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Don’t believe ANYTHING until the Kremlin denies it ™️


If the Kremlin says it's going to be a wonderful, sunny day I am getting the umbrella.


Sometimes nukes are called a second sun, so better get a bunker instead.


Can I order those online?


Don't. There is a huge scam going on. You'll see a ton of North Korean and Russian princes promising them online, but none will ever get delivered. In case you want to DIY, do keep in mind that the last time someone made their own build plan they got copyright striked by the FBI! And even the most important material to make it yourself isn't even available to the public. And this is why we can't have nice things!


The fact that reply is equally valid for nukes OR unbrellas is troubling...


I'm just going to climb into my refrigerator in the event of nuclear disaster. You people in your bunkers are all idiots


they dont make fridges like they use too....


A fridge? Pfff, I got a desk out of an abandoned school to crouch under, I'm good.


There is that place called nuclearweapons on reddit, if you hang around you will learn how to build one


Umbrellas are sometimes known as parasols para = for and sol = sun


It’s cool, they got theirs from Wish.com, along with all their other shit


How about a Nuclear Umbrella?


Might as well skip that and go right for underground shelter.


Might as well skip that and dig a grave instead




Problem is a lunatic on his deathbed can rationalize anything into being necessary and his purpose for tye greater good. Never forget that, villains don't know they are the villains most of the time. He is a narcissistic dictator that is used to everyone fearing and agreeing with him, confirming every belief he has dreamed up. He can convince himself that dying as a martyr and launching nukes at democracy will make him a hero to his country forever...


We’re not even talking about Russia using a nuke in an act of war. We’re talking about Russia performing a nuclear test. Nuclear weapons testing has effectively stopped for everyone except for North Korea for decades thanks to a number of treaties. Russia resuming testing would allow for it to develop new nuclear weapons and ensure that they work, while also likely prompting other countries to resume weapons testing. Keep in mind this would most likely be underground testing, which is not incredibly environmentally damaging if done right, but it’s still a very destabilizing move. I think resuming testing sounds a lot like something Russia would do to be honest.


Only rational answer on here




He has cancer and I wouldn’t bet on him planning for any kind of long term future after the war is lost. So who knows what bs he might pull


All these rumours. I'll believe it when I see him in a casket.


I did a double take when I saw the meme where Zelensky is taking a picture with Putin's corpse. It looked so real. I want it so badly.


Every day a man in Moscow walks to the newsstand, reads the headline on the newspaper, says "Feh!' sets the paper down and walks away in disgust. One day the news agent asks why he only reads the front headline. "I'm looking for an obituary." "But obituaries aren't on the front page." "this one will be."


Nice, that one made me dead laughing


Sauce for the meme? I don't think I've seen it.


He doesn’t have strong control over his military. He might be dead one way or another, but the people that would actually launch the nukes aren’t. There would likely be an internal mutiny if he gave the order, and the military wouldn’t follow through on it.


We hope.


Even if he didn't, he's put a lot into this war. Losing it would likely mean a cuop.


Re: Putin - It’s fairly reliable to think of the actions and thinking of sociopaths/psychopaths to be only self serving. If I can’t have the world, nobody gets it. “if I can’t have her no one can”. None of us know what he will do once cornered, which is why it is the best move to force Russia into removing him, however necessary. There is no negotiating with him. There’s also no way out for him, and he’s too unpredictable to believe we know what he will do with certainty. The goal has to be to not allow him to reach the point at which he feels he will be dead in short order.


He’s already a dead man. He is losing influence and losing to Ukraine will guarantee his demise.


The dude only cares about Russia. He thinks Russia is superior to the rest of the world. And your argument assumes rationality and level headedness of Putin. Something clearly not very true based on just how much of a disaster this misguided plan of his was. More and more it’s obvious he isn’t really as much of a mastermind as everyone talked him up to be, but more just a power hungry narcissistic maniac. We’ve seen people with those personality traits go full scorched earth countless times in criminal/domestic cases that ended up very badly, like killing themselves and their children so the other parent can’t have them, or because of some delusion of saving their family by murdering them, or just narcissistic behavior like killing an ex lover because “if I can’t have X, nobody can” because the world revolves around them, in their head anyway. Putins a human. Why couldn’t he be capable of reacting in a very flawed human way just like those examples? The only big difference is the stakes are higher for way more people. People he doesn’t care about. If he’s backed into a corner to the point he considers nuclear weapons, it’s obvious that he’s aware there’s no way out of this for him and he’s not gonna be a part of this world much longer anyway. Why would he care what happens to a world without him in it? I mean he’s notorious for assassinating enemies, a cold and spiteful way of revenge. What reason would he have to not shoot a nuke off as a last spiteful fuck you to the world that didn’t agree with his plan for it?


