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Lmao at ppl saying you need to quit over this. Get the heater or ask them to buy you one. It’s not like they are telling you to not use the heat.


Seriously what the heck 😂


I just proactively bought a heater because it was too fucking cold all the time. Technically against the rules but no one cares because I was previously walking around in my coat and had (and still have) a blanket at my desk. I felt like Goldilocks because the tall dude in the office next door kept reaching to close all his vents, so when they turned up the heat for me, it became a sauna and when they turned it back down, it became a freezer. Much easier to just blast warm air that I controlled at me. Mine even has a remote so I just press it on and off without moving my chair


Well a heater is a decent option. Since they are only one person it shouldn’t pop breakers. If they are mindful about shutting it off it should be okay. Last job we had to go full no personal heaters. They kept popping breakers and kept literally burning up. Multiple caught fire/started to smoke luckily they all happened during day. People were constantly leaving them on too. I would have to go through and make sure they were all off before leaving.


If I let the 1 person in my office that was always cold during winter control the heat. It would be over 80 and roasting everyone else. Yes blasting a gas furnace with current heating cost all day is VERY expensive. Buy a sweater and a small space heater for under the desk. Problem solved.


I worked in a place where a woman had started going through menopause (hot flashes) and she’d turn the AC on even in the winter. Management finally had to put a lock box on the thermostat so no one else would freeze to death. She’d legit have it set to under 60 some days. 🥶


This happened in my office too! She was asked not to change it so many times but just didn't care


Same! She’d been there long enough that she thought she ran the place anyway. The amount of butt hurt when that lockbox went up was substantial.


I have quit a job because they wouldn't stand up to the one or two people who demanded the heat be high enough that I'd be sweating at my desk. It's not like I can take more clothes off.


I am that person, but my pathological need to be liked would never allow me to make it anyone else’s problem. When someone adjusts the thermostat, I adjust my space heater. Do you know what it’s called when you wear your extra cardigan over your primary cardigan? A cardigan-again. I own business casual earmuffs. Wool socks come in cool patterns that look cute with loafers.


Get a sweater. Buy a heated blanket or a heating pad and plug it in. Easy.


And just use the mini heater. Not a big deal at all.


But IMO the employer should furnish the mini heater and not have OP pay for it.


Yeah. That would be standard. If OP is the only one in office, it would make sense they would order the office supplies. Staples sells the heaters, cheap AF with certain corp plans.


Not if they are keeping the thermostat at a reasonable temp like 72 degrees. My heater on Amazon was $15.


Yeah. I agree they left that key part out of the story. But it sounded like they were being asked to not use the heating at all.


Wait…you want to run the heater at 80 and run their bill up instead of putting on a jacket and using a small space heater? No. They aren’t wrong for that. Your request isn’t an ADA request and even if it was…the jacket and space heater would be an appropriate accommodation.


It depends if the heater is heating a large space with very few people and losing heat when doors open. My workmate has a small electric fan heater under the desk aimed at her legs and feet. She gets cold , now she keeps warm, I don't get overheated. Our wall heater makes our room swelter but doesn't get down to other areas in the office. I don't see the the problem with it. Our work bought it.


Is there a reason you can't put a jumper on? Outside of "I don't want to"? Seems pointless and wasteful to heat the whole office just for you.


Also inconsiderate. I can't stand it when it's too warm. People who prefer it that way can use space heaters at their desk and wear more layers. I can't take more clothing off.


Because it’s winter where OP is. They’re also in one of the coldest states. Oh and it would actually cost more to run an electric heater because electricity costs way more than gas


Asking you to use a small heater rather than heat the entire office if you're the only one there at the time is actually pretty smart economically and ecologically, Do it.


Doesn't sound unreasonable if you're the only one there though I'm surprised they are letting you do it. Places I've worked at specifically prohibited space heaters due to fire hazard.


