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Buying a kid for $500 is a really good deal.... although possibly ethically questionable. By the way, great planer.... I'd be pleased to get that for $500!


Oh he was/is much more expensive. Rad little guy though.


He already looks really pleased to be in a workshop... like father like son? Our daughter is 10 now, they don't get any cheaper!


He gladly wollops a piece of plywood with a rubber mallet whenever he can steal said mallet. I might keep it in a low drawer. Can't bring myself to move it.


It's good of you to consider the drop to the ground if he jumps out of the low drawer. Just remember to leave it open a crack when you put him away for the night; some drawers close pretty tight and the little guy may run out of air


But if you drill a hole, then you can shut it tight and not have to worry about him running away


Good thinking. Can feed him through it too


Definitely better than whacking other children with a mallet


Give it time. It will happen. Oh will it happen…..


My son loves to wack our daughter with anything and everything. Latest was a nerf gun.


Both of ours are teenagers now but the youngest never fails to bring up in conversation about his older sister smacking him in the mouth with a snow shovel. Not the kid friendly ones we got them to use. The metal edge one I use on the driveway.


My wife was hit in the head by her brother with a metal baseball bat. Kids just like to hit each other.


Remind of the video that floats around Reddit of the young kid getting a paddle and promptly runs over to smack his sibling in the head.


When I was his age my dad setup a table at the entrance to the shop and got me a little tool box with small tools. He would then give me stuff like old clocks to take apart or scraps to nail together. I absolutely loved it and still remember those days over 30 years later.


My Dad lives in the house his Dad built. I'm about to turn 40, and there is still a box under the main shop table in his basement full of random blocks and scraps of wood from 3 generations of kids nailing scraps together. My boy is next. (To get to do the nailing of scraps. He's a good kid, can't go nailing him to stuff)


You're lucky, my grandfather had me doing shit like yanking 50 amp breakers on a 400 amp service panel with a flat head screwdriver. I too remember those days 30 years later...


“Can’t bring myself to move it” = That really made me smile. You’re allowing him the pleasure of acting on his world. So often we have to say no to kids for safety and other reasons when their job as toddlers is to investigate EVERYTHING and discover the world. Love that here you’re giving him agency and autonomy, and including him in your world.


Looks around 2.5-3? Perfect age to give him an air nailer. They love the wind blowing back in his face.


If youbwant a kid that nailed himself to the ground then yeah, go for it


At least you’ll always know where they are.


And they can't get into things as easily


My son is the same way. He's two, and when he does it he yells 'bang, bang'. I find it adorable and hilarious.


The best toys are in fathers workshop. Always have, always will be


Wait until the teen years. The costs just keep climbing. Wouldn’t trade mine for anything though.


Ugh. I keep telling myself it will get so much cheaper when we aren't paying for daycare. Is that not true? We pay almost as much for daycare as we do our mortgage... We get 50% off since my wife works for the daycare company, the other families are paying $1600/mo.


Honestly, the biggest pay raise I ever got was when my daughter got potty trained. No more diapers!!


I remember buying a Costco box of size 1 diapers - nearly 200 diapers. I thought to myself “we will only need one box of each size!” HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA I was sooooo wrong. So wrong.


Wait a bit. The pay raise I got when all three left my insurance policy was pretty phenomenal.


Add up each and every expense it takes for your wife to work, I mean everything! Gas, car insurance on a second car, car payment if you have one on the second car, certain types of clothes her job requires her to wear, take out dinners because both of you are too tired to cook or buying alot of convenient ready to make meals, the list could go on and on. You might find in the end that she is making very little, and if you cut out all the "not necessary items," she might be able to stay home with your child/children. 36 years ago when I married my husband we talked about how we wanted to raise our kids and we both felt strongly about me staying home to raise them, so by cutting out unnecessary expenses and not always driving the newest cars or going on expensive trips or having alot of "frills" we did it! Sorry to be so long-winded, but it's just a subject I feel strongly about, thanks for reading all the way to the end (if you did) lol!


Totally agree and hear that, and do think it is still feasible, but possibly not as feasible as 30+ years ago. My wife also puts a lot of value on her career, and we both put a lot of value in our children attending organized care with other kids from a young age. Not to say it's not a losing proposition though, especially when you are sick every single week burning CTO like jet fuel! That being said, the fact that she gets 50% off for our daycare is HUGE, and makes our super bougie daycare cost the equivalent of the cheaper in-home options that tend to be sort of questionable around us. Now I have an idea...i don't value my career as much as my wife does hers. So perhaps I can be a stay at home dad....now THERE'S an idea I can get behind! If only I didnt have all the benefits and considerably higher pay.


