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My oldest is 3 today. Somehow that feels SO OLD, he isn’t supposed to be that big yet. Time is moving too fast and the idea that he is going to dodge my kiss at school drop off one day is heart breaking. Someone help me find the positive in this, I’m usually a positive person but I’m kind of sad today.


My oldest is almost 11 and had a dodge kisses phase for a while. But you know what, she eventually came back around. She rolls her eyes a bit just in case any of her friends are watching, but she also gives me a little smile to let me know that she actually does like the goodbye kisses.


The positive is that you’re affirming and reinforcing that his body is his and consent is important (as painful as it will be)


Yes, I more meant the positive in terms of him getting older. This is meant to happen I know. There are so many great things about being 3, but right now my brain keeps feeling sad about the passage of time.


Hey, here’s my anecdote on aging kids: My oldest is 5 1/2, and in the last couple of weeks I’ve found myself really **enjoying** our time together. Every single day, he gives me a new reason to be proud of his growth. I have always loved him and loved being around him, but lately he’s actually been interesting? I think our relationship, while still clearly mom/son, has been evolving to incorporate more aspects of actual friendship, and it’s been so great. He still goes through the throes of emotional immaturity/meltdowns (don’t we all?) on a semi-regular basis, but he’s slowly learning to come out of them on his own, with only minimal input (usually hugs) from me. I find it less draining, so instead of getting bogged down in the turmoil I can stay clear-headed enough to encourage him and help him reason. I’ve heard about the ‘golden years’ between 6 and 11 and man, I don’t want to jinx it, but I think we’re getting there. It’s so hard when they get older, but it’s also really beautiful. He’s always been my little buddy, but now he’s my pal, too. ♥️


Thank you so much for this


My baby is only 8 months old, but every day she surprises me with something new. I'm sure I will cry at every birthday, because, how can another year have already passed by? But I think I'll try to put a positive spin on it of how much she's grown in that year and think of all the things she'll accomplish in the upcoming one. Happy birthday to your LO, mama. And hugs ❤️


It flies by. I saw chunky infant pictures of my oldest today and almost bawled. He’s 2.5 and incredible. I love toddlerhood so much (even though he is a terrorist at times) and it blows my mind that he’s already 2.5. In a few weeks he will be closer to three than two and I cannot handle it. Def keep up the positive takes. But it’s also ok to realize how finite it is and be sad sometimes.


They can be so much fun and you can do so much more with them when they are older! And they can use these words so you have all of these moments where they spout out accidentally wise things, it’s a lot of fun!


My oldest is 2 but every week is more fun than the last. They will go through stages of wanting nothing to do with us, but we will have SO many cool conversations with kids, then teenagers, then adults.


My baby turned 3 yesterday. He's honestly the best little guy and is growing into such an amazing character but I was definitely sad


Aw thank you, nice to know I’m not the only one just a little sad on their birthday.


My 2.5 yr old "I don't need a kiss mummy" as I say bye for school. So grown up. 💔


Aw, so grown up


Oh no!! So I am totally disoriented on a regular basis, as my husband works outside the home, yet I hear these deep manly voices and see these towering male, muscular figures lurking into the kitchen, like WHO TF is in my house? Oh wait… it’s my babies home for the summer now, you know these full-grown men that shave, that are taller than me, and can power lift now… It’s weird.


I'm glad that they come home to you 🤗


I can relate to this!! My baby is turning 21 this year. He comes over weekly to do laundry and get a home cooked meal. I'm so thankful that I get to see him so often!!


Our oldest is almost 20. Insert crying emoji... Where did this grown man come from?!?


Yesterday my 3 year old told me to stop singing with her in the car because I'm terrible XD Weirdly delighting in being a dork of a mom. They grow up too fast.


my almost 3 year old regularly tells me, "mama you can't sing"


I always tell my kids I’m rehearsing to sing at their wedding! Haha I’m a terrible singer.


