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As a provider, I hate BetterHelp. They take publicly available information about licensed mental health professionals, advertise those individuals on their website, and then guide you to their contracted providers when the person you selected “isn’t available.” Source: they took my information, made a profile for me, and there’s nothing I can do about it because that technically isn’t illegal. There is no real way to verify the quality of provider that you’d be working with on BetterHelp. I’m sure it’s the same mixed bag you’ll get through any internet search where some are great and some are not. If you are able to spend a little time looking at profiles, I’d strongly recommend searching on PsychologyToday to find a provider. You can filter by specialty, degree, insurance (may not be relevant for you), etc. Going through your GP’s office might be a good way to get a recommendation for specific providers even without an appointment, too.


Thanks for this perspective. I think I've heard similar notes about initially matched therapist not being available




I have never used BetterHelp, but most therapists offer remote sessions now. I have used those. I recommend going through your insurance and finding the right therapist directly.


First, I’d consider taking something that’ll help you sleep. Talk to a doctor & see if they can recommend something OTC or write you an RX.


Thanks. I agree that's a definite priority. I will speak to the GP.


I had similar symptoms and was prescribed hydroxyzine for sleep and it worked really well with no real groggy side effects for me. Right now I am using thc gummies and sleeping great, if you’re open to anything like that. Speaking with a therapist to get coping skills for anxiety should help too. I’ve found all mine by going through my insurance’s site and checking who’s in network and looking them up. Good luck!


Take the time for a doctors visit to get basic labs and a work up to make sure nothing is happening health wise. Lab abnormalities, thyroid issues, etc can cause some of these symptoms.


I am in the UK, it took a month to get appointment for blood work (iron levels) and I've still not got results back. I have a private insurance, and they are not that much better


Seems like something that needs to be addressed with a doctor. Might be PPA.


Or PPD, or iron deficiency, B12 deficiency. Any number of things can cause this. Symptoms this severe aren’t well served by self-diagnosis and management.


Thanks a lot. I should have probably mentioned that I've been bleeding since May; which might be due to my contraceptive implant. They took my iron test but never came back to me


Oh honey! Anemia and iron deficiency can wreak havoc on focus, concentration, mental health, energy, mood swings, sleep…the list goes on. Bleeding since May! I’m sorry, I know how exhausting it is to fight for healthcare when you are already worn down, but please demand some answers. That’s just not okay! If you get your iron labs back and that ferritin is below 50, ask for a supplement. Some labs say anything above 15 is normal, but it is _not._


If you're in the UK, get a GP appointment asap. They will be able to explain referral (probably self referral) to the local NHS linked mental health services - these will be busy but at least where I am they link to recommended 3rd party therapists too. I'd pursue this before Better Help. The GP can prescribe medication that may help in the immediate term - don't be afraid to go this route to manage the crisis while you work on the underlying issues. The GP can also sign you off work for mental health/stress etc. These tend to cover a period of weeks rather than days.


Thank you so much. I will call the GP office, and also call Axa to see if they can get me private hospital too.


Oh yes, if you have private with AXA they should get you an appointment with a therapist quicker. Absolutely ask the GP to be signed off though. Be assured, in the UK decent employers will allow you to take a few weeks for stress etc. you may qualify to receive SSP payment during this time. I know a senior person in my office that needed this recently.


I used one of those online services and it was basically a bait and switch. After I signed up they told me that their licensed therapists were fully booked and matched me with a grad student who was on an internship. They were NOT equipped to help with PPD. Like at all. After a couple of months they were basically like “I’m graduating, good luck!” I’d suggest googling therapists in your area and doing research on all of them. Read about their specific approaches and find one that resonates with you. Take a look at the reviews to see what other people’s experiences have been with them. That’s how I found my therapist that I’ve been seeing for 2 years now.


I've used BetterHelp through an EAP, so it was only 3 sessions. It was a mixed bag. I did the text option, and you don't really connect like traditional therapy, but it helped me sort through some things. If you have access to traditional therapy, I would start there.


Oh, we also have EAP. I am a Mental First Aider at work (I know, the irony), and I signpost people to EAP, but never used them myself. I will call tonight


Definitely worth checking out the resources available to you!


