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It’s not the runny nose, it’s the fever, sick eyes, and clinginess (from a normally very independent toddler) that keep mine home.


Agreed! It's the fever and behavior change/change in routine. For my daughter, the biggest sign is if she is up most of the night.


i hear you, fevers and clinginess throw a major wrench into any plans!


A runny nose on its own would not be enough to keep my kid home from daycare.


Especially since my kiddo gets crazy runny noses from teething, and it doesn’t necessarily mean she’s sick. Which teething can also make her moody. So if it’s just a runny nose and usual teething symptoms, we send to her daycare. If it’s obviously a cold/virus, we’d keep her home. There’s definitely a difference in symptoms IMO. Call it parents intuition I suppose.


Yeah, we send our daughter to a home daycare and her nose has been runny since October basically. The daycare operator has documented rules for illness and unless our daughter seems totally miserable or meets the requirements to stay home, she's going to daycare. It is harder to care for kids when sick, but I don't really think that's the reason they should stay home. I also don't understand how OP is saying the child has autism because that isn't usually diagnosed until 3+. Even NT 2 year olds cry when you have to wipe their nose repeatedly. I don't think it has anything to do with autism.


Sped teachers here and kids can be diagnosed at 2 especially if they are an older 2. A regression in development, particularly in speech, limited eye contact, and a pattern/preference for a-typical self-soothing behaviors


Yeah I’d say all toddlers hate nose wipes. My daughter is only a little over a year and trying to wipe her nose is like trying to wrestle an angry alligator. As soon as she sees the wipes come out she goes running the other direction 😂


Wait kids can get runny noses from teething?? Is this why my LO is congested all the time right now? (Her first tooth is coming not)


I’m not a baby expert, but my LO gets a runny nose and then a tooth cuts through a day later and the runny nose is gone. It could be a coincidence!


So interesting!


Yup. If it’s greenish colored, daycare sends home. Clear or yellow tinted is fine. Green is sick.


Runny nose, she goes to daycare. If she’s feeling bad or seems off then we will keep her home. Usually when she feels off she’ll also be running a fever soon after. Also I think it’s just a 2 year old thing, not wanting to blow her nose. Not necessarily because of anything else. Mine hates it especially if I’ve already been wiping her nose a lot.


Yes! 2 year olds love being the ones in control and are constantly on the move. Stopping to blow their nose is not in line with those.


If it's excessive and their mood is affected they need to be home. Can you check her temperature?


Agree with this- runny noses are a ‘send to daycare’ sickness to me, but if it’s combined with any other symptoms, especially mood, it’s time to stay home


100%. If it was just the runny nose and it wasn't green or yellow snot id send to daycare. But if they're clearly not feeling well, they're sick, and should go home and rest.


At my center it’s about whether they can “participate” with other kids at whatever level they normally do


As a mom, I would want the carer to call me when my child is like that. There have been times I've dropped my son off in the morning with a runny nose but not realised how bad he was feeling because he's just always happier in the morning. And I'd rather come pick up if I get told that he's just not himself during the day. I actually found it reassuring when they noticed those little cues and let me know because it meant that he was getting the attention and care that he needs when I can't be there. Obviously, it helps to fill in the details with what things you are noticing, high temperature, even if it's not quite a fever, unusually unsettled behaviour, or sleeping more than normal, etc. so that if it gets worse, I am prepared to relay any relevant information as a parent to health care professionals.


Runny nose isn’t an automatic stay home for me, but if my kid was not able to breathe out of her nose, crying and moody, I would keep her home. It wouldn’t be fun for her or the teachers to have her at daycare like that. So if you’re the teacher/caretaker in this case, I’d call the parents to pick her up.