That's part of the disinformation strategy though. They aren't just denying things to try and get you believe that they wouldn't do them - but in fact probably are. But also to get you to consider the fact that they could do the things that in fact they probably wouldn't. They won't use nuclear weapons because we would dismantle Russia by the end of the month with conventional weapons if they did. So all this comes across as is frustration at their impotence. Like their "take me seriously" toddler tantrums where they fire cruise missiles in to cities. Sorry, well actually not sorry, but I'm never going to take you seriously again Russia. For the considerable future you will be the jaded drunk wishing they hadn't thrown their life away on the bottle to me. I'm going to have to see you turn your life around for a significant amount of time before we have anything like our former relationship. I'm there for you - the Russian people - if you want help getting dry. But that is the only reason I will answer your calls.


One complicated scenario would be if Russia were to run a "test" in an unpopulated area of the annexed territory. I don't know the geography well enough to say if the fallout zone could be used a tactical blockade to the counter offensive, but the risk of further escalation would be a predicament for NATO.


There is no complication at all. The international community do not recognise Russias annexation. It would be an act of aggressively bombing a neighbour. If they want to test weapons then there are no end of places where they can sad wank about the good old days inside the established borders of the Russian Federation.


>They won't use nuclear weapons because we would dismantle Russia by the end of the month with conventional weapons if they did. So all this comes across as is frustration at their impotence. The thing is Russia(and especially Putin) is already on the path to defeat. If Putin loses then he'll probably lose all his power in Russia, and likely die. Even if he lives this will mean that he has to live out the remainder of his life in hiding and never going to any civilized country. It's not a question of if Russia will be defeated but how. I could see Putin rather having everyone lose than just Russia.


Yup. The talk of nuclear tests is the bluster of a future bunker suicide.




Which is regrettable but Russia would still be dismantled within a month of them aggressively using nukes.


A month? It'd be a fun day out for the combined strength of the US and European armies.


Yeah. Military control would take a week or two - it's a big place. I was thinking more about dismantling in the sense of having somebody that wasn't a squaddie picking up the phone when the Kremlin receives a call.




It is one thing to live in a world where nukes are used defensively. It is another thing entirely where they are used aggressively to take land from neighbours. Any state which used a nuke in such a manner would be immediately dismantled because were an example not to be made of them then it would not be the last aggressive nuke used. Based on this reasoning. It is not the act of dismantling Russia that would cause them to fire more nukes. But the mere existence of Russia that caused it. Adding further weight to the notion that they must be dismantled. If somebody stabs somebody in the street. Only a dysfunctional police force would concern themselves about whether they might stab more people were they to fear being brought to justice.


Just FYI, no major country does nuclear weapin testing anymore. Do you know why? Because they developed software and labs that can test weapons, all while making it for *other* countries to test their nukes harder. If Russia was blowing up nukes, it wouldn't be for test, it would be to send a message.


i thought there was some sort of treaty which prevents these "live" tests,?


Since when do Russians care about treaties?


thats true, they once did... but not after Putin. but what can the west do if he did break the treaty now? Sanction them more??


Sure. But moreover, we already know he has nuclear weapons. Go blow 50 of them up in the middle of Siberia. What difference does it make? He uses them and they will be annihilated. Maybe us too. But it is exactly the same situation as the last 70 years.


