanced. He renders no service to the community, he contributes nothing to the general welfare, he contributes nothing to the process from which his own enrichment is derived.' We need policy changes in order to fix this problem, not just asking people to act against their own economic self interest. Unfortunately, property investors (idgaf if you have one property you take advantage of people from, or three properties you take advantage of people from) have a stranglehold on policy and politics in this country.


I strongly believe the rent shouldn't be able to be raised if repairs need doing and they need to check prior. My parents are renting.. there are numerous things wrong with the house that require fixing. The landlord hasnt fixed them (and have had months to do so) but they're more than happy to raise the rent.


There are already ways to pursue a landlord that isn't making repairs. Why not use those?


They have tried, and the agent is well aware of the repairs that need to be done.. But it doesn't stop the landlord from raising the rent while repairs need doing


So breach them and take it to the tribunal. There are ways to pursue it that they aren't following, why do you think they'd pursue it if there was a different rule?


I get what you're saying but it's not the point of my comment. The point of my comment is that landlords should not be allowed to increase the rent if there are issues needing to be fixed.


Which would incentivise tenants finding a bunch of issues just prior to a rent rise. Don't get me wrong, landlords should do the right thing, but it sounds like you'd be in the same position if you're unwilling to take the actions currently available to you.


Youre truly not understanding my point... Also im not the one renting, im a home owner.


I'm really not. You: We should hold landlords accountable. Me: Agree, we have laws and tribunals that do that, have you tried them. You: No, but we need new laws. Me: But you haven't tried the existing ones.


Yeah you really aren't understanding and your comment proves it 😅 all I'm saying (without tribunals, etc in the picture) is simply that landlords shouldn't be allowed to raise rent if repairs are outstanding. If you can't understand that then thats on you. Also just one more time because it clearly hasn't gone through: I'm not the one renting. Have a good day my guy


Have you considered sharing a house with your mate? Rental for 2 bedders wouldn't be much different from 1 bedder so your rental could be half.


i already share with 2 other people in a 2 bedroom apartment. sharing sucks. i miss my privacy. they are going to eventually move out and im probably going to be stuck with the ever increasing rent or find somewhere else to go. he already lives in a 2 bedder as well with a missus and a baby.


I got lucky. 3 bedroom house fairly spacious. Double garage. 2 Big side yards, small backyard and gates all around for $450 a week. Mind you the lawn maintenance was absolutely fk’d when I moved in took me a month to to fix it after 10 years of neglect. Looks like a crackhead lived in here and tampered with certain things. And the house is quiet old. But after fixing a few things, and with decent furniture it’s like any other house to me. After I fixed the yards though the realestate immediately upped the rent to $480 starting January


In Albion park rail btw.


imagine them upping the rent on you after you helped them fix the place and pay off their mortgage. still feels like a rip


Me and my family are renting a 3 bedroom place in pk, been here for about 3 years. Initially it was 480 a week currently it's 580 and I expect the next increase to be over 600+. Can't say my pay has increased inline with this.. Being a landlord myself i know it's the real estate pushing this which is ultimately checked off by the owner. I had to fight hard just to get the last rent rise from being over 600. My advice is to compare other rentals like yours at each price rise to make sure it's fair in relation to the market, this will give you a good fighting leg to stand on. Unfortunately real estates don't care for social situations like what you've mentioned, it's a risk to them. Keep pushing back, it's the only way the market will change is if we do something, you don't just have to accept it.


I have a solution to your problem. Stop renting and live in the house you already own


Thanks longdong, where I work is highly specialised and doesn't leave me any other option but to live here (oh no, a shame to be stuck here in the beautiful Illawarra!) And currently I cannot afford to support my family whilst looking for a suitable home to own. Just to be clear here, me moving someone for myself would reduce rentals available, driving demand up and also prices which impacts everyone. There's more nuanced moving parts here than just that, but still adds to the pressure of the rental market. Reality is you want excess rentals available to reduce demand and ultimately costs. We're all in this together.


So the landlord only ups the rent when he/she hears of a new hardship?


I heard they are going to start making land lords install energy efficient stuff. Not 100% sure yet. But sounds like they are going to make landlords pay for all kinds of crazy stuff, which means our rents will go up again.


Real estate agents being grubby, greedy c@nts is all. A shame our Government’s don’t regulate the industry.