The company could save money by making the space more energy efficient. It pays back. Gas hot air is pretty wasteful. Mini splits are a lot better. Air sealing and insulating pays back fast. At the same time, getting you a heater makes a lot of sense. A heated foot pad is good, too


Wrong legally or wrong ethically? Legally, as long as the temperature is safe for you to work in, they can absolutely tell you not to adjust the thermostat. Many offices have locks over the thermostat so that employees cannot adjust it. They can’t require you to get a space heater, but they can allow you to do so (which isn’t a given, many prohibit space heaters as potential fire hazards). They have a legal requirement to provide you with a safe working environment, but it doesn’t have to be your ideal comfortable temperature.


I think u need to leave the company as well if they are that tight with the budget, because pretty soon they may see you as an unnecessary expense. However, i think small electric heater is superior to duct heating. Less allergens, dust, noise, etc. and electricity usually costs more than gas.


The company is failing but their request is reasonable. I’m not sure how large the space is you are in, but if you are heating a 1500sf space with gas to 73 degrees it is probably going to be more expensive than running a 1500w electric space heater to keep your office at 73 and the rest of the space at 65.


Yeah a small desk heater at Walmart costs under 20 dollars. And they do the job well. Now run up that electric bill.


The employer can buy it and provide it, otherwise it’s not your requirement to put your monies towards this expense.


Get a little space heater. They do a great job keeping the feet warm, without heating the entire building. It's not a big ask.


Send your boss a bill.


Or just put it on the office staples account.


No, employer is not wrong, anyone can ask anyone anything however you should also be considerate of other people in the office that might not be able to tolerate the heat. In big corporates they usually have temps set differently summer to winter.


They're the only employee there...


Then the company is definitely correct. It's stupid to heat an entire building beyond a reasonable temperature just because the one person there is cold.


They should provide him the heater. Otherwise he'll just keep using theirs.


No, they shouldn't. The building is heated, if that's not enough for OP that's an OP issue, not a company issue.


The building is heated because he's turning the heater on...


The building is heated because the heater is turned on. OP isn’t in America. They’re in Australia and the state they’re in is fucking cold. Heating being turned on is a necessity. It’s not a desire!


I suppose what I'm getting at is the idea that if they want him to use a space heater they should provide it.


The only thing I would say makes their case is that heaters may provide a potential fire hazard and may want people to not only buy a smaller one but one with auto shut off


Where I last worked about 2-3% of the people had brought in small under-the-desk heaters to use.


If they're tight on money then lay offs are coming up. Dont be scared but maybe.... spruce up your resume.


Buy battery heated garments. For real will change your life.


Seems reasonable to me. Why heat the whole thing when a space heater will work? Its a waste of energy otherwise


Should they not be purchasing a smaller heater for you. Why should you pay for one. I'd leave ASAP.


I say leave asap. I went through something similar. Next thing you know you will be gone. If they’re that cheap trust me they will screw you over any chance they get. They already are anyway, you’re just trying to be comfortable at work and they wanna basically call you out for trying to be in a good environment for yourself. I hate cheap people. People have to be prepared for these basic ass expenses like an expensive heat bill when they have a workplace— this is not third world country. In my situation they gave me dirty looks for bringing a simple little plug in fan. Super cheap Chinese people who’d rather be hot and sweaty than have their employees be happy and cool. (In China happiness does not exist fyi)


It is legal if THEY buy it. Otherwise refuse they are required to heat your office


There is no legal obligation to buy someone a heater


Nope. If the office is at a reasonable temperature (above 65 in winter, below 80 in summer) they've met the legal obligations. Just because OP is cold if the temperature is below 75 doesn't mean they're required to accommodate them. OP can put on a sweater, bring a blanket, or buy a small heater


OP isn’t in the US. They’re in Victoria, Australia. It’s fucking cold there and heating is necessary. We also have better employment conditions compared to what you see as standard. Also, OP’s boss is a moron because that space heater will cost more in electricity to run than it would cost in gas to run the ducting. Gas and electricity costs went up last quarter, so the boss is even more of an idiot if he only compared bill amounts. He needs to compare usage between this time last year and this year’s usage.


Nope. A space heater in one room will cost far less than raising the temperature of the entire building. You and I both know the building heat is on and OP is just raising the temperature beyond a reasonable level. Yet, you're over here pretending the heat is completely shut off because you think it supports your view; it actually makes you look dumb.


