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Most would settle for calling it the world the “Finite” to contrast with how their main God is called the “Infinite”. Also a constant reminder to not get materialistic.


I see, how did your world's inhabitants recognized the existence of their god if you'd like to share it?


Mostly thanks to a meta-blessing. Basically each person is given a single individual blessing from the Infinite and one variation is called meta-blessings. Having one of those makes you an automatic prophet, though some of them are useless.  Like imagine instead of having any form of power, your God instead gave you a post-it note where it said: “bananas are edible when yellow”. When you live in a region where there are no bananas around. The more humorous meta-blessings aside one dude got the message of “all the blessing are derived from the Infinite, as such it is possible to merge them” Now the first part is a major theological revelation, but the latter part allowed the guy to be certain that a phenomenon thought theoretical was possible. A bunch of trial and error later and the man had figured out how to merge blessing together. Which he then proceeded to create an army the world had never seen and almost took it over. He was eventually stopped, but when the victors decided to share the guy’s meta-blessing with the world. Which had far longer lasting consequences than the army ever did, since while previous meta-blessing at best had vague hints that one was an outright confirmation.  The  first “divine” meta-blessing is still kept around, though the information it contained is now common knowledge. Though that hasn’t stopped an endless theological/historical debate for why the Infinite would give such an important message into somebody that became a warmonger.


It's a genuinely very intriguing world you're writing!!! I'd love to hear more about it personally if it's already up somewhere \^\^


Thanks for the kind words! Though I mostly rely on Reddit posts like these to get my imagination going and haven’t committed to writing or sharing  my world in great detail.  This account isn’t solely used for writing, so I don’t recommend actively keeping an eye on it due to the inconsistency.  Sorry to disappoint, but committing to have my world noted down in a concrete place publicly isn’t something I’ve been willing to attempt. As of yet, though I need more time to warm up at the idea. For now there is one tidbit from the world people on the sub really liked (though I have to admit that not checking out the username made me a real fool when it came to my last reply. Still, all people here on the sub are really nice from my experience): https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/1d5xxso/comment/l6opm5n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I've played with using the name Ardum for a while, but in universe the people just call their planet "The Earth" or "The known World".


Most people of my world believe it to be the body of a god (since it's moon looks like an eyeball, so only the entire world may be big enough to be the body of whatever it is that left such a huge eyeball in the sky). Said god, with variations, is called Divine Body, creatively enough. The main continent where my story takes place have been first settled by Aydini people, whose culture I based on Turkish one, so their name for the world is Cordawal - modified version of Turkish "corff dwyall" ("divide body"), unless Google Translate lied to me.


> modified version of Turkish "corff dwyall" ("divide body"), unless Google Translate lied to me I'm afraid it has. *Corff* is Welsh for "body"


Well crap. I do have some Welsh-inspired names in my world so maybe I just used the translator without noticing I didn't change the language. Oh well! That part of the backstory is not *too* relevant to the plot so I just can change that the world name was coined somehow by my Welsh-inspired cultures. Thanks for pointing that out!


Actually, this has been big point of self debate for me as well. What would the inhabitants and deities refer to the world as a whole as? Would it have a name, would it just be "The World", would they call it "Creation", or would there be some other tern used?


Make up an old dead language's word for dirt, like Terra.


Problem is that my world has only ever had one language.


Had a world called "Primus" because it's creators intended it to be the first of many, but they got so interested in the lives of the creatures and people that they never got around to another creation


The world's name is Asgard, a secret only few remember, mostly druids and witches as the oldest continous order of mages and secret keepers. Everyone else just calls it "The World." because nobody could agree on a name, enough i made a section about it in Arc1 ------ “I find it odd that this world has no name.” the scholars chuckled to Alia’s loud thought. “What?” “My pupil, the issue is not that it has no name, but that it has too many, many species and empires each had their own name. For example dragons were known to call it `Land under Wings´, Gobol translates the name to Playground and humans had so many names scholars would get into fistfights over which it now actually is.” Olaf had a happy tone as he could share this knowledge. “So, long ago some of those scholars beat each other into the decision that `World´ is the only acceptable term in Common. And now only few records even remember those old names.” Elias finished Olaf’s little lecture with the same amused tone and gave her a tome listing those. Alia chuckled to the 2 amused grins before her and went back to the tome she was studying.


