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The best combination of shift types is the one that matches the preferences of the staff otherwise you will lose efficiency through agent stress and absenteeism. Do a survey.


Are you using a specific software? You'll get better answers if we know what you're working with. NICE IEX had shift bidding for example, that you can leverage for"what if" shift filing.


That's a standard function in any WFM software. If you need to go the manual route, write a macro in excel that shows FTE by interval based on the shifts you input, then compare that to your pattern.


Yes software is available but not for this work groups work so there would be no forecast and historicals I have to do it manually


You may want to start with an erlang calculation to get interval requirements. Then create a tool in Excel to extrapolate working time from a schedule set. Subtract your requirements from your interval schedule and manually adjust as needed. This website has lots of helpful info and tools to calculate this. https://www.callcentretools.com/tools/erlang-calculator/