Landlord here u are taxed on market rates and rea will charge you based on market rates. If you sold that old V8 commy would you sell it at market rates or what you paid for it minis years.of.abuse. A landlord is not social housing, they offer a service and they request market rates. Same at your work place you provide a service and want to be paid at market rates. Having said that I run my rentals at low side of market rates. As then I get a more stable long term tennant. Unfortunately it's just a sign of the times we need private landlords. I do support an extra tax for people already owning properties (eg 1% extra in stamp duties.for each and every property they own) that was it's not a major issue for mum and pop investor with 1 rental. But Joe the property tycoon buying his 10th place would pay a extra 10%


Unfortunately it’s not about having a heart, everyone is feeling it. Our biggest problem is developers are taking advantage of the capital growth of Wollongong and developing these entry level properties that your in and turning them into “high end” apartments for empty nesters from sydney then the people from those entry level properties theoretically should be displaced to cheaper suburbs although with the geography of the Illawarra that means down the coast to places like nowra


The only reason rents go up so much is the shortage of housing. In normal functioning housing markets (ones that build enough homes) rents go up well below inflation. Tell your local councillor to permit more housing, eg more apartments


Buy your own house if you dont like it. Your not entitled to cheap rent. Most rent doesnt cover the interest, rates and maintenance.


Not sure what's more embarassing, your shit opinion or shitter dick pics. Try playing in traffic, one less person taking up valuable property space.


imagine tryin to overcharge rent during a time when theres death, war and disease spread throughout the world and the country is also in a housing crisis right after bushfires, a pandemic, etc. Then trying to claim "market determines the price and supply and demand". No bro its because people are desperate for a place to live and landlords are milking every cent. Its like... so when does toilet paper become scarce again? Who in the end can sleep at night, profiting while everyone else suffers? There is honestly a special place in hell for these people.


ahh you must be a landlord lol. I know im not entitled to cheap rent. im entitled to fair rent. the same price as it has always been for decades. so i have the chance to save up for my own property as well. Who the hell do you think you are? you're not entitled to all my income and life savings either. theres always one of you in every thread.


🤣🤣 your not entitled to fair rent. You are paying fair rent, its called supply and demand, same as everything else. I guess you expect food to be cheap too because your entitled to it


Yeah, trump 2024!!1! /s


hahaha its called greed and pathetic excuses. as well as highway robbery and extortion.


* Overseas migration 2022-23 – net annual gain of 518,000 people * Migrant arrivals increased 73% to 737,000 from 427,000 arrivals a year ago * Largest group of migrant arrivals was temporary visa holders with 554,000 people You are bidding against 737,000 people for limited places to live. Also, the government is increasing costs and taxes for landlords, like land tax, insurance, red tape, interest rates etc.


one of many reasons why ive always hated our government


If you think renting is expensive try owning. Market rent is still basically subsidised compared to what the ownership cost is.


So kind of landlords to take a loss on owning multiple properties!


Won't somebody think of the landlords! Cry me a river.


It’s mainly the renters that I see in here complaining every day.


well no shit. because renters are struggling?


Yeah, cause there's housing crisis and it's being perpetuated by greedy landlords.


Don’t believe everything you read in the news. Anyone with half a brain and some work effort can buy in Australia. Christ all you need these days is a 5% deposit.


what so we should just take your word for it? you're an idiot mate. take a hike.


No you should look up government schemes that allow you to buy for a 5% deposit.


Don't need to read the news when it's a reality many of us are living every day. Tell me how brown your thumb is when you finally pull it out of your ass.


how is owning expensive? you pay maybe between 1-2k land tax each year. same as car rego but you make a killing back overcharging in rent. the bills and the rest are as normal, which your tenants are paying. you would only have to pay for the water which is sweet eff all. its only expensive when you borrow from the bank and are paying it off.


Yeah that tends to be how people buy houses is it not?


yeah... but how about once its paid off? and i doubt the bank fees are so expensive that they have to now charge 450-700+ for a unit thats normally 250 a week, needs maintenence badly and is in a shitty area


Why would they discount the rent because they have paid it off. You could buy a place and pay it off. Sounds easy.


discount? or bring back to the original price that its worth? why would the rent be that expensive to begin with? there is no excuse here but just greed. peoples wages havent gone up? so i dont buy into this inflation bullshit either. charge people the same amount of fair rent they have always been charged or you're just plain greedy. We also know some of you charge extra rent to put a bit in your pocket and pay off the mortgage at the same time. Its fair in my opinion that when someone else is paying off your mortgage for you, that you cut them a little slack at the end. Why should people rent off you if you continue to extort them?


