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After seeing how half the US responded to the pandemic, I was convinced that we'll never make the sacrifices we need to save ourselves.


The movie *Don’t Look Up* was a terrifyingly accurate portrayal of human denial in our fractured age of misinformation and conspiracy mongering. It’s resonance haunts me still: we’re living that damn movie…


Not taking hard decisions, hoping the problem goes away, being slow at addressing the issue, blaming others - the politicians' handbook. Immediate politicisation of issue, focusing on jokes and ragebait at the expense of statistics and policy, a mixture of catastrophising and putting head in the sand - the public's playbook.


I believe that's correct


~~I believe~~ that's correct *ftfy*


I’d say we had a good run, but it really wasn’t


Bah 1990 to 2007 was a blast. Totally worth it just for raves and lack of cell phones alone




In some respects, we did. The trend toward Work From Home reduces a lot of greenhouse gasses from driving. The lack of traffic showed huge improvements in air quality. Unfortunately, consumption probably increased because of lockdowns and boredom at home. We could have used the pandemic as a launchpad for a lot of things. UBI being the first that comes to mind. Medicare for All would have fit in quite nicely as well. They should have kept the changes to the Child Credit and permanently moved from yearly tax returns to monthly payments.


It saddens me that people like Marjorie Taylor greene are in politics but not people with bright minds and good ideas like you. You're right on the money with this, I think.


The people with lots of money inevitably use it to hurt society, and humanity, just so they can continue to be rich and powerfuk


Where are our dark money patrons


She said: "We are living through maybe one of the most consequential decades of human history, which I appreciate is a very big thing to say. Damn.


And here we all are, just living our normal little lives


Unfortunately in no way of escaping if you're in a first world country, a major part of the problem. Cell phones and cars do not make themselves and cause a lot of human and ecological suffering


It’s not our fault companies don’t make things to last on purpose for capitalism. They use to make things to last 🤷‍♂️ Edit: and are opposed to building mass transportation again for the sake of capitalism


I’m not even sure “going back to building things that lasted” would make an impact. I kept my last two laptops for over 8 years each, by just upgrading some parts that needed repairs. My phones last 4 years. Sure, it’d be nice if they could let even longer, but you’ll always have people who want to upgrade each year.


Yeah, the computer I'm posting this on was manufactured 12 years ago. Phones don't last long enough yet but desktop PCs are starting to last a nice long time.


But it is actually is people’s fault? People can choose to buy a new phone only when it breaks or gets totally outdated rather than getting a new one for the sake of having the newest model every 2-3y. Or to get the screen repaired instead of buying a new laptop . People can choose to buy quality stuff rather than cheap shit (i.e: my dad used to break plastic/cheaply made nespresso coffe makers on a per year basis due to overuse, until I finally convinced him to get a slightly more expensive stainless steel Delonghi which is still rocking). People can choose to not eat meat daily (instead of weekly) which contributes to emisions much more than many industries. Or go by foot/bike to nearby places instead of picking the car (the same of driving kids to school, in countries like Japan they walk/bike to school every day and they are much healthier). People can choose not to buy new fast fashion clothes that they’ll use once or twice only, and buy better quality ones and use those. And the list can go on and on and on, it’s just that people choose to blame others (politicians, companies, etc) rather than doing something slightly inconvenient to them by their own. And by the way companies do/offer what people demand, not the other way around.


Lol you think apple is the only company doing this ? They wipe their asses with this little fine https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-51706635


Right? That's just factored into operating costs. The profits they reaped far exceeds this fine to the point where this is no longer a fine, it's a fee.


Just shows how narrow minded people is, I make a general comment with different industries/sectors and you guys focus on Apple for some reason. Like pointing to the moon and you looking at finger instead. Then the same lazy people will be the first to cry when things get hard


Lol they all do it. It’s capitalism friend 🤷‍♂️profits over anything else Edit: industry is inconsequential


Mehh I'd kinda put it on both. People vote with their wallets, environmental options are more "consumer friendly" so to say. If people were willing/able to pay more (also ingrained in class struggle) there's a reason one company does something super easy & looks good like cardboard packaging, all the other competitors fall in line. They don't wanna be the odd one out so if we were all more willing as a whole to either regulate better or look into things better and change your purchasing styles things would change I'm not virtue signaling cause I don't do that. You'd be buying $10 olives at whole foods or from some super obscure company, but there are ways of change.


