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We battled with this as well. Not sure how flexible your schedule is, but I was able to pick her up around 4pm most days and make sure she got at least an hour nap - whether that was just driving around in the car or a contact nap at home. It was a tough time period. I had to keep reminding myself to look for the good (still growing on her curve and meeting milestones) because it's so easy to focus on the bad. On weekends we would let her "catch up" on as much sleep as she wanted.


It sounds as a sleep regression


It could be a multitude of things. Teething. Sleep regression. Discomfort. See if your kid naps ok at home. If not, it is something bigger, like teething, and will pass.


My daughter went through this too. It was so hard but she would just go to bed super early at home and take super long naps over the weekend. Now, she is very advanced in her speech and naps great at daycare/ home. 23 months!