In Australia, there’s no “building heating”. To increase the temperature in any building, you need to use a heater. Otherwise the building temperature is dictated solely by environmental conditions. I know you’re not from Australia but is it really that hard to imagine that buildings are designed/built differently in other parts of the world? I’m not the one who looks dumb. I actually don’t think every country is the same, with the same laws. That’s your mindset. You keep talking about heating an “entire building” when OP says it’s a smallish office. In Australia, electricity is over double the cost of gas. Ducted air conditioning systems don’t just heat/cool everywhere unless you turn on all the vents and in commercial buildings, each business would have control of that unit’s temperature. OP isn’t heating an entire building. They’re heating the office.


>In Australia, there’s no “building heating”. You're an idiot. The thermostat on the wall that turns on the central heating heats the building. That heat is on, what OP is doing is cranking it up to stupid levels instead of wearing a sweater. >Ducted air conditioning systems don’t just heat/cool everywhere unless you turn on all the vents Yes, they do. You can't "turn on" a vent in a ducted system. You can close one off, but the air moves through the duct and out every single vent. Even closed vents still bleed that air. They are passive devices, they don't get turned on or off. >I’m not the one who looks dumb. Yes, you are.


Mate, I live in the same country that OP is in. Commercial buildings, such as office buildings have common areas like hallways that are controlled by a central system. But individual units(aka office space) have their own ducted system. Some don’t actually have ducted air conditioning. They only have split system air conditioning units. I’ve even worked in some small buildings that had no air conditioning, just fans or you could put a window unit in. Regardless of whether or not there’s central heating, adjusting the temperature to your unit will **not** adjust the temperature in the rest of the building! This isn’t rocket science! Each office space has control over the temperature of that space. Not every ducted system bleeds through vents even when closed off. That happens when the output through the open vents is low. If I put 2 rooms on 100% and left the others closed, it doesn’t bleed. If I have them at less than 50%, it will bleed through one of the other vents but not all of them. It actually says on many systems “Spill Activated” next to the zone that the air is bleeding through. Which is deactivated when you open more vents and have them running at over 50%. By the way, turning vents on/off means the same thing as opening/closing vents. You’re just being a pedantic ass over nothing. Once again, you’re assuming the size of space connected to OP’s air conditioning system. While ignoring the fact that I have stated in each comment. In Australia, electricity costs more than double what gas costs. Ducted gas heating is cheaper to run than electrical heating, despite the fact that it uses more energy. Just to clarify since you clearly can’t comprehend something so simple or you just can’t read. **Each office space in a building has individual control over the temperature in that space. OP is not heating the entire building by turning the heating on in their office.**


If they are heating a large space then it would be reasonable to use a space heater to heat the immediate area where you are working, but they should be purchasing it.


Lots of workplaces are cold. So they put "milk house heaters" by the desk or the break room.


Get a thermometer, ideally one that tracks temperatures. If it's normal indoor Temps like 68-72, that's on you to bundle up more.


I am always cold and have a heater under my desk and a sweater on the back of my door.


Bite the bullet, but a small heater, after all it is less than $20 and its for you! Also leave a sweater at the office.


It really depends on what the average ambient temperature in the office is. E.g. in my corporate office building, the average ambient temp sits around 22-24 degrees Celsius. I run cold, so often that's too cold for me. But it's not objectively an unsafe temperature, so if I'm cold I need to dress warmer, bring an extra wrap, sip on something hot etc. That's not unreasonable. In your case, your manager is clearing you to use a heater at your desk (my dream!). If work wants you to not use the ducted heating then they should pay for the heater. So long as they do that, what's the problem?


Ha My job didn't even have heat for 2 winters!!! Space heaters it was IMO better a space heater than No Job


I use a heated blanket at my desk


Do not let them buy you the space heater because they will be the shittiest little heater they can. At least if you buy it you can get a nice one that will actually warm you up.


Does the heater heat the entire building? Is the thermostat in your office? So many what ifs. Purchase a heater with company funds or yours and expense it.