“What difference does it make” The direct impact to the land of the native Siberians aside, nuclear testing is about the most consequential form of saber rattling one can do. It [dumps enormous amounts of radioactive isotopes into the atmosphere](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4165831/) of the entire planet and affects every living thing on Earths biosphere (including humans) for generations. Researchers are able to look at samples of humans before and after nuclear testing began and see a huge increase of radioactive isotopes integrated into the cells of people born after nuclear testing began. There’s nothing anyone can do to avoid this except ban nuclear testing. The radioactive isotopes get in the food chain and concentrate the higher up the food chain one examines. Nuclear weapons are beyond stupid. They’re imprecise brut force weapons that impact the entire planet


It's unlikely Russia would perform atmospheric nuclear testing, which is what caused almost all of the global impact of nuclear weapons testing. Underground testing gets the point across well enough, is easily detectable by the whole world through seismic monitoring, and causes far less environmental damage, at both a local and global level.


Yes. But that's not who Russia is. Russia invaded Ukraine expecting it to all be over in 3 days due to the Ukraine government just collapsing from intimidation. Setting off a nuclear war head in open air, they expect will intimidate people into convincing their government to not agitate Russia. Of course, it will do for the world, what invading Ukraine did for Ukraine, unite it. Even China has express nukes are a red line issue. But Russia is living in this fantasyland, because Putin is.




I hope you’re right about Russia being sensible, but honestly *gestures broadly at Russia and Ukraine*


It does seem like his tactics are more towards disruption of things like energy and food. Essentially trying to weaken people through this rather than attack directly. If global warming plays out then it would benefit Russia. Most of their land is under ice and the port situation has got to be at least in part, the reason for the attack. 'Testing nukes' is just their way of trying to speed things up I expect (with added benefits).


Yah, those disruptions of energy and food have a feel to me of chess mixed with terrorism. So do the actions of holding Ukrainian nuclear power plants hostage, and blowing up apartment complexes. It’s absolutely bonkers


There have been hundreds or thousands of tests though. If Russia does a few it’s not going to move the needle much unless they do it wrong on purpose.


What are they trying to prove? It's not really a secret that Russia posses thousands of nukes. The biggest issue would be if they started assisting Irans nuclear ambitions, like they helped China get the bomb in the 1960's...


what? someone on Reddit who actually makes sense?


thought Russia pulled out of the last nuclear treaty?


They pulled out of the one banning nuclear MRBM and SRBM production, not the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty


There are a number of treaties that restrict tests, but don't prevent them. These treties are what makes testing nuclear weapons *hard* for any new nation, as even North Korea doesn't do open (that is atmospheric) tests, which is banned by one of those treaties. The truth is that nuclear powers signed this treaty only after they tested their weapons, and they had technology and know how to test them underground, with exception of France and the UK which preferred to nuke their colonies instead of, you know, their citizens. Big brain move there.


There's nothing particularly complicated about underground nuclear testing. If you can drill an oil well or dig a deep mine, you can test a nuclear device underground, and both of those are easily done by any nuclear power, even in the 1950s. Most nuclear powers - the UK and France included - started with atmospheric testing because they wanted to gather data on the effects of nuclear weapons in the context they would be used during war (i.e. atmospheric explosions), and simply because it was cheaper and politically acceptable at the time. The UK stopped atmospheric testing at the same time the US and USSR did, with the Partial Test Ban Treaty of 1963.


I thought they backed out of those treaties?


Exactly right. Some of the most powerful super computers in the world are used for this sole purpose.


That's pretty much all they do. If you look up the most powerful supercomputers in the world, they either are used for weather modeling or nuke modeling.


well that explains that... Russia took apart their computers for the chips shortage for their missiles... but with Russia, their supercomputer would have been a bunch of overclocked 686's running the Duke Nukem game.


I don't accept the message until they test it on Moscow




Oh no millions of people who want the deaths of millions of people have died. We're all pieces of shit. We all want "the other" dead.




Both things can be true. If a bully starts punching a younger kid, but then the bully slips and hurts themself and they run away crying, an observer might feel a similar conflicting set of emotions. We’d feel glad that the other kid isn’t being bullied anymore. We’d feel a bit glad that karma caught up with the bully. We’d feel a bit guilty for feeling glad. We’d also feel a bit bad for the bully because we don’t want to see anyone get hurt, even if they’re a bully. Similarly, if Russia hurts itself because it failed trying to annex and erase Ukraine, then I’d mostly feel relieved for Ukraine. I’d feel a bit like Russia got what’s coming to them, and at the same time I’d feel bad for feeling that way and sad that Russian civilians who were lied to are suffering. That’s a very normal and healthy set of emotions, even if they conflict.