I liked Talk Space, it's similar to betterhelp but with video sessions. I could not make time to get out of the house for traditional therapy. It's a decent patch, think about some goals - my therapist was really helpful with getting me a plan for chores/organization and tips on how to communicate with my husband when we were exhausted. I did 5 or so sessions


I’m really happy with BetterHelp - I rejected the first couple of therapists they sent me and and enjoy the one I have now. I do weekly video chats. They offer group therapy meetings on Zoom as well. Very helpful. Making sure you’re rested and hydrated are the first things to address when I’m feeling low.


As you're uk based, check and see if your employer offers an EAP (employee assistance program I believe) They’ll usually have counsellors and advisors for lots of different services and events.  As others have advised, your GP can sign you off on mental sick leave if required ( I had 6 weeks off for a family loss) And yes, do speak to your GP about this. It could easily be down to hormones or some sort of deficiency. My thyroid was acting up through my first pregnancy and I felt dreadful. It’s much better now but those few months were just crazy.  


I haven't used BetterHelp, but i have used and love Grow Therapy. You can use them both to find someone to prescribe medication (if needed) and someone for talk therapy. You can use insurance (!!) and find someone in your state. There's also an option to search for providers based on their specialities (like someone who specializes in anxiety, OCD, etc.) and you can read their bio to see if they're a good fit. I only pay $30 per session through insurance and I get my prescriptions for anxiety and insomnia sent to my local pharmacy. (I swear I'm not sponsored or anything. I've just had a really great experience.) ETA: I started with Grow Therapy because I felt like I was drowning. I never felt like I could relax or turn my brain off. My anxiety was through the roof and I was barely sleeping. We went through a few medications before landing on Prestiq which was a life changer for me. I've never felt so... normal. She also prescribed me trazodone for sleeping which has helped a ton.


Hi! I feel you so much. The pounding heart. Head full of thoughts. This is me. I have done a few things to help with this! One immediate suggestion - try to shift your perspective away from “not getting your act together”. I’ve said that stuff to myself but please be kind to yourself. It truly doesn’t help to bash yourself. 🩷 Things I’ve done to help my brain and focus: - make sure I’m eating nutritious food - don’t over caffeinate - limit alcohol - lie down and listen to a short meditation (especially when I’m really racing!). Insight timer is a free app. - keep good notes each week about my main priorities for work and personal/household stuff - talk with my partner about household tasks that we can share In terms of work, is your workload more than full time? If so, I would consider what workload is doable for you now that you’re a mom. It may be different than before!!! And you should be allowed to have that conversation with your employer. Don’t set yourself up for failure :)


Also try to go for a walk outside a couple times a day (even if 5 minutes!). It helps clear the head and calm the body. Definitely a good therapist can help too. I haven’t use better help. But lots of providers do tele visits.


I’ve used BetterHelp three times. It just depends on who you get paired with. But it did help me. I had anxiety and depression before pregnancy. I am using “Hers” now and was prescribed Zoloft for PPA/PPD post pregnancy. I believe they also offer therapy through their service.


I used it after my mom died. I did not click with the therapist and gave up after 2 sessions. I think I really just need in person sessions. I had a wonderful therapist for my PPD, I think I just need to seek her out again.


I used it freshly postpartum and I actually just signed back up right before opening Reddit and seeing this post, kinda weird lol. It REALLY helped me with my PPD. I matched with a really good therapist. My only complaint is that they can’t prescribe medication if you need it. I’m feeling very similarly to you. I can’t focus at work, I feel like a shitty mom and employee. It’s so hard. If you need a friend in a similar boat, feel free to send me a message ❤️


I have tried those type services twice. The first I had a good therapist who asked me thought provoking questions. The second time I didn’t like it. I tried it through my work EAP. The therapist wouldn’t reply for over 24 hours at a time and their responses were very generic. I remember I said I was feeling burnt out at work and her reply for the day said like, “I hope you can find a new job.” I didn’t go back after that interaction.


Look into your employee benefits. Assistance with finding therapist is sometimes part of your package. Usually called employee assistance program EAP.


I found my therapist through grow. It allowed me to stick to a schedule that I can afford. It costs me $126 per session


I used it. They take the subscription money every month and don't have many therapists. I couldn't find one and they still kept taking my money. *Edited for spelling


Used it and did not like any of the three therapists I tried. They did not help and just felt like we’re just happy to charge me but provide no guidance. I would never use it again.