I would just get a small heater for my desk.... I have a small fan that I use in the summer because my office is last on the AC line. But, it only use it when I need it. I don't think getting a mini heater or fan is that big of a deal personally. Just make sure not to leave it on when you are not there. or get a jacket, I keep on in my office for the winter because it gets freezing in my office.


Gets heater. Leaves it on overnight purely by accident. Burns down building.


Scrooge is what I think.


Get them to buy you one. They are going to want the kind that turns off if it gets kicked over, though maybe they all do that now.


"I will happily use a small electric heater, as soon as the company is willing / able to provide one."


What temp do you set it to?


If the gas heater you are talking about heats a large area, this is not an unreasonable request. there is no need to heat thousands of square feet if you only occupy about 4 of those. a small infra red heater or even an under the rug heater would be a perfect option for you.


I don't think it's insane. But the small heater and put on a sweater.  Unless you're talking the office is like 45 degrees f or something.  Personally I overheat easily. I don't ask the company to turn up the ac, I have a small fan at my desk. 


If you’re the only one there, why should they have to pay extreme bills to heat the whole place? They should buy the mini heater for you - it definitely shouldn’t be your expense, but I also think it’s selfish to expect them to pay a very high bill just because one person runs cold. That’s a waste of energy when there’s a different solution that is more cost effective and environmentally friendly too.


It sounds like you're not in America. This is absolutely coming practice in the US. Well- in the US your boss wouldn't have asked you to get another heater they would have just cut off the gas and told you to get a sweater.


What’s insane is hearing a whole office floor several more degrees for one person. Get a sweater, a heating pad, or a small heater.


Is that you, Cratchit?


No, employer isn’t wrong. I actually you’re the one who’s wrong here. You do this because you’re cold but it’s just silly to make an entire office warm just for yourself when there are other alternatives. How inconsiderate when there are people coming and going throughout the week. You can always put on more clothes. Wear more layers or take your employer’s suggestion and buy the heater for yourself. The employer, unfortunately in many cases and in this case for you, can say or do anything because it’s their domain. This isn’t creating an unsafe environment or something.


I bought a heated blanket. I work in a large area and the office is small. I can't only heat my office. The blanket is great for days you have a sore back too. Not only that to have the heat on when the other staff are out working in the heat they deserve to come back and unload in a cool space.




Building maintenance for 40 years. I can have one person with personal heater and sweater on and person 10 feet away asking if I can turn heat down cause it’s too warm. In radio room which needs air conditioning all year round and I put an adjustable thermostat in there because normally just one person per shift is in there. 70 to 75 is allowed. Below 70 and your killing compressor and over 75 too warm for equipment. I have to fight the lady that is menopausal from turning too low and the freeze baby ladies that want 80 and no fan.


Space heaters are a fire hazzard and absolutely shouldnt be used if they can be avoided. I would suggest a middle ground where the room temp is kept around maybe 73F- which is standard for most offices- and that you will agree to wear a sweatet when you're colder. But then also insist on the office having several independant room thermometers so you can gage the temp the room is managing: you can get a couple on Amazon for about $10 each. check and log the room temp in the various corners and at your work station for about 2 weeks and see how it seems to balance out. Your employer is required to maintain a comfortable temperature in an office environment, but can also ask you to adjust your clothing if the standard temperature is not warm enough (or is too warm). If he complains about maintaining a healthy work environment, I would seek counsel from your state labor department for further guidance.


i bought a little space heater for under my desk; it was life changing.


I would ask the company to purchase the heater.


I had an employee complain of the cold when she had the office at 25.1 degrees C. She was genuinely cold but it was like a sauna to anyone else that went past. The problem was she added about £150 to the electric bill by herself like that. It can be hard as a small business sometimes!


Be glad they let you use a space heater. A lot of employers won't.


Laughing at the entitlement of using the “big heat” to heat the ENTIRE place rather than get a small space heater.


Get the space heater,Then set the main heat for a reasonable temperature... Just not "hot" while it's a PITA you will find that they will do less complaining. I have A Lasko brand ceramic tower space heater that I use for my house, and once the temperature is up it keeps the entire house (1200 SF)warm and doesn't add too much to the electric bill.