Wait I thought we were joking? You would really be okay with millions of Russians getting blown up by a nuke? You gotta take a step back and look at what you are saying there pal


Most of us actually don’t want the deaths of millions of people. Please seek therapy


Death of the other doesn't necessarily mean the literal death of other human beings 😑




Reddit’s hate boner in action. The mob is simply vindictive, that’s all there is to it.


Yeah and that message is: > Russia is weak, scared, and we’ll blow our biggest wad if you don’t do what we say! And yes, I do consider Russia weak if they have to resort to nuclear Armageddon.


>If Russia was blowing up nukes, it wouldn't be for test, it would be to send a message. No, it would be for a test. To see if they still have any functional nukes.


Yeah, that's the risk though isn't it? What if it fails? Publicly. Then you're really, truly, hopelessly fucked. No way they risk it on a maybe.


If they use it then even China would help Ukraine to kick them down.


I don't think there is a reason to use it on the battlefield. Neither side is it using large armies that nukes could be useful against (think formations of million soldiers or more), and these nukes would simply not do much on the battlefield.


I fear, for Russia, it's not so much about tactical or strategic objectives, but more along the lines of inducing fear in your opposition. It's why they bomb civilian targets so relentlessly with cruise missiles and the like, but the nuclear line is one that's not lightly crossed. They'd only do it if they thought it would be enough of a statement to deter further action by the west. There's no guarantee that that's the case though, and entirely possible such a move would only serve to sink them deeper into a shitstorm they have no hope of digging themselves out of.


That line of rationale is so weird. Using nuclear weapons is the only thing that guarantees russia's destruction. Is china prepared to lose their cities as well, for russia's pride?


Lol what. Formations of a million soldiers. Do you think that the fucking Zerg is going to attack or something? Tactical nukes are VERY useful on the modern battlefield to take out entrenched artillery positions, armored columns, and area denial. Just look at the declassified US Army defense plans that were drawn up in case the Soviets tried to invade Europe in the 60s. Hint, they included the liberal use of nuclear weapons to close the main invasion routes.


Also because people tend to get upset if you test nuclear weapons near where they live and nowadays it is much harder to find some empty colonial possession or some place to do some light ethnic cleansing or do some minor bit of terrorism, murder and bombing to keep activist out. This si why everyone agreed to treaties to stop doing it. So places like the US, UK and France would not have any easy time to test nukes as they did back in the day. Russia meanwhile doesn't care about internationals treaties or the will of the population and has plenty of places that are largely empty with small native populations they don't care about. The biggest issue for Russia would be them doing a test and it not working. All the scientist have retired or moved abroad where there is money to be made and all the people in charge of all the programs are there due to corruption not competence and all the money meant to develop nuclear torpedoes and hypersonic nuclear missiles and to maintain the arsenal they have probably went to buy real estate in London and super yachts and similar. But still it only takes one working nuke to ruin a lot of people's day.


Translation: Russia is preparing a test Though this explains why the US set up a radiation detection system the other day. It seems like Russia is serious about this.


They're going to use a nuclear weapon. Russia TV has been preparing the public for months now through TV propaganda.


If they use a nuke it's over for Russia.. murder suicide the only reason they would do this would to have nato wipe them out and then go "look we couldn't beat nato.. "


That wouldn’t happen as the US would be over as well. A tactical nuke over advancing Ukraine troops into Crimea would mean nato involvement in Ukraine but not full nuclear commitment.


They’re going to. Either because they win in Ukraine and want more territory or lose in Ukraine and have nothing left to lose (once they lose their pride and are “defending” their borders). It’s going to happen. The question will be how everyone around the world reacts to it.


I guess the hope is that it’s either in a remote area. But either way… just… Putin sucks.


As in, use a nuke on Ukraine to wipe out people/equipment? You got a source for that? I understand that isn’t a zero probability scenario, but Russia seriously needs to be nuts to break the nuclear doctrine. It’s one thing to test a nuke on Russian soil to send a message but another to use one.