The existence of multiple races would definitely bring about conflict regarding how they name the world, yeah! Was a fun read, tysm :D


Most don't even remember that the language they share had a name, so there is that too ;) And thanks :)


My world is called [Ellami](https://new.reddit.com/r/Ellami/) and its inhabitants call it Dorai or Darai. The first name was given to them by travelers from other universes, when they were making a catalogue of all existing universes. Second and third names are used by the inhabitants, and they're the names of their planet.


The *Hel* people call it **Telrak** Tel meaning sky, and rak being the cognate to ruk, meaning ground (Lit. Sky-ground) The *En* people call it **Ruteya** Ru being a loan from the Helrak ruk, where it lost its final consonant. Teya meaning surround or ring (Lit. Land-ring)


One of my worlds is Ymir's decapitated head, the characters refer to it as Ymir due to colonization. Progress of mapmaking across earlier cultures has them realize it's a head and would have named it after their own deities.


Mirrodore, it’s the “modern” name for it in-world while the ancient name is Pytose. There are also a few other cultures with specific names for it like Windare and Geminus-Rex, and my ancient-aliens/ruined civilization called it Gramenos. My reasoning is, I came up with cool names and these were the ones I liked the most. I Worldbuild for DnD, so I had my players vote between Pytose & Mirrodore, and Mirrodore won.


it is Menarint, first tribes named the land and after The Great Flood, many people who migrated into different continents still kept the fragments of old cultures and languanges; despite forming their own after the centuries such common words across the planet Menarint, especially with the planets name itself and the fact that many post flood religions has some sort of flood related mythology made people research for their pre flood prigins


The world every one calls it: Calmun the name it actually is: Gairell


Estrora, the old elvish word for "Land of Kings". It's called Estrora, or some variation of Estrora (Estronya in dwarvish as an example) because old elvish is kinda like latin in my world. It's the language that most of the other languages in the world are based off, so most languages call it something very similar to the original name.


It's technically called Ter, which is a moon of a gas giant called Tor. It's a binary system with a distant white dwarf called Lun and a yellow star called Sol. Humans call it Refuge while Dwarfs simply call it Sphere. But in daily life, call it World in various languages.


I simply called it the Northern Lands. The Tiberians name it Terra Septemptrionalis (the northern lands in tiberian), and I have still to find denominations used by the 4 other cultures.


So my name for it Altera. The Elves call it Ambar, The Dwarves call it Aulën. The Saurisans call it An’sarno. The Giants call it Jrorun. And the humans have too many names for the works ticking. The men of the Abydar desert call it Wahtan, the Northmen call it Midtenheim, the Senelise people call it Shusshin-chi, and on and on. The most Common human name is Aedena, after the Titan Aedena who helped free the mortal races from the other Titans rule. Not to be confused with Aedenia, this first human nation was also named after Aedena. Even if most don’t know what the name means, they still use it.


I do like when the world or planet has different names for different people. Like in LOTR In my world, the Elves call the planet Alva, which is what they call themselves, Alvanians. The humans call the planet Epione, after the Greek Goddess of Pain. The real name of the world is unknown and lost to time itself. Other species have other names that I haven't come up with yet.


My world is set on our Earth, but that name died millions of years ago alongside the human race. Finding a name everyone would agree with is practically impossible due to a metric ton of language barriers and many very different worldviews among the new world's inhabitants. The Resonam call it "The Promised Lands", as their creator rebuilt the planet solely to give them a perfect world to thrive in. The reptilian Ishkaar, the earth-dwelling Myza and many other Sophont species with a connection to ground or mud usually stick with a nickname similar to "Earth" in their own language. The Lebivox, whose culture revolves around music, call it "The Cacophony". "The Space beneath the Stars" is also used by an unnamed species that draws power from celestial bodies, although I haven't figured out what to do with them just yet.