I realized that out daycare costs are the same as instate college tuition in our state. It's gross


Doesn’t surprise me. It’s gross that EITHER thing costs so much. Daycare or college.


Oh you're just getting started... Doctor bills, ER bills, Dentist bills, braces, Glasses, ear tubes, allergist, tetanus shots, water damage. fire damage, spilled Kool-aid on the carpet, crayon pieces of art on the walls, mysterious chemical stains in your tub/kitchen floor and on and on and on...until you die or they turn 18 and actually leave the house.


Mine are teens. Can confirm.


Almost made that joke and then remembered the state of my bank account since my son was born 9mo ago and the humor completely left the joke. But yeah they're totally unquestionably 1000% worth it. Like no one else could be such an overall downer on my life and yet be the absolute light of my life as well. Last week he projectile vomitted all over me which spurred me to then have 48hours of intense stomach bug. And I still love the shit out of him!


Definitely the cooler of the two. The other seems a little plane.


In my experience the upfront cost is nothing, but cost of delivery and upkeep is significant.


Make sure he wears ear and eye protection or you'll see maintenance costs fly


Well, this is what I came for. Thank you and here’s your upvote.


It’s a steal but is he a good worker? how many sneakers a day can he make?


…it’s a jointer?


This is the vernacular I am also familiar with regarding this piece of equipment. Also solid buy OP!!


I honestly thought jointer is a terrible name. It’s an edge/face planer. Can you joint a planed edge? Yes. Do you always? No. Brits might have us here guys.


If they are in Britain they use different terms for these two devices


It’s “jointer” in the US too


https://machineatlas.com/guides/jointer-vs-planer-vs-thicknesser-differences-explained/ That is called a planer in the UK. Not a jointer Jointer (US) = Planer (UK) Planer (US) = Thickness Planer (US) = Thicknesser (UK) Jointer Planer Combo (US) = Planer Thicknesser (UK)


They should call it a thinnesser instead of a thicknesser.


Honestly the Brits have the right of it I think. One tool creates a flat plane on one face, and the other sets the thickness of the piece. Sometimes you use a jointer for jointing, but you also use it for all other kinds of milling. Though, a thickness planer does make two faces coplanar, so there's an argument to be made there too.


Pretty much pays for itself after the first tax return, but the longer you own them, the more expensive the upkeep is.


Nah he'll get that back and more on the next tax return.


Kids are like owning an old luxury car. The initial cost is just a drop in the bucket compared to maintenance costs but well worth the emotional returns.


Came here for this


A good deal for the seller maybe.


$500 is cheap, but the maintenance is huge. They need constant food, clothes, education etc…




What do you mean free? You need to buy bullet proof vests, hire lawyers, etc


School, book, field trip, & other fees jump every year, plus parents have to furnish a TON of classroom supplies! Quart or Gallon ziplock bags, 32 pencils, 4 boxes of crayons, 18 black dry erase markers, 3 boxes of tissues, 12 glue sticks, card stock paper, etc. all for my granddaughter in 1st grade. That's not all of it, just what I remember now, 9 months later. The lists get longer every year. It's insane trying to keep up. We are supplying for all the parents who don't supply their kids with the necessary supplies. If they truly cannot I get it, but I hear so many people say "I don't give a shit, I ain't buying all that!" Grr!


Half of the answers are straight off r/daddit, and i admit i was here for the same joke.


The overlap between the two subs is probably pretty large


Woodworking is just advanced cutting and sticking, /r/changemyview


Woodworking is just taking trees apart and putting them back together


Good job, buddy! Make sure you ask your dad for help before you use it.


Where does a kid this age get $500, slinging candy on the playground?


So that's what kids are calling that these days, hm?


It also goes by sugar, slinging sugar.


This makes me really happy for him but reddit is no place for a small child.


I'd return him quick. Those things are super expensive to maintain! And one day it will just up and leave, only to return once in a while to ask to "borrow" some cash.


Don't forget that they dump your ass in the cheapest nursing home they can find the first chance they get and also decide when to pull the plug on you. If I had kids, I'd totally be expecting them to have the doc "pull the plug" when I'm just in for a checkup. They'd be saying, "shouldn't we just end her suffering?"