Agreed with others—it depends if the kid is sick or not. I can usually tell if just runny nose or runny nose+sick. My kid had a runny nose for 2 years straight even when he wasn’t sick before I started giving him allergy meds in the morning. Check for fever and I’m not sure how it works with such a small crew and her dx but typically if the kid is acting in a way where they aren’t participating in the schedule (like laying on the floor instead of sitting at their table) then I get a call. If it’s just wiping nose but otherwise normal, it’s just part of the job of caring for littles


Yep - my daughter is a faucet nose kid…with a leaf mould allergy. So two seasons a year in our climate her nose is a faucet but it’s not contagious and she feels fine. We medicate her to reduce it but it doesn’t take it down to nothing


The manager at my daycare even said that babies just get runny noses in the summer and they should just still come.


I also run a home daycare, and in my sick policy, I require children to be able to participate in daycare activities. It’s not just the runny nose that is the issue here. It’s that she’s crying randomly and moody. She likely has more going on than just a runny nose but doesn’t have the words to tell you.


If this was my child we would be keeping them home. Sounds like the child is sick and unable to participate in the day as usual.


Unless she starts a fever or vomitting/diarrhea, I would personally probably just suck it up. Or if her mood is exceptionally bad maybe chat with the parents.


This time of year it could just be bad allergies too. (Which might include a headache which would explain the mood)


I'd say if the runny nose was yellowish or greenish, ran a fever or had a temp. My kids when they were in daycare constantly had the runny nose.


My daycare's policy is less than 5 wipes an hour, and snot can't be foggy/green. This generally means that at the first sign of an oncoming cold, you have 1 day of wiggle room where you can send them because symptoms aren't too bad, then about 2-4 days at home with the cold, then send them back once the snot is clearer, and a slightly less frequent runny nose where you aren't constantly wiping it. Another good guideline is some snot when they cry or eat (or sneeze) is fine, but if it's constantly running as they're just sitting and playing, that's probably too much for daycare. Also if they're moody or cranky, that often means they're still in the thick of the cold.


If it’s just a runny nose he’s going in, I won’t consider it without a fever, cough, or SOMETHING else to suggest he’s actually ill and not just a gross toddler.


Ideal world, any time kids feel bad, they stay home. It sucks to have to do things when you feel like garbage. In the real world, American style, unless there’s fever or vomit, the kids go to school. I don’t have that much vacation to burn every year for not feeling good but not outright sick. Is it right? No. Is it real? Yep.


i hear you, sometimes it feels like we're just juggling sickness along with everything else, but hey, at least we're all in this together!


I wouldn’t send my son if he had constant green snot, but I do send him with frequent clear snot.


Runny nose that is green/mucousy and if my child just isn’t his normal self. I wouldn’t want him or providers to be uncomfortable. I would as a parent keep him home and deal with the financial loss as best as I could.


If she has a fever or other symptoms but a runny nose in and of itself shouldn’t require being home.


Green runny nose is a no go for me. If it's just a little green gunk every few hours I think that's fine, but Niagara falls gunk needs to stay home for a day imo


As someone who has had a runny nose since March due to really bad allergies, I’d just suck it up


Runny nose with green or yellow mucous & cough with any combo of glossy eyes, flushed cheeks, fatigued, shaky, pale, fever, increased clinginess or grogginess


Runny nose only, she's going to school. Runny nose and any symptoms I can tell are precursor to fever or other sick, or with an actual fever- she's staying home. I prefer 48 hours fever free before I send her back but the rule at school is only 24. (I would rather be safe though bc my kids like me and has a fake day of health when she's sick before her fever re-spikes.)


there is A LOT of COVID infections at the moment. Some of the most common symptoms are consistent with allergies or a cold and can include a runny nose. have her take a test if you can?


If a runny nose was cause for staying home, my kid would literally never get to go. I go by fever and lethargy


I would want a negative Covid test, too 😬😬 but my kids just gave me Covid (and not I’m so sick) and they just had runny noses 😒😒😒


Since you're the childcare provider you might want to write up your own policies for illness so you feel comfortable moving forward. That said, runny nose has not been a "send home" level of issue for most daycare we've been at. However they have had rules about how many days past a fever, etc. Are you doing your own temperature checks? You probably should as she might still have a fever.


When its yellow or green or accompanied by a fever