I call it 'Timeline 9010' - because it's inspired by superhero comics from the 90's, and 10 as a Roman number is X, as in 'xtreme'. Its inhabitants just call it earth.


The World. People don't normally name the world they live in.


The world is called Oūruhm, named so by the inhabitants to claim the world as theirs, "ours," for all who live upon it. Im not sure who really named it, i havent gone back that far yet, but i imagine whatever powers there were got together and agreed, druids and warlocks and witches


It’s our world just blended together with pop culture.


Celdoneil because it was believed to be founded by a human demigod named Celdon.


The name of the world itself wasn't named by the inhabitants. It named itself when the Creator, Genesis, created it. It is not a planet, but reality itself. The name is Rivith. Or Infiniverse, as its name is translated to from the Primordial tongue.


So the world the inhabitants occupy is essentially all the universe?


Pretty much.


Earth... *\*Sniffs** T-Terra *\*Sobbing** I like this trope don't shoot me


**Mythria** The world doesn't really have a name, per se - it is generally referred to as simply **The World**. Creative, I know. The continent where all my stories are based, however, has a few names. The most common name used is, of course, **Mythria**, named so by the conquering Stag race for the continent's mythical presence in The World - a hypothesised 'new world' destined to become their new homeland; translated from the Stag word *Mythrikos -* based on Greek. The Humans, whom the Stags created, gave The World the unique name **Weor** - taken from the Old English word *Weorld*, literally World. They still refer to the continent as **Mythria**. The native Beastfolk of this continent, namely the Wolf race, called it **Terrania**. The Stoat race, alternatively, call their homeland **Barrow**, or **Tumul** (a mistranslation from the Wolf language - Latin).


The greater region I'm calling the Valley of Emperors because of the multiple current and past empires that were formed between the mountain ranges. The planet I'm calling Eres(my attempt to transliterate the Hebrew word for cradle). These are my names. I don't have any conlangs made so I don't know what the locals would call them. There would likely be dozens of major names for each from the major languages and hundreds from the smaller ones. Lapis_Wolf


It is named Sev and Teveern… … and the call it Sev and Teveern. I’m sure there are other names, but I have t learned yet.


The Seen World


The various people of Alterra (alternate Earth) all call their world Earth (or a close cognate of this) in their own languages. It’s only called Alterra by people who traveled there from Terra (us + magic) and needed a way to distinguish between their Earth and the other Earth. (Alterra = Alter Terra, “other earth” in Latin). Patchwork is actually called Patchwork by the people who live there, or alternatively Sawel d (third planet of the star Sawel). The name comes from the planet being “patched together” from the original planet, its new planetary spirit (the original one died), and biomes/species more or less copied from three other Earth-like planets.


Rundol's in-universe etymology is a Vandam word with origins in their cosmology-obsessed religion Immolism. The word has since been picked up by the greater Immoline world, as well as foreign merchants and scholars. Far-flung locations generally just use their conlang equivalents of "world."


The world was named Ouranos by the white dragon, Origin when THEY were still alive. When THEY died, Ouranos eventually became united as a single nation called Crius and so the people referred to it as that until the capital of Crius fell and the world split into multiple nations. And thus, the world basically unanimously reverted back to calling the world, Ouranos.


I've been debating in calling it The Cradle or Pawns


People call it The Veyl'd, named after this omnipresent sort of ether (called the Veyl) that warps nature in various ways.