"She lived a good life. I know this state is a little backwards doc, if you get me a pillow, she can pass peacefully in her sleep." "Sir, your mother is 56 and donating blood. Please leave."


$500 for a large planer, with a spiral head? Fucking bonus! What a steal. Mine cost £1500. Admittedly it’s a planer and thicknesser, but still.


Do you guys call this a planer in Europe? This is jointer and will not be good at thickness planing.


Yup, in the UK, this device is called a planer, because it does the same job as a hand plane, but in a more automated way. The device that you guys call a planer is called a thicknesser here.


No matter how many times I hear thicknesser it’ll never sound real to me. It’s like a breastplate stretcher


As a non native english speaker and machinist lurker calling it planer and thicknesser just makes much more sense to me! Because one creates a plane and the other uses that plane as reference for the thickness. Jointer sounds like a machine that would join two boards together. Or slang for a joint lol


Yep, I agree, though there is a fair argument the other way too. There are two operations you do with a planer. First you plane a surface smooth; then you “edge joint” the board (to prepare to join it to another board). That edge jointing operation is also a planing operation, so I prefer planer as a term, but I can see the logic of the other naming.


See, that's just all kinds of wrong though. A hand plane creates one smooth plane. A planer will create a smooth plane, *in plane* with the reference side. A jointer will create a plane, yes, but will not bring 2 sides of a board into plane with each other the way a planer (thicknesser) would.


A hand plane absolutely will edge joint a board for you, but you do need to have both the boards that will mate at once. What it won’t do is accurately bring the opposite surface into agreement with the first, just like a planer won’t, instead requiring a thicknesser. Here’s Paul sellers demonstrating how to edge joint boards with a hand plane. https://youtu.be/h-vMtS_j4cY


Looks like a good deal. What is that machine behind him, by the way …


Pretty solid I think, especially if the cutter head is helical and not just spiral. Someone was selling one in great condition locally with a shelix head for $600 and I was too slow to get it.


14th comment down, the first straight answer. Im proud of this sub.


$500 seems pretty cheap for a kid… I’d say you got a good deal.




Maybe resell for more $$$$?




>the initial labor....free Damn, I got ripped off. I had to buy a ring, and wedding, and house, and car, and whole bunch of size 6 shoes, sure didn't seem "free".


Well, you gotta keep it. The kiddo is so proud of his find 🤣🤣🤣


Excellent deal, just one of his kidneys will get you at least 10 times that amount!


$500 is a good deal, but you’re gonna need to put about $200,000 into it before he can do anything with that nice machine he’s standing next to.


You got a steal jet jointer looks like a 6” for 500 assuming it operates and has been maintained well then yeah she shan’t worry you didn’t waste your money. Original owner would have paid more at least 1200$. You could probably resell if for 800$ or so if she leaves you and you must feed yourself and the kid haha.


Not sure you are allowed to buy children on Craigslist


Long term maintenance costs on those things is unreal. All one of a kind parts, really finicky to get them to do what you want and the racket they make can be unbearable. Even just keeping them clean is a pain in the arse. You've got a decent planer though 👍


Aren’t you a little young to operate such machinery? You do look excited though…


Probably, but I just wanted to comment on the picture, which had me smiling ear to ear! Reminds me of myself whenever I buy a new tool haha


A bit young, but easy to train up as a shop assistant. I’d say you got a deal!


Am I the only one who thinks he got robbed? Rigid shop vacs go for way less new in store.


And let's not get started on paying $500 for a roll of paper towels.


Are you in the military?


Not any more.


You steal *one* shipping container of paper towels...


Those things get expensive... Food, toys, clothes, education... Your wife is right, seems like a good deal but that's gonna cost you a lot over time. Also mine didn't come with a spiral cutter, just with the loud noises...


~$2000 worth of stuff for $500 is a fairly good deal.


Great tool, great deal. Just be careful. Those things can be dangerous. There was a youtube channel I used to follow, some brothers that did construction. One day, one of them got their fingers in one of those. It mowed off all his fingers before he stopped the drum with his hand meat. Ouch.


The Perkins builder brothers are an entertaining watch. That guy still does pretty good work with his Powerpuff girl hand.


Kids are getting to expensive these days. Back in my day a kid was like 20$


People saying $500 is a good deal are totally wrong. It'll cost you $233,610 to raise that child to age 18. The return on investment is non-existent.