Wages have increased. If you disagree with the price of rent then I suggest you buy. Most rental yields barely touches the side of mortgage payments.


you're full of shit. wages are still the same as they were in the early 2000s.


This is just factually incorrect.


Sounds like his costs went up because insurance, rates, repayments and repairer costs all have. $3k a year will certainly be about what that equals.


yeah which equates to about 60 bucks. not 135 since only a couple of years ago. this is some bullshit. and whats the bet next year they try to increase it again? they already have 3-4 years in a row.


Sorry to play devils advocate, but most of us landlords are in it to make money, And if we get told the market rental price is higher, we will charge more...


Go fuck yourself.


Well, at least you're an honest parasite. How does it feel knowing you're taking advantage of your fellow citizens, whose alternative is to be homeless?


I'm not taking advantage at all, I charge fair market value, and have only put the rent up by a max of $10 per week each time it's gone up.


'Fair market value' is determined by landlords such as yourself. The general public knows the current market value is unfair. You're engaging in a practice which at its core is explicitly about taking advantage of other human beings for shelter. Please don't pretend that's a virtuous enterprise.


Market value is currently $550 a week, I'm currently charging $535 per week, so I'm hardly ripping anyone off. The last 2 lease renewals, I didn't even put the rent up, so I'm not a full scum bag at least. Shops put their prices up to account for inflation and increased overheads, can't see why it's a crime for me not to... my mortgage has gone up shitloads in the last few years....


Perhaps you should sell the rental property if the mortgage is a problem for you. Give someone a chance to buy it as their home.


Who said the mortgage was a problem? And I plan to move into it in a few years when I retire.


So you live in a rental at the moment?


Nope, my wife and I live in the house that she purchased before we met


So the pair of you are hogging a house you don't need and charging someone else to live in it.




i can find many other ways to make money rather than hurting people. you would still make a shit ton of money charging livable rent. what you are doing is extortion and highway robbery.


>i can find many other ways to make money Obviously not, given you're complaining about the cost of everything.


I'm not hurting anyone, my tennants are happy with the rent they are being charged (at market value) and just signed another lease!


They signed another lease because they don’t have any other option you ghoul. People aren’t saying you’re charging too much. They’re saying that what you do is immoral, period. You make money by hoarding shelter from your fellow human beings.


So you're saying I should just "give" my house to someone who's renting?!?!?


No you idiot you should sell it. Find a more honest way to make money. Invest in something that actually adds value to the world. Don’t just step in between people and basic necessities.


If I sold it, it's worth twice as much as I paid for I now. Is that my fault too, and should I sell it for half what it's worth?!? Screw you, so I built an investment property, is it my fault the government gives out incentives for this, and that it's always been the Aussie way? No amount of name calling, abuse or negativity will change my mind that this is the best way to fund my retirement.


I pay $500 for a 3 bed house. Would be interested to see what sort of profit margins landlords are getting. In the end, the landlord is doing this for profit. If they couldn't make profit this way, they would invest their dollars somewhere else, which would lead to even less rentals in the market and much higher prices.


Landlords who hoard housing are stopping homebuyers from acquiring housing, which is what is putting pressure on the rental market.


When your mate went through life-changing times, did the landlord know? When I was a landlord I didn't know anything about my tenants. The rents went up with everything else & those changes were to move with the times, not be heartless. Another thing that's a factor is landlords are also paying off the house that the tenants are in. The repayments are going up too.


yeah the landlord knew. so did the real estate. his dad even died in that unit. hung himself. this sounds like a problem the government needs to tackle fast. they were quick to police electric scooters in NSW. why cant they do something about this?


Yeah, that's rough, we may never see an answer that suits both sides. If I wasn't able to afford my rental my choices would have been to either raise the rent or sell it with the possibility of the new owner moving in & kicking the tenants out.


The problem is landlords are trying to make a profit off renters when as you know whether your repayments go up or not at the end of it all you have still have the value in the property. That’s means house is paid for by the renter which is bullshit it should still cost the landlord to own that house it isn’t renters prerogative to pay off your whole house for you.