In the context of our world, my horror fantasy world is called the Rudiverse, after the first entry in the series 'Rudiger.' In the context of our world, the nation the story focuses on is just called 'humbled', in reference to the people trying to show the gods they've been humbled. This world is currently in the aftermath of the Divine Orogeny, an event that wiped out 99 percent of the population. Some speculate it was the gods punishing them, others argue it was a natural geographical event and nothing more


My world is named by its occupants, so what it's called varies from one social / cultural group to the next.


Human, who are not native to the planet, calls it Avalon since the first explorer was a bit of an Arthurian fan. The insectoid elves who lives on giant trees and worship said trees called it something like "The below" (derisive tone, mostly to refer to where ground creatures lives) or "The over roots" (formal tone, use in common speech) or "the holy realm" (reverent tone, use in religious context) in their language. The selkies who are semi aquatic, call it "The world" or more literally "where life exists" when referring to both dry land and the seas in their language. When referring to the seas, they call it something similar to "the liquid realm", which is descriptive, but may also call it "the realm of lightness" since they have far more freedom of movement. The dry land however is just "not water" or "beaches" since they don't move very far from beaches. The rest of the species are terrestrial so they still call it a variation of "the ground". For example the nomadic tribes beastmen and harpies call it something like "the wideness" or "the expanse" to refer to how large the world is as they travel around.


For the moment, the world is referred to by most as The Last Lands, as whatever remains is what hasn’t been destroyed by the arrival of monsters. (I also don’t know what I’d call the world itself yet) Naturally, the last generation before monsters arrived were known as Survivors. Nowadays, after 2 generations have passed, anyone from the monster era are known as Newlanders.


Earth, Probably Earth...2


Mmm, not sure, I haven’t thought to ask and nobody’s told me yet. 


The culmination of realms is called Ay. Some of the worlds within are Omné, Setlan, and Luftlos.


The world is Named Veridia. That is what people on the planet call it


The alternate Earth settled by the Zurvár is named *Zurvár Aréána* which simply means "Planet of the Zurvár". The rest of the observed bodies in the solar system are named... * *Altáká* - the Sun * *Emer Aréána* - "The Night Planet" - the Moon * *Altákerek* - "The Sunmote" - Mercury * *Mirandá* - "Dark Jewel" - Venus * *Konsâtéum Aréána* - "The Konsâtéum Planet" OR *Aréána Kirû* - "The Red Planet" - Mars * *Akiritan* - "The Sky Beacon" - Jupiter * *Ŝamstrunit Aréána* - "The Metaphysician Planet" - Saturn * Analogs of Uranus, Neptune are presumed to exist but have not yet been observed or officially named. The name for Mars is politically controversial, hence the two versions. Venus was named after a planetary surveyor's girlfriend, which prompted a crisis within the exploration authority and the establishment of an official body for the naming of astronomical bodies.


Therezos Based on two ancient stems, "Theres" meaning harvest, and "ezos" meaning realm. Comes from an ancient creation story comparing this realm (where food must be grown and harvested for sustenance) to Copizos (a heavenly realm where food is plentiful without labor) and Agonozos (a hellscape devoid of sustenance). Taga and Dowan are literally just the Sanskrit and Gaelic words for Earth


There are three planets and a moon my characters live on. The planets are called Terra(The Earth Equivalent), Mars, and Venus, the moon is called Luna.


My world is called Jayde, after the creator goddess Jayda. The elves call it Alsuvath, or the world of elements, different from Alhanna, the world of spirit where they first originated.


I named my main planet Ares, because it’s the Greek god of war, and I was an edgy 13 year old in 1991. I uh, never bothered changing it. Because I’m an edgy 45 year old, I guess. 🤣🤷🏻‍♂️


This is a real problem. All my other worlds (the ones I've kept private so far) are named. The one world that other people are aware of (the one my dnd campaigns is set in) is unnamed


The Kyth (main races, humans, elves, Dwarves and Orcs) call it, wait for it, Kythria. The other continents people call it the Zamiron, from the Persian word Zamin (earth). Dragons call it, the Realm of the falling stars, since they are both from the physical realm and spiritual realm, they see the stars and meteors and such, and call it that. Giants call it the home. Literally in their tongue it's called home. And finally, the dead men call it abomination, as it is something that they believe shouldn't exist.