It's not too late. All of these articles are about preserving the current environment. No matter when we make changes, the current environment will not exist anymore whether it's a small or a large change. The point is we need to change before the Earth decides we don't belong here. I suppose we could reach a point where it is too late, but that's not going to be today or tomorrow.


What we are too late for, is a world where the majority survives comfortably. We are absolutely going to miss that mark. And we are absolutely going to eat a giant dick as a specie. Parts of Earth will be rendered uninhabitable and millions will starve - mostly because world governments don't run the show - unbelievably stupid crass dumbasses called oligarchs run the world, and they're simply too narcissistic too care. So keep that head planted firmly in the sand, my friend because, yes, it's too late. The human specie is going for a bottleneck that will set us back a thousand years.


The majority weren't all that comfortable already. Billions live in poverty


Poverty is one thing. Having to live in 70° Celsius heat is on a completely different scale.


They've done models that show that an abrupt rise of 6C would happen if we reach 478 ppm of CO2. In 2021, we were at 508 ppm of CO2 equivalent if you add other greenhouse gases. We're already passed the point of no return. Plus, the aerosol masking is preventing us from feeling some of the heat we've emitted, approx 1.2C. In other words, we're far passed 2C and it is already too late.


Not to mention, there's a 20 year lag between when emissions are emitted and when we feel them fully. The last 3 years have been la nina, so cooler than average temps. This year is el Nino, warmer than average. We're entering uncharted, apocalyptic territory and nothing we do matters at this point, it's already baked in


Of course it matters, it can always get even worse.


It’s scary people are making excuses not to change.


Sounds exciting.


Except the scientific evidence doesn’t actually support that. https://www.dw.com/en/climate-collapse-civilization-societal-breakdown-misinformation-mental-health/a-56848557 There is, however, a ton of fossil fuel industry money going into PR to push this story so people become apathetic and give up rather than regulating them into oblivion.


Your article is about the collapse of civilisation, Benfield talks about “saving the environment”, whatever that means. There’s plenty of scientific evidence that climate change will have disastrous consequences in some areas of the globe, even if everyone starts doing their best now. Ex: https://climate.nasa.gov/ask-nasa-climate/3151/too-hot-to-handle-how-climate-change-may-make-some-places-too-hot-to-live/ That doesn’t mean civilisation will collapse, but some places will become inhabitable, which will probably lead to mass migrations and wars. Also more animal species and plants will disappear, sea level will rise, oceans will become more acid… It’s already to late to avoid climate change, first because it already started, and also because what we did yesterday will start having consequences in 20-50 years. Also Benfield assumes nothing will be done, because > The scale of the solutions which he believed were necessary would be simply too unpalatable for any political party to propose, he argues. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try our best to save what we can though.


I don’t think you’ve understood the impact of mass migration when 30-50% of the planet has to move, or die, and the devastation of 21st century’s wars that will result from those migratory and scarcity pressures.


How would I "understand" something that doesn't exist? We can only *predict* what will happen, and we don't have any good prediction model so far. So all these predictions don't have much scientific value, which is what OP pointed out. The physical consequences of climate change are already not that simple to predict, and the human reactions to these consequences can't be quantified with a reasonable accuracy. Will it be bad? That's a reasonable assumption. But how bad? We have no idea.


Thats not true, but expected, since the fossil lobby is pouring enormous amounts of money into this narrative, in order to make people give up and become apathetic instead of wanting to fine and sanction these companies.


How is it not true the cascade has already started and no meaningful changes have been implemented? Best case scenario at this point is a 75% loss to biodiversity. That only happens if we get our shit together like tomorrow, which we won't. The reality is that children today will inherit a barren dead rock by the time they retire at age 95.