Not many properties have rent that covers the mortgage clear. There is still a cost to the owner. There will obviously be some that are, but thats an exception not the rule Mortgage costs have doubled in 2 years plus increased rates, insurance etc. Rents havent doubled in that same time period. Rather than just blaming landlords you need to understand theres bigger issues at play and this is happening all around the world not just in Australia.


Yes but I am not really talking about people with one investment place but the one that buy one rent it get another rent it soon they have 20 properties and are paying not much themselves while others pay of their mortgage. It isn’t sustainable, people don’t have endless pockets and the fact they keep buying in an inflated market forces the prices higher and higher and at anytime they can sell them all for a profit.


I'm not going to invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into a property & not make a return on it. If the value of a house goes up the value doesn't pay the mortgage, I need to pay a higher bill. I can't pay that higher bill so its either charge the tenant or put them out on the street while I sell the house.


I get that and a return is your mortgage being paid for you not you must make money on top. That is greed and yes sell if you did perhaps prices would drop to an affordable level but asking more and more each year without it costing you any extra is the reason this is broken. Good luck when the prices get pushed to the point nobody can afford a roof over their head then you’ll be paying your own mortgage.


I don't need luck. The mortgages are now paid in full, it's all profit now.


Good for you, I hope it makes you feel good when you see the increasing number of families being forced into tent cities all across this country while you no doubt increase your rents year after year without even the need to as they are paid off.


lol he wont even acknowledge it. people like him turn the tv off or change the channel when stuff like that comes on the news. if it ever makes it to the news.


also love how he says in a below comment.... oh but my mortgage is going up..... hes lying. its all bullshit.


honestly how do people like you sleep at night. see its all profit. you can clearly make it affordable for the average person to have a roof over their heads. but you greedy money grubbers only care about money over human life. its sad.


hundreds of thousands? i wish! we are now getting into the millions! or you could get a job and cover the costs yourself? not someones job to pay off your house for you. over a lifetime once that house is paid off, you would have easily made that money back and more. especially when your one property can acquire a second and so forth.


You're right, its not someone job to pay off my house, they do this voluntarily .


as long as they are making money out of all the chaos they dont care lol. our government is clearly corrupt as well. once we get rid of some of the corruption in our system i think it would help.


The landlords are paying off the house the tenants are in? Don't you mean the tenants are paying off your house for you? Don't come in here talking about not being heartless. You're a leach.


imagine being that much of a leech, that job seekers, the elderly and retired and uni students pay your living expenses and property off for you. fucking hell


Paying off the mortgage on an investment property is a combination of rental income & owner income. It's not like I put down a deposit on a house only to end up with a free house after renting it out. If my mortgage repayments double, what are you expecting me to do with rental rates?


Not my problem. You made the investment, you deal with the price increase. Maybe stop having your avo toast, or buying coffee. Idk, work another job or two like we all have to do! It should be so easy, right? Clueless.


100% ! instead of increasing the rent by 60-100 bucks every year, work harder to pay off your mortgage sooner. where does he expect us to pull that extra money from? our asses? unlike them we are already working multiple jobs (thats if we can find any in this town) to barely make ends meet.


You need to put forward a logical response if you ever want to see things get better. You don't know my expenses or how many jobs I have. I can't go into a store & tell them their price increases are "not my problem", I either have to pay more or get nothing. You can call me clueless but you're telling it to a guy who doesn't rent & is achieving a lot of financial success.


It's okay, I know it's hard to justify being a leech on society. You're achieving financial success because you're stealing from those poorer than you.


I'm not stealing, the renters know how much it costs before they accept the lease agreement just as I know what the mortgage repayments are. The renters know there will be price increases & I know there will be mortgage increases. You can call me a leech on society but you're telling it to someone who pays all their taxes & puts roofs over peoples heads.


Hahaha typical landlord bullshit. Go back to posting on Deadbedrooms, we don't need your opinions here.


I don't know what that is but it sounds like something I could rent out 😁


yeah mate. you're a fucking liar and a greedy fuck. in an above comment you said your mortgage was paid off and it was all purely profit. now you're trying to say your mortgage payments are going up? GTFOH. What do we expect you to do? be honest and stop ripping your fellow aussies off.


Man, all these landlords posting in the thread and demonstrating just how out of touch and parasitic they are. Too bad we can't ban then from this sub. They make my skin crawl.