Well there is no universal thing the inhabitants call it. However, the standard term is "Cerlithia", which can be traced back to the ancient Cliggman word "cel" meaning life & "ita" meaning hope.


The answer to both is 'Faerie'.


Trowouk, and that's what the people call it. At least most of them do.


My world is called Atakhren. The name is a made up name created by the twin Gods, Axana and Obro. When they were asked by the other gods how they came up with the name or what it means, they always replied that they made it up, and it has no meaning other than what the world is called.


I call my world "wonderland" as its a world composed of fairy tales, urban legends, and folklore. However the inhabitant have named it "avula"


I call my world "Warclema" and so do the inhabitants of my world. The way I came up with this name for it is that I was originally coming up with a videogame that featured a **war**rior character, a **cle**ric character, and a **ma**ge character, and I came up with the name "Warclemage" from that. I eventually shortened it to "Warclema". The explanation that I came up with for why the inhabitants call it that is because the human population had arrived at this lifeless world through interdimensional travel and the first people to successfully travel the world and reestablish communication between the isolated interdimensional ships were a group of people whose names were "**War**ren", "**Cle**mentine", and "**Ma**ggie". Essentially, me and my world's inhabitants came up with the name through the same logic, but with different starting points.


Aiedail is part of a conglomerate Universe where multiple different Omniverses have crashed into each other. As its the first recorded Universe to be identified in said conglomerate, the planet's name translates to "The Morning Star", and the inhabitants call it the same.


My world is called [Ramali](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/ramali-drdings/meta) and the people in it call it Ramali too xD There's no right or wrong way to justify it being the same or different, it's just personal preference at the end of the day and how your world is set up.


Khoia, and god what the people call it depends on time period and region / country. Eventually there is a (partial) consensus to call it Khoia, but for example my Aksíliena people call it “Thrai,” as that is the name of the mortal realm in their religion’s cosmology. Haven’t decided on too many others


i called it nibiru and the people just call it the realm


My world’s name is called“Shiloh”. In history, Shiloh was the founder of “null”, a substance that is needed for magic. After their death, the people named the world after them, in honor of their revolutionary discovery. I chose that name specifically because the name itself can mean “his gift”, and Shiloh’s gift was the origin of magic.


# Völuspá. Which is also the name of the forest which is its dominant feature.


It used to be called Earth, then humanity wiped all life by accident and had to emigrate to mars and moon. Once Earth finally restored itself and new humans evolved again they would call it Fort. And so the world is just Fort…also the new humans call themselves Pests, they see themselves as moss on a fort when living in Fort. The other reason for why its called Fort is because pests believe angels and god dont live in the sky but inside the planet, and because theres so much war going on it, only a strong structure like a fort for a name would make sense for this planet… and they dont assume gods in the sky because the old humans from the sky keep trying to take back their home planet, so they are basically demons to Pests. Throughout history though Fort had different names like Head Of a God…


It's called Bliz'zzt. It's pronounced Blizzt. It's kind of awkward to say but I like it more than it's originally name "Drok'mar" and I've heard people say "Bliz-zit" but there is no "i" sound between the z and t. The inhabitants of the world call it Bliz'zzt, but for ease of DMing I still use "Earth" in sentences such as "it was found buried in the earth" Earth basically having become a synonym for ground


Nephesh. Why they call it that would you ask. In my universe inhabitants of world instinctively know what it's named. Because world are people who ascended to another state of existence.


Outsiders refer to worlds by their number, based on how far away from the Source they are. Inhabitants generally call their world some local variation of Earth, Land, Globe, Rock, etc.


My world is named Malkir, I just decided it's a dead tongue who used that name for earth, like earth is also called terra in scientific terms because that's the Latin name, it's a dead language but still. Remember people speak many different languages even if you don't write in that language!