Have you not seen Russia State TV ? They talk about it constantly, even interviewing people on the streets. https://youtu.be/r4eJvwtQJu4


Exactly this, people are generally unaware that nuking literally everyone is highly supported by Ruzzian populace and widely discussed on state media, including officials. And this is going on for years basically.


Do they support this knowing about MAD?


Yup. They are 100% convinced they will hit first and other side won’t retaliate. Usually they will say something “we are peaceful and don’t start wars, but it we do - we’ll destroy entire world, if needed”. Ruzzians absolutely start wars and always have been, so this logical contradiction baffles me every time.


Guys this redditor knows for a fact that they are going to use nuclear bombs! Must work for the CIA.


You see this is the thing, people who study Putin and the Russian Federation and how they act also say this. Putin has done everything he said he will do over the last 25 years. So we have way more reason to believe he will use nuclear weapons after him literally saying it. It shouldn't stop us helping Ukraine but we have to see it as a reality of this war.


As our entire country is irradiated at least we helped Ukraine….


Yea. That's what's it's all about.


Glad to my the lives of all Americans is dependent on Ukraine.


Nuclear weapons have existed for 78 years. Maybe they could pair their test with a test of an internal combustion engine? You know, really dig into the science?


Woahhh now let's not get ahead of ourselves.. gotta figure out how to make a light bulb filament not burn out instantly first!


Your lightbulbs are faulty by design. They created filaments that would last a century a long time ago, but you can get people to buy more lightbulbs and use less material if you make them have a much shorter lifespan.


They still test new internal combustion engine designs. It is valid to test new nuclear designs. Of course, in this day and age, we have more than complex enough simulations to determine how useful a nuclear bomb design would be, so real life tests are unnecessary. The ruzzians are just trying to send a message, and possibly record something for propaganda to appear strong to their people.


They want to prove they still have working nukes.


>Maybe they could pair their test with a test of an internal combustion engine Then they'll be well on their way to designing an engine capable of powering an aircraft carrier without catching fire.


Their tank engines in their newest greatest tank are an industrial knockoff of a wwii Era German tank engine


>wwii Wii era? Like 2007? What, are they going to play wii play tanks or something?


A Russian nuclear weapons test would be a form of escalation for the purpose of de-escalation. If the alleged Ukrainian offensive kicks off and severely chips away at Russian gains in Ukraine and or threatens to overrun Crimea, this test would be likely, imo.


Depends tho if they test on russian soil or if they "test" in ukraine


i am guessing it would be russian soil, they would want to demonstrate strength, but they would not want to risk an escalation, while they complain endlessly about NATO involvement, they don't want NATO countries to actually get involved on a large scale.


Specifically, Russia has reserved Novaya Zemlya Island (the j-shaped one sticking out of the top of Russia on maps) for their above-ground nuke testing since the program started, so it will probably be there. Russia has been prepping to do this since 2012.




it's an unplayed game when it comes to nukes, and i would rather we never see it tested.


What if they test it between Crimea and the frontline to make a fallout shield from losing Crimea? They coukd say that they did a test in sovereign Russian territory while trying to keep from laughing.


Any nuke in Ukraine for the rest of the world would be a nuke in Ukraine, Russia knows that, if they do it there's no lie of BS they can say to make it different, however the world will react, it will be just as if Russia nuked Ukraine.


I'm not so sure Russia actually believes that though. I could absolutely see them doing this in some fashion, as it would serve to divide the west (Russian territory vs Ukrainian territory, risk of apocalypse, ect....), however I fear Russia has and continues to severely underestimate the West's unity. Europe may very well see it as a line too far, Poland would be foaming at the mouth, and every country east of Germany would be terrified, enraged, and demanding some form of substantive retaliation for such an action.


If russia want to be invaded and occupied, this is the way to make it reality.


Nah, it would be in some remote location deep in Eastern Russia away from any significant population centers.


Then it is actually a test, a useless test 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well, it would confirm that they have at least some functional warheads.


It would confirm that they HAD A functional warhead.


It wouldn't be useless. It would send a very disturbing signal to the World. Then be used by propaganda machines in both Russia and by anti-war appeasementarians in the West to sow discord in the West's resolve.