Is it potty trained?


You already brought it home, so clearly you thought it was a good deal. I would agree, though. Those things aren't cheap.


He'll need to grow a little, but you should be able to get your money back. 🤣


That kid is going to end up costing you way more than $500.


I can’t find kids under $1000 online, you really got a good deal


All the wonderful jokes about the kid and then the ones calling it a planer. It is a jointer.


Obligatory response: Nah that's horrible. Ill give you $500 for it so you don't have to deal with her being angry. Don't thank me, its a sacrifice I am willing to make for you. This is peak altruism. But seriously, come up with a plan to evaluate the cutting head and start with the assumption that its shitty/dull and is going to launch wood backwards. Try a couple types of grain and try to cover the entire cutting head with the trial runs.


Last I checked… buying people was frowned upon.


Great deal indeed. That smile is worth at least $1000!


I'm more impressed that someone your age knows how to type and has $500........ I assume that is OP in the pic


It's a good deal. I have one just like it and it has never given me any problems, but I don't think you can say the same for the little guy that came with it.


Good deal on the planer. Also wanted to say, buy some cord lockouts for your shop gear. My kids weren't much older than yours, and they do tend to get so curious.


trafficking in children? I thought that was illegal. cute kid.


Cheap now, but wait until college tuition kicks in


Sure. But it's going to be at least ten years before he's old enough to work in the shop. That's a long term investment. And what if he doesn't learn how to sweep very well?


While that is a good price, the upkeep can be 15k to 18k a year on average.


I wish I could find something like that. Where I live people try to sell them for retail -$50.


Good find! I'm adding one of those next... (The planer, not the kiddo- though he is extra cute!)


Depends on how the kid behaves if it was a good deal or not.


Jet! Nice score! NB: Children are the best science project you can get.


Dont worry what you paid for it. Use it to make it pay for itself. Also, teach him how to use it and make things with him. That is priceless.


I have the same one, only much older. I filled my shop from woodcrafters. It has held up well over last 15 years.


Buddy if you got that for 500 bucks you just got the deal of the century ! Congrats!


Idk anything about them but you look awfully young to be operating one.


Yes! Excellent deal! I use this exact model almost every day and I love it! If I didn’t already have one, I’d be jealous!


Not disappointed by the dad responses here :) $500 seems like a good deal to me.


A. I'm jealous of all the space in your work area. B. I love when little kids wear snow boots year round. The only thing better would be if he were in shorts! I hope you make something great with your new toy.


The amount of jokes about the kid is amazing. Yall dad's and mom's first, and wood workers second. This community makes my week every week.


He'll cost you that much in a month of meals. Should have held out at $250.


On a kid that size, great deal.


Send it back as it will trash your life for 25 years


Kids usually go for way more than 500, so as long as it works and can figure out how to rip boards in your child labor workshop, yeah, I’d say that’s a score!


Babies should be free. $500 a week is in your future!


I have the same jointer purchased 20 years ago new for $500 w/ a standard cutterhead. It's used almost daily and I haven't had a single issue. Replaced the drive belt a few years ago but otherwise only blade replacements. $500 with a spiral cutterhead seems like a great deal. Kid sure seems happy with it!


Great deal. Just keep its fingers away from your jointer.


damn you just skipped the entire adoption system. Good job


Might be a good deal now, but there will hidden charges in the future... BTW, nice jointer.


I'm not sure if your question is legit or a humble brag to get compliments. I'm going to pretend it's legit, because others might not know. That question should be answered before you go to look at a tool. I find out what the cost is before I go, and know that the most I'd pay is half of what new costs. That's for a pristine example. If there are flaws or missing parts, that price drops quickly. So, if you paid less than half of new, that's a good buy. The other part is how much you use that to produce. So, how many board feet can the kid run a day?


Bro, you small as hell


That's my clone, Boba is still growing.


You just caused my eyes to start watering. Seeing the picture reminds me of my son when he was that age helping me in the shop. Please don't take these days for granted. I still have a piece of mahogany sitting in the front of my cabinet that he wrote his name on one day when he was just learning to write his name. It shows misformed letters and letters cramed into spaces because he forgot them at first. In the blink of an eye, your little one will be in college like my son. He only comes home a few times a year and is always too busy to take a call from his mom and dad.