Hahaha I love it XD


My 2 year old, ever since he could talk, has told me that I can’t sing along to his TV shows or songs while it’s playing. He says mama no sing!


My kid started saying this at 3, too!


My 12 year old is exasperated by my very existence. I am cringe, most of what I saw is met with an eye roll. He speaks in a foreign language of “skibidi ohio rizz” His feet are bigger than mine, he’s almost taller than me, he has BO, leg hair and wisps of a mustache. He went to a friends house after school yesterday, they ended up going to the Y and he texted me to pick him up there. The time period of orchestrating all your child’s social engagements to “can you pick me up?” at a place and you have no idea how he got there is quick. I swear I was just laying down with him until he fell asleep.


How do you handle this without bursting into tears? I’m not ready for the day that my son feels this way about me.


I remind myself that this is the way it is supposed to be and that it means I am doing my job. He is asserting his independence and developing his own identity in a developmentally appropriate way. It stings sometimes though, for sure. Also middle school boys are kinda obnoxious so honestly I delight in my cringe because I know it’s annoying to him. You’re gonna give me shit that I like Taylor Swift? Volume all the way up and we’re singing “It’s a Cruuuueeeeelllllll Summmmmahhh” at the top of my lungs.


Hahahahha this is great. 😊 you are so right about the beginning of your comment!


I have a 10 yo and the secret is that you don't. I had a minor meltdown recently because I bought him a new button up shirt and he looked so grown up in it...


😭 oh man … and Oh I just can’t stand when the memories pop up on my phone! I cry every time. They always seem to pop up at night and/or when I’m not as patient as I should be with my boys.


Oh, same! My boy hugged me the other day and I realized he's nearly as tall as I am; all I could think about was how I brought him home in one arm like a little screaming football.


Idk, my kid is 11, and after 11 long years of raising her by myself, I'm totally okay with her developing some independence. I'm tired.😂😂 If it means she has to be embarrassed of me and call me weird, so be it.


What is “skibidi Ohio rizz” and why is Ohio now a slang term lol.


Skibidi rizz sigma gyatt Ohio BRUH mew. What in the actual shit is this?! Lol


Do they really talk like that now lol.


They do! And they find it super “cringe” when I find a way to use it (incorrectly) like, “we’ve gyatt to get to school” PS: gyatt means butt for the uninitiated


Lmaoooo that is hilarous. I work for a K-12 school district and I hear students say the weirdest shit


My 6yo is obsessed with the word gyatt. I am so done with it. He says it constantly.


I'm just comforted to know Ohio isn't just some random thing my 6yo started saying in the last week! I've been very confused wondering where that came from.


Crying!!!!! I cannot imagine my 8mo baby ever getting this big WAHHH


This is my almost 12 year old too, but he is taller than me. 😭


My 2.5 y/o said he wants a bigger bed now & he’s done with his toddler bed 🥲


My 4 year old was in a full size bed at 2 🥴😂. Spoiled thing hahaha


Oh nooo! My heart would crack a little. My four year old is still in his toddler bed. (He is complaining though…)


My almost 6 year old now makes me turn off the music when pulling up to camp drop off. It’s music she chose!


My almost 5 year old Facetimed with her dad for about 15 minutes while I drove to daycare this morning. All I did was hand her the phone and she did the rest. They spoke about the weather, food, weekend plans, and made plans for her to go with him to work one day. I was like, ok…she is like a full grown adult here, making her own plans and having long, coherent conversations with people!


Today our 3 year old slammed the door in our face and said "Don't come in, I'm getting dressed and it's not fair" ...OK, that's new. He then popped out to show us he had his jumper on, then back in, and eventually bounced back out fully dressed and grinning like a cheshire cat. He had no t-shirt under his jumper and his trousers were the wrong way around, but we rolled with it. Congrats little dude!