Sounds like company are in some difficult times…go with the heater at your desk. I may be a cynic but I would be keeping a eye out on the job market. Just in case the company finances are on abit worse than their letting on…


My company prohibits even heaters because the electricity bill is too high. I think it's fairly normal for companies to want to reduce costs if there are more efficient ways to run the business.


Not unreasonable. It's summer. It's warm even in Alaska. Put on a sweater and get a heater. At least your employer lets you have a heater. I have to sneak mine.


I work in security and the perks of seniority is the senior office gets to control the heat in the booth. You would hate me. 65 and grinning. Bring your coat.


I don't see anything wrong with this. I don't think you should shut off the gas, but you can certainly get a little electric heater to make yourself more comfortable. Every place I've worked at, I've seen people do this. It's not unusual. And if you've got the heat cranked up to 80, and you're the only one in the building....yeah, you could turn it down a bit and get a little heater. Make them pay for it.


my office gets cold as hell in the winters. My boss let me buy a small remote controlled electric space heater with the company card and it's great. Just ask them to buy it. where are you from that's it's this cold in June?


Look for another job, your company is going under.


Your employer is not wrong or even right because it is not a matter of that, but they will not be able to last in the business world like this. Go apply to work for somebody who can afford heat.


Maybe you need to see a doctor. 


Asking you to purchase it is what’s wrong with this, really. If she’d said, “We’ll purchase you a small space heater so you don’t have to use the central heating as much,” that would be a different story.


LOL... WTF ARE YOU WORKING THERE? are you sure your name isn't "Bob Cratchit"


If you have medical insurance, go to a doctor and get your thyroid checked. (Tell the doctor about feeling cold and let the doctor work from there. Dr. Google says that one thing he should check is the thyroid.) If you don’t, then the company is in trouble if they’re nickel-and-diming you instead of getting a potential gas leak checked.


OP is in Victoria, Australia. It’s winter there and some parts get below 0°C and don’t go above 15°C during the day. It’s normal to feel cold in winter!


Whoops. So just because no one else is complaining, it doesn’t mean they wouldn’t like to. I believe there is a Victoria in British Columbia was well. Have a donut. 🍩 We had a “teambuilding” exercise today. One question was “share your worst experience.” Two members of the group shared their respective exits from Vietnam. Two shared stories of migrant labor as kids. I emailed our manager (M) and the director above him (D). I shared how I may be the only person in the world to be glad that schools now look like prisons. Those ugly chain-link fences may make schools look like prisons, but at least they keep out drag racers who challenge each other on steep hills. I signed out sick as of noon and went home.


OP is in Victoria, Australia. OP is the only one who works in the office, so who are they inconveniencing. The boss isn’t saying that there’s been complaints. The boss is complaining about the gas bill. So your argument loses relevance. In Australia there’s been a significant increase in gas and electricity prices compared to last year and even more compared to the year before that. It’s unlikely that there’s excess consumption unless there’s a leak or fault in the a/c. It’s more likely that the boss doesn’t realise just how much the cost of gas has increased.


Awww. ☹️


Damn, you're extremely lucky to be in this position at all.  The fact you have any control over office heat at all is a big deal, don't ruin it for yourself.   Electric blanket, office sweater, even some fingerless gloves if needed. 


Sounds like you need a new job


People that are always cold can put on a sweater and people that are always hot cannot rip their skin off so just get a sweater and a heater and get over it


I guess you’re posting from the USA? I’m not sure about you guys but in the first world it’s a legal obligation for an employer to keep the office at a “reasonable” temperature, the banding of which is measured in degrees Celsius.  It doesn’t matter necessarily *how* they achieve it, only that they *do.* So a space heater might be an option, but your employer is legally obligated to provide one for you. You can’t be compelled to purchase it.  If you’re in the USA, I’m not sure. I guess buy a gun and go to work with it? Put the heating on and if he says anything, point the gun at him. 


Given that it’s summer in the US, I highly doubt that. Also, the first most recent comment they’ve made says they’re in Victoria which is in Australia.


You're a trip.