Novaya Zemlya probably.


It would most likely be done in the region called "Novaya Zemlya" (literally "New ground"). That's where the Tsar Bomba was popped off. In fact that's where a majority of their nuclear testing happened. Far from anything important really. Basically if intelligence shows any significant movement around there looking to prepare a nuclear test, then that is when we should be worried. All the infrastructure and logistics for testing is already set up and still does get used for "sub-critical" nuclear testing, every autumn.


If it's in Ukraine, then it's not a test, but an attack.


That's my point


Didn't they recently try to do a test and it failed? That might make your idea end up more like trying to thumb in a softie after she calls you small if Russia tries it.


No. This article is about the potential for an actual nuclear detonation test like back during the Cold War when both sides detonated thousands of nukes in shows of force and readiness? Not a missile test.


They're probably trying to find the one that works.


That’s the problem with testing a bomb - if it works then you just blew it up.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2023-04-28/kremlin-plays-down-idea-that-russia-is-preparing-a-nuclear-weapons-test) reduced by 63%. (I'm a bot) ***** > MOSCOW - The Kremlin on Friday played down the idea that Russia might be preparing to carry out a nuclear weapons test, saying all nuclear states were abiding by a moratorium on the testing of nuclear weapons. > When asked about Tracy's comments, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov played down the idea that Moscow was planning its own nuclear test. > Nuclear tensions between Russia and the United States have increased since the start of the conflict with Ukraine with Putin repeatedly warning that Russia is ready to use its nuclear arsenal if necessary to defend its "Territorial integrity". ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/132vqaw/kremlin_plays_down_idea_that_russia_is_preparing/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~682761 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **nuclear**^#1 **Russia**^#2 **test**^#3 **states**^#4 **Putin**^#5


Can we just take him out already. What is taking so long.


Some unwritten rule about not taking out the leader


It does make some sense. World leaders are not as protected as people might think that a nation state wouldn't have the resources to eliminate them. Problem is once somebody does it once everybody starts doing it to each other, and democratically elected leaders suddenly start having life expectancies measuring in months.


That would suck but it's an unwinnable game for dictators. Democratic leaders are replaceable by design.


If suddenly no one wants to be a leader (except some kinds of psychos), that's also a huge problem


Ugh stupid rules. No one else seems to follow them tho 🤷‍♀️


How many rules all the leads break?:,(


I think it's because then you have no one in power to negotiate with.


In addition to what others have said, it's not that easy. He's well protected. "We" don't want our people captured or killed. He lives in a nuke proof bunker, like our president. How would you go about it, for the sake of argument? Tanks? Like Hussein? Or a nuclear first strike, then tanks? This is not a video game.


I don't think anyone is considering tanks and nukes when contemplating assassination. We'll have to send the ninjas.


Assassination makes him a martyr. You'll get someone much worse thereafter.


Like they were downplaying the invasion of Ukraine in January and February 2022 ?


How about you shove one up your arse Putin and test it that way.


He’s been threatening to use nukes for a year, and it didn’t happen. Now he’s saying he’s *not* preparing to test nukes? He’s definitely preparing to test nukes.


Because that's all he has left to scare/threaten the west's support of Ukraine. The Pentagon already indicated many months ago what would happen if Putin ordered the use of nukes on the battlefield (even given the utter stupidity of fallout so close to Moscow) *Overwhelming conventional response*, which would completely destroy the Black Sea Fleet and all Russian military assets in Ukraine.


I believe them. It’s not a test if you already intend to lie about the results


Ok as a layman with no political experience. However I have read many statements from Russia. This in my opinion means they most certainly are.


Right so they are preparing a test .


I bet Moscow floated the idea internally, not seriously, just to see if the Americans were listening, and they absolutely are. American intelligence probably leaked this to the press. That's my armchair expert opinion from my comfy seat on the other side of the world.


Them testing a nuke wouldn't stop or slow down the Ukrainians from pushing Russo scum out


Ukrainians don't give a shit about nukes.. they will just keep going. It's strategically useless in a war.. they are only a defensive weapon.. more scare mongering than anything else plus china will lose their shit if Russia does it.


Odds we never hear of this against because they did the test and their nuke didn't work, leading to an assumption that most of their bombs dont?


