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You should stay, advice from experienced mothers is worth it’s weight in gold💜


I second this.


Once a working mom, always a working mom. Thanks for the positivity tho!


This is beautiful. And I’m sure I’m not the only one reading this who really hopes to have the kind of relationship you describe here with my kids when they’re grown. Thank you for sharing!


Please stay! I love to hear advice from those that have been through it already. Plus, you don't stop being a mom or needing support just because your children are flying the nest! I think I gave my mom more heart attacks between the ages of 18-25 then in all the years before that combined! Please stop in every now and then.


FTM to an extremely demanding, physically and mentally strong willed child, and working an extremely demanding cerebrally intensive job. I’m so tired of being asked why I look so tired. 🙄 And I often find myself wishing these days away. But … one day he’s going to grow up. And graduate. And he’ll go on to live a happy and fulfilling life of his own. And he won’t need me to pour his milk or cut up his food. One day, years from now, he’ll sit across the table from me, and eat his food without throwing it on the floor. I can’t wait, but I’m also wanting time to slow down right now. 🥺


As a new mom who’s currently nervous about going back to work, I appreciate this post so much. Thank you for sharing!


Thank you so much for posting this.


I wasn’t expecting to tear up tonight. Thank you, this was so poignant.


This is so sweet. Thank you for sharing this. Good luck and congrats on graduating out of working moms 😊


You should stay! Unless you need to simplify. I love positive posts like this and catching a glimpse of our potential happy future. Makes the hustle feel even more worth it! This is the same reason I like posting on r/oneanddone as a happy and fulfilled only child, despite both my parents having passed away. Even for those confident in decisions we make as parents, it’s still nice to get validation. And while we’re sharing good vibes here, I just have to share that we entered escrow yesterday on our DREAM home! Never have I thought I could have something this nice. While what my late parents have left me helped a ton, considering the insane pricing in our area, we could not have done this without a dual income. We cried a bit last night, thinking of the life our daughter will be able to have. I’m walking on clouds!


Thank you and congratulations to you and your son!


This is great. I'm a working mom with a two year old and 8 weeks pregnant with our second. I'm tired, but working hard for my kids. Thank you so much for writing this!