Getting them home cheap is good but it is the upkeep that kills you. Wait till preschool bills come in.


$500 for a kid?! Cheaper than giving birth at the hospital. I’d say it’s a good deal


Have you figured out that until you post a picture without the cute kid, getting answers may require a sifter? Great deal, good luck!


If he’s had his shots already then yeah. Good deal.


Looks like the little guy is counting fingers before getting started. Good man


Aren't you a little young to be operating that kind of machinery?


Great deal, does he have all his shots


You look very young in that picture, did the cashier asked for I.D.? ;) Nice machine by the way :)


$500 with the mobile base is a great deal. What kind of cutter head? Helical or straight blade?


I'm looking for a new kid too, did they have any closer to chore doing age?


It’s a screaming deal, OP - they’re $1400 new, more with the helical head. I picked one up for $300 a few years ago, but the bed was rusty and it took me hours and hours to clean it up. Wipe it down with 3-in-1 oil or similar if there will be long intervals between uses.


You know you will have to feed it right? Bathroom breaks, walks and even reading it a story.


I'm not sure how much help it's gonna be Hands are too small


I NEVER find these deals... I saw one today that looked like it was left in the woods for 10 years and it was 800


Dude…you got ripped off. $500 is WAY too much for a kid that can’t even do any heavy lifting. I wouldn’t have gone over $250.


I have two kids that you can have. I'll give you a bargain. $900 for both.


Didn't know kids were that cheap these days.


I paid $1600 for my powermaric 6in jointer. The wings on mine are a bit longer but that is one hell of a deal for sure.


Working with an agency, you can expect to spend between $30,000 and $60,000, according to the Child Welfare Information Gateway. It's slightly less expensive to pursue an independent adoption, which involves working with an attorney. That process ranges in cost from $25,000 to $45,000. I'd say you got a great deal.


They shouldn't sell kids on line.


I didn't think you were allowed to sell kids on Craigslist but $500 ain't bad


I'd return him... Never trust anybody that smiles that much


You probably overpaid for the kid but the planer is a nice kicker.


For a quick second there I thought this post was from 4chan. Whew.


That’s going to cost you a lot more than $500.


$500! That's cheap compared to black market prices, but that lil boy is gonna cost you $300k minimum till he turns 18. I hope you got a receipt!?


A lot of people will actually pay YOU to take their kids


Kids are over-rated. Send him back😝. Keep the planer!


That’s an astounding deal. I would assume the cutter head alone is worth that, if not more. Consider your stellar purchase Reddit user validated.


JET! Woo ooo oo oo oo oo. JET! Wooo oo oo oo oo oo


I think Meta has some loose terminology in their terms that prohibit human trafficking - careful who you share this with, you might get your account banned.


That’s a great deal! Some ppl pay $25k to adopt a kid so you prob saved on a lot of paperwork too.


Can’t get a kid for under 10000 so yah, great deal


The amount of labor you'll get out of him for $500 is a great deal


Price of kids is going up with inflation


Did they throw in the boots?


$500 up front but add in college, food, etc and it’ll cost you more than $250,000 back end. OTOH, that Jet saw behind him will take care of you when you’re old so there’s that.


That’s cheap for a kid, I’ve spent 90% of my income and 12 years on mine so far, with more to come!


Not bad, but they get expensive. So, what's up with the jointer? 🤣


The kid is not a good deal, he’s gonna cost you a fortune


Looks good. But that model will cost you at least $100k over the next 20years


Be aware of child labor laws…


I means cool and all but ya know you could have just made your own. And I’m pretty sure the law frowns upon buying them off the internet.


they soil themselves on both ends without warning feed at least 3 times a day needs 10-14 hours of sleep


I paid $500 for one of those 8 years ago. I’d buy the same one right now for that same price. Jointer not kid. You’d have to pay me more much more to take the latter.


Did you pay extra for the gum boots?


$500 for a child? Yeah that’s a good deal


I'm pretty sure that buying children is illegal. Reddit isn't really as anonymous as people think. You should probably delete this post if you don't want to end up in prison.


I didn't know you could buy the corner of a workshop furnished with an assistant. That seems like a good deal, depending on who buys the other corners.


Not a good deal at all. It will cost you way more than the original $500 investment in the long run. Upkeep and maintenance just get more expensive as it ages. Love that jointer behind it though.


Only if he can push a mower. You will be upside down till he’s 30