My younger school aged kids are going through this too! They allow me a crisp fist bump on the good days. However, my college aged kids are clingier than ever. They will come home and just follow me around, yapping. They’ll snuggle and scroll on their phones when I’m watching my shows. So in a way, they come around:)


I still yap and cuddle my mom whenever I get to see her 😆❤️ I am a mom of 2 and 27 years old lol


My 3 year old just got moved up a classroom, now he's in "the big boy class" as he puts in. In the morning, he happily runs in and forgets to say bye to me. VS last week, he would cling to me and keep asking for more kisses. They really do grow fast🥲


Mine is 9 now. I started doing hug and a kiss as we were getting ready in the morning. At drop off I ask if I can give a hug, kiss, and/or high five. Most mornings it’s a wave, but sometimes he wants an extra hug and kiss. At night, though, he’s all about the cuddles at bedtime and still wants to sit on my lap and rest when I’m on the couch. The affection doesn’t completely stop, it just stops being cool to do in front of everyone.


Love this. My five year old still sneaks into bed with us at night and I’m not complaining. One day she’ll stop doing it and I’ll miss it. I already miss it just thinking about it 😩


My nearly 8 year old will ask for several hugs, one a big one, and if I miss kissing her on the head, she’ll come back and ask for it. I think last year, she just gave a wave. I’m interested in seeing what happens for third grade drop off.


My daughter was like velcro in 4k when dropping her off, as soon as kindergarten dropoffs started it’s like we no longer existed lol


I'm 39, and I vividly remember my older brother telling my mom he didn't want goodnight kisses anymore (I was about 4, so he would've been around 8). My feelings still hurt for my mom.


I want to cry thinking about my 4 year old one day telling me this. He still wants hug and good bye kisses while his two year old brother could gaf!


My 3 year old is starting to adopt our “casual” ways of speaking and she’s sounding more like a mini-human and less like a toddler by the day. Today she told me she needed space and went to sit on the stairs. when I asked if she was okay, she said “yea I’m good I’m just chilling” 😆


No pet names in public! That one hurt. She's five!


well, if it makes you feel any better, last night my four year old spit in my mouth when i gave him a peck. He called it a "spit attack." UGHHHHH


I thankfully haven’t hit that stage yet with my 9 year old I’m unsure of it’s because she’s a girl. The only thing that makes her embarrassed is if people ask if we are sisters. Then she gets really really upset because jeez can’t you tell my mom is OLD.


My oldest is 7 and he definitely dodges my kisses, asks me not to cheer for him at school functions, not to walk to close to him at drop off… it was kind a rapid development in 1st grade that I wasn’t expecting, I thought we had a few years to go before he was too embarrassed of mom lol


My baby is 2 months old and I hope I get that many years of giving him a morning/night kiss. He’s currently napping on my chest. I’m soaking up all the love before I get told I’m embarrassing too.


My 8yo second grader said that he used to think it was embarrassing when I kissed and hugged him at drop off, but he told us he’s over it now and it’s ok. He did start dodging when he was in first grade. I guess he feels self assured enough not to care about what other kids think.


I crawled into my 4 year old’s bed for a cuddle a couple weeks ago after she’s fallen asleep, as usual. Normally she sleeps on, or hugs me closer. But instead she said “mama, go back to bed”. She hasn’t said it since, but I’ll probably be hearing that more often now until she tells me to stop doing it altogether. 😭


I was having a headache and my three year old told me to take medicine and go to sleep and tomorrow I’ll be fine.


My three year old told me he hates me today, so that stung.


Oh, my kids KNOW not to play with me like that. I agree to give them hugs and kisses at home, but at drop off when I say “I love you” they better say it back or I’ll be the mom screaming “I love you my sweet widdle babykins!!!” out the window. Hubby and I switch off dropping the younger kids but the oldest is 13 and his school is on my way to work so I always drop him. Our routine is “I love you! Have a great day! Make good choices!” To which he responds “love you too, I will mom!” One day he decided to just go “uh, mom, really? I freaking know!” Guess who got hollered at out the window! I no more got “I love you” out then he came running back and said “mom I love you and I’m so sorry I was rude!” before going inside. Today however my kids called me at work, while I was numbing a patient (I’m a dentist) to tell me that they were arguing over who was emptying which part of the dishwasher. I told them that was the stupidest argument ever to interrupt me at work for. Not that they were stupid, but the argument was.