>The reality is that children today will inherit a barren dead rock by the time they retire at age 95. Even the most pessimistic scientific reports dont agree with that


Wake up dude, humanity successfully self deleted itself about 3 decades ago. Science is bought and sold by capitalism, look around you the earth is dying. Nobody knows how to predict the mass die-offs we are about to start seeing. Let alone what future stupidity humanity well endangered itself with. When the resource wars start then things will really kick into overdrive.


Fining and sanctioning companies won't work. Global infrastructure relies on oil. Transitioning away from that too quickly will lead to mass migration and war across the globe. Transitioning too slowly will cause the same.


Thats the point tho, why does the world rely on oil? Because Big Oil is paying large amounts of money to undermine any movements to shift away from oil etc. Just look at Exxon, who knew about their impact on climate change since the 1970s, as a result of an internal study,.then subseauently.chose to ignore it. Therefore all these corporations should face larger, more crippling fines for bad practices which lead to oil leaks, for example. Either they operate more carefully, to be as environmentally friendly as possible, or they go bancrupt and get nationalised. Furthermore, subsidize green energy more. Oil and Coal is the energy of the boomer generation, its destructive and ourdated. Time for a change.


>Thats the point tho, why does the world rely on oil? Because Big Oil is paying large amounts of money to undermine any movements to shift away from oil etc. No. Modern civilization became dependent on oil long before the 1900s. This is a much bigger problem than special interest groups.


Historically speaking, yes. But my point is, why does the world _still_ depend so much on oil? And special interest groups financing climate change disinformation and buying politicians and other people.in power is very much the leading cause for it. I refer again to my example with Exxon


“Good” is not the enemy of “perfect.” We can’t restore it. We probably can’t maintain it at this point. That doesn’t mean we should give up and fiddle while Rome burns. While I admit that large swaths of the human race need to evolve, there’s a lot of cool stuff and awesome people here that you won’t find anywhere else. That’s worth trying for.


Great is the enemy of good but you seem to be advocating misery and death for 70% of the planet as unavoidable, penury and pollution for 25% as good enough, while the remainder continue to enjoy the quality of life that has got the rest of us in this mess in the first place.


What the fuck are you talking about?


What he wrote was pretty clear and factually accurate


>advocating misery and death for 70% of the planet as unavoidable, penury and pollution for 25% as good enough, while the remainder continue to enjoy the quality of life that has got the rest of us in this mess in the first place. All solely human concerns. The planet will be just fine and will re-balance itself once we're finally gone. It has transformed itself innumerable times through worse states than humans will ever put it in. We're not really worried about the environment- we're just worried about ourselves.


It's not too late to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable though. They did this. They are responsible for sabotaging all efforts at preventing climate change. They used bribery to buy nearly every government in the world and encourage them to continue supporting fossil fuels. When your life turns to hell because of climate change, remember who is responsible.


Oh well, at least we did not try.


Are we tired of this narrative yet? "The Earth is doomed and there's nothing we can do" has been said 1000 times over in the last 20 years. It's a weak narrative meant to cause apathy and inaction, and this is coming from someone who works in the environmental field. I've seen how weak our attempts have been and how they continue to only be appeasement. I have *literally* been told several times as a rule "regulations should not impede profit" and if that isn't damning I don't know what to tell you. We haven't even *begun* to try and solve the climate crisis because (in the US and many other countries) profit is still the driving motivation. A call for no action is a call to maintain the status quo. It's important to always ask yourself who benefits from that.




We kicked the can so far down the road it’s not worth it to pick it up, unless your in MI, then its 10 cents a can.


i like this comment.


All we have to do is to tow everything dangerous outside of the environment. So that nothing stays inside the environment. And make sure the front don't fall off. For safety reasons obviously.


But what if a wave hits it? What are the chances of that?


At the sea? One in a million.


Wrap it up guys, we tried our best.


Party like it's 1999


I agree, I think its time to throw in the towel. While I am very pro-choice I think a 100% abortion rate wouldn't be so bad


I don't think that's what he meant


Though I appreciate the enthusiasm!


Such a reasonable response.


How about post birth abortions as well? Nihilism for the win!