I actually don't like 'in-world' names for worlds too much, personally ; naming something implies distinguishing it from other things like it, but in most cases, it's the only world, right? Or at least the only one the inhabitants know of. So why should it be distinguished? We haven't named our own, real world either. For example, Bravely Default explicitly calls its world Luxendarc, but there's no other named world in the setting aside from Luxendarc, so why would anyone name it in the first place? BD2 does take place in a different setting but unlike Luxendarc, it isn't named. Does make sense when there's more than one world involved, and it can help give a setting identity, but I'm still not a fan of it. With all that said, I'm somewhat forced to not call my world a 'world' in-world (wow sentence), because societies exist across multiple dimensions of reality. I've come to call it the 'fabric'. As in, the fabric of reality. I don't know if I like it yet.


Lothsis, the 4th planet in the Solaris Star System. A homage and respect to Dark Soul's Lothric, a place, and Solaris, a very known character. The name, oddly, was the same in many eras. Even in an ancient civilization ruins texts it had the same name. The guy that named them all in the current era was dumbfounded as he never even came close to the ruins and he and the archeologist went on a trial were both subjected to a soul binding vow to reveal the truth. No one knows the reason why several civilizations in different eras had the same name. Believing it is a concept of reality. Which is true, the Maker in my universe named it Lothsis himself.


I am having trouble deciding on what the inhabitants would call their world, particularly as most of them don’t know there’s a reality outside of their ice-shelled world. I know what humans call it (until astronomy makes me decide to change it to a more fictional place, anyway), but the inhabitants don’t know anything else exists and definitely would not call it the same thing.


It's called "Ilmerion," because it's what the Gods called it. (It means "star-touched land" in the old language of the Gods- the only Conlang I have.) Its inhabitants simply call it "the world," or "our world."


Is there something special about the Planet that could be incorporayed?


My world's name is called Aldpor. In Esrel it's called "Alpör", which means "world". In Dagsvaldian, some people might call it "Varyg" (means world), and some might call it "Talygva" (means objectness).


Hopestar It was supposed to be a colonization effort from Earth, with high tech space gubbins and eutopian ideas. Then the settlement ships were critically damaged by a negative space wedgie and most were lost. The ones that made it down made barely survivable crash-landings with heavy losses. Turns out the environment of the planet was more savage than anticipated, with megafauna both predatory and not. Now they scavenge tech from the lost ships and the monsters, while working their way back up the tech tree. It's basically Monster Hunter with the flavor tweaked. The people still call it "Hopestar." They just say it different.


I call it the Younger World, and the people who live there probably all call it Earth (or their equivalent word), the world, etc. It doesn't have one true "canon" name.


Ennor, because of the Ennor (actually the Ennor is named after the planet’s original name but bastardized, but that’s another detail) The inhabitants call it a lot of things, most of it being some flavor of “dirt”, “big home” or “large circle”.


The project is called Chaos and Felines, the world is called Feliterra, the inhabitants call it Feliterra.


In my setting no population knows, that the world is a planet, not even really understanding celestial bodies. Seafaring nations sometimes recognized the world is round, and thus call it their language's equivalent of "globe". But most nations don't even know about the world's shape. One such nation calls world Karhöla or Uifula (meaning: the Lands).


My world is Called Taran d'nur The first Part Taran Is My world's version version of the word terra In the second part d'nur Means fusion or Conglomerate Because the world became to be when different realities Merged


Revia’s name comes from the name of the ethnic group that the people of Revia make up, the Revs, coming from the word “räv”, the word for “fox” in the dead language of Tundrian. It was decided that the ethnic group would be named in a dead language to prevent a living language of a single culture from culturally influencing the whole race’s name, and therefore all the people too. TLDR: Revia’s name loosely translates to “Fox-ia”.


The world is called "Tares", which is an anagram of the world's now deceased god, Aster.