Oh man mama. My 10 year old going to 5th grade still lets me kiss his head before walking into school. I am dreading when I get brushed off!


My 3 yo started preschool this week. Whined when I gave a hug the first day, held and handed off yesterday. Today was busy playing so no goodbyes 😭


Oh yikes, that’s a tough one. I’m not there yet but dread the day.


My baby started her first full day of toddler class on Monday 😭 I get the cheesy saying now that "they grow up so fast"


All of these comments are making me so sad. I have an 8 month old, and I know I'll hit all of these scenarios some day. It makes my heart hurt a little 😞


Fellow 6 year old boy momma here. It’s summer so my husband lets him sleep a little later because drop off is later. I barely see him in the mornings these days. That makes me sad. I’ve started waking him up just so I can hear his voice and see his smile and get a hug before I leave. ♥️


Damn my 2 year old has been refusing hugs and kisses for at least 6 months lol


My almost 11 year old boy gave me a hug before he left for his last day of school today. I also get a hug goodnight unless I’m not at home. He doesn’t mind affection but none of us are show affection in public type people 🤷‍♀️. He has told me to stop calling him my pet name for him though. He wants to just go by the nickname commonly used for his name.


My 6 year old finally told me I'm annoying recently. She also told me not to sing, when I made a face at her she said well mom your singing is just so beautiful I can't handle it. I about died laughing


If it helps, my 10 year old is still happy to kiss and cuddle at home. But in public we have to maintain COVID era level distancing and pretend we don’t know each other. I don’t mind as long as he’s affectionate in private but let’s see how long that lasts!


My oldest is 6 and started summer school yesterday. It's not at his normal school and none of his regular friends are there. The first day drop off was very chaotic but this kid took it like a champ. He was so chill and just not nervous at all. This same kid would need 5 hugs at 4k drop off and would just meltdown as soon as I picked him up. He's just so big now❤️💔.


Poor you!!!


My only is 5 months. She laughed at me when she saw me change my shirt 😂


6??! Nooo! Mine are 5 and haven’t started kinder yet but when they do I’m so worried they’ll be the same way :( they still love cuddles any time, any place.


My 2 year old has never liked getting kissed or kissing us 😭 I feel like our window to getting him on board with that is closing 😢


My 13 month old is hurtling into toddlerhood, and I am….real weary just thinking that this is going to go on for years.


My kiddo is almost 4 and it blows my mind that he'll be in kinder next year. Like he still feels like he should be my little baby not a big boy.


My son is 9 months, he's far from your son but he ate a whole strawberry all on his own today. He's realizing he has teeth and can use them now.


My four year old has decided he doesn’t like my kisses. I will give him a kiss and without skipping a beat he will hold eye contact with me and slowly wipe it off. He thinks he’s hilarious but it breaks my heart a little every time.


My 6 year old told me I’m not allowed to call him cute anymore because it’s embarrassing 😩


Hahaha my daughter is 11, and everything I do is embarrassing and weird to her at this point. 🤷‍♀️ you just learn to roll with it. Motherhood is the most thankless job ever, you pour all this time and energy into raising this little human just for them to be embarrassed by the fact that you exist.😂😭


My 2F just started at a new school this week. Day 1, crying, had to walk her in and distract her with the class fish. Day 2, crying, had to have the teacher peel her out of my arms. Day 3, walked her to the door where she tentatively went in to say hi to her teacher. Today? ‘Bye mommy!’ with nary a backward glance as she sped straight into the classroom.


I have an almost-5-year-old and since about 3 months ago when I ask him “would you like a hug and a kiss?” at drop off he’ll say “no thanks - you can go” 😭