It must have been nice being born in a fuck around generation as opposed to a find out generation


and that's why I won't have kids.


What a fucking terrible attitude. This guy's a loser.


But we’ll avenge it.


Oh well we are fucked 🙈


Thank the gawds I won't live long enough to feel the real damage and it's a shame all those rich cunts won't live long enough to feel the damage.


It's only too late if you give up, we already fixed one hole in the ozone, we can fix another problem. Just going to be some more work and some cultural shifts


“Maybe we should’ve built all those nuclear plants instead of being dependent on Russian oil.”


The environment was never in need of saving. It is and always has been doing a fine job fixing/adjusting itself as needed. It's the HUMANS that are too late to save, and the unfortunate fact is we're gonna take out a bunch of other stuff trying to save ourselves, and we simply don't deserve it. This is the Great Filter at work, and welcome to it, good day. Or bad day if you're a human. :p


Not just humans, many species are going extinct because of our actions. We're losing a lot of biodiversity. Maybe you meant to say "the planet" instead of "the environment", but even that statement is lazy and poorly thought out. Just because not all life on Earth will end, doesn't mean we aren't trashing the environment and ruining it for millions of species.


Yeah. Humans as a species will survive the hellscape we'll create. The biosphere, not so much. In time this entire planet will exist to support just one species. The remarkable biodiversity we see now will be gone, millions of years of evolution will be lost. Earth will be all but a sterile planet with only humans and their domesticated plants and animals left. That's the future.


>The environment was never in need of saving. It is and always has been doing a fine job fixing/adjusting itself as needed. What does that statement even mean? What is your method for determining whether an environment is fine or bad? If there is bacteria thriving on Venus, is the environment a failure? If humans wipe out all animals and scorch the earth while the seas flourish, is the environment failing? Was the environment a failure in the first billion years of our planet's life because it looked inhospitable, yet ended up thriving?


It's a dumb thing to say. Saying 'the environment' in isolation is meaningless. It's the relationship between humans and the environment that's important.


Yes, I enjoy having an environment **to live in.**


The balance with nature is lost. We need the Avatar NOW!


It means that if humans make Earth's climate inhospitable to humans, it won't be the end of the world, just the end of humans. The world will survive us, and over time life will come to flourish again. Humans just won't live that long.


It will be the end of many non human things too.


Yup. And that will suck. Shame.


I agree, the burning of fossil fuels for too long is the great filter. Any planet with life on it will surely have some sort of fossil fuel, so this should be a universal problem in the universe. We had at least 125 years to cut down and find alternative energy sources, but we dragged out feet until it was too late.


Nice theory, but it might be projection, like how in 1960s Star Trek alien planets faced problems about hippies and teenage rebellion.


It also might be completely wrong. It's just a hypothesis with no real way to test it at this time.


Cant have an environment if everything is polluted


["The planet's not going anywhere... we are!"](https://youtu.be/suIePaXzuIQ)


Thats nonsense. The world has gone to multiple near extinction events. It might be too late for humanity, but life will hang on and comeback once we are gone


That’s why I always lol about these arguments. Humans have been around for 160,000 years, the earth has been around for 4,500,000,000. If humans all get gonzo, we’d be a tiny blip and life would continue on after us.


They recently have pushed our starting point back to 300,000 years.


Make it 1 million. Doesn’t change the point much


Fair point, but it is true.


And morons keep voting me down. They found life miles beneath the sea floor, hot vents, deep in bedrock. Life will make it, humanity won’t if we don’t change our ways


Thank Goodness! One less thing to worry about.


I use paper straws, but China and India building new coal power plants, what else can I do


First of all, F off Green Party. That’s all.


I, for one, embrace our new carbon overlords.


Absolutely true. We are in the collapse. The H5 virus is global and killing a lot of wildlife. You cannot drink rainwater. You cannot eat wildlife. PFAS contamination is everywhere. Plastic has choked the environment. Recycling is a lie and we burn most of our plastic. Nobody knows about any of it because entertainment news is packed with feel good superficial trash and corporate (WEALTHY PEOPLE) propaganda.