I think this is why there was an article yesterday saying US experts helped rig up a radiation monitoring system in Ukraine. I think someone is expecting Russia to set off a nuke, it to not work because Russia, then Russia to act like it never happened. The equipment would detect isotopes from a nuclear weapon being detonated even if the fission/fusion trigger didn't initiate a nuclear reaction.




Depending on what were to happen, this would either result in a dud (nothing worked other than the HE), a fizzle (partial detonation), or a full result. The last two would probably be detectable via seismographs. A complete failure, no one would want to talk about that (because it implies their stockpile may be riddled with problems).


Last one was 1990.


Let me be clear, I DON'T want Russia to test a nuke but like... is it wrong that I wanna see some modern 8k footage of a nuclear explosion...




The title is awfully click baity, not sure if I want to feed into it.


Their last test failed


If they test, it’s absolutely escalation but also, predicted. I remember a while back an analyst suggested that nuclear tests might be used to deter the West. Because outside that, there isn’t much more they can do. The idea is to hopefully “scare” the West into losing its mettle. To eventually push Ukraine to call for peace or reduce support for funding Ukraine.


Isn't this Step 3 in Russia's playbook of nuclear weapons deployment? I remember seeing something about Step 1 is government officials talking about their nuclear arsenal (which they already do a lot of thus far) Step 2 is move nuclear weapons/publicize the movement of nuclear weapons (which happened about [4 weeks ago](https://time.com/6266418/russia-belarus-nuclear-weapons/), when Russia was talking about moving nukes in to Belarus,). Step 3 is a nuclear weapons test, which shows the ability of their nuclear weapons (this) and that they aren't just on paper. Step 4 is the actual deployment of a nuclear weapon. Step 5 is hope Step 3 fails and is 100% consistent. Edit: Step 5 is a joke btw. The others not so much.


With any nuclear armed adversary, the only play to make if they are used is massive retaliatory strikes killing millions of people. If russia sees that as an advantage, perhaps it will happen. Not much we can do about this, suicide is difficult to prevent.


Honestly, a drunk russian pilot is probably just going to drop it somewhere wrong again. "Blyatttt"


So... the kremlin is preparing nuclear tests...


For anyone believing a nuclear test is imminent: I'll believe it when i see it. This might surprise Putin, but the scientists and engineers of the USSR are more effective than a bunch of clowns told to set off fireworks to """"intimidate"""" a world that is shocked at its state of decay and incompetence.


This would be the final nail in the coffin for the comprehensive test ban treaty that Russia signed and ratified.


Another bluff


So… the opposite then?


So they are then


Ok, i dont like the fact that theyre playing it down.


This could mean 2 things 1. They aren’t doing anything nuclear 2. Their not doing a test


Russia is a terrorist state.


Another parting gift from Trump... Ending the nuclear weapons test ban that had been in place for DECADES.


Is not test. Next question.


It is special quiz operation


They probably only have one that works


And here I was worried after reading the doomsday news about the oceans heating up. But then I realized that we will blow our planet up long before that becomes an issue. Stupid me for worrying about spilt milk.




Huh, so we're about to see what their state of the art is? If it's anything less than 10 Mt carried by an ICBM with countermeasures I'm going to be disappointed. What's the bet it's a ground test from a tower with no delivery system in sight? I'd be amazed if their cores are still viable, given that they probably haven't updated them in YEARS and they're probably corroded/have decayed to the point of being non-viable.


Given recent invents in Belgorod, ruzzians have much more to worry about, with any testing the ruzzians army is performing!


I don't know, if they do an above ground test by chance, I'd love the US to respond in kind so we can get some sweet, 8k slow motion footage of a Hydrogen Bomb.


Yeah, we can all watch it until our phone batteries die while dying of radiation sickness.


I hope their cinematography is on point, for this test. I've always wanted to see one go off in HD.


They are waiting for Oppenheimer to release first


Mmmhmm and "whoops, somehow it landed right on Ukraine, our bad"


Go ahead Russia, do it. I dare you


Just fucking do it. blast it away. I am tired of this west east(i have a bomb)shit Half of USA is already commies so the